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238 lines (182 loc) · 4.82 KB

% Manage presentations like code with
Pandoc and Github % Jim Baker % jim.baker@{,}
@jimbaker on Twitter


This presentation uses a variety of tools:

  • Github
  • Markdown, including code fragments
  • Pandoc for translating to Beamer presentations
  • Can use \LaTeX but just for bits like math
  • Beamer templates and themes


Mark up of your presentation with Markdown is easy to use, as seen in the source for the previous slide:


This presentation uses a variety of tools:

* Github
* Markdown, including code fragments
* Pandoc for translating to Beamer presentations
* Can use \LaTeX but just for bits like math
* Beamer templates and themes

Including code fragments

Pygments is built in, as seen in this code snippet from the itertools recipes:

def random_permutation(iterable, r=None):
    "Random selection from itertools.permutations"
    pool = tuple(iterable)
    r = len(pool) if r is None else r
    return tuple(random.sample(pool, r))
  • You do need to figure out how to make it fit!
  • Good practice to use defaults in terms of sizing, vs trying to figure out how to squeeze in more text

Including code fragments

Source for the earlier fragment:

Pygments is built in, as seen in this code snippet
from the `itertools` recipes:

def random_permutation(iterable, r=None):
    "Random selection from itertools.permutations"
    pool = tuple(iterable)
    r = len(pool) if r is None else r
    return tuple(random.sample(pool, r))


The usual invocations:

$ git add
$ git commit -m "Initial version"
$ git push


$ pandoc -f markdown -V theme:PaloAlto \
--write beamer --template lecture.beamer \
-o presentation-pipeline.pdf \
  • Or wrap in the script of your choice
  • Add -i option for incremental bullets
  • Read the Pandoc docs for more options on producing presentations


  • Use arbitrary math
  • Such as getting $O(n^2)$ just by writing $O(n^2)$
  • Or use macro packages from stylesheets

Example: math

All even natural numbers $E$ can be defined inductively using judgment forms, which connect a premise to a conclusion:

  • example axiom - no premise is of course used

\begin{mathpar} \inferrule{\hspace{5pt}} {0 \in E} \end{mathpar}

  • example induction rule, such that the inductively-defined set $E$ is the least set that is closed under such induction rules:

\begin{mathpar} \inferrule{n \in E} {n + 2 \in E} \end{mathpar}

Example: math

Can use \LaTeX macros:

          {0 \in E}

Example: sequence diagrams

\begin{sequencediagram} \newthread{J}{Java} \newinst[1]{R}{Jython runtime} \newinst[1]{P}{Python} \begin{call}{J}{}{R}{return} \begin{call}{R}{ProxyMaker.findPython(this, "call")}{P}{return} \begin{callself}{P}{}{} \end{callself} \end{call} \end{call} \end{sequencediagram}

Example: sequence diagrams

Produced by this source text in \LaTeX:

\newinst[1]{R}{Jython runtime}
\begin{call}{R}{ProxyMaker.findPython(this, "call")}{P}{return}

Beamer templates

  • Support for sequence diagrams, etc., requires importing the supporting Latex stylesheets
  • Straightforward to import:
\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript

Beamer themes

  • PaloAlto
  • Berlin
  • and other city names

Fixing bugs

  • Latex does produce somewhat inscrutable errors
  • Especially when combined with another tool like Pandoc

Diagnosing Latex errors

  • Generate Latex source
  • Go to the produced error
  • Maybe that works
  • Or comment out

Markdown comments

Markdown simply uses standard HTML comments:

<!--- put your comments here
Such as commenting out this block

You can include other HTML markup as well


Any questions?

Now or for later:


Talk available at