diff --git a/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js b/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js
index d6a8f8dbea..38dad11c94 100644
--- a/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js
+++ b/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js
@@ -361,11 +361,11 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Handles either Jingle 'source-add' or 'source-remove' message for this
- * Jingle session.
- * @param {boolean} isAdd true for 'source-add' or false
- * otherwise.
+ * Handles either Jingle 'source-add' or 'source-remove' message for this Jingle session.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} isAdd true for 'source-add' or false otherwise.
* @param {Array} elem an array of Jingle "content" elements.
+ * @returns {Promise} resolved when the operation is done or rejected with an error.
* @private
_addOrRemoveRemoteStream(isAdd, elem) {
@@ -415,8 +415,10 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* See {@link addTrackToPc} and {@link removeTrackFromPc}.
+ *
* @param {boolean} isRemove true for "remove" operation or false for "add" operation.
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the track that will be added/removed
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the track that will be added/removed.
+ * @returns {Promise} resolved when the operation is done or rejected with an error.
* @private
_addRemoveTrack(isRemove, track) {
@@ -474,22 +476,21 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Checks whether or not this session instance is still operational.
- * @private
+ *
* @returns {boolean} {@code true} if operation or {@code false} otherwise.
+ * @private
_assertNotEnded() {
return this.state !== JingleSessionState.ENDED;
- * Parse the information from the xml sourceAddElem and translate it
- * into sdp lines
- * @param {jquery xml element} sourceAddElem the source-add
- * element from jingle
- * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote
- * sdp (as of this new source-add)
- * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should
- * be added to the remote SDP
+ * Parse the information from the xml sourceAddElem and translate it into sdp lines.
+ *
+ * @param {jquery xml element} sourceAddElem the source-add element from jingle.
+ * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote sdp (as of this new source-add).
+ * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should be added to the remote SDP.
+ * @private
_parseSsrcInfoFromSourceAdd(sourceAddElem, currentRemoteSdp) {
const addSsrcInfo = [];
@@ -570,14 +571,12 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Parse the information from the xml sourceRemoveElem and translate it
- * into sdp lines
- * @param {jquery xml element} sourceRemoveElem the source-remove
- * element from jingle
- * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote
- * sdp (as of this new source-remove)
- * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should
- * be removed from the remote SDP
+ * Parse the information from the xml sourceRemoveElem and translate it into sdp lines.
+ *
+ * @param {jquery xml element} sourceRemoveElem the source-remove element from jingle.
+ * @param {SDP object} currentRemoteSdp the current remote sdp (as of this new source-remove).
+ * @returns {list} a list of SDP line strings that should be removed from the remote SDP.
+ * @private
_parseSsrcInfoFromSourceRemove(sourceRemoveElem, currentRemoteSdp) {
const removeSsrcInfo = [];
@@ -643,9 +642,12 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Takes in a jingle offer iq, returns the new sdp offer
- * @param {jquery xml element} offerIq the incoming offer
- * @returns {SDP object} the jingle offer translated to SDP
+ * Takes in a jingle offer iq, returns the new sdp offer that can be set as remote description in the
+ * peerconnection.
+ *
+ * @param {jquery xml element} offerIq the incoming offer.
+ * @returns {SDP object} the jingle offer translated to SDP.
+ * @private
_processNewJingleOfferIq(offerIq) {
const remoteSdp = new SDP('');
@@ -667,11 +669,11 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Add the given ssrc lines to the current remote sdp
- * @param {list} addSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that
- * should be added to the remote SDP
- * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines
- * in removeSsrcInfo
+ * Adds the given ssrc lines to the current remote sdp.
+ *
+ * @param {list} addSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that should be added to the remote SDP.
+ * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines in removeSsrcInfo.
+ * @private
_processRemoteAddSource(addSsrcInfo) {
let remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
@@ -703,11 +705,11 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Remove the given ssrc lines from the current remote sdp
- * @param {list} removeSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that
- * should be removed from the remote SDP
- * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines
- * in removeSsrcInfo
+ * Removes the given ssrc lines from the current remote sdp.
+ *
+ * @param {list} removeSsrcInfo a list of SDP line strings that should be removed from the remote SDP.
+ * @returns type {SDP Object} the new remote SDP (after removing the lines in removeSsrcInfo.
