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File metadata and controls

154 lines (111 loc) · 7.48 KB


Note: commands are subject to change

Yatoro has a command mode which could be triggered by : key.

Here are the available commands for the command mode and their description:

Command Short Description
addToQueue a See addToQueue
clearQueue cq Clear playing queue
close c Close last opened detailed page
closeAll ca Close all opened detailed pages
open o See open
pause pa Pause
play pl Continue playing
playNext pn Play next item in queue
playPauseToggle pp Play/pause toggle
playPrevious b Play previous song
quitApplication q Quit Yatoro application
reloadTheme rld Reload theme
repeatMode repeat See repeatMode
restartSong r Restart song
search / See search
setSongTime time See setSongTime
shuffleMode shuffle See shuffleMode
startSeekingBackward sb Start seeking backward
startSeekingForward sf Start seeking forward
stationFromCurrentEntry sce Creates station from current queue entry and adds it to queue
stop s Stop playing
stopSeeking ss Stop seeking

Command completions can be activated with TAB while in command mode. Press TAB or right arrow to cycle completions forward, SHIFT+TAB or left arrow to cycle backwards.

To cycle through command history press arrow up or down while in command mode.


Used to add items to player queue from search page.

Add to queue command expects 2 arguments:

  • item --- (Argument 1) --- This argument is used to specify what you want to add to queue:

    • either an index of item, e.g. 1
    • indices of items separated by commas, e.g. 0,3,5
    • or all (a) to add all items from the request
  • to --- (Argument 2) --- This argument is used to specify where to add to the queue:

    • tail, end, later, t, e, l - add the selected items to the end of the queue (Default)
    • next, afterCurrentEntry, n, a - add the selected items right after currently playing item

Note: Some items such as user recommendations have to be opened with open first to be able to add items to queue

Examples: - :a a n --- Add all items from current search after currently playing entry - :addToQueue 1,4 t --- Add second and fifth items from current search to the end of the queue - :a 0 --- Add first item from the current search after currently playing entry


Opens a detailed page on the selected item.

Open command expects an argument and an optional flag:

  • item --- (Argument) --- The index of an item you want to open (Case insensitive)

To open detailed page within another one you will have to use named indices, e.g. s0, p4, w2, etc.

item Argument could also be np, nowplaying or now to open the detailed page of currently playing song.

  • -i, --in-place --- (Flag) --- Try to open detailed page in-place in the Search Page instead of full detailed page

Note: In-place opening will close all non-in-place opened detailed pages

Note: Only playlists could be opened in-place at the moment

Examples: - :open 4 - Open item with index 4 from search page - :o -i p4 - Open playlist from another detailed page with index 4 in-place


Sets repeat mode of the player.

Repeat mode command has one optional argument:

  • status --- (Argument) --- set specific status:
    • off, false, none - turn repeating off
    • a, all - set repeat mode to repeat all songs in queue
    • o, one - set repeat mode to repeat current song

When status argument is not passed repeating mode is changed to the next value.

Examples: - :repeat - Change repeat mode to the next value - :repeatMode all - Set repeat mode to repeat all songs in queue


Used to make search requests.

Search command expects 1 optional argument, 1 optional option and 1 optional flag:

  • from --- (Flag)

    • -c, --catalog - search from catalog (Default)
    • -l, --library - search from user library
    • -r, --recent - request recently played items
    • -s, --recommended - user recommendations request
  • type --- (Option)

    • -t, --type - type of searchable item:
      • so, song - perform search for songs (Default)
      • al, album - perform search for albums
      • ar, artist - perform search for artists
      • p, pl, playlist - perform search for playlists
      • st, station - perform search for stations
  • searchPhrase --- (Argument) --- what to search for

Note: Search phrase is not needed when requesting recently played items or user recommendations but required when searching for catalog or user library items.

Examples: - :search -c -t so TOOL lateralus or :/ TOOL lateralus--- Search catalog songs for "TOOL lateralus" - :/ -t ar -l TOOL --- Search for artists "TOOL" in your music library


Sets playback time for the current entry.

Set song time command expects 1 argument and 1 optional flag:

  • -r, --relative --- (Flag) --- This flag is used to treat the argument as relative time to the current playback time (Default: false)

  • time --- (Argument) --- This argument can be expressed:

    • either in seconds, e.g. 13, -10, 232
    • either in "MM:SS" format, e.g. 00:23, 1:16
    • or in "HH:MM:SS" format, e.g. 1:42:01

Note: Time argument can be negative only when -r flag is passed.

Examples: - :set 00:23 - Set playback to 00:23 - :set -r -10 - Set playback 10 seconds earlier


Sets shuffling mode of the player.

Shuffle mode command has one optional argument:

  • status --- (Argument) --- set specific status:
    • false, off - turn shuffling off
    • true, on - turn shuffling on

When status argument is not passed shuffling mode is toggled.

Examples: - :shuffle - Toggle shuffle mode - :shuffleMode false - Turn shuffling off