From 9b6da7eefcaeb6c265de5cad2f554967e685ee74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Corentin Wallez Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 15:06:00 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] More detailed design of pipelines to start discussions --- design/ | 277 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 277 insertions(+) create mode 100644 design/ diff --git a/design/ b/design/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c224270749 --- /dev/null +++ b/design/ @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +# Pipeline objects + +This is a document with pseudo-code for the parts of the API related to pipeline objects. +Naming and the UX of the API are just an example and could change, the important parts are what’s available and what goes where. +For example this document uses C structures when a C++ API might want to use builder objects, and a Javascript API could use dictionaries. + +## Creating pipeline objects + +For type safety, compute and graphics pipeline are separate types. +To create a pipeline, a structure containing all the relevant information is passed to ```DeviceCreatePipeline```. + +## Compute pipeline creation + +To create a compute pipeline the only things needed are some shader code present in a ```ShaderModule``` object, and a ```PipelineLayout``` object describing how the pipeline interacts with the binding model. + +```cpp +struct ComputePipelineDescriptor { + ShaderModule module; + const char* entryPoint; + PipelineLayout layout; +}; + +ComputePipeline CreateComputePipeline(Device device, const ComputePipelineDescriptor* descriptor); +``` + +Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: + - **D3D12**: Translates to ```ID3D12::CreateComputePipelineState```, a ```D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE``` is created from the ```(module, entryPoint)``` pair, and the ```ID3D12RootSignature``` is equivalent to the ```PipelineLayout```. + - **Metal**: Translates to ```MTLDevice::makeComputePipelineState```, the ```MTLFunction``` is created from the ```(module, entryPoint, layout)``` tuple by adapting the generated MSL to the resource slot allocation done in ```layout```. + - **Vulkan**: Translates to ```vkCreateComputePipelines``` with one pipeline. The ```vkShaderStageInfo``` corresponds to ```(module, entryPoint)``` and the ```vkPipelineLayout``` corresponds to ```layout```. + +Open questions: +How do we take advantage of the pipeline caching present in D3D12 and Vulkan? +Do we expose it to the application or is it done magically in the WebGPU implementation? + +## Render pipeline creation + +Render pipelines need ```ShaderModule``` and a ```PipelineLayout``` like compute pipelines and in addition require information about: + - Layout for vertex inputs + - Layout for fragment outputs + - All the fixed-function state + +For simplicity we assume most fixed-function state is created in separate object. +For example a ```DepthStencilState``` object would be allocated and a pointer to it would be stored in the ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```. + +Mismatch: + - Metal doesn’t have primitive restart. + - Metal doesn’t have a sample mask. + - Vulkan can have some state like scissor and viewport set on the pipeline as an optimization on some GPUs. + +```cpp +struct RenderPipelineDescriptor { + // Same translation as for compute pipelines + ShaderModule vsModule; + const char* vsEntryPoint; + ShaderModule fsModule; + const char* fsEntryPoint; + PipelineLayout layout; + + // Pipeline input / outputs + InputState* inputState; + RenderPass* renderPass; + int subpassIndex; + + // Fixed function state + DepthStencilState* depthStencil; + BlendState* blend[kMaxColorAttachments]; + PrimitiveTopology topology; + // TODO other state: rasterizer state, “multisample state” +}; + + +RenderPipeline CreateRenderPipeline(Device device, const RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor); +``` + +Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: + - **D3D12**: Translates to ```ID3D12::CreateComputePipelineState``` + - **Metal**: Translates to ```MTLDevice::makeRenderPipelineState``` + - **Vulkan**: Translates to ```vkCreateGraphicsPipelines``` + +The translation of individual members of RenderPipelineDescriptor is described below. + +### Input state + +This describes how the vertex buffers are stepped through (stride, instance vs. vertex, instance divisor), and how the attributes are extracted from the buffers (buffer index, format, offset). + +Mismatches: + - D3D12 takes the stride along with the vertex buffers in ```ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetVertexBuffers``` whereas Vulkan and Metal take it at pipeline compilation time. + - Vulkan doesn’t support a divisor for its step rate. + +```cpp +enum StepRate { + StepRateVertex, + StepRateInstance, +}; + +Enum VertexFormat { + // TODO make a list of portable vertex formats +}; + +struct InputStateDescriptor { + struct { + bool enabled; + VertexFormat format; + int offsetInBuffer; + int bufferIndex; + } attributes[MAX_ATTRIBUTES]; + + struct { + StepRate rate; + int stride; + } buffers[MAX_VERTEX_BUFFERS]; +}; + +InputState* CreateInputState(Device* device, InputStateDescriptor* descriptor); +``` + +Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: + - **D3D12**: Translates to a ```D3D12_INPUT_DESC```. + Each enabled attribute corresponds to a ```D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC``` with ```InputSlot``` being the index of the attribute. + Other members of the ```D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC``` are translated trivially. + The stride is looked up in the pipeline state before calls to ```ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetVertexBuffers```. + - **Metal**: Translates to a ```MTLVertexDescriptor```, with attributes corresponding to ```MTLVertexDescriptor::attributes``` and buffers corresponding to ```MTLVertexDescriptor::layouts```. + Attributes translate trivially to ```MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor``` structures and buffers to ```MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor``` structures. + Extra care only needs to be taken to translate a zero stride to a constant step rate. + - **Vulkan**: Translates to a ```VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo```. + Buffers translate trivially to ```VkVertexInputBindingDescription``` and attributes to ```VkVertexInputAttributeDescription```. + +Open questions: +Should the vertex attributes somehow be included in the ```PipelineLayout``` so vertex buffers are treated as other resources and changed in bulk with them? + +### Render pass / render target format + +The ```RenderPass``` will contain for each subpass a list of the attachment formats for color attachments and depth-stencil attachments. +Information from the ```RenderPass``` is used to fill the following: + - **D3D12**: ```RTVFormats```, ```DSVFormats``` and ```NumRenderTargets``` in ```D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC```. + - **Metal**: ```colorAttachments[N].pixelFormat```, ```depthAttachmentPixelFormat``` and ```stencilAttachmentPixelFormat``` in ```MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor```. + - **Vulkan**: ```renderPass``` and ```subpass``` in ```VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo```. + +Open question: +does the sample count of the pipeline state come from the RenderPass too? + +### Primitive topology + +Mismatch: + - Metal and D3D12 only require “point vs. line vs. triangle” at pipeline compilation time, the exact topology is set via ```ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetPrimitiveTopology``` or passed in the ```MTLRenderCommandEncoder::draw*```. + Vulkan requires the exact topology at compilation time. + - Vulkan supports triangle fans but Metal and D3D12 don’t. + +```cpp +enum PrimitiveTopology { + PrimitiveTopologyPoints, + PrimitiveTopologyLineList, + PrimitiveTopologyLineStrip, + PrimitiveTopologyTriangleList, + PrimitiveTopologyTriangleStrip, +}; +``` + +Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: + - **D3D12 and Metal**: The primitive topology type is set on the ```D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC``` and ```MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor```. + At draw-time, the exact topology is queried from the pipeline. + - **Vulkan**: The primitive topology type is set in the ```VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo```. + +### Blend state + +Mismatch: + - In Vulkan per-attachment blending and dual source blending are exposed as optional features. + ```independentBlend``` is supported almost everywhere but Adreno 4XX while ```dualSrcBlend``` is also not supported on Mali GPUs. + - Metal doesn’t have logic ops. + +```cpp +enum BlendOperation { + BlendOperationAdd, + BlendOperationSubtract, + BlendOperationReverseSubtract, + BlendOperationMin, + BlendOperationMax, +}; + +enum BlendFactor { + BlendFactorOne, + BlendFactorSrcColor, + BlendFactorOneMinusSrcColor, + BlendFactorSrcAlpha, + BlendFactorOneMinusSrcAlpha, + BlendFactorDstColor, + BlendFactorOneMinusDstColor, + BlendFactorDstAlpha, + BlendFactorOneMinusDstAlphe, + BlendFactorSrcAlphaSaturated, + BlendFactorBlendColor, + BlendFactorOneMinusBlendColor, +}; + +struct BlendStateDescriptor { + bool enabled; + BlendFactor srcColorFactor; + BlendFactor dstColorFactor; + BlendFactor srcAlphaFactor; + BlendFactor dstAlphaFactor; + BlendOperation colorOperation; + BlendOperation alphaOperation; + int writeMask; +}; + +BlendState* CreateBlendState(Device* device, BlendStateDescriptor* descriptor); +``` + +Translation to backing APIs would be the following: + - **D3D12**: when filling the ```D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_DESC```, ```BlendState``` will be filled with data coming from the ```BlendStates``` referenced in the ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```. + Translation from a ```BlendState``` to a ```D3D12_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC``` is trivial. + - **Metal**: the ```BlendStates``` will be used to fill all of the data for a ```MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor``` but ```pixelFormat```. + Translation of individual members is trivial. + - **Vulkan**: the ```BlendStates``` will be translated to elements of ```pAttachments``` in the ```VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo```. + Translation of individual members is trivial. + +Open question: +should enablement of independent attachment blend state be explicit like in D3D12 or explicit? Should alpha to coverage be part of the multisample state or the blend state? + +### Depth stencil state + +Mismatch: + - D3D12 doesn’t have per-face stencil read and write masks. + - In Metal the depth stencil state is built and bound separately from the pipeline state. + +```cpp +enum CompareFunction { + CompareFunctionNever, + CompareFunctionLess, + CompareFunctionLessEqual, + CompareFunctionGreater, + CompareFunctionGreaterEqual, + CompareFunctionEqual, + CompareFunctionNotEqual, + CompareFunctionAlways, +}; + +enum StencilOperation { + StencilOperationKeep, + StencilOperationZero, + StencilOperationReplace, + StencilOperationInvert, + StencilOperationIncrementClamp, + StencilOperationDecrementClamp, + StencilOperationIncrementWrap, + StencilOperationDecrementWrap, +}; + +struct StencilFaceDescriptor { + CompareFunction stencilCompare; + StencilOperation stencilPass; + StencilOperation stencilFail; + StencilOperation depthFail; +}; + +struct DepthStencilStateDescriptor { + CompareFunction depthCompare; + StencilFaceDescriptor front; + StencilFaceDescriptor back; + int stencilReadMask; + Int stencilWriteMask; +}; + +DepthStencilState* CreateDepthStencilState(Device* device, DepthStencilDescriptor* descriptor); +``` + +Translation to backing APIs would be the following: + - **D3D12**: ```DepthStencilState``` translates trivially to a ```D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC```. + ```DepthEnable``` would be set as ```depthCompare != Always```. + - **Metal**: ```DepthStencilState``` translates trivially to ```MTLDepthStencilDescriptor``` except that front and back stencil masks have to be set to the single stencil mask value from WebGPU. + When a pipeline is bound, the corresponding depth-stencil state is bound at the same time. + - **Vulkan**: ```DepthStencilState``` translates trivially to ```VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfoxcept``` except that front and back stencil masks have to be set to the single stencil mask value from WebGPU. + ```depthTestEnable``` would be set to ```depthCompare != Always```. + +Open question: +what about Vulkan’s ```VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo::depthBoundTestEnable```? +Should “depth test enable” be implicit or explicit? From caba864f4bc9458b0d13669a53aaeffe15e6fc5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Corentin Wallez Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 16:53:39 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Address comments --- design/ | 15 ++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/design/ b/design/ index c224270749..4df217f061 100644 --- a/design/ +++ b/design/ @@ -40,12 +40,14 @@ Render pipelines need ```ShaderModule``` and a ```PipelineLayout``` like compute - All the fixed-function state For simplicity we assume most fixed-function state is created in separate object. -For example a ```DepthStencilState``` object would be allocated and a pointer to it would be stored in the ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```. +For example a ```DepthStencilState``` object would be allocated and a pointer to it would be stored in the ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```. This is part of the UX of the API and could be replaced with chained structure like Vulkan or member structure like D3D12. Mismatch: - - Metal doesn’t have primitive restart. + - Metal has primitive restart always enabled. + - D3D12 needs to know whether the primitive restart index is ```0xFFFF``` or ```0xFFFFFFFF``` at pipeline creation time. - Metal doesn’t have a sample mask. - Vulkan can have some state like scissor and viewport set on the pipeline as an optimization on some GPUs. + - Vulkan allows creating pipelines in bulk, this is not only a UX things but allows reusing some results for faster creation. ```cpp struct RenderPipelineDescriptor { @@ -73,9 +75,11 @@ RenderPipeline CreateRenderPipeline(Device device, const RenderPipelineDescripto ``` Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: - - **D3D12**: Translates to ```ID3D12::CreateComputePipelineState``` + - **D3D12**: Translates to ```ID3D12::CreateGraphicsPipelineState```. ```IBStripCutValue``` will always be set. - **Metal**: Translates to ```MTLDevice::makeRenderPipelineState``` - - **Vulkan**: Translates to ```vkCreateGraphicsPipelines``` + - **Vulkan**: Translates to ```vkCreateGraphicsPipelines```. ```VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo```'s ```primitiveRestartEnable``` is always set to true. All dynamic states are set on all pipelines. + +Open question: should the type of the indices be set in ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```? If not, how is the D3D12 ```IBStripCutValue``` chosen? The translation of individual members of RenderPipelineDescriptor is described below. @@ -119,6 +123,7 @@ Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: Each enabled attribute corresponds to a ```D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC``` with ```InputSlot``` being the index of the attribute. Other members of the ```D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC``` are translated trivially. The stride is looked up in the pipeline state before calls to ```ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetVertexBuffers```. + ```IASetVertexBuffers``` might be deferred until before a draw and vertex buffers might be invalidated by pipeline changes. - **Metal**: Translates to a ```MTLVertexDescriptor```, with attributes corresponding to ```MTLVertexDescriptor::attributes``` and buffers corresponding to ```MTLVertexDescriptor::layouts```. Attributes translate trivially to ```MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor``` structures and buffers to ```MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor``` structures. Extra care only needs to be taken to translate a zero stride to a constant step rate. @@ -273,5 +278,5 @@ Translation to backing APIs would be the following: ```depthTestEnable``` would be set to ```depthCompare != Always```. Open question: -what about Vulkan’s ```VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo::depthBoundTestEnable```? +what about Vulkan’s ```VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo::depthBoundTestEnable``` and D3D12's ```D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC1::DepthBoundsTestEnable```? Should “depth test enable” be implicit or explicit? From 68a1b6f4a2bfd25e8e50e733c25bcff83acf0077 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Corentin Wallez Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 13:29:32 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Use single backticks for inline code blocks. --- design/ | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) diff --git a/design/ b/design/ index 4df217f061..f3c7d2ca7e 100644 --- a/design/ +++ b/design/ @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ For example this document uses C structures when a C++ API might want to use bui ## Creating pipeline objects For type safety, compute and graphics pipeline are separate types. -To create a pipeline, a structure containing all the relevant information is passed to ```DeviceCreatePipeline```. +To create a pipeline, a structure containing all the relevant information is passed to `DeviceCreatePipeline`. ## Compute pipeline creation -To create a compute pipeline the only things needed are some shader code present in a ```ShaderModule``` object, and a ```PipelineLayout``` object describing how the pipeline interacts with the binding model. +To create a compute pipeline the only things needed are some shader code present in a `ShaderModule` object, and a `PipelineLayout` object describing how the pipeline interacts with the binding model. ```cpp struct ComputePipelineDescriptor { @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ ComputePipeline CreateComputePipeline(Device device, const ComputePipelineDescri ``` Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: - - **D3D12**: Translates to ```ID3D12::CreateComputePipelineState```, a ```D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE``` is created from the ```(module, entryPoint)``` pair, and the ```ID3D12RootSignature``` is equivalent to the ```PipelineLayout```. - - **Metal**: Translates to ```MTLDevice::makeComputePipelineState```, the ```MTLFunction``` is created from the ```(module, entryPoint, layout)``` tuple by adapting the generated MSL to the resource slot allocation done in ```layout```. - - **Vulkan**: Translates to ```vkCreateComputePipelines``` with one pipeline. The ```vkShaderStageInfo``` corresponds to ```(module, entryPoint)``` and the ```vkPipelineLayout``` corresponds to ```layout```. + - **D3D12**: Translates to `ID3D12::CreateComputePipelineState`, a `D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE` is created from the `(module, entryPoint)` pair, and the `ID3D12RootSignature` is equivalent to the `PipelineLayout`. + - **Metal**: Translates to `MTLDevice::makeComputePipelineState`, the `MTLFunction` is created from the `(module, entryPoint, layout)` tuple by adapting the generated MSL to the resource slot allocation done in `layout`. + - **Vulkan**: Translates to `vkCreateComputePipelines` with one pipeline. The `vkShaderStageInfo` corresponds to `(module, entryPoint)` and the `vkPipelineLayout` corresponds to `layout`. Open questions: How do we take advantage of the pipeline caching present in D3D12 and Vulkan? @@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ Do we expose it to the application or is it done magically in the WebGPU impleme ## Render pipeline creation -Render pipelines need ```ShaderModule``` and a ```PipelineLayout``` like compute pipelines and in addition require information about: +Render pipelines need `ShaderModule` and a `PipelineLayout` like compute pipelines and in addition require information about: - Layout for vertex inputs - Layout for fragment outputs - All the fixed-function state For simplicity we assume most fixed-function state is created in separate object. -For example a ```DepthStencilState``` object would be allocated and a pointer to it would be stored in the ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```. This is part of the UX of the API and could be replaced with chained structure like Vulkan or member structure like D3D12. +For example a `DepthStencilState` object would be allocated and a pointer to it would be stored in the `RenderPipelineDescriptor`. This is part of the UX of the API and could be replaced with chained structure like Vulkan or member structure like D3D12. Mismatch: - Metal has primitive restart always enabled. - - D3D12 needs to know whether the primitive restart index is ```0xFFFF``` or ```0xFFFFFFFF``` at pipeline creation time. + - D3D12 needs to know whether the primitive restart index is `0xFFFF` or `0xFFFFFFFF` at pipeline creation time. - Metal doesn’t have a sample mask. - Vulkan can have some state like scissor and viewport set on the pipeline as an optimization on some GPUs. - Vulkan allows creating pipelines in bulk, this is not only a UX things but allows reusing some results for faster creation. @@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ RenderPipeline CreateRenderPipeline(Device device, const RenderPipelineDescripto ``` Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: - - **D3D12**: Translates to ```ID3D12::CreateGraphicsPipelineState```. ```IBStripCutValue``` will always be set. - - **Metal**: Translates to ```MTLDevice::makeRenderPipelineState``` - - **Vulkan**: Translates to ```vkCreateGraphicsPipelines```. ```VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo```'s ```primitiveRestartEnable``` is always set to true. All dynamic states are set on all pipelines. + - **D3D12**: Translates to `ID3D12::CreateGraphicsPipelineState`. `IBStripCutValue` will always be set. + - **Metal**: Translates to `MTLDevice::makeRenderPipelineState` + - **Vulkan**: Translates to `vkCreateGraphicsPipelines`. `VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo`'s `primitiveRestartEnable` is always set to true. All dynamic states are set on all pipelines. -Open question: should the type of the indices be set in ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```? If not, how is the D3D12 ```IBStripCutValue``` chosen? +Open question: should the type of the indices be set in `RenderPipelineDescriptor`? If not, how is the D3D12 `IBStripCutValue` chosen? The translation of individual members of RenderPipelineDescriptor is described below. @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ The translation of individual members of RenderPipelineDescriptor is described b This describes how the vertex buffers are stepped through (stride, instance vs. vertex, instance divisor), and how the attributes are extracted from the buffers (buffer index, format, offset). Mismatches: - - D3D12 takes the stride along with the vertex buffers in ```ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetVertexBuffers``` whereas Vulkan and Metal take it at pipeline compilation time. + - D3D12 takes the stride along with the vertex buffers in `ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetVertexBuffers` whereas Vulkan and Metal take it at pipeline compilation time. - Vulkan doesn’t support a divisor for its step rate. ```cpp @@ -119,27 +119,27 @@ InputState* CreateInputState(Device* device, InputStateDescriptor* descriptor); ``` Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: - - **D3D12**: Translates to a ```D3D12_INPUT_DESC```. - Each enabled attribute corresponds to a ```D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC``` with ```InputSlot``` being the index of the attribute. - Other members of the ```D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC``` are translated trivially. - The stride is looked up in the pipeline state before calls to ```ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetVertexBuffers```. - ```IASetVertexBuffers``` might be deferred until before a draw and vertex buffers might be invalidated by pipeline changes. - - **Metal**: Translates to a ```MTLVertexDescriptor```, with attributes corresponding to ```MTLVertexDescriptor::attributes``` and buffers corresponding to ```MTLVertexDescriptor::layouts```. - Attributes translate trivially to ```MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor``` structures and buffers to ```MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor``` structures. + - **D3D12**: Translates to a `D3D12_INPUT_DESC`. + Each enabled attribute corresponds to a `D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC` with `InputSlot` being the index of the attribute. + Other members of the `D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC` are translated trivially. + The stride is looked up in the pipeline state before calls to `ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetVertexBuffers`. + `IASetVertexBuffers` might be deferred until before a draw and vertex buffers might be invalidated by pipeline changes. + - **Metal**: Translates to a `MTLVertexDescriptor`, with attributes corresponding to `MTLVertexDescriptor::attributes` and buffers corresponding to `MTLVertexDescriptor::layouts`. + Attributes translate trivially to `MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor` structures and buffers to `MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor` structures. Extra care only needs to be taken to translate a zero stride to a constant step rate. - - **Vulkan**: Translates to a ```VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo```. - Buffers translate trivially to ```VkVertexInputBindingDescription``` and attributes to ```VkVertexInputAttributeDescription```. + - **Vulkan**: Translates to a `VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo`. + Buffers translate trivially to `VkVertexInputBindingDescription` and attributes to `VkVertexInputAttributeDescription`. Open questions: -Should the vertex attributes somehow be included in the ```PipelineLayout``` so vertex buffers are treated as other resources and changed in bulk with them? +Should the vertex attributes somehow be included in the `PipelineLayout` so vertex buffers are treated as other resources and changed in bulk with them? ### Render pass / render target format -The ```RenderPass``` will contain for each subpass a list of the attachment formats for color attachments and depth-stencil attachments. -Information from the ```RenderPass``` is used to fill the following: - - **D3D12**: ```RTVFormats```, ```DSVFormats``` and ```NumRenderTargets``` in ```D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC```. - - **Metal**: ```colorAttachments[N].pixelFormat```, ```depthAttachmentPixelFormat``` and ```stencilAttachmentPixelFormat``` in ```MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor```. - - **Vulkan**: ```renderPass``` and ```subpass``` in ```VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo```. +The `RenderPass` will contain for each subpass a list of the attachment formats for color attachments and depth-stencil attachments. +Information from the `RenderPass` is used to fill the following: + - **D3D12**: `RTVFormats`, `DSVFormats` and `NumRenderTargets` in `D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC`. + - **Metal**: `colorAttachments[N].pixelFormat`, `depthAttachmentPixelFormat` and `stencilAttachmentPixelFormat` in `MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor`. + - **Vulkan**: `renderPass` and `subpass` in `VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo`. Open question: does the sample count of the pipeline state come from the RenderPass too? @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ does the sample count of the pipeline state come from the RenderPass too? ### Primitive topology Mismatch: - - Metal and D3D12 only require “point vs. line vs. triangle” at pipeline compilation time, the exact topology is set via ```ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetPrimitiveTopology``` or passed in the ```MTLRenderCommandEncoder::draw*```. + - Metal and D3D12 only require “point vs. line vs. triangle” at pipeline compilation time, the exact topology is set via `ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::IASetPrimitiveTopology` or passed in the `MTLRenderCommandEncoder::draw*`. Vulkan requires the exact topology at compilation time. - Vulkan supports triangle fans but Metal and D3D12 don’t. @@ -162,15 +162,15 @@ enum PrimitiveTopology { ``` Translation to the backing APIs would be the following: - - **D3D12 and Metal**: The primitive topology type is set on the ```D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC``` and ```MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor```. + - **D3D12 and Metal**: The primitive topology type is set on the `D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC` and `MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor`. At draw-time, the exact topology is queried from the pipeline. - - **Vulkan**: The primitive topology type is set in the ```VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo```. + - **Vulkan**: The primitive topology type is set in the `VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo`. ### Blend state Mismatch: - In Vulkan per-attachment blending and dual source blending are exposed as optional features. - ```independentBlend``` is supported almost everywhere but Adreno 4XX while ```dualSrcBlend``` is also not supported on Mali GPUs. + `independentBlend` is supported almost everywhere but Adreno 4XX while `dualSrcBlend` is also not supported on Mali GPUs. - Metal doesn’t have logic ops. ```cpp @@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ BlendState* CreateBlendState(Device* device, BlendStateDescriptor* descriptor); ``` Translation to backing APIs would be the following: - - **D3D12**: when filling the ```D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_DESC```, ```BlendState``` will be filled with data coming from the ```BlendStates``` referenced in the ```RenderPipelineDescriptor```. - Translation from a ```BlendState``` to a ```D3D12_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC``` is trivial. - - **Metal**: the ```BlendStates``` will be used to fill all of the data for a ```MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor``` but ```pixelFormat```. + - **D3D12**: when filling the `D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_DESC`, `BlendState` will be filled with data coming from the `BlendStates` referenced in the `RenderPipelineDescriptor`. + Translation from a `BlendState` to a `D3D12_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC` is trivial. + - **Metal**: the `BlendStates` will be used to fill all of the data for a `MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor` but `pixelFormat`. Translation of individual members is trivial. - - **Vulkan**: the ```BlendStates``` will be translated to elements of ```pAttachments``` in the ```VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo```. + - **Vulkan**: the `BlendStates` will be translated to elements of `pAttachments` in the `VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo`. Translation of individual members is trivial. Open question: @@ -270,13 +270,13 @@ DepthStencilState* CreateDepthStencilState(Device* device, DepthStencilDescripto ``` Translation to backing APIs would be the following: - - **D3D12**: ```DepthStencilState``` translates trivially to a ```D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC```. - ```DepthEnable``` would be set as ```depthCompare != Always```. - - **Metal**: ```DepthStencilState``` translates trivially to ```MTLDepthStencilDescriptor``` except that front and back stencil masks have to be set to the single stencil mask value from WebGPU. + - **D3D12**: `DepthStencilState` translates trivially to a `D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC`. + `DepthEnable` would be set as `depthCompare != Always`. + - **Metal**: `DepthStencilState` translates trivially to `MTLDepthStencilDescriptor` except that front and back stencil masks have to be set to the single stencil mask value from WebGPU. When a pipeline is bound, the corresponding depth-stencil state is bound at the same time. - - **Vulkan**: ```DepthStencilState``` translates trivially to ```VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfoxcept``` except that front and back stencil masks have to be set to the single stencil mask value from WebGPU. - ```depthTestEnable``` would be set to ```depthCompare != Always```. + - **Vulkan**: `DepthStencilState` translates trivially to `VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfoxcept` except that front and back stencil masks have to be set to the single stencil mask value from WebGPU. + `depthTestEnable` would be set to `depthCompare != Always`. Open question: -what about Vulkan’s ```VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo::depthBoundTestEnable``` and D3D12's ```D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC1::DepthBoundsTestEnable```? +what about Vulkan’s `VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo::depthBoundTestEnable` and D3D12's `D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC1::DepthBoundsTestEnable`? Should “depth test enable” be implicit or explicit?