diff --git a/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.ml b/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.ml
index db3d5214..9d415bc4 100644
--- a/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.ml
+++ b/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.ml
@@ -13,11 +13,8 @@
* source file). The trace output is detailed enough to diagnose nearly any scanner flaw, as well as
* to aid understanding of how a particular token is scanned.
- * Most language syntax changes require modifying the DFA, but keywords and special operators can be
- * added/removed with low effort.
- *
- * - Keywords are mapped to tokens in `Dfa.Ident.keyword_map`.
- * - Special operators are mapped to tokens in `Dfa.Operator.operator_map`.
+ * Most language syntax changes require modifying the DFA, but keywords and single-codepoint
+ * operators can be added/removed with low effort.
* Adding/removing a DFA state may require changes in several places:
@@ -124,8 +121,12 @@ module Token = struct
let cmp t0 t1 =
Source.Slice.cmp t0.source t1.source
- let init ~base ~past ~description =
- {source=Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base ~past; description}
+ let of_source ~source ~description =
+ {source; description}
+ let of_cursors ~base ~past ~description =
+ let source = Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base ~past in
+ of_source ~source ~description
let source t =
@@ -1499,7 +1500,7 @@ let in_fstring t =
* Convenience routines for reporting malformations. *)
let malformation ~base ~past description =
- Token.Rendition.Malformation.init ~base ~past ~description
+ Token.Rendition.Malformation.of_cursors ~base ~past ~description
let malformation_incl View.{cursor; _} t description =
malformation ~base:t.tok_base ~past:cursor description
diff --git a/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.mli b/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.mli
index 14425fad..8017f90d 100644
--- a/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.mli
+++ b/bootstrap/src/hmc/scan.mli
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ module Token : sig
include FormattableIntf.SMono with type t := t
- val init: base:Source.Cursor.t -> past:Source.Cursor.t -> description:string -> t
+ val of_source: source:Source.Slice.t -> description:string -> t
+ val of_cursors: base:Source.Cursor.t -> past:Source.Cursor.t -> description:string -> t
val source: t -> Source.Slice.t
val description: t -> string
diff --git a/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.ml b/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.ml
index b28c4296..2eb34455 100644
--- a/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.ml
+++ b/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.ml
@@ -1,277 +1,62 @@
-(* The scanner is based on a DFA, but it has several augmentations:
+(* The OCaml scanner is a minimum-viable thin wrapper around the Hemlock scanner. The Hemlock
+ * scanner directly supports a few OCaml-specific tokens:
- * - Nodes can take state as input. The `node0` nodes take no state; the `node1` nodes do. This
- * mechanism is used for per token state, e.g. tracking nesting level for comments and
- * accumulating digits/codepoints for numerical/string constants.
- * - Block/line state drives the emission of `Tok_{line_delim,indent,dedent}` tokens. In some cases
- * such tokens are emitted without even advancing the input view, e.g. when emitting a sequence of
- * dedents.
- * - Fstring state drives starting state transitions as (potentially nested) fstring token sequences
- * are emitted.
+ * - `42L` "long" integers
+ * - `&&` logical and operators
+ * - `{|...|}` quoted strings
- * DFA operation can be traced by enabling `trace` in the `next` function (near the end of this
- * source file). The trace output is detailed enough to diagnose nearly any scanner flaw, as well as
- * to aid understanding of how a particular token is scanned.
+ * The wrapper performs several transformations:
- * Most language syntax changes require modifying the DFA, but keywords and special operators can be
- * added/removed with low effort.
- *
- * - Keywords are mapped to tokens in `Dfa.Ident.keyword_map`.
- * - Special operators are mapped to tokens in `Dfa.Operator.operator_map`.
- *
- * Adding/removing a DFA state may require changes in several places:
- *
- * - The `State.t` type must have a constructor which corresponds to the state.
- * - If the state is parametric (i.e. the corresponding node takes state as input), then there must
- * be a corresponding `State.` module. The module must provide a pretty printer for its
- * type; this supports the DFA tracing functionality.
- * - A `node0` or `node1` record with the appropriate behavior must be provided.
- * - `Dfa.transition_of_state` must have an entry that associates the constructor with the node
- * record.
- *
- * The DFA data structures are created during module loading. This makes it possible to operate on
- * maps/sets rather than having to explicitly enumerate every relevant codepoint in matches. Were
- * the DFA machine-generated it would probably be better to use match expressions rather than map
- * lookups.
- *
- * Mutually recursive functions would be a viable alternative to the DFA driver, but that would
- * require all the functions corresponding to nodes to be in the same module. The code as written
- * uses submodules to delineate machinery for the various kinds of tokens. Mutual recursion would
- * also require repetitive boilerplate in each node's function to handle end of input and whatnot.
- * This approach might be reasonable if machine-generated, but not for manually written code. *)
+ * - Dentation-related tokens are filtered out. This causes no issues with regard to whitespace
+ * because dentation tokens are always zero-length.
+ * - Hemlock-specific keywords are converted to uident.
+ * - OCaml-specific keywords are converted from uident. Keywords which are unused (e.g. objects,
+ * exceptions, bitwise operators) are omitted, since no effort is made to parse such code anyway.
+ * - The `||` bar operator is converted to logical or.
+ * - Hemlock-specific tokens with no OCaml equivalent are converted to error tokens.
+ * - Codepoints are converted to chars, malformed if out of char range.
+ *)
open Basis
open Basis.Rudiments
-open Hmc
-(* Various codepoint classes, used as keys in the nodes' `edges[01]` transition maps. Most nodes
- * construct their maps using `map_of_cps_alist`, but more involved nodes use `map_of_cpsets_alist`
- * so that `Set` operations can be used in constructing the codepoint classes. *)
-let operator_prefix_lead_cps = "~?"
-let operator_infix_lead_cps = "-+*/%@^$<=>|:."
-let operator_cps = String.join [operator_infix_lead_cps; operator_prefix_lead_cps]
-let bin_lead_cps = "1"
-let bin_cps = String.join ["0"; bin_lead_cps]
-let oct_lead_cps = String.join [bin_lead_cps; "234567"]
-let oct_cps = String.join ["0"; oct_lead_cps]
-let dec_lead_cps = String.join [oct_lead_cps; "89"]
-let dec_cps = String.join ["0"; dec_lead_cps]
-let hex_lead_cps = String.join [dec_lead_cps; "abcdef"]
-let hex_cps = String.join ["0"; hex_lead_cps]
-let ident_cident_cps = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
-let ident_uident_cps = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-let ident_continue_cps = String.join [dec_cps; "'"]
-let ident_cps = String.join ["_"; ident_cident_cps; ident_uident_cps; ident_continue_cps]
-let cpset_of_cps cps =
- String.fold ~init:(Set.empty (module Codepoint)) ~f:(fun set cp ->
- Set.insert cp set
- ) cps
-let map_of_cpsets_alist alist =
- List.fold ~init:(Map.empty (module Codepoint)) ~f:(fun edges (cpset, v) ->
- Set.fold ~init:edges ~f:(fun edges cp ->
- Map.insert_hlt ~k:cp ~v edges
- ) cpset
- ) alist
-let map_of_cps_alist alist =
- map_of_cpsets_alist (List.map ~f:(fun (cps, v) -> cpset_of_cps cps, v) alist)
-let nat_digit_map = String.foldi ~init:(Map.empty (module Codepoint))
- ~f:(fun i digit_map cp ->
- Map.insert_hlt ~k:cp ~v:(Nat.of_uns i) digit_map
- ) hex_cps
-let nat_of_cp digit =
- Map.get_hlt digit nat_digit_map
-let real_digit_map = String.foldi ~init:(Map.empty (module Codepoint))
- ~f:(fun i digit_map cp ->
- Map.insert_hlt ~k:cp ~v:(Uns.to_real i) digit_map
- ) hex_cps
-let real_of_cp digit =
- Map.get_hlt digit real_digit_map
-let realer_of_nat nat =
- let sig_bits = (Nat.bit_length nat) - (Nat.bit_clz nat) in
- let exponent = match sig_bits with
- | 0L -> Zint.zero
- | _ -> Zint.of_uns (pred sig_bits)
- in
- Realer.create ~sign:Realer.Pos ~exponent ~mantissa:nat
-module Radix = struct
- include Radix
- let to_nat t =
- (to_uns t) |> Uns.extend_to_nat
- let accum_nat digit nat t =
- Nat.(nat * (to_nat t) + digit)
+module Source = Hmc.Source
module Token = struct
- module Rendition = struct
- module Malformation = struct
- type t = {
- source: Source.Slice.t;
- description: string;
- }
- let cmp t0 t1 =
- Source.Slice.cmp t0.source t1.source
- let init ~base ~past ~description =
- {source=Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base ~past; description}
- let source t =
- t.source
- let description t =
- t.description
- let pp t formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "\""
- |> Source.Slice.pp t.source
- |> Fmt.fmt ": "
- |> Fmt.fmt t.description
- |> Fmt.fmt "\""
- end
- type 'a t =
- | Constant of 'a
- | Malformed of Malformation.t list
- let pp pp_a t formatter =
- match t with
- | Constant a ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "(Constant "
- |> pp_a a
- |> Fmt.fmt ")"
- | Malformed malformations ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "(Malformed "
- |> (List.pp Malformation.pp) malformations
- |> Fmt.fmt ")"
- let of_mals mals =
- Malformed (List.sort ~cmp:Malformation.cmp mals)
- end
- type indent_omit = {
- indent: uns;
- omit: uns;
- }
- let pp_indent_omit {indent; omit} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{indent=" |> Uns.pp indent
- |> Fmt.fmt "; omit=" |> Uns.pp omit
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- type source_directive = {
- path: Path.t option;
- line: uns option;
- io: indent_omit option;
- }
- let pp_source_directive {path; line; io} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{path=" |> (Option.pp Path.pp) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line=" |> (Option.pp Uns.pp) line
- |> Fmt.fmt "; io=" |> (Option.pp pp_indent_omit) io
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- type fmt =
- | Fmt_b
- | Fmt_u
- | Fmt_u8
- | Fmt_u16
- | Fmt_u32
- | Fmt_u64
- | Fmt_u128
- | Fmt_u256
- | Fmt_u512
- | Fmt_i
- | Fmt_i8
- | Fmt_i16
- | Fmt_i32
- | Fmt_i64
- | Fmt_i128
- | Fmt_i256
- | Fmt_i512
- | Fmt_n
- | Fmt_z
- | Fmt_r
- | Fmt_r32
- | Fmt_r64
- | Fmt_c
- | Fmt_s
- | Fmt_f
- let pp_fmt fmt formatter =
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt (
- match fmt with
- | Fmt_b -> "Fmt_b"
- | Fmt_u -> "Fmt_u"
- | Fmt_u8 -> "Fmt_u8"
- | Fmt_u16 -> "Fmt_u16"
- | Fmt_u32 -> "Fmt_u32"
- | Fmt_u64 -> "Fmt_u64"
- | Fmt_u128 -> "Fmt_u128"
- | Fmt_u256 -> "Fmt_u256"
- | Fmt_u512 -> "Fmt_u512"
- | Fmt_i -> "Fmt_i"
- | Fmt_i8 -> "Fmt_i8"
- | Fmt_i16 -> "Fmt_i16"
- | Fmt_i32 -> "Fmt_i32"
- | Fmt_i64 -> "Fmt_i64"
- | Fmt_i128 -> "Fmt_i128"
- | Fmt_i256 -> "Fmt_i256"
- | Fmt_i512 -> "Fmt_i512"
- | Fmt_n -> "Fmt_n"
- | Fmt_z -> "Fmt_z"
- | Fmt_r -> "Fmt_r"
- | Fmt_r32 -> "Fmt_r32"
- | Fmt_r64 -> "Fmt_r64"
- | Fmt_c -> "Fmt_c"
- | Fmt_s -> "Fmt_s"
- | Fmt_f -> "Fmt_f"
- )
+ module Rendition = Hmc.Scan.Token.Rendition
type t =
(* Keywords. *)
| Tok_and of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_also of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_as of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_conceal of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_effect of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_begin of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_else of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_expose of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_end of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_external of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_false of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fn of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_fun of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_function of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_if of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_import of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_in of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_include of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_lazy of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_let of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_match of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_mutability of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_mod of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_module of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_mutable of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_nonrec of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_of of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_open of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_or of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_rec of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_sig of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_struct of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_then of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_true of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_type of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_val of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_when of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_with of {source: Source.Slice.t}
@@ -318,75 +103,28 @@ module Token = struct
| Tok_lcurly of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_rcurly of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_bar of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_lcapture of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_rcapture of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_bar_bar of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_larray of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_rarray of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_bslash of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_tick of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_caret of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_amp of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_amp_amp of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_xmark of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_arrow of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_carrow of {source: Source.Slice.t}
(* Miscellaneous. *)
- | Tok_source_directive of
- {source: Source.Slice.t; source_directive: source_directive Rendition.t}
- | Tok_line_delim of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_indent of {source: Source.Slice.t; indent: unit Rendition.t}
- | Tok_dedent of {source: Source.Slice.t; dedent: unit Rendition.t}
| Tok_whitespace of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_hash_comment of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_paren_comment of {source: Source.Slice.t; paren_comment: unit Rendition.t}
| Tok_uscore of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_uident of {source: Source.Slice.t; uident: string Rendition.t}
| Tok_cident of {source: Source.Slice.t; cident: string}
- | Tok_codepoint of {source: Source.Slice.t; codepoint: codepoint Rendition.t}
- | Tok_rstring of {source: Source.Slice.t; rstring: string Rendition.t}
+ | Tok_char of {source: Source.Slice.t; char: codepoint Rendition.t}
+ | Tok_qstring of {source: Source.Slice.t; qstring: string Rendition.t}
| Tok_istring of {source: Source.Slice.t; istring: string Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_lditto of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_interpolated of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_interpolated: string Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_pct of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_pad of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_pad: codepoint Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_just of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_just: Fmt.just}
- | Tok_fstring_sign of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_sign: Fmt.sign}
- | Tok_fstring_alt of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_zpad of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_width_star of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_width of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_width: uns Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_pmode of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_pmode: Fmt.pmode}
- | Tok_fstring_precision_star of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_precision of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_precision: uns Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_radix of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_radix: Radix.t}
