MessageListenerContainer can be started and stopped while the Spring application is executing via the MessageListenerContainerCoordinator. Each container has a unique identifier and this can be used to indicate which container to start or stop. The core message listeners allow for a custom identifier to be supplied, otherwise a default will be generated from the class and method name of the message listener.
The core queue listener annotations provide a field that can be set for the identifier for this queue.
public class MyClass {
@QueueListener(value = "myQueueName", identifier = "my-identifier")
public void messageHandler(@Payload String payload) {}
When the message listener does not set a custom identifier, a default identifier will be constructed from the class and method name. In the following example,
the message listener will automatically set my-class-message-handler
as the identifier.
public class MyClass {
@QueueListener(value = "myQueueName")
public void messageHandler(@Payload String payload) {}
public class MyService {
private final MessageListenerContainerCoordinator messageListenerContainerCoordinator;
public MyService(final MessageListenerContainerCoordinator messageListenerContainerCoordinator) {
this.messageListenerContainerCoordinator = messageListenerContainerCoordinator;
public void someMethod() {
public class MyService {
private final MessageListenerContainerCoordinator messageListenerContainerCoordinator;
public MyService(final MessageListenerContainerCoordinator messageListenerContainerCoordinator) {
this.messageListenerContainerCoordinator = messageListenerContainerCoordinator;
public void someMethod() {