diff --git a/spec/index.bs b/spec/index.bs
index 7292131069..ac7e28ad03 100644
--- a/spec/index.bs
+++ b/spec/index.bs
@@ -915,7 +915,8 @@ Each {{GPUAdapter}} exposes a set of available features.
Only those features may be requested in {{GPUAdapter/requestDevice()}}.
Functionality that is part of an feature may only be used if the feature
-was requested at device creation.
+was requested at device creation. See the [[#feature-index|Feature Index]]
+for a description of the functionality each feature enables.
### Limits ### {#limits}
@@ -1350,24 +1351,6 @@ enum GPUFeatureName {
- : "texture-compression-bc"
- ::
- Issue: Write a spec section for this, and link to it.
- : "depth24unorm-stencil8"
- ::
- Allows for explicit creation of textures of format {{GPUTextureFormat/"depth24unorm-stencil8"}}.
- : "depth32float-stencil8"
- ::
- Allows for explicit creation of textures of format {{GPUTextureFormat/"depth32float-stencil8"}}.
## GPUDevice ## {#gpu-device}
A {{GPUDevice}} encapsulates a [=device=] and exposes
@@ -7030,6 +7013,112 @@ An Extent3D is a {{GPUExtent3D}}.
or the third item of the sequence or 1 if it isn't present.
+# Feature Index # {#feature-index}
+## depth-clamping ## {#depth-clamping}
+Issue: Define functionality when the {{GPUFeatureName/"depth-clamping"}} [=feature=] is enabled.
+**Feature Dictionary Values**
+The following dictionary values are supported if and only if the {{GPUFeatureName/"depth-clamping"}}
+[=feature=] is enabled, otherwise they must be set to their default values:
+ : {{GPURasterizationStateDescriptor}}
+ ::
+ * {{GPURasterizationStateDescriptor/clampDepth}}
+## depth24unorm-stencil8 ## {#depth24unorm-stencil8}
+Allows for explicit creation of textures of format {{GPUTextureFormat/"depth24unorm-stencil8"}}.
+**Feature Enums**
+The following enums are supported if and only if the {{GPUFeatureName/"depth24unorm-stencil8"}}
+[=feature=] is enabled:
+ : {{GPUTextureFormat}}
+ ::
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"depth24unorm-stencil8"}}
+## depth32float-stencil8 ## {#depth32float-stencil8}
+Allows for explicit creation of textures of format {{GPUTextureFormat/"depth32float-stencil8"}}.
+**Feature Enums**
+The following enums are supported if and only if the {{GPUFeatureName/"depth32float-stencil8"}}
+[=feature=] is enabled:
+ : {{GPUTextureFormat}}
+ ::
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"depth32float-stencil8"}}
+## pipeline-statistics-query ## {#pipeline-statistics-query}
+Issue: Define functionality when the {{GPUFeatureName/"pipeline-statistics-query"}} [=feature=] is enabled.
+**Feature Enums**
+The following enums are supported if and only if the {{GPUFeatureName/"pipeline-statistics-query"}}
+[=feature=] is enabled:
+ : {{GPUQueryType}}
+ ::
+ * {{GPUQueryType/"pipeline-statistics"}}
+## texture-compression-bc ## {#texture-compression-bc}
+Allows for explicit creation of textures of BC compressed formats.
+**Feature Enums**
+The following enums are supported if and only if the {{GPUFeatureName/"texture-compression-bc"}}
+[=feature=] is enabled:
+ : {{GPUTextureFormat}}
+ ::
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc1-rgba-unorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc2-rgba-unorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc3-rgba-unorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc4-r-unorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc4-r-snorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc5-rg-unorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc5-rg-snorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc6h-rgb-ufloat"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc6h-rgb-float"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc7-rgba-unorm"}}
+ * {{GPUTextureFormat/"bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb"}}
+## timestamp-query ## {#timestamp-query}
+Issue: Define functionality when the {{GPUFeatureName/"timestamp-query"}} [=feature=] is enabled.
+**Feature Enums**
+The following enums are supported if and only if the {{GPUFeatureName/"timestamp-query"}}
+[=feature=] is enabled:
+ : {{GPUQueryType}}
+ ::
+ * {{GPUQueryType/"timestamp"}}
# Appendices # {#appendices}
## Texture Format Capabilities ## {#texture-format-caps}