- | Tok_fstring_notation of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_notation: Fmt.notation}
- | Tok_fstring_pretty of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_fmt of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_fmt: fmt Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_sep of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_sep: string Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_label of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_label: string}
- | Tok_fstring_lparen_caret of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_caret_rparen of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_rditto of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_r32 of {source: Source.Slice.t; r32: real Rendition.t}
| Tok_r64 of {source: Source.Slice.t; r64: real Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u8 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u8: u8 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i8 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i8: i8 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u16 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u16: u16 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i16 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i16: i16 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u32 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u32: u32 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i32 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i32: i32 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u64 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u64: u64 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i64 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i64: i64 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u128 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u128: u128 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i128 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i128: i128 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u256 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u256: u256 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i256 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i256: i256 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u512 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u512: u512 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i512 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i512: i512 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_nat of {source: Source.Slice.t; nat: Nat.t Rendition.t}
- | Tok_zint of {source: Source.Slice.t; zint: Zint.t Rendition.t}
+ | Tok_long of {source: Source.Slice.t; long: u64 Rendition.t}
| Tok_end_of_input of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_misaligned of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_error of {source: Source.Slice.t; error: Rendition.Malformation.t list}
let pp t formatter =
@@ -397,30 +135,28 @@ module Token = struct
(* Keywords. *)
| Tok_and {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_and {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_also {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_also {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_as {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_as {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_conceal {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_conceal {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_effect {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_effect {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_begin {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_begin {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_else {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_else {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_expose {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_expose {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_end {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_end {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_external {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_external {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_false {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_false {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_fn {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fn {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_fun {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fun {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_function {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_function {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_if {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_if {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_import {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_import {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_in {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_in {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_include {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_include {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_lazy {source} ->
@@ -429,8 +165,14 @@ module Token = struct
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_let {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_match {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_match {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_mutability {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_mutability {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_mod {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_mod {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_module {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_module {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_mutable {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_mutable {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_nonrec {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_nonrec {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_of {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_of {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_open {source} ->
@@ -439,12 +181,18 @@ module Token = struct
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_or {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_rec {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_rec {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_sig {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_sig {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_struct {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_struct {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_then {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_then {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_true {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_true {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_type {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_type {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_val {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_val {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_when {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_when {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_with {source} ->
@@ -635,10 +383,8 @@ module Token = struct
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_rcurly {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_bar {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_bar {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_lcapture {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_lcapture {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_rcapture {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_rcapture {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_bar_bar {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_bar_bar {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_larray {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_larray {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_rarray {source} ->
@@ -649,44 +395,14 @@ module Token = struct
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_tick {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_caret {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_caret {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_amp {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_amp {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
+ | Tok_amp_amp {source} ->
+ formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_amp_amp {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_xmark {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_xmark {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_arrow {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_arrow {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_carrow {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_carrow {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_source_directive {source; source_directive} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_source_directive {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; source_directive="
- |> Rendition.pp pp_source_directive source_directive
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_line_delim {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_line_delim {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_indent {source; indent} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_indent {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; indent="
- |> Rendition.pp Unit.pp indent
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_dedent {source; dedent} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_dedent {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; dedent="
- |> Rendition.pp Unit.pp dedent
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
| Tok_whitespace {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_whitespace {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_hash_comment {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_hash_comment {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_paren_comment {source; paren_comment} -> begin
|> Fmt.fmt "Tok_paren_comment {source="
@@ -713,20 +429,20 @@ module Token = struct
|> String.pp cident
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_codepoint {source; codepoint} -> begin
+ | Tok_char {source; char} -> begin
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_codepoint {source="
+ |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_char {source="
|> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; codepoint="
- |> Rendition.pp Codepoint.pp codepoint
+ |> Fmt.fmt "; char="
+ |> Rendition.pp Codepoint.pp char
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_rstring {source; rstring} -> begin
+ | Tok_qstring {source; qstring} -> begin
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_rstring {source="
+ |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_qstring {source="
|> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; rstring="
- |> Rendition.pp String.pp rstring
+ |> Fmt.fmt "; qstring="
+ |> Rendition.pp String.pp qstring
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_istring {source; istring} -> begin
@@ -737,151 +453,6 @@ module Token = struct
|> Rendition.pp String.pp istring
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_fstring_lditto {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_lditto {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_fstring_interpolated {source; fstring_interpolated} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_interpolated {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_interpolated="
- |> Rendition.pp String.pp fstring_interpolated
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_pct {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_pct {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_fstring_pad {source; fstring_pad} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_pad {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_pad="
- |> Rendition.pp Codepoint.pp fstring_pad
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_just {source; fstring_just} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_just {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_just="
- |> Fmt.pp_just fstring_just
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_sign {source; fstring_sign} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_sign {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_sign="
- |> Fmt.pp_sign fstring_sign
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_alt {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_alt {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_fstring_zpad {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_zpad {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_fstring_width_star {source} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_width_star {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_width {source; fstring_width} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_width {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_width="
- |> Rendition.pp Uns.pp fstring_width
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_pmode {source; fstring_pmode} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_pmode {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_pmode="
- |> Fmt.pp_pmode fstring_pmode
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_precision_star {source} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_precision_star {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_precision {source; fstring_precision} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_precision {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_precision="
- |> Rendition.pp Uns.pp fstring_precision
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_radix {source; fstring_radix} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_radix {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_radix="
- |> Radix.pp fstring_radix
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_notation {source; fstring_notation} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_notation {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_notation="
- |> Fmt.pp_notation fstring_notation
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_pretty {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_pretty {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_fstring_fmt {source; fstring_fmt} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_fmt="
- |> Rendition.pp pp_fmt fstring_fmt
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_sep {source; fstring_sep} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_sep {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_sep="
- |> Rendition.pp String.pp fstring_sep
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_label {source; fstring_label} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_label {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_label="
- |> String.pp fstring_label
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_fstring_rditto {source} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_fstring_rditto {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_r32 {source; r32} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_r32 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; r32="
- |> Rendition.pp Real.(fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex ~precision:6L
- ~notation:Fmt.Normalized) r32
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
| Tok_r64 {source; r64} -> begin
|> Fmt.fmt "Tok_r64 {source="
@@ -891,138 +462,16 @@ module Token = struct
~notation:Fmt.Normalized) r64
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_u8 {source; u8} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_u8 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u8="
- |> Rendition.pp U8.pp u8
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_i8 {source; i8} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_i8 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; i8="
- |> Rendition.pp I8.pp i8
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_u16 {source; u16} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_u16 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u16="
- |> Rendition.pp U16.pp u16
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_i16 {source; i16} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_i16 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; i16="
- |> Rendition.pp I16.pp i16
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_u32 {source; u32} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_u32 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u32="
- |> Rendition.pp U32.pp u32
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_i32 {source; i32} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_i32 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; i32="
- |> Rendition.pp I32.pp i32