+ * @private
_processRemoteRemoveSource(removeSsrcInfo) {
const remoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp);
@@ -765,6 +767,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* peerconnection will be used.
* @returns {Promise} promise which resolves when the o/a flow is complete with no arguments or rejects with an
* error {string}
+ * @private
_renegotiate(optionalRemoteSdp) {
if (this.peerconnection.signalingState === 'closed') {
@@ -924,7 +927,9 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Handles a Jingle source-add message for this Jingle session.
- * @param elem An array of Jingle "content" elements.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} elem an array of Jingle "content" elements.
+ * @returns {Promise} resolved when the operation is done or rejected with an error.
addRemoteStream(elem) {
this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(true /* add */, elem);
@@ -1006,10 +1011,12 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Adds local track back to the peerconnection associated with this session.
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track
+ *
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track - the local track to be added back to the peerconnection.
* @return {Promise} a promise that will resolve once the local track is added back to this session and
* renegotiation succeeds (if its warranted). Will be rejected with a string that provides some error
* details in case something goes wrong.
+ * @returns {Promise}
addTrackToPc(track) {
return this._addRemoveTrack(false /* add */, track)
@@ -1023,7 +1030,9 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Closes the peerconnection.
+ * Closes the underlying peerconnection and shuts down the modification queue.
+ *
+ * @returns {void}
close() {
this.state = JingleSessionState.ENDED;
@@ -1058,6 +1067,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* @inheritDoc
* @param {JingleSessionPCOptions} options - a set of config options.
+ * @returns {void}
doInitialize(options) {
this.failICE = Boolean(options.failICE);
@@ -1350,6 +1360,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Returns the ice connection state for the peer connection.
+ *
* @returns the ice connection state for the peer connection.
getIceConnectionState() {
@@ -1357,20 +1368,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Remote preference for receive video max frame height.
- *
- * @returns {Number|undefined}
- */
- getRemoteRecvMaxFrameHeight() {
- if (this.isP2P) {
- return this.remoteRecvMaxFrameHeight;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Remote preference for receive video max frame heights when source-name signaling is enabled.
+ * Returns the preference for max frame height for the remote video sources.
* @returns {Map|undefined}
@@ -1387,6 +1385,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* @param {Array} localTracks the local tracks that will be added, before the offer/answer cycle
* executes (for the local track addition to be an atomic operation together with the offer/answer).
+ * @returns {void}
invite(localTracks = []) {
if (!this.isInitiator) {
@@ -1419,6 +1418,9 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Enables/disables local video based on 'senders' attribute of the video conent in 'content-modify' IQ sent by the
* remote peer. Also, checks if the sourceMaxFrameHeight (as requested by the p2p peer) or the senders attribute of
* the video content has changed and modifies the local video resolution accordingly.
+ *
+ * @param {Element} jingleContents - The content of the 'content-modify' IQ sent by the remote peer.
+ * @returns {void}
modifyContents(jingleContents) {
const newVideoSenders = JingleSessionPC.parseVideoSenders(jingleContents);
@@ -1454,9 +1456,8 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Method returns function(errorResponse) which is a callback to be passed
- * to Strophe connection.sendIQ method. An 'error' structure is created that
- * is passed as 1st argument to given failureCb. The format of this
+ * Method returns function(errorResponse) which is a callback to be passed to Strophe connection.sendIQ method. An
+ * 'error' structure is created that is passed as 1st argument to given failureCb. The format of this
* structure is as follows:
* {
* code: {XMPP error response code}
@@ -1465,10 +1466,8 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* source: {request.tree() that provides original request}
* session: {this JingleSessionPC.toString()}
* }
- * @param request Strophe IQ instance which is the request to be dumped into
- * the error structure
- * @param failureCb function(error) called when error response was returned
- * or when a timeout has occurred.
+ * @param request Strophe IQ instance which is the request to be dumped into the error structure.
+ * @param failureCb function(error) called when error response was returned or when a timeout has occurred.
* @returns {function(this:JingleSessionPC)}
newJingleErrorHandler(request, failureCb) {
@@ -1517,9 +1516,11 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Figures out added/removed ssrcs and send update IQs.
+ * Figures out added/removed ssrcs and sends updated IQs to the remote peer or Jicofo.
+ *
* @param oldSDP SDP object for old description.
* @param newSDP SDP object for new description.
+ * @returns {void}
notifyMySSRCUpdate(oldSDP, newSDP) {
if (this.state !== JingleSessionState.ACTIVE) {
@@ -1628,9 +1629,11 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
+ * Handles the termination of the session.
- * @param reasonCondition
- * @param reasonText
+ * @param {string} reasonCondition - The XMPP Jingle reason condition.
+ * @param {string} reasonText - The XMPP Jingle reason text.
+ * @returns {void}
onTerminated(reasonCondition, reasonText) {
// Do something with reason and reasonCondition when we start to care
@@ -1655,9 +1658,11 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Handles XMPP connection state changes.
+ * Handles XMPP connection state changes. Resends any session updates that were cached while the XMPP connection
+ * was down.
* @param {XmppConnection.Status} status - The new status.
+ * @returns {void}
onXmppStatusChanged(status) {
if (status === XmppConnection.Status.CONNECTED && this._cachedOldLocalSdp) {
@@ -1773,8 +1778,11 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
+ * Processes the Jingle message received from the peer and updates the SSRC owners for all the sources signaled
+ * in the Jingle message.
- * @param contents
+ * @param {Element} contents - The content element of the jingle message.
+ * @returns {void}
readSsrcInfo(contents) {
const ssrcs = $(contents).find('>description>source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
@@ -1810,7 +1818,9 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Handles a Jingle source-remove message for this Jingle session.
- * @param elem An array of Jingle "content" elements.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} contents - An array of content elements from the source-remove message.
+ * @returns {void}
removeRemoteStream(elem) {
this._addOrRemoveRemoteStream(false /* remove */, elem);
@@ -1850,28 +1860,25 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Remove local track as part of the mute operation.
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the local track to be removed
- * @return {Promise} a promise which will be resolved once the local track
- * is removed from this session and the renegotiation is performed.
- * The promise will be rejected with a string that the describes
- * the error if anything goes wrong.
+ * Removes local track from the peerconnection as part of the mute operation.
+ *
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track the local track to be removed.
+ * @return {Promise} a promise which will be resolved once the local track is removed from this session or rejected
+ * with a string that the describes the error if anything goes wrong.
removeTrackFromPc(track) {
return this._addRemoveTrack(true /* remove */, track);
- * Replaces oldTrack with newTrack and performs a single
- * offer/answer cycle after both operations are done. Either
- * oldTrack or newTrack can be null; replacing a valid
- * oldTrack with a null newTrack effectively just removes
- * oldTrack
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} oldTrack the current track in use to be
- * replaced
- * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} newTrack the new track to use
- * @returns {Promise} which resolves once the replacement is complete
- * with no arguments or rejects with an error {string}
+ * Replaces oldTrack with newTrack and performs a single offer/answer cycle (if needed) after
+ * both operations are done.
+ * oldTrack or newTrack can be null; replacing a valid oldTrack with a null
+ * newTrack effectively just removes oldTrack.
+ *
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} oldTrack the current track in use to be replaced.
+ * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} newTrack the new track to use.
+ * @returns {Promise} which resolves once the replacement is complete with no arguments or rejects with an error.
replaceTrack(oldTrack, newTrack) {
const workFunction = finishedCallback => {
@@ -1923,8 +1930,10 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Will send 'content-modify' IQ in order to ask the remote peer to
- * either stop or resume sending video media or to adjust sender's video constraints.
+ * Sends 'content-modify' IQ in order to ask the remote peer to either stop or resume sending video media or to
+ * adjust sender's video constraints.
+ *
+ * @returns {void}
* @private
sendContentModify() {
@@ -1970,8 +1979,10 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Sends given candidate in Jingle 'transport-info' message.
+ *
* @param {RTCIceCandidate} candidate the WebRTC ICE candidate instance
* @private
+ * @returns {void}
sendIceCandidate(candidate) {
const localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp);
@@ -2011,8 +2022,9 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Sends given candidates in Jingle 'transport-info' message.
- * @param {Array} candidates an array of the WebRTC ICE
- * candidate instances
+ *
+ * @param {Array} candidates an array of the WebRTC ICE candidate instances.
+ * @returns {void}
* @private
sendIceCandidates(candidates) {
@@ -2090,10 +2102,10 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Sends Jingle 'session-accept' message.
- * @param {function()} success callback called when we receive 'RESULT'
- * packet for the 'session-accept'
- * @param {function(error)} failure called when we receive an error response
- * or when the request has timed out.
+ *
+ * @param {function()} success callback called when we receive 'RESULT' packet for the 'session-accept'.
+ * @param {function(error)} failure called when we receive an error response or when the request has timed out.
+ * @returns {void}
* @private
sendSessionAccept(success, failure) {
@@ -2165,8 +2177,8 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* NOTE this method is synchronous and we're not waiting for the RESULT
* response which would delay the startup process.
- * @param {string} offerSdp - The local session description which will be
- * used to generate an offer.
+ * @param {string} offerSdp - The local session description which will be used to generate an offer.
+ * @returns {void}
* @private
sendSessionInitiate(offerSdp) {
@@ -2198,7 +2210,9 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Sets the answer received from the remote peer as the remote description.
- * @param jingleAnswer
+ * @param {Element} jingleAnswer - The jingle answer element.
+ * @returns {void}
+ * @throws {Error} if the method is called on a responder session.
setAnswer(jingleAnswer) {
if (!this.isInitiator) {
@@ -2238,7 +2252,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Resumes or suspends media transfer over the underlying peer connection.
- * @param {boolean} active - true to enable media transfer or false to suspend media transmission
+ * @param {boolean} active - true to enable media transfer or false to suspend media transmission.
* @returns {Promise}
setMediaTransferActive(active) {
@@ -2275,6 +2289,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* @param {Array} [localTracks] the optional list of the local tracks that will be added, before
* the offer/answer cycle executes (for the local track addition to be an atomic operation together with the
* offer/answer).
+ * @returns {void}
setOfferAnswerCycle(jingleOfferAnswerIq, success, failure, localTracks = []) {
logger.debug(`${this} Executing setOfferAnswerCycle task`);
@@ -2363,6 +2378,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* the remote p2p peer.
* @param {Map} sourceReceiverConstraints - The receiver constraints per source.
+ * @returns {void}
setReceiverVideoConstraint(sourceReceiverConstraints) {
logger.info(`${this} setReceiverVideoConstraint - constraints: ${JSON.stringify(sourceReceiverConstraints)}`);
@@ -2378,7 +2394,8 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Sets the resolution constraint on the local camera track.
+ * Sets the resolution constraint on the local video tracks.
+ *
* @param {number} maxFrameHeight - The user preferred max frame height.
* @param {string} sourceName - The source name of the track.
* @returns {Promise} promise that will be resolved when the operation is
@@ -2399,11 +2416,12 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
- * Updates the codecs on the peerconnection and initiates a renegotiation for the
+ * Updates the codecs on the peerconnection and initiates a renegotiation (if needed) for the
* new codec config to take effect.
* @param {Array} codecList - Preferred codecs for video.
* @param {CodecMimeType} screenshareCodec - The preferred screenshare codec.
+ * @returns {void}
setVideoCodecs(codecList, screenshareCodec) {
if (this._assertNotEnded()) {
@@ -2514,6 +2532,7 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
* Converts to string with minor summary.
+ *
* @return {string}
toString() {
diff --git a/types/hand-crafted/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.d.ts b/types/hand-crafted/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.d.ts
index ea91d7fdea..4d8e36ca46 100644
--- a/types/hand-crafted/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.d.ts
+++ b/types/hand-crafted/modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.d.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ export default class JingleSessionPC extends JingleSession {
static parseVideoSenders: ( jingleContents: JQuery ) => string | null;
constructor( sid: string, localJid: string, remoteJid: string, connection: XmppConnection, mediaConstraints: unknown, iceConfig: unknown, isP2P: boolean, isInitiator: boolean ); // TODO:
doInitialize: ( options: {} ) => void;
- getRemoteRecvMaxFrameHeight: () => number | undefined;
sendIceCandidate: ( candidate: RTCIceCandidate ) => void;
sendIceCandidates: ( candidates: RTCIceCandidate[] ) => void;
addIceCandidates: ( elem: unknown ) => void; // TODO: