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- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Used for both Javascript and Python (see plugins)
- Python - plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
- Node.js - plugin for Intellij IDEA
Alternative IDE Downloads:
- WebStorm IDE Used for JavaScript
- PyCharm IDE Used for Python
- Inside IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate open the "Select Run/Debug Configuration" dropdown
- Click the "Add New Configuration" and select Python
- Set "Script path" to python\eeg2bids.py
- Set "Python interpreter" to Python 3.8.5 that you've already installed.
- See the image below for an example:
- Inside IntelliJ open the "Select Run/Debug Configuration" menu
- Click the "Add New Configuration" and select npm
- Set "Scripts" to start
- See the image below for an example:
- Make sure to "APPLY" your changes and click "OK"
- Now launch debug mode of python "EEG2BIDS Wizard" (see image below)
- Now launch debug mode of npm "START" (see image below)