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_u64 {source; u64} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_u64 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u64="
- |> Rendition.pp U64.pp u64
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_i64 {source; i64} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_i64 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; i64="
- |> Rendition.pp I64.pp i64
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_u128 {source; u128} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_u128 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u128="
- |> Rendition.pp U128.pp u128
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_i128 {source; i128} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_i128 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; i128="
- |> Rendition.pp I128.pp i128
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_u256 {source; u256} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_u256 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u256="
- |> Rendition.pp U256.pp u256
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_i256 {source; i256} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_i256 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; i256="
- |> Rendition.pp I256.pp i256
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_u512 {source; u512} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_u512 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u512="
- |> Rendition.pp U512.pp u512
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_i512 {source; i512} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_i512 {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; i512="
- |> Rendition.pp I512.pp i512
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_nat {source; nat} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_nat {source="
- |> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; nat="
- |> Rendition.pp Nat.pp nat
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- | Tok_zint {source; zint} -> begin
+ | Tok_long {source; long} -> begin
- |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_zint {source="
+ |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_long {source="
|> Source.Slice.pp source
- |> Fmt.fmt "; zint="
- |> Rendition.pp Zint.pp zint
+ |> Fmt.fmt "; long="
+ |> Rendition.pp U64.pp long
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_end_of_input {source} ->
formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_end_of_input {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Tok_misaligned {source} ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Tok_misaligned {source=" |> Source.Slice.pp source |> Fmt.fmt "}"
| Tok_error {source; error} -> begin
|> Fmt.fmt "Tok_error {source="
@@ -1036,30 +485,35 @@ module Token = struct
let source = function
| Tok_and {source}
- | Tok_also {source}
| Tok_as {source}
- | Tok_conceal {source}
- | Tok_effect {source}
+ | Tok_begin {source}
| Tok_else {source}
- | Tok_expose {source}
+ | Tok_end {source}
| Tok_external {source}
| Tok_false {source}
- | Tok_fn {source}
+ | Tok_fun {source}
| Tok_function {source}
| Tok_if {source}
| Tok_import {source}
+ | Tok_in {source}
| Tok_include {source}
| Tok_lazy {source}
| Tok_let {source}
| Tok_match {source}
- | Tok_mutability {source}
+ | Tok_mod {source}
+ | Tok_module {source}
+ | Tok_mutable {source}
+ | Tok_nonrec {source}
| Tok_of {source}
| Tok_open {source}
| Tok_or {source}
| Tok_rec {source}
+ | Tok_sig {source}
+ | Tok_struct {source}
| Tok_then {source}
| Tok_true {source}
| Tok_type {source}
+ | Tok_val {source}
| Tok_when {source}
| Tok_with {source}
| Tok_tilde_op {source; _}
@@ -1102,82 +556,36 @@ module Token = struct
| Tok_lcurly {source}
| Tok_rcurly {source}
| Tok_bar {source}
- | Tok_lcapture {source}
- | Tok_rcapture {source}
+ | Tok_bar_bar {source}
| Tok_larray {source}
| Tok_rarray {source}
| Tok_bslash {source}
| Tok_tick {source}
| Tok_caret {source}
- | Tok_amp {source}
+ | Tok_amp_amp {source}
| Tok_xmark {source}
| Tok_arrow {source}
- | Tok_carrow {source}
- | Tok_source_directive {source; _}
- | Tok_line_delim {source}
- | Tok_indent {source; _}
- | Tok_dedent {source; _}
| Tok_whitespace {source}
- | Tok_hash_comment {source}
| Tok_paren_comment {source; _}
| Tok_uscore {source}
| Tok_uident {source; _}
| Tok_cident {source; _}
- | Tok_codepoint {source; _}
- | Tok_rstring {source; _}
+ | Tok_char {source; _}
+ | Tok_qstring {source; _}
| Tok_istring {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_lditto {source}
- | Tok_fstring_interpolated {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_pct {source}
- | Tok_fstring_pad {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_just {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_sign {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_alt {source}
- | Tok_fstring_zpad {source}
- | Tok_fstring_width_star {source}
- | Tok_fstring_width {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_pmode {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_precision_star {source}
- | Tok_fstring_precision {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_radix {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_notation {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_pretty {source}
- | Tok_fstring_fmt {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_sep {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_label {source; _}
- | Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source}
- | Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source}
- | Tok_fstring_rditto {source}
- | Tok_r32 {source; _}
| Tok_r64 {source; _}
- | Tok_u8 {source; _}
- | Tok_i8 {source; _}
- | Tok_u16 {source; _}
- | Tok_i16 {source; _}
- | Tok_u32 {source; _}
- | Tok_i32 {source; _}
- | Tok_u64 {source; _}
- | Tok_i64 {source; _}
- | Tok_u128 {source; _}
- | Tok_i128 {source; _}
- | Tok_u256 {source; _}
- | Tok_i256 {source; _}
- | Tok_u512 {source; _}
- | Tok_i512 {source; _}
- | Tok_nat {source; _}
- | Tok_zint {source; _}
+ | Tok_long {source; _}
| Tok_end_of_input {source}
- | Tok_misaligned {source}
| Tok_error {source; _}
-> source
let malformations = function
(* Keywords. *)
- | Tok_and _ | Tok_also _ | Tok_as _ | Tok_conceal _ | Tok_effect _ | Tok_else _ | Tok_expose _
- | Tok_external _ | Tok_false _ | Tok_fn _ | Tok_function _ | Tok_if _ | Tok_import _
- | Tok_include _ | Tok_lazy _ | Tok_let _ | Tok_match _ | Tok_mutability _ | Tok_of _
- | Tok_open _ | Tok_or _ | Tok_rec _ | Tok_then _ | Tok_true _ | Tok_type _ | Tok_when _
- | Tok_with _
+ | Tok_and _ | Tok_as _ | Tok_begin _ | Tok_else _ | Tok_end _ | Tok_external _ | Tok_false _
+ | Tok_fun _ | Tok_function _ | Tok_if _ | Tok_import _ | Tok_in _ | Tok_include _ | Tok_lazy _
+ | Tok_let _ | Tok_match _ | Tok_mod _ | Tok_module _ | Tok_mutable _ | Tok_nonrec _ | Tok_of _
+ | Tok_open _ | Tok_or _ | Tok_rec _ | Tok_sig _ | Tok_struct _ | Tok_then _ | Tok_true _
+ | Tok_type _ | Tok_val _ | Tok_when _ | Tok_with _
(* Operators. *)
| Tok_tilde_op _ | Tok_qmark_op _ | Tok_star_star_op _ | Tok_star_op _ | Tok_slash_op _
| Tok_pct_op _ | Tok_plus_op _ | Tok_minus_op _ | Tok_at_op _ | Tok_caret_op _ | Tok_dollar_op _
@@ -1186,5924 +594,217 @@ module Token = struct
| Tok_tilde _ | Tok_qmark _ | Tok_minus _ | Tok_lt _ | Tok_lt_eq _ | Tok_eq _ | Tok_lt_gt _
| Tok_gt_eq _ | Tok_gt _ | Tok_comma _ | Tok_dot _ | Tok_dot_dot _ | Tok_semi _ | Tok_colon _
| Tok_colon_colon _ | Tok_colon_eq _ | Tok_lparen _ | Tok_rparen _ | Tok_lbrack _ | Tok_rbrack _
- | Tok_lcurly _ | Tok_rcurly _ | Tok_bar _ | Tok_lcapture _ | Tok_rcapture _ | Tok_larray _
- | Tok_rarray _ | Tok_bslash _ | Tok_tick _ | Tok_caret _ | Tok_amp _ | Tok_xmark _ | Tok_arrow _
- | Tok_carrow _
+ | Tok_lcurly _ | Tok_rcurly _ | Tok_bar _ | Tok_bar_bar _ | Tok_larray _ | Tok_rarray _
+ | Tok_bslash _ | Tok_tick _ | Tok_caret _ | Tok_amp_amp _ | Tok_xmark _ | Tok_arrow _
(* Miscellaneous. *)
- | Tok_source_directive {source_directive=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_line_delim _
- | Tok_indent {indent=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_dedent {dedent=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_whitespace _ | Tok_hash_comment _
+ | Tok_whitespace _
| Tok_paren_comment {paren_comment=(Constant _); _}
| Tok_uscore _
| Tok_uident {uident=(Constant _); _}
| Tok_cident _
- | Tok_codepoint {codepoint=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_rstring {rstring=(Constant _); _}
+ | Tok_char {char=(Constant _); _}
+ | Tok_qstring {qstring=(Constant _); _}
| Tok_istring {istring=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_fstring_lditto _
- | Tok_fstring_interpolated {fstring_interpolated=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_fstring_pct _
- | Tok_fstring_pad {fstring_pad=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_fstring_just _ | Tok_fstring_sign _ | Tok_fstring_alt _ | Tok_fstring_zpad _
- | Tok_fstring_width_star _
- | Tok_fstring_width {fstring_width=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_fstring_pmode _ | Tok_fstring_precision_star _
- | Tok_fstring_precision {fstring_precision=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_fstring_radix _ | Tok_fstring_notation _ | Tok_fstring_pretty _
- | Tok_fstring_fmt {fstring_fmt=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_fstring_sep {fstring_sep=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_fstring_label _ | Tok_fstring_lparen_caret _ | Tok_fstring_caret_rparen _
- | Tok_fstring_rditto _
- | Tok_r32 {r32=(Constant _); _}
| Tok_r64 {r64=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_u8 {u8=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_i8 {i8=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_u16 {u16=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_i16 {i16=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_u32 {u32=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_i32 {i32=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_u64 {u64=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_i64 {i64=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_u128 {u128=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_i128 {i128=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_u256 {u256=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_i256 {i256=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_u512 {u512=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_i512 {i512=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_nat {nat=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_zint {zint=(Constant _); _}
- | Tok_end_of_input _ | Tok_misaligned _
+ | Tok_long {long=(Constant _); _}
+ | Tok_end_of_input _
-> []
(* Malformations. *)
- | Tok_source_directive {source_directive=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_indent {indent=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_dedent {dedent=(Malformed mals); _}
| Tok_paren_comment {paren_comment=(Malformed mals); _}
| Tok_uident {uident=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_codepoint {codepoint=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_rstring {rstring=(Malformed mals); _}
+ | Tok_char {char=(Malformed mals); _}
+ | Tok_qstring {qstring=(Malformed mals); _}
| Tok_istring {istring=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_fstring_interpolated {fstring_interpolated=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_fstring_pad {fstring_pad=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_fstring_width {fstring_width=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_fstring_precision {fstring_precision=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_fstring_fmt {fstring_fmt=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_fstring_sep {fstring_sep=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_r32 {r32=(Malformed mals); _}
| Tok_r64 {r64=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_u8 {u8=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_i8 {i8=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_u16 {u16=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_i16 {i16=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_u32 {u32=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_i32 {i32=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_u64 {u64=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_i64 {i64=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_u128 {u128=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_i128 {i128=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_u256 {u256=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_i256 {i256=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_u512 {u512=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_i512 {i512=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_nat {nat=(Malformed mals); _}
- | Tok_zint {zint=(Malformed mals); _}
+ | Tok_long {long=(Malformed mals); _}
| Tok_error {error=mals; _}
-> mals
-(* Upon entry into a node's handler function, the codepoint just acted upon is bracketed by
- * `pcursor` and `curusor`. NB: `eoi[01]` handlers are called when no more input exists, which means
- * that `cursor` is at the end of input. *)
-module View = struct
- type t = {
- ppcursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- pcursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let init ~ppcursor ~pcursor ~cursor =
- {ppcursor; pcursor; cursor}
- let pp {ppcursor; pcursor; cursor} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{ppcursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos ppcursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; pcursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos pcursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let next {pcursor; cursor; _} =
- match Source.Cursor.next_opt cursor with
- | None -> None
- | Some (cp, cursor') -> Some (cp, {ppcursor=pcursor; pcursor=cursor; cursor=cursor'})
-(* Dentation level. *)
-module Level = struct
- type t =
- | Primary of uns
- | Embedded of {
- primary: uns;
- embedded: uns;
- }
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | Primary primary -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Primary " |> Uns.pp primary
- | Embedded {primary; embedded} -> begin
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Embedded {primary=" |> Uns.pp primary
- |> Fmt.fmt "; embedded=" |> Uns.pp embedded
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- end
- let level = function
- | Primary primary -> primary
- | Embedded {primary=_; embedded} -> embedded
- let cmp t0 t1 =
- Uns.cmp (level t0) (level t1)
- let ( = ) t0 t1 =
- Cmp.is_eq (cmp t0 t1)
- let init u =
- Primary u
- let update u = function
- | Primary _ -> Primary u
- | Embedded e -> Embedded {e with embedded=u}
- let succ t =
- update (succ (level t)) t
- let pred t =
- update (pred (level t)) t
- let embed u = function
- | Primary primary -> Embedded {primary; embedded=u}
- | Embedded e -> Embedded {e with embedded=u}
- let reset = function
- | Primary _ as level -> level
- | Embedded {primary; embedded=_} -> Primary primary
-(* Dentation code block state. The scanner needs to track whether any expressions have been scanned
- * in the current block. *)
-type block_state =
- (* At beginning of block, no non-whitespace/comment tokens yet scanned. *)
- | Block_primal
- (* At least one non-whitespace/comment token scanned in block. *)
- | Block_nonempty
-let pp_block_state block_state formatter =
- match block_state with
- | Block_primal -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Block_primal"
- | Block_nonempty -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Block_nonempty"
-(* Dentation line state. The scanner switches to a dentation scanning mode at the beginning of each
- * line and accepts synthetic tokens while scanning leading whitespace,
- * Tok_{line_delim,indent,dedent}, as syntactic analogues to Tok_{semi,lparen,rparen}. *)
-type line_state =
- (* At beginning of line (column 0). Dentation adjustment may be required. *)
- | Line_begin
- (* Just after leading whitespace token. Dentation adjustment may be required. *)
- | Line_whitespace
- (* First non-whitespace is a paren comment or bslash-nl continuation starting at specified column;
- * no non-whitespace/comment tokens scanned yet, but subsequent whitespace and/or paren comments
- * may have been scanned. Dentation adjustment may be required, but if so, the specified starting
- * column is used rather than that of the first non-whitespace/comment token. *)
- | Line_start_col of uns
- (* Normal (non-dentation) scanning mode. *)
- | Line_body
-let pp_line_state line_state formatter =
- match line_state with
- | Line_begin -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Line_begin"
- | Line_whitespace -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Line_whitespace"
- | Line_start_col col -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Line_start_col " |> Uns.pp col
- | Line_body -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Line_body"
-(* fstring_state determines what starting state to feed to Dfa.next. States may be skipped, e.g. if
- * justification is not specified, but ordering through the spec/expr states is strict. Upon
- * completing specifier scanning the state transition to `Fstring_body`, which is capable of
- * initiating the scan of a subsequent specifier. *)
-type fstring_state =
- | Fstring_spec_pct_seen of Token.t list
- | Fstring_spec_pad_seen
- | Fstring_spec_just_seen
- | Fstring_spec_sign_seen
- | Fstring_spec_alt_seen
- | Fstring_spec_zpad_seen
- | Fstring_spec_width_star_seen
- | Fstring_expr_width
- | Fstring_spec_width_seen
- | Fstring_spec_pmode_seen
- | Fstring_spec_precision_star_seen
- | Fstring_expr_precision
- | Fstring_spec_precision_seen
- | Fstring_spec_radix_seen
- | Fstring_spec_notation_seen
- | Fstring_spec_pretty_seen
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_f_seen
- | Fstring_expr_fmt
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_seen
- | Fstring_spec_sep_seen
- | Fstring_expr_value of Source.Cursor.t option (* Cursor is start of captured value expression. *)
- | Fstring_value_seen of Token.t
- | Fstring_body
- | Fstring_rditto_seen of Token.t
-let pp_fstring_state fstring_state formatter =
- match fstring_state with
- | Fstring_spec_pct_seen toks ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_pct " |> (List.pp Token.pp) toks
- | Fstring_spec_pad_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_pad_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_just_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_just_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_sign_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_sign_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_alt_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_alt_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_zpad_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_zpad_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_width_star_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_width_star_seen"
- | Fstring_expr_width -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_expr_width"
- | Fstring_spec_width_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_width_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_pmode_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_pmode_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_precision_star_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_precision_star_seen"
- | Fstring_expr_precision -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_expr_precision"
- | Fstring_spec_precision_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_precision_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_radix_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_radix_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_notation_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_notation_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_pretty_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_pretty_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_f_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_fmt_f_seen"
- | Fstring_expr_fmt -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_expr_fmt"
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_fmt_seen"
- | Fstring_spec_sep_seen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_sep_seen"
- | Fstring_expr_value cursor_opt ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_exp_value " |> (Option.pp Source.Cursor.pp) cursor_opt
- | Fstring_value_seen tok -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_pct " |> Token.pp tok
- | Fstring_body -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_body"
- | Fstring_rditto_seen tok -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "Fstring_spec_pct " |> Token.pp tok
-type t = {
- tok_base: Source.Cursor.t;
- level: Level.t;
- block_state: block_state;
- line_state: line_state;
- fstring_states: fstring_state list;
-let init text =
- {
- tok_base=Source.Cursor.hd (Source.init text);
- level=Level.init 0L;
- block_state=Block_primal;
- line_state=Line_begin;
- fstring_states=[];
- }
-let pp t formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{tok_base=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos t.tok_base)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; level=" |> Level.pp t.level
- |> Fmt.fmt "; block_state=" |> pp_block_state t.block_state
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line_state=" |> pp_line_state t.line_state
- |> Fmt.fmt "; fstring_states=" |> (List.pp pp_fstring_state) t.fstring_states
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
-let view_of_t t =
- View.init ~ppcursor:t.tok_base ~pcursor:t.tok_base ~cursor:t.tok_base
-let text t =
- Source.(text (Cursor.container t.tok_base))
-let cursor {tok_base; _} =
- tok_base
-let str_of_cursor cursor t =
- Source.Slice.to_string (Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:t.tok_base ~past:cursor)
-let in_fstring t =
- match t.fstring_states with
- | []
- | Fstring_expr_width :: _
- | Fstring_expr_precision :: _
- | Fstring_expr_fmt :: _
- | (Fstring_expr_value _) :: _ -> false
- | _ -> true
- * Convenience routines for reporting malformations. *)
-let malformation ~base ~past description =
- Token.Rendition.Malformation.init ~base ~past ~description
-let malformation_incl View.{cursor; _} t description =
- malformation ~base:t.tok_base ~past:cursor description
-let malformed malformation =
- Token.Rendition.of_mals [malformation]
+type t = Hmc.Scan.t
-let unexpected_codepoint_source_directive base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Unexpected codepoint in source directive"
+let init = Hmc.Scan.init
-let unterminated_source_directive base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Unterminated source directive"
+let pp = Hmc.Scan.pp
-let invalid_unicode base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Invalid Unicode value"
+let text = Hmc.Scan.text
-let illegal_backslash base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Illegal backslash escape"
-let missing_backslash base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Missing backslash escape"
-let invalid_codepoint base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Invalid codepoint"
-let invalid_unicode_escape base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Invalid \\u{...}"
-let invalid_tag base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Invalid codepoint in raw string tag"
-let empty_codepoint base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Empty codepoint literal"
-let excess_codepoint base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Excess codepoint before terminator"
-let unterminated_comment base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Unterminated comment"
-let unterminated_codepoint base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Unterminated codepoint literal"
-let unterminated_string base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Unterminated string literal"
-let invalid_utf8 base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Invalid UTF-8 encoding"
-let invalid_numerical base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Invalid numerical constant"
-let unsupported_bitwidth base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Unsupported bitwidth"
-let out_of_range_int radix limit base past =
- let description =
- String.Fmt.empty
- |> Fmt.fmt "Numerical constant exceeds "
- |> Nat.fmt ~alt:true ~radix limit
- |> Fmt.to_string
- in
- malformation ~base ~past description
-let out_of_range_real base past =
- malformation ~base ~past "Numerical constant cannot be precisely represented"
+let cursor = Hmc.Scan.cursor
-(* `State.t` contains one constructor per DFA state. The `State.` submodules encapsulate per
- * node state. *)
-module State = struct
- module Real_precise_dot = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: Realer.t;
- point_shift: sint;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m; point_shift} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Realer.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "; point_shift=" |> Sint.pp point_shift
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m =
- R {m; point_shift=Sint.zero}
- let accum_digit_impl bits_per_digit digit = function
- | R {m; point_shift} -> begin
- let sig_bits = (Nat.bit_length digit) - (Nat.bit_clz digit) in
- let nonfrac_shift = Sint.(bits_per_digit - (pred (Uns.bits_to_sint sig_bits))) in
- let exponent = Zint.(of_sint point_shift - (of_sint nonfrac_shift)) in
- let realer_digit = Realer.create ~sign:Pos ~exponent ~mantissa:digit in
- let m' = Realer.(m + realer_digit) in
- let point_shift' = Sint.(point_shift - bits_per_digit) in
- R {m=m'; point_shift=point_shift'}
+let malformation ~source description =
+ Token.Tok_error {source; error=[Token.Rendition.Malformation.of_source ~source ~description]}
+let rec next t =
+ let t', hmc_token = Hmc.Scan.next t in
+ match hmc_token with
+ | Tok_line_delim _
+ | Tok_indent _
+ | Tok_dedent _
+ | Tok_misaligned _
+ -> next t'
+ | _ -> begin
+ let token = match hmc_token with
+ | Tok_and {source} -> Token.Tok_and {source}
+ | Tok_also {source} -> Tok_uident {source; uident=Constant "also"}
+ | Tok_as {source} -> Tok_as {source}
+ | Tok_conceal {source} -> Tok_uident {source; uident=Constant "conceal"}
+ | Tok_effect {source} -> Tok_uident {source; uident=Constant "effect"}
+ | Tok_else {source} -> Tok_else {source}
+ | Tok_expose {source} -> Tok_uident {source; uident=Constant "expose"}
+ | Tok_external {source} -> Tok_external {source}
+ | Tok_false {source} -> Tok_false {source}
+ | Tok_fn {source} -> Tok_uident {source; uident=Constant "fn"}
+ | Tok_function {source} -> Tok_function {source}
+ | Tok_if {source} -> Tok_if {source}
+ | Tok_import {source} -> Tok_import {source}
+ | Tok_include {source} -> Tok_include {source}
+ | Tok_lazy {source} -> Tok_lazy {source}
+ | Tok_let {source} -> Tok_let {source}
+ | Tok_match {source} -> Tok_match {source}
+ | Tok_mutability {source} -> Tok_uident {source; uident=Constant "mutability"}
+ | Tok_of {source} -> Tok_of {source}
+ | Tok_open {source} -> Tok_open {source}
+ | Tok_or {source} -> Tok_or {source}
+ | Tok_rec {source} -> Tok_rec {source}
+ | Tok_then {source} -> Tok_then {source}
+ | Tok_true {source} -> Tok_true {source}
+ | Tok_type {source} -> Tok_type {source}
+ | Tok_when {source} -> Tok_when {source}
+ | Tok_with {source} -> Tok_with {source}
+ | Tok_tilde_op {source; tilde_op} -> Tok_tilde_op {source; tilde_op}
+ | Tok_qmark_op {source; qmark_op} -> Tok_qmark_op {source; qmark_op}
+ | Tok_star_star_op {source; star_star_op} -> Tok_star_star_op {source; star_star_op}
+ | Tok_star_op {source; star_op} -> Tok_star_op {source; star_op}
+ | Tok_slash_op {source; slash_op} -> Tok_slash_op {source; slash_op}
+ | Tok_pct_op {source; pct_op} -> Tok_pct_op {source; pct_op}
+ | Tok_plus_op {source; plus_op} -> Tok_plus_op {source; plus_op}
+ | Tok_minus_op {source; minus_op} -> Tok_minus_op {source; minus_op}
+ | Tok_at_op {source; at_op} -> Tok_at_op {source; at_op}
+ | Tok_caret_op {source; caret_op} -> Tok_caret_op {source; caret_op}
+ | Tok_dollar_op {source; dollar_op} -> Tok_dollar_op {source; dollar_op}
+ | Tok_lt_op {source; lt_op} -> Tok_lt_op {source; lt_op}
+ | Tok_eq_op {source; eq_op} -> Tok_eq_op {source; eq_op}
+ | Tok_gt_op {source; gt_op} -> Tok_gt_op {source; gt_op}
+ | Tok_bar_op {source; bar_op} -> begin
+ match bar_op with
+ | "||" -> Tok_bar_bar {source}
+ | _ -> Tok_bar_op {source; bar_op}
+ end
+ | Tok_colon_op {source; colon_op} -> Tok_colon_op {source; colon_op}
+ | Tok_dot_op {source; dot_op} -> Tok_dot_op {source; dot_op}
+ | Tok_tilde {source} -> Tok_tilde {source}
+ | Tok_qmark {source} -> Tok_qmark {source}
+ | Tok_minus {source} -> Tok_minus {source}
+ | Tok_lt {source} -> Tok_lt {source}
+ | Tok_lt_eq {source} -> Tok_lt_eq {source}
+ | Tok_eq {source} -> Tok_eq {source}
+ | Tok_lt_gt {source} -> Tok_lt_gt {source}
+ | Tok_gt_eq {source} -> Tok_gt_eq {source}
+ | Tok_gt {source} -> Tok_gt {source}
+ | Tok_comma {source} -> Tok_comma {source}
+ | Tok_dot {source} -> Tok_dot {source}
+ | Tok_dot_dot {source} -> Tok_dot_dot {source}
+ | Tok_semi {source} -> Tok_semi {source}
+ | Tok_colon {source} -> Tok_colon {source}
+ | Tok_colon_colon {source} -> Tok_colon_colon {source}
+ | Tok_colon_eq {source} -> Tok_colon_eq {source}
+ | Tok_lparen {source} -> Tok_lparen {source}
+ | Tok_rparen {source} -> Tok_rparen {source}
+ | Tok_lbrack {source} -> Tok_lbrack {source}
+ | Tok_rbrack {source} -> Tok_rbrack {source}
+ | Tok_lcurly {source} -> Tok_lcurly {source}
+ | Tok_rcurly {source} -> Tok_rcurly {source}
+ | Tok_bar {source} -> Tok_bar {source}
+ | Tok_larray {source} -> Tok_larray {source}
+ | Tok_rarray {source} -> Tok_rarray {source}
+ | Tok_bslash {source} -> Tok_bslash {source}
+ | Tok_tick {source} -> Tok_tick {source}
+ | Tok_caret {source} -> Tok_caret {source}
+ | Tok_amp_amp {source} -> Tok_amp_amp {source}
+ | Tok_xmark {source} -> Tok_xmark {source}
+ | Tok_arrow {source} -> Tok_arrow {source}
+ | Tok_lcapture {source} | Tok_rcapture {source} | Tok_amp {source} | Tok_carrow {source}
+ -> malformation ~source "Hemlock-specific operator"
+ | Tok_source_directive {source; _} -> malformation ~source "Hemlock-specific source directive"
+ | Tok_line_delim _ | Tok_indent _ | Tok_dedent _
+ -> not_reached () (* Handled by outer match. *)
+ | Tok_whitespace {source} -> Tok_whitespace {source}
+ | Tok_hash_comment {source} -> malformation ~source "Hemlock-specific comment syntax"
+ | Tok_paren_comment {source; paren_comment} -> Tok_paren_comment {source; paren_comment}
+ | Tok_uscore {source} -> Tok_uscore {source}
+ | Tok_uident {source; uident} -> begin
+ match uident with
+ | Constant s -> begin
+ match s with
+ | "begin" -> Tok_begin {source}
+ | "end" -> Tok_end {source}
+ | "fun" -> Tok_fun {source}
+ | "in" -> Tok_in {source}
+ | "mod" -> Tok_mod {source}
+ | "module" -> Tok_module {source}
+ | "mutable" -> Tok_mutable {source}
+ | "nonrec" -> Tok_nonrec {source}
+ | "sig" -> Tok_sig {source}
+ | "struct" -> Tok_struct {source}
+ | "val" -> Tok_val {source}
+ | _ -> Tok_uident {source; uident}
+ end
+ | Malformed _ -> Tok_uident {source; uident}
- | (Malformations _) as t -> t
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_bin_dot = struct
- include Real_precise_dot
- let accum_digit digit t =
- accum_digit_impl (Sint.kv 1L) digit t
- end
- module Real_oct_dot = struct
- include Real_precise_dot
- let accum_digit digit t =
- accum_digit_impl (Sint.kv 3L) digit t
+ | Tok_cident {source; cident} -> Tok_cident {source; cident}
+ | Tok_codepoint {source; codepoint} -> begin
+ match codepoint with
+ | Constant cp -> begin
+ match Codepoint.(cp < kv 0x100L) with
+ | true -> Tok_char {source; char=codepoint}
+ | false -> Tok_char {
+ source;
+ char=Malformed [
+ Token.Rendition.Malformation.of_source ~source
+ ~description:"Codepoint exceeds char range"]}
+ end
+ | Malformed _ -> Tok_char {source; char=codepoint}
+ end
+ | Tok_rstring {source; _} -> malformation ~source "Hemlock-specific raw string syntax"
+ | Tok_qstring {source; qstring} -> Tok_qstring {source; qstring}
+ | Tok_istring {source; istring} -> Tok_istring {source; istring}
+ | Tok_fstring_lditto {source; _} | Tok_fstring_interpolated {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_pct {source; _} | Tok_fstring_pad {source; _} | Tok_fstring_just {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_sign {source; _} | Tok_fstring_alt {source; _} | Tok_fstring_zpad {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_width_star {source; _} | Tok_fstring_width {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_pmode {source; _} | Tok_fstring_precision_star {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_precision {source; _} | Tok_fstring_radix {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_notation {source; _} | Tok_fstring_pretty {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_fmt {source; _} | Tok_fstring_sep {source; _} | Tok_fstring_label {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source; _} | Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source; _}
+ | Tok_fstring_rditto {source; _}
+ -> malformation ~source "Hemlock-specific formatted string syntax"
+ | Tok_r32 {source; _} -> malformation ~source "Hemlock-specific real syntax"
+ | Tok_r64 {source; r64} -> Tok_r64 {source; r64}
+ | Tok_u8 {source; _} | Tok_i8 {source; _} | Tok_u16 {source; _} | Tok_i16 {source; _}
+ | Tok_u32 {source; _} | Tok_i32 {source; _} | Tok_u64 {source; _} | Tok_i64 {source; _}
+ | Tok_u128 {source; _} | Tok_i128 {source; _} | Tok_u256 {source; _} | Tok_i256 {source; _}
+ | Tok_u512 {source; _} | Tok_i512 {source; _} | Tok_nat {source; _} | Tok_zint {source; _}
+ -> malformation ~source "Hemlock-specific integer syntax"
+ | Tok_long {source; long} -> Tok_long {source; long}
+ | Tok_end_of_input {source} -> Tok_end_of_input {source}
+ | Tok_misaligned _ -> not_reached () (* Handled by outer match. *)
+ | Tok_error {source; error} -> Tok_error {source; error}
+ in
+ t', token
- module Real_hex_dot = struct
- include Real_precise_dot
- let accum_digit digit t =
- accum_digit_impl (Sint.kv 4L) digit t
- end
- module Real_dec_dot = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: real;
- ds: real; (* (ds * digit) scales digit to its fractional value. *)
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m; ds} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Basis.Real.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "; ds=" |> Basis.Real.pp ds
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m =
- R {m; ds=1. /. 10.}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_digit digit = function
- | R {m; ds} -> begin
- let m' = m +. ds *. digit in
- let ds' = ds /. 10. in
- R {m=m'; ds=ds'}
- end
- | (Malformations _) as t -> t
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_p = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: Realer.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Realer.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m =
- R {m}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_e = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: real;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Basis.Real.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m =
- R {m}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_p_sign = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: Realer.t;
- exp_sign: Sign.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m; exp_sign} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Realer.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "; exp_sign=" |> Sign.pp exp_sign
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m ~exp_sign =
- R {m; exp_sign}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_e_sign = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: real;
- exp_sign: Sign.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m; exp_sign} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Basis.Real.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "; exp_sign=" |> Sign.pp exp_sign
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m ~exp_sign =
- R {m; exp_sign}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_p_exp = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: Realer.t;
- exp_sign: Sign.t;
- exp: Nat.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m; exp_sign; exp} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Realer.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "; exp_sign=" |> Sign.pp exp_sign
- |> Fmt.fmt "; exp=" |> Nat.pp exp
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m ~exp_sign ~exp =
- R {m; exp_sign; exp}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_digit digit = function
- | R {m; exp_sign; exp} -> R {m; exp_sign; exp=Radix.accum_nat digit exp Dec}
- | (Malformations _) as t -> t
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- let to_r = function
- | R {m; exp_sign; exp} -> begin
- let exponent = match exp_sign with
- | Neg -> Zint.(neg (Nat.like_to_zint_hlt exp))
- | Zero -> not_reached ()
- | Pos -> Nat.(like_to_zint_hlt exp)
- in
- let e = Realer.create ~sign:Realer.Pos ~exponent ~mantissa:Nat.one in
- Ok Realer.(m * e)
- end
- | Malformations mals -> Error mals
- end
- module Real_e_exp = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- m: real;
- exp_sign: Sign.t;
- exp: Nat.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {m; exp_sign; exp} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {m=" |> Basis.Real.pp m
- |> Fmt.fmt "; exp_sign=" |> Sign.pp exp_sign
- |> Fmt.fmt "; exp=" |> Nat.pp exp
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~m ~exp_sign ~exp =
- R {m; exp_sign; exp}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_digit digit = function
- | R {m; exp_sign; exp} -> R {m; exp_sign; exp=Radix.accum_nat digit exp Dec}
- | (Malformations _) as t -> t
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- let to_r = function
- | R {m; exp_sign; exp} -> begin
- let exp_r = Nat.to_real exp in
- let e = match exp_sign with
- | Neg -> Basis.Real.neg exp_r
- | Zero -> not_reached ()
- | Pos -> exp_r
- in
- Ok Basis.Real.(m *. (10. ** e))
- end
- | Malformations mals -> Error mals
- end
- module Real_precise_r = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- r: Realer.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {r} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {r=" |> Realer.pp r
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~r =
- R {r}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_approx_r = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- r: real;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {r} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {r=" |> Basis.Real.pp r
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~r =
- R {r}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_precise_r_bitwidth = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- r: Realer.t;
- bitwidth: Nat.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {r; bitwidth} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {r=" |> Realer.pp r
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bitwidth=" |> Nat.pp bitwidth
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~r ~bitwidth =
- R {r; bitwidth}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_digit digit = function
- | R {r; bitwidth} -> R {r; bitwidth=Radix.accum_nat digit bitwidth Dec}
- | (Malformations _) as t -> t
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Real_approx_r_bitwidth = struct
- type t =
- | R of {
- r: real;
- bitwidth: Nat.t;
- }
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | R {r; bitwidth} ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "R {r=" |> Basis.Real.pp r
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bitwidth=" |> Nat.pp bitwidth
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "Malformations " |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- let init ~r ~bitwidth =
- R {r; bitwidth}
- let mals ~mals =
- Malformations mals
- let accum_digit digit = function
- | R {r; bitwidth} -> R {r; bitwidth=Radix.accum_nat digit bitwidth Dec}
- | (Malformations _) as t -> t
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | R _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- end
- module Integer_radix = struct
- type t = {
- n: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp {n} formatter =
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "{n=" |> Nat.pp n |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~n =
- {n}
- end
- module Integer_bin = struct
- include Integer_radix
- let accum_digit digit {n} =
- {n=Nat.(n * k_2 + digit)}
- end
- module Integer_oct = struct
- include Integer_radix
- let accum_digit digit {n} =
- {n=Nat.(n * k_8 + digit)}
- end
- module Integer_dec = struct
- include Integer_radix
- let accum_digit digit {n} =
- {n=Nat.(n * k_a + digit)}
- end
- module Integer_hex = struct
- include Integer_radix
- let accum_digit digit {n} =
- {n=Nat.(n * k_g + digit)}
- end
- module Integer_bin_dot = Integer_bin
- module Integer_oct_dot = Integer_bin
- module Integer_dec_dot = Integer_bin
- module Integer_hex_dot = Integer_bin
- module Integer_u = struct
- type t = {
- n: Nat.t;
- radix: Radix.t;
- }
- let pp {n; radix} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{n=" |> Nat.pp n
- |> Fmt.fmt "; radix=" |> Radix.pp radix
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~n ~radix =
- {n; radix}
- end
- module Integer_i = Integer_u
- module Integer_n = Integer_u
- module Integer_z = Integer_u
- module Integer_u_bitwidth = struct
- type t = {
- n: Nat.t;
- radix: Radix.t;
- bitwidth: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp {n; radix; bitwidth} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{n=" |> Nat.pp n
- |> Fmt.fmt "; radix=" |> Radix.pp radix
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bitwidth=" |> Nat.pp bitwidth
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~n ~radix ~bitwidth =
- {n; radix; bitwidth}
- let accum_bitwidth digit ({bitwidth; _} as t) =
- {t with bitwidth=Nat.(bitwidth * k_a + digit)}
- end
- module Integer_i_bitwidth = Integer_u_bitwidth
- module Paren_comment_body = struct
- type t = {
- nesting: uns;
- }
- let pp {nesting} formatter =
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "{nesting=" |> Uns.pp nesting |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~nesting =
- {nesting}
- end
- module Paren_comment_lparen = Paren_comment_body
- module Paren_comment_star = Paren_comment_body
- module Src_directive_path = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- }
- let pp {mals; path} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let empty = {mals=[]; path=None}
- let accum_mals mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- let accum_path cp ({path; _} as t) =
- match path with
- | None -> {t with path=Some [cp]}
- | Some cps -> {t with path=Some (cp :: cps)}
- end
- module Src_directive_path_bslash = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- bslash_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; bslash_cursor} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bslash_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos bslash_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let accum_mals mal {mals; path; _} =
- Src_directive_path.{mals=mal :: mals; path}
- let accum_path cp {mals; path; _} =
- match path with
- | None -> Src_directive_path.{mals; path=Some [cp]}
- | Some cps -> Src_directive_path.{mals; path=Some (cp :: cps)}
- end
- module Src_directive_path_bslash_u = Src_directive_path_bslash
- module Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- bslash_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; bslash_cursor} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bslash_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos bslash_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~bslash_cursor =
- {mals; path; bslash_cursor}
- let accum_mals mal {mals; path; _} =
- Src_directive_path.{mals=mal :: mals; path}
- end
- module Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- bslash_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- hex: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; bslash_cursor; hex} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bslash_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos bslash_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; hex=" |> Nat.fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex ~pretty:true hex
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~bslash_cursor ~hex =
- {mals; path; bslash_cursor; hex}
- let accum_mals mal {mals; path; _} =
- Src_directive_path.{mals=mal :: mals; path}
- let accum_path cp {mals; path; _} =
- match path with
- | None -> Src_directive_path.{mals; path=Some [cp]}
- | Some cps -> Src_directive_path.{mals; path=Some (cp :: cps)}
- let accum_hex digit ({hex; _} as t) =
- {t with hex=Nat.(hex * k_g + digit)}
- end
- module Src_directive_rditto = Src_directive_path
- module Src_directive_path_colon = Src_directive_path
- module Src_directive_line = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- line_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- line: Nat.t option;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; line_cursor; line} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos line_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) line
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~line_cursor ~line =
- {mals; path; line_cursor; line}
- let accum_line digit ({line; _} as t) =
- {t with line=match line with None -> None | Some l -> Some Nat.(l * k_a + digit)}
- end
- module Src_directive_line_colon = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- line: Nat.t option;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; line} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) line
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~line =
- {mals; path; line}
- let accum_mals mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- end
- module Src_directive_indent = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- line: Nat.t option;
- indent_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- indent: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; line; indent_cursor; indent} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) line
- |> Fmt.fmt "; indent_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos indent_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; indent=" |> Nat.pp indent
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~line ~indent_cursor ~indent =
- {mals; path; line; indent_cursor; indent}
- let accum_mals mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- let accum_indent digit ({indent; _} as t) =
- {t with indent=Nat.(indent * k_a + digit)}
- end
- module Src_directive_indent_0 = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- line: Nat.t option;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; line} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) line
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~line =
- {mals; path; line}
- let accum_mals mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- end
- module Src_directive_indent_plus = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- line: Nat.t option;
- indent: Nat.t option;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; line; indent} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) line
- |> Fmt.fmt "; indent=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) indent
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~line ~indent =
- {mals; path; line; indent}
- let accum_mals mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- end
- module Src_directive_omit = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- path: codepoint list option;
- line: Nat.t option;
- indent: Nat.t option;
- omit_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- omit: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; path; line; indent; omit_cursor; omit} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; path=" |> (Option.pp (List.pp Codepoint.pp)) path
- |> Fmt.fmt "; line=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) line
- |> Fmt.fmt "; indent=" |> (Option.pp Nat.pp) indent
- |> Fmt.fmt "; omit_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos omit_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; omit=" |> Nat.pp omit
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~path ~line ~indent ~omit_cursor ~omit =
- {mals; path; line; indent; omit_cursor; omit}
- let accum_mals mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- let accum_omit digit ({omit; _} as t) =
- {t with omit=Nat.(omit * k_a + digit)}
- end
- module Src_directive_omit_0 = Src_directive_indent_plus
- module Codepoint_bslash = struct
- type t = {
- bslash_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let pp {bslash_cursor} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{bslash_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos bslash_cursor) |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~bslash_cursor =
- {bslash_cursor}
- end
- module Codepoint_bslash_u = Codepoint_bslash
- module Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly = Codepoint_bslash
- module Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex = struct
- type t = {
- bslash_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- hex: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp {bslash_cursor; hex} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{bslash_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos bslash_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; hex=" |> Nat.fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex ~pretty:true hex
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~bslash_cursor ~hex =
- {bslash_cursor; hex}
- let accum_hex digit ({hex; _} as t) =
- {t with hex=Nat.(hex * k_g + digit)}
- end
- module Codepoint_interpolated_cp = struct
- type t = {
- cp: codepoint;
- }
- let pp {cp} formatter =
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "{cp=" |> Codepoint.pp cp |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~cp =
- {cp}
- end
- module Codepoint_raw_cp = Codepoint_interpolated_cp
- module Codepoint_mal = struct
- type t = {
- mal: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t;
- }
- let pp {mal} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mal=" |> Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp mal |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mal =
- {mal}
- end
- module Rstring_ltag = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- ltag_base: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; ltag_base} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; ltag_base=" |> Source.Cursor.pp ltag_base
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~ltag_base =
- {mals=[]; ltag_base}
- let accum_mal ~mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- end
- module Rstring_body = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- ltag: Source.Slice.t;
- body_base: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; ltag; body_base} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; ltag=" |> Source.Slice.pp ltag
- |> Fmt.fmt "; body_base=" |> Source.Cursor.pp body_base
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~ltag ~body_base =
- {mals; ltag; body_base}
- let accum_mal ~mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- end
- module Rstring_rtag = struct
- type t = {
- mals: Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list;
- ltag: Source.Slice.t;
- body: Source.Slice.t;
- ltag_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let pp {mals; ltag; ltag_cursor; body} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{mals=" |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals
- |> Fmt.fmt "; ltag=" |> Source.Slice.pp ltag
- |> Fmt.fmt "; body=" |> Source.Slice.pp body
- |> Fmt.fmt "; ltag_cursor=" |> Source.Cursor.pp ltag_cursor
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~mals ~ltag ~body =
- {mals; ltag; body; ltag_cursor=Source.Slice.base ltag}
- let next t =
- {t with ltag_cursor=Source.Cursor.succ t.ltag_cursor}
- let accum_mal ~mal ({mals; _} as t) =
- {t with mals=mal :: mals}
- end
- module CodepointAccum = struct
- type t =
- | Codepoints of codepoint list
- | Malformations of Token.Rendition.Malformation.t list
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | Codepoints cps ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "(Codepoints " |> (List.pp Codepoint.pp) cps |> Fmt.fmt ")"
- | Malformations mals ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "(Malformations "
- |> (List.pp Token.Rendition.Malformation.pp) mals |> Fmt.fmt ")"
- let empty = Codepoints []
- let accum_cp cp = function
- | Codepoints cps -> Codepoints (cp :: cps)
- | (Malformations _) as mals -> mals
- let accum_mal mal = function
- | Codepoints _ -> Malformations [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> Malformations (mal :: mals)
- let to_istring = function
- | Codepoints cps -> Token.Rendition.Constant (String.of_list_rev cps)
- | Malformations mals -> Token.Rendition.of_mals mals
- let to_fstring_interpolated = function
- | Codepoints cps -> Token.Rendition.Constant (String.of_list_rev cps)
- | Malformations mals -> Token.Rendition.of_mals mals
- end
- module Istring_body = struct
- type t = {
- accum: CodepointAccum.t;
- }
- let pp t formatter =
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "{accum=" |> CodepointAccum.pp t.accum |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let empty = {accum=CodepointAccum.empty}
- let init ~accum =
- {accum}
- let accum_cp cp t =
- {accum=CodepointAccum.accum_cp cp t.accum}
- let accum_mal mal t =
- {accum=CodepointAccum.accum_mal mal t.accum}
- end
- module Istring_bslash = struct
- type t = {
- accum: CodepointAccum.t;
- bslash_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- }
- let pp t formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{accum=" |> CodepointAccum.pp t.accum
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bslash_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos t.bslash_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~accum ~bslash_cursor =
- {accum; bslash_cursor}
- let accum_cp cp t =
- {t with accum=CodepointAccum.accum_cp cp t.accum}
- let accum_mal mal t =
- {t with accum=CodepointAccum.accum_mal mal t.accum}
- end
- module Istring_bslash_u = Istring_bslash
- module Istring_bslash_u_lcurly = struct
- type t = {
- accum: CodepointAccum.t;
- bslash_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- u: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp t formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{accum=" |> CodepointAccum.pp t.accum
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bslash_cursor=" |> Text.Pos.pp (Source.Cursor.pos t.bslash_cursor)
- |> Fmt.fmt "; u=" |> Nat.fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex ~pretty:true t.u
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let accum_cp cp t =
- {t with accum=CodepointAccum.accum_cp cp t.accum}
- let accum_mal mal t =
- {t with accum=CodepointAccum.accum_mal mal t.accum}
- let accum_hex cp t =
- let u' = Radix.(accum_nat (nat_of_cp cp) t.u Hex) in
- {t with u=u'}
- end
- module Fstring_width = struct
- type t = {
- n: Nat.t
- }
- let pp {n} formatter =
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "{n=" |> Nat.pp n |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~n =
- {n}
- let accum_digit digit {n} =
- {n=Nat.(n * k_a + digit)}
- end
- module Fstring_precision = Fstring_width
- module Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth = struct
- type t = {
- fmt_cursor: Source.Cursor.t;
- invalid: bool;
- bitwidth: Nat.t;
- }
- let pp {fmt_cursor; invalid; bitwidth} formatter =
- formatter
- |> Fmt.fmt "{fmt_cursor=" |> Source.Cursor.pp fmt_cursor
- |> Fmt.fmt "; invalid=" |> Bool.pp invalid
- |> Fmt.fmt "; bitwidth=" |> Nat.pp bitwidth
- |> Fmt.fmt "}"
- let init ~fmt_cursor =
- {fmt_cursor; invalid=false; bitwidth=Nat.k_0}
- let accum_invalid t =
- {t with invalid=true}
- let accum_bitwidth digit ({bitwidth; _} as t) =
- {t with bitwidth=Nat.(bitwidth * k_a + digit)}
- end
- module Fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth = Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth
- module Fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth = Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth
- type t =
- | State_start
- | State_lparen
- | State_lbrack
- | State_tilde
- | State_qmark
- | State_star
- | State_caret
- | State_bar
- | State_uscore
- | State_tick
- | State_tick_lookahead
- | State_real_bin_dot of Real_bin_dot.t
- | State_real_oct_dot of Real_oct_dot.t
- | State_real_hex_dot of Real_hex_dot.t
- | State_real_dec_dot of Real_dec_dot.t
- | State_real_p of Real_p.t
- | State_real_e of Real_e.t
- | State_real_p_sign of Real_p_sign.t
- | State_real_e_sign of Real_e_sign.t
- | State_real_p_exp of Real_p_exp.t
- | State_real_e_exp of Real_e_exp.t
- | State_real_precise_r of Real_precise_r.t
- | State_real_approx_r of Real_approx_r.t
- | State_real_precise_r_bitwidth of Real_precise_r_bitwidth.t
- | State_real_approx_r_bitwidth of Real_approx_r_bitwidth.t
- | State_integer_0
- | State_integer_0_dot
- | State_integer_0b
- | State_integer_0o
- | State_integer_0x
- | State_integer_bin of Integer_bin.t
- | State_integer_oct of Integer_oct.t
- | State_integer_dec of Integer_dec.t
- | State_integer_hex of Integer_hex.t
- | State_integer_bin_dot of Integer_bin_dot.t
- | State_integer_oct_dot of Integer_oct_dot.t
- | State_integer_dec_dot of Integer_dec_dot.t
- | State_integer_hex_dot of Integer_hex_dot.t
- | State_integer_u of Integer_u.t
- | State_integer_i of Integer_i.t
- | State_integer_n of Integer_n.t
- | State_integer_z of Integer_z.t
- | State_integer_u_bitwidth of Integer_u_bitwidth.t
- | State_integer_i_bitwidth of Integer_i_bitwidth.t
- | State_integer_mal_ident
- | State_ident_uscore
- | State_ident_cident
- | State_ident_uident
- | State_ident_mal
- | State_operator_tilde
- | State_operator_qmark
- | State_operator_star_star
- | State_operator_star
- | State_operator_slash
- | State_operator_pct
- | State_operator_plus
- | State_operator_minus
- | State_operator_at
- | State_operator_caret
- | State_operator_dollar
- | State_operator_lt
- | State_operator_eq
- | State_operator_gt
- | State_operator_bar
- | State_operator_colon
- | State_operator_dot
- | State_paren_comment_body of Paren_comment_body.t
- | State_paren_comment_lparen of Paren_comment_lparen.t
- | State_paren_comment_star of Paren_comment_star.t
- | State_src_directive_colon
- | State_src_directive_path of Src_directive_path.t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash of Src_directive_path_bslash.t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u of Src_directive_path_bslash_u.t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly of Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly.t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex of Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex.t
- | State_src_directive_rditto of Src_directive_rditto.t
- | State_src_directive_path_colon of Src_directive_path_colon.t
- | State_src_directive_line of Src_directive_line.t
- | State_src_directive_line_colon of Src_directive_line_colon.t
- | State_src_directive_indent of Src_directive_indent.t
- | State_src_directive_indent_0 of Src_directive_indent_0.t
- | State_src_directive_indent_plus of Src_directive_indent_plus.t
- | State_src_directive_omit of Src_directive_omit.t
- | State_src_directive_omit_0 of Src_directive_omit_0.t
- | State_dentation_start
- | State_dentation_lparen
- | State_dentation_space
- | State_whitespace
- | State_hash_comment
- | State_codepoint_tick
- | State_codepoint_bslash of Codepoint_bslash.t
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u of Codepoint_bslash_u.t
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly of Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly.t
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex of Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex.t
- | State_codepoint_interpolated_cp of Codepoint_interpolated_cp.t
- | State_codepoint_raw_cp of Codepoint_raw_cp.t
- | State_codepoint_mal of Codepoint_mal.t
- | State_rstring_ltag of Rstring_ltag.t
- | State_rstring_body of Rstring_body.t
- | State_rstring_rtag of Rstring_rtag.t
- | State_istring_body of Istring_body.t
- | State_istring_bslash of Istring_bslash.t
- | State_istring_bslash_u of Istring_bslash_u.t
- | State_istring_bslash_u_lcurly of Istring_bslash_u_lcurly.t
- | State_fstring_pct_seen_start
- | State_fstring_pad_seen_start
- | State_fstring_just_seen_start
- | State_fstring_sign_seen_start
- | State_fstring_alt_seen_start
- | State_fstring_zpad_seen_start
- | State_fstring_width_star_seen_start
- | State_fstring_width of Fstring_width.t
- | State_fstring_width_seen_start
- | State_fstring_dot
- | State_fstring_pmode_seen_start
- | State_fstring_precision_star_seen_start
- | State_fstring_precision of Fstring_precision.t
- | State_fstring_precision_seen_start
- | State_fstring_b
- | State_fstring_radix_seen_start
- | State_fstring_notation_seen_start
- | State_fstring_pretty_seen_start
- | State_fstring_c
- | State_fstring_fmt_u
- | State_fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth of Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth.t
- | State_fstring_fmt_i
- | State_fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth of Fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth.t
- | State_fstring_fmt_r
- | State_fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth of Fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth.t
- | State_fstring_fmt_f_seen_start
- | State_fstring_fmt_seen_start
- | State_fstring_sep_space
- | State_fstring_sep_op
- | State_fstring_sep_op_space
- | State_fstring_sep_seen_start
- | State_fstring_lparen
- let pp t formatter =
- match t with
- | State_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_start"
- | State_lparen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_lparen"
- | State_lbrack -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_lbrack"
- | State_tilde -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_tilde"
- | State_qmark -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_qmark"
- | State_star -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_star"
- | State_caret -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_caret"
- | State_bar -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_bar"
- | State_uscore -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_uscore"
- | State_tick -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_tick"
- | State_tick_lookahead -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_tick_lookahead"
- | State_real_bin_dot v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_bin_dot " |> Real_bin_dot.pp v
- | State_real_oct_dot v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_oct_dot " |> Real_oct_dot.pp v
- | State_real_hex_dot v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_hex_dot " |> Real_hex_dot.pp v
- | State_real_dec_dot v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_dec_dot " |> Real_dec_dot.pp v
- | State_real_p v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_p " |> Real_p.pp v
- | State_real_e v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_e " |> Real_e.pp v
- | State_real_p_sign v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_p_sign " |> Real_p_sign.pp v
- | State_real_e_sign v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_e_sign " |> Real_e_sign.pp v
- | State_real_p_exp v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_p_exp " |> Real_p_exp.pp v
- | State_real_e_exp v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_e_exp " |> Real_e_exp.pp v
- | State_real_precise_r v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_precise_r " |> Real_precise_r.pp v
- | State_real_approx_r v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_approx_r " |> Real_approx_r.pp v
- | State_real_precise_r_bitwidth v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_precise_r_bitwidth " |> Real_precise_r_bitwidth.pp v
- | State_real_approx_r_bitwidth v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_real_approx_r_bitwidth " |> Real_approx_r_bitwidth.pp v
- | State_integer_0 -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_0"
- | State_integer_0_dot -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_0_dot"
- | State_integer_0b -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_0b"
- | State_integer_0o -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_0o"
- | State_integer_0x -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_0x"
- | State_integer_bin v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_bin " |> Integer_bin.pp v
- | State_integer_oct v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_oct " |> Integer_oct.pp v
- | State_integer_dec v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_dec " |> Integer_dec.pp v
- | State_integer_hex v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_hex " |> Integer_hex.pp v
- | State_integer_bin_dot v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_bin_dot " |> Integer_bin_dot.pp v
- | State_integer_oct_dot v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_oct_dot " |> Integer_oct_dot.pp v
- | State_integer_dec_dot v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_dec_dot " |> Integer_dec_dot.pp v
- | State_integer_hex_dot v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_hex_dot " |> Integer_hex_dot.pp v
- | State_integer_u v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_u " |> Integer_u.pp v
- | State_integer_i v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_i " |> Integer_i.pp v
- | State_integer_n v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_n " |> Integer_n.pp v
- | State_integer_z v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_z " |> Integer_z.pp v
- | State_integer_u_bitwidth v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_u_bitwidth " |> Integer_u_bitwidth.pp v
- | State_integer_i_bitwidth v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_i_bitwidth " |> Integer_i_bitwidth.pp v
- | State_integer_mal_ident -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_integer_mal_ident"
- | State_ident_uscore -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_ident_uscore"
- | State_ident_cident -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_ident_cident"
- | State_ident_uident -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_ident_uident"
- | State_ident_mal -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_ident_mal"
- | State_operator_tilde -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_tilde"
- | State_operator_qmark -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_qmark"
- | State_operator_star_star -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_star"
- | State_operator_star -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_star"
- | State_operator_slash -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_slash"
- | State_operator_pct -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_pct"
- | State_operator_plus -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_plus"
- | State_operator_minus -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_minus"
- | State_operator_at -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_at"
- | State_operator_caret -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_caret"
- | State_operator_dollar -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_dollar"
- | State_operator_lt -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_lt"
- | State_operator_eq -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_eq"
- | State_operator_gt -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_gt"
- | State_operator_bar -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_bar"
- | State_operator_colon -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_colon"
- | State_operator_dot -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_operator_dot"
- | State_paren_comment_body v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_paren_comment_body " |> Paren_comment_body.pp v
- | State_paren_comment_lparen v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_paren_comment_lparen " |> Paren_comment_lparen.pp v
- | State_paren_comment_star v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_paren_comment_star " |> Paren_comment_star.pp v
- | State_src_directive_colon -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_src_directive_colon"
- | State_src_directive_path v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_path " |> Src_directive_path.pp v
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_path_bslash " |> Src_directive_path_bslash.pp v
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_path_bslash_u " |> Src_directive_path_bslash_u.pp v
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_path_bslash_u_lcurly " |> Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly.pp v
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex "
- |> Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex.pp v
- | State_src_directive_rditto v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_rditto " |> Src_directive_rditto.pp v
- | State_src_directive_path_colon v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_path_colon " |> Src_directive_path_colon.pp v
- | State_src_directive_line v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_line " |> Src_directive_line.pp v
- | State_src_directive_line_colon v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_line_colon " |> Src_directive_line_colon.pp v
- | State_src_directive_indent v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_indent " |> Src_directive_indent.pp v
- | State_src_directive_indent_0 v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_indent_0 " |> Src_directive_indent_0.pp v
- | State_src_directive_indent_plus v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_indent_plus " |> Src_directive_indent_plus.pp v
- | State_src_directive_omit v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_omit " |> Src_directive_omit.pp v
- | State_src_directive_omit_0 v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_omit_0 " |> Src_directive_omit_0.pp v
- | State_dentation_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_dentation_start"
- | State_dentation_lparen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_dentation_lparen"
- | State_dentation_space -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_dentation_space"
- | State_whitespace -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_whitespace"
- | State_hash_comment -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_hash_comment"
- | State_codepoint_tick -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_tick"
- | State_codepoint_bslash v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_bslash " |> Codepoint_bslash.pp v
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_bslash_u " |> Codepoint_bslash_u.pp v
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly " |> Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly.pp v
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex "
- |> Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex.pp v
- | State_codepoint_interpolated_cp v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_interpolated_cp " |> Codepoint_interpolated_cp.pp v
- | State_codepoint_raw_cp v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_raw_cp " |> Codepoint_raw_cp.pp v
- | State_codepoint_mal v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_codepoint_mal " |> Codepoint_mal.pp v
- | State_rstring_ltag v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_rstring_ltag " |> Rstring_ltag.pp v
- | State_rstring_body v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_rstring_body " |> Rstring_body.pp v
- | State_rstring_rtag v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_rstring_rtag " |> Rstring_rtag.pp v
- | State_istring_body v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_istring_body " |> Istring_body.pp v
- | State_istring_bslash v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_istring_bslash " |> Istring_bslash.pp v
- | State_istring_bslash_u v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_istring_bslash_u " |> Istring_bslash_u.pp v
- | State_istring_bslash_u_lcurly v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_istring_bslash_lcurly " |> Istring_bslash_u_lcurly.pp v
- | State_fstring_pct_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_pct_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_pad_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_pad_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_just_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_just_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_sign_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_sign_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_alt_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_alt_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_zpad_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_zpad_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_width_star_seen_start ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_width_star_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_width v -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_width " |> Fstring_width.pp v
- | State_fstring_width_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_width_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_dot -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_dot"
- | State_fstring_pmode_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_pmode_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_precision_star_seen_start ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_precision_star_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_precision v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_precision " |> Fstring_precision.pp v
- | State_fstring_precision_seen_start ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_precision_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_b -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_b"
- | State_fstring_radix_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_radix_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_notation_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_notation_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_pretty_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_pretty_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_c -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_c"
- | State_fstring_fmt_u -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_u"
- | State_fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth " |> Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth.pp v
- | State_fstring_fmt_i -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_i"
- | State_fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth " |> Fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth.pp v
- | State_fstring_fmt_r -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_r"
- | State_fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth v ->
- formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth " |> Fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth.pp v
- | State_fstring_fmt_f_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_f_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_fmt_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_fmt_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_sep_space -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_sep_space"
- | State_fstring_sep_op -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_sep_op"
- | State_fstring_sep_op_space -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_sep_op_space"
- | State_fstring_sep_seen_start -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_sep_seen_start"
- | State_fstring_lparen -> formatter |> Fmt.fmt "State_fstring_lparen"
- let start_of_t t =
- match t.line_state, in_fstring t with
- | Line_begin, _
- | Line_whitespace, _
- | Line_start_col _, _ -> Some State_dentation_start
- | Line_body, false -> Some State_start
- | Line_body, true -> begin
- match List.hd t.fstring_states with
- | Fstring_spec_pct_seen [] -> Some State_fstring_pct_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_pct_seen (_ :: _) -> None
- | Fstring_spec_pad_seen -> Some State_fstring_pad_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_just_seen -> Some State_fstring_just_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_sign_seen -> Some State_fstring_sign_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_alt_seen -> Some State_fstring_alt_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_zpad_seen -> Some State_fstring_zpad_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_width_star_seen -> Some State_fstring_width_star_seen_start
- | Fstring_expr_width -> None
- | Fstring_spec_width_seen -> Some State_fstring_width_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_pmode_seen -> Some State_fstring_pmode_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_precision_star_seen -> Some State_fstring_precision_star_seen_start
- | Fstring_expr_precision -> None
- | Fstring_spec_precision_seen -> Some State_fstring_precision_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_radix_seen -> Some State_fstring_radix_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_notation_seen -> Some State_fstring_notation_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_pretty_seen -> Some State_fstring_pretty_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_f_seen -> Some State_fstring_fmt_f_seen_start
- | Fstring_expr_fmt -> None
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_seen -> Some State_fstring_fmt_seen_start
- | Fstring_spec_sep_seen -> Some State_fstring_sep_seen_start
- | Fstring_expr_value _ -> None
- | Fstring_value_seen _ -> None
- | Fstring_body -> Some (State_istring_body Istring_body.empty)
- | Fstring_rditto_seen _ -> None
- end
-(* DFA engine and nodes. Most of the nodes are grouped into submodules so that they can share code
- * that is not relevant to the DFA as a whole. *)
-module Dfa = struct
- type transition =
- | Advance of View.t * State.t
- | Retry of State.t
- | Accept of Token.t
- type action0 = View.t -> t -> t * transition
- and node0 = {
- edges0: (codepoint, action0, Codepoint.cmper_witness) Map.t;
- default0: action0;
- eoi0: action0;
- }
- type 'a action1 = 'a -> View.t -> t -> t * transition
- and 'a node1 = {
- eoi1: 'a action1;
- edges1: (codepoint, 'a action1, Codepoint.cmper_witness) Map.t;
- default1: 'a action1;
- }
- let act0 trace node view t =
- let action0, view' = match View.next view with
- | Some (cp, view') -> begin
- match Map.get cp node.edges0 with
- | Some action0 -> begin
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt "Scan: " |> Codepoint.pp cp |> Fmt.fmt " -> action0"
- |> ignore;
- action0, view'
- end
- | None -> begin
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt "Scan: " |> Codepoint.pp cp |> Fmt.fmt " -> default0"
- |> ignore;
- node.default0, view'
- end
- end
- | None -> begin
- if trace then File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt "Scan: eoi0" |> ignore;
- node.eoi0, view
- end
- in
- let t', transition = action0 view' t in
- t', transition
- let act1 trace node state_payload view t =
- let action1, view' = match View.next view with
- | Some (cp, view') -> begin
- match Map.get cp node.edges1 with
- | Some action1 -> begin
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt "Scan: " |> Codepoint.pp cp |> Fmt.fmt " -> action1"
- |> ignore;
- action1, view'
- end
- | None -> begin
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt "Scan: " |> Codepoint.pp cp |> Fmt.fmt " -> default1"
- |> ignore;
- node.default1, view'
- end
- end
- | None -> begin
- if trace then File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt "Scan: eoi1" |> ignore;
- node.eoi1, view
- end
- in
- let t', transition = action1 state_payload view' t in
- t', transition
- let accept_tok tok cursor t =
- {t with tok_base=cursor}, Accept tok
- let accept_tok_incl tok View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_tok tok cursor t
- let accept_tok_excl tok View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_tok tok pcursor t
- let accept_tok_pexcl tok View.{ppcursor; _} t =
- accept_tok tok ppcursor t
- let source_at cursor t =
- Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:t.tok_base ~past:cursor
- let source_incl View.{cursor; _} t =
- source_at cursor t
- let source_excl View.{pcursor; _} t =
- source_at pcursor t
- let source_pexcl {View.ppcursor; _} t =
- source_at ppcursor t
- let accept_source_directive source_directive View.{cursor; _} t =
- (* Treat the directive as having come from the unbiased source. Rebias the cursors such that
- * they are unbiased. This is different than unbiasing, in that it preserves the cursors' bias
- * chain, which enables recovering source bias when moving leftwards. *)
- let base = Source.Cursor.bias (Source.unbias (Source.Cursor.container t.tok_base)) t.tok_base in
- let past = begin
- let rec f cursor cursor_fork = begin
- match Source.Cursor.(cursor < cursor_fork) with
- | false -> cursor
- | true -> f (Source.Cursor.succ cursor) cursor_fork
- end in
- f base cursor
- end in
- let cursor', level' = match source_directive with
- | Token.Rendition.Constant Token.{path=None; line=None; io=None}
- -> begin
- (* Rebias the source such that it is unbiased. *)
- past, Level.reset t.level
- end
- | Constant {path; line; io} -> begin
- let source = Source.Cursor.container past in
- let path = match path with
- | None -> Source.path source
- | Some path -> Some path
- in
- let line = match line with
- | None -> Sint.(kv 1L)
- | Some line -> line
- in
- let line_bias = Sint.((Uns.bits_to_sint line) - (Uns.bits_to_sint (Text.(Pos.line
- (Cursor.pos (Source.Cursor.text_cursor past)))))) in
- let indent, omit = match io with
- | None -> Sint.zero, Sint.zero
- | Some {indent; omit} -> indent, omit
- in
- let col = Sint.(indent + omit) in
- let col_bias = Sint.((Uns.bits_to_sint col) - (Uns.bits_to_sint (Text.(Pos.col (Cursor.pos
- (Source.Cursor.text_cursor past)))))) in
- let source' = Source.bias ~path ~line_bias ~col_bias source in
- (Source.Cursor.bias source' past), Level.embed (indent / 4L) t.level
- end
- | Malformed _ -> past, t.level
- in
- let source = Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base ~past in
- let tok = Token.Tok_source_directive {source; source_directive} in
- {t with tok_base=cursor'; level=level'}, Accept tok
- let accept_line_break tok cursor t =
- {t with tok_base=cursor; line_state=Line_begin}, Accept tok
- let accept_line_break_incl tok View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_line_break tok cursor t
- let fstring_push fstring_state t =
- {t with fstring_states=fstring_state :: t.fstring_states}
- let fstring_pop t =
- {t with fstring_states=List.tl t.fstring_states}
- let fstring_trans fstring_state t =
- fstring_push fstring_state (fstring_pop t)
- let accept_fstring_push_tok fstring_state tok cursor t =
- accept_tok tok cursor (fstring_push fstring_state t)
- let accept_fstring_push_tok_incl fstring_state tok View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_fstring_push_tok fstring_state tok cursor t
- let accept_fstring_pop_tok tok cursor t =
- accept_tok tok cursor (fstring_pop t)
- let accept_fstring_trans_tok fstring_state tok cursor t =
- accept_tok tok cursor (fstring_trans fstring_state t)
- let accept_fstring_trans_tok_incl fstring_state tok View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_fstring_trans_tok fstring_state tok cursor t
- let accept_fstring_trans fstring_state tok cursor t =
- accept_fstring_trans_tok fstring_state tok cursor t
- let accept_fstring_trans_incl trans tok View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_fstring_trans trans tok cursor t
- let accept_fstring_trans_excl trans tok View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_fstring_trans trans tok pcursor t
- let retry_fstring_eoi t =
- let rec f t = begin
- let t' = fstring_pop t in
- match State.start_of_t t' with
- | Some state' -> t', Retry state'
- | None -> f t'
- end in
- f t
- let advance state' view t =
- t, Advance (view, state')
- let retry state' t =
- t, Retry state'
- let node0_start =
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (",", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_comma {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- (";", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_semi {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("(", advance State_lparen);
- (")", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_rparen {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("[", advance State_lbrack);
- ("]", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_rbrack {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("{", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_lcurly {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("}", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_rcurly {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("\\", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_bslash {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("&", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_amp {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("!", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_xmark {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("\n", fun view t ->
- accept_line_break_incl (Tok_whitespace {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("~", advance State_tilde);
- ("?", advance State_qmark);
- ("*", advance State_star);
- ("/", advance State_operator_slash);
- ("%", advance State_operator_pct);
- ("+", advance State_operator_plus);
- ("-", advance State_operator_minus);
- ("@", advance State_operator_at);
- ("^", advance State_caret);
- ("$", advance State_operator_dollar);
- ("<", advance State_operator_lt);
- ("=", advance State_operator_eq);
- (">", advance State_operator_gt);
- ("|", advance State_bar);
- (":", advance State_operator_colon);
- (".", advance State_operator_dot);
- (" ", advance State_whitespace);
- ("#", advance State_hash_comment);
- ("_", advance State_uscore);
- (ident_cident_cps, advance State_ident_cident);
- (ident_uident_cps, advance State_ident_uident);
- ("'", advance State_tick);
- ("\"", fun view t -> advance (State_istring_body (State.Istring_body.empty)) view t);
- ("`", fun (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_rstring_ltag (State.Rstring_ltag.init ~ltag_base:cursor)) view t);
- ("0", advance State_integer_0);
- (dec_lead_cps, fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_integer_dec (State.Integer_dec.init ~n:digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- let mal = malformation_incl view t "Unsupported codepoint" in
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_error {source=source_incl view t; error=[mal]}) view t
- );
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- match Level.level t.level, t.line_state with
- | 0L, Line_begin -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_line_delim {source=source_incl view t}) view t
- | 0L, _ -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_end_of_input {source=source_incl view t}) view t
- | _ -> begin
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_dedent {
- source=source_incl view t;
- dedent=(Constant ())
- }) view {t with level=Level.pred t.level}
- end
- );
- }
- let node0_lparen = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("|", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_lcapture {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("*", advance (State_paren_comment_body (State.Paren_comment_body.init ~nesting:1L)));
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_lparen {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_lparen {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_lbrack = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("|", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_larray {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- (":", advance State_src_directive_colon);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_lbrack {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_lbrack {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_tilde = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (operator_cps, advance State_operator_tilde);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_tilde {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_tilde {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_qmark = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (operator_cps, advance State_operator_qmark);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_qmark {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_qmark {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_star = {
- edges0=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "*", advance State_operator_star_star);
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps operator_cps) (cpset_of_cps "*"),
- advance State_operator_star);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_tok_excl (Tok_star_op {source=source_excl view t; star_op="*"}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_star_op {source=source_incl view t; star_op="*"}) view t);
- }
- let node0_bar = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (")", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_rcapture {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ("]", fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_rarray {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- (operator_cps, advance State_operator_bar);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_bar {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_bar {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_uscore = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", advance State_ident_uscore);
- (ident_cident_cps, advance State_ident_cident);
- (ident_uident_cps, advance State_ident_uident);
- (ident_continue_cps, advance State_ident_mal);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_uscore {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_uscore {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_tick = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (String.join [" _"; ident_uident_cps], advance State_tick_lookahead);
- ("\n", fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_tick {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- ];
- default0=(fun _view t -> retry State_codepoint_tick t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_tick {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_tick_lookahead = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("'", fun (View.{ppcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let cp = Source.Cursor.rget ppcursor in
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_codepoint {source=source_incl view t; codepoint=Constant cp}) view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_pexcl (Tok_tick {source=source_pexcl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_tick {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- module Real = struct
- type subtype =
- | Subtype_r32
- | Subtype_r64
- let accept_mals mals cursor t =
- let malformed = Token.Rendition.of_mals mals in
- accept_tok (Tok_r64 {source=source_at cursor t; r64=malformed}) cursor t
- let accept_mals_incl mals View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_mals mals cursor t
- let accept_mals_excl mals View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_mals mals pcursor t
- let accept_precise subtype ~r cursor t =
- let open Token in
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- let tok = match subtype with
- | Subtype_r32 -> Tok_r32 {
- source;
- r32=match Realer.to_r32_opt r with
- | Some r32 -> Constant r32
- | None -> malformed (out_of_range_real t.tok_base cursor)
- }
- | Subtype_r64 -> Tok_r64 {
- source;
- r64=match Realer.to_r64_opt r with
- | Some r64 -> Constant r64
- | None -> malformed (out_of_range_real t.tok_base cursor)
- }
- in
- accept_tok tok cursor t
- let accept_precise_incl subtype ~r View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_precise subtype ~r cursor t
- let accept_precise_excl subtype ~r View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_precise subtype ~r pcursor t
- let accept_approx subtype ~r cursor t =
- let open Token in
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- let tok = match subtype with
- | Subtype_r32 -> Tok_r32 {source; r32=Constant r}
- | Subtype_r64 -> Tok_r64 {source; r64=Constant r}
- in
- accept_tok tok cursor t
- let accept_approx_incl subtype ~r View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_approx subtype ~r cursor t
- let accept_approx_excl subtype ~r View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_approx subtype ~r pcursor t
- let nat_32 = Nat.of_string "32"
- let nat_64 = Nat.of_string "64"
- let subtype_of_bitwidth bitwidth =
- match Nat.(bitwidth = nat_32), Nat.(bitwidth = nat_64) with
- | true, false -> Some Subtype_r32
- | false, true -> Some Subtype_r64
- | _ -> None
- let node1_precise_dot ~m_of_state ~under_advance ~digit_cps ~digit_advance ~ident_advance =
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", under_advance);
- (cpset_of_cps digit_cps, digit_advance);
- (cpset_of_cps "p", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match m_of_state state with
- | Ok m -> State.Real_p.init ~m
- | Error mals -> State.Real_p.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_p state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match m_of_state state with
- | Ok m -> State.Real_precise_r.init ~r:m
- | Error mals -> State.Real_precise_r.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_precise_r state') view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps digit_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_pr")),
- ident_advance);
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- match m_of_state state with
- | Ok m -> accept_precise_excl Subtype_r64 ~r:m view t
- | Error mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- match m_of_state state with
- | Ok m -> accept_precise_incl Subtype_r64 ~r:m view t
- | Error mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_bin_dot = node1_precise_dot
- ~m_of_state:(fun state -> match state with
- | State.Real_bin_dot.R {m; point_shift=_} -> Ok m
- | State.Real_bin_dot.Malformations mals -> Error mals
- )
- ~under_advance:(fun state view t -> advance (State_real_bin_dot state) view t)
- ~digit_cps:bin_cps
- ~digit_advance:(fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_bin_dot (state |> State.Real_bin_dot.accum_digit digit)) view t
- )
- ~ident_advance:(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_bin_dot (state |> State.Real_bin_dot.accum_mal mal)) view t
- )
- let node1_oct_dot = node1_precise_dot
- ~m_of_state:(fun state -> match state with
- | State.Real_oct_dot.R {m; point_shift=_} -> Ok m
- | State.Real_oct_dot.Malformations mals -> Error mals
- )
- ~under_advance:(fun state view t -> advance (State_real_oct_dot state) view t)
- ~digit_cps:oct_cps
- ~digit_advance:(fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_oct_dot (state |> State.Real_oct_dot.accum_digit digit)) view t
- )
- ~ident_advance:(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_oct_dot (state |> State.Real_oct_dot.accum_mal mal)) view t
- )
- let node1_hex_dot = node1_precise_dot
- ~m_of_state:(fun state -> match state with
- | State.Real_hex_dot.R {m; point_shift=_} -> Ok m
- | State.Real_hex_dot.Malformations mals -> Error mals
- )
- ~under_advance:(fun state view t -> advance (State_real_hex_dot state) view t)
- ~digit_cps:hex_cps
- ~digit_advance:(fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_hex_dot (state |> State.Real_hex_dot.accum_digit digit)) view t
- )
- ~ident_advance:(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_hex_dot (state |> State.Real_hex_dot.accum_mal mal)) view t
- )
- let node1_dec_dot =
- let open State.Real_dec_dot in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (State_real_dec_dot state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = real_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_dec_dot (state |> State.Real_dec_dot.accum_digit digit)) view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "e", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m; ds=_} -> State.Real_e.init ~m
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_e.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_e state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m; ds=_} -> State.Real_approx_r.init ~r:m
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_approx_r.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_approx_r state') view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_er")),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_dec_dot (state |> State.Real_dec_dot.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- match state with
- | R {m; ds=_} -> accept_approx_excl Subtype_r64 ~r:m view t
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- match state with
- | R {m; ds=_} -> accept_approx_incl Subtype_r64 ~r:m view t
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_p =
- let open State.Real_p in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (State_real_p state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m} -> begin
- let exp = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- State.Real_p_exp.init ~m ~exp_sign:Pos ~exp
- end
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_p_exp.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_p_exp state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "-", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m} -> State.Real_p_sign.init ~m ~exp_sign:Neg
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_p_sign.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_p_sign state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "+", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m} -> State.Real_p_sign.init ~m ~exp_sign:Pos
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_p_sign.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_p_sign state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- advance (State_real_precise_r (State.Real_precise_r.mals ~mals)) view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_-+r")),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_p (state |> State.Real_p.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical cursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_e =
- let open State.Real_e in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (State_real_e state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m} -> begin
- let exp = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- State.Real_e_exp.init ~m ~exp_sign:Pos ~exp
- end
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_e_exp.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_e_exp state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "-", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m} -> State.Real_e_sign.init ~m ~exp_sign:Neg
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_e_sign.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_e_sign state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "+", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m} -> State.Real_e_sign.init ~m ~exp_sign:Pos
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_e_sign.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_e_sign state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- advance (State_real_approx_r (State.Real_approx_r.mals ~mals)) view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_-+r")),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_e (state |> State.Real_e.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical cursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_p_sign =
- let open State.Real_p_sign in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (State_real_p_sign state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m; exp_sign} -> begin
- let exp = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- State.Real_p_exp.init ~m ~exp_sign ~exp
- end
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_p_exp.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_p_exp state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- advance (State_real_precise_r (State.Real_precise_r.mals ~mals)) view t
- );
- (Set.union (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_r"))) (cpset_of_cps "-+"),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_p_sign (state |> State.Real_p_sign.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical cursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_e_sign =
- let open State.Real_e_sign in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (State_real_e_sign state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {m; exp_sign} -> begin
- let exp = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- State.Real_e_exp.init ~m ~exp_sign ~exp
- end
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_e_exp.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_e_exp state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- advance (State_real_approx_r (State.Real_approx_r.mals ~mals)) view t
- );
- (Set.union (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_r"))) (cpset_of_cps "-+"),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_e_sign (state |> State.Real_e_sign.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical cursor cursor in
- let mals = match state with
- | R _ -> [mal]
- | Malformations mals -> mal :: mals
- in
- accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_p_exp =
- let open State.Real_p_exp in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (State_real_p_exp state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_p_exp (state |> State.Real_p_exp.accum_digit digit)) view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match to_r state with
- | Ok r -> State.Real_precise_r.init ~r
- | Error mals -> State.Real_precise_r.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_precise_r state') view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_r")),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_p_exp (state |> State.Real_p_exp.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- match to_r state with
- | Ok r -> accept_precise_excl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Error mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- match to_r state with
- | Ok r -> accept_precise_incl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Error mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_e_exp =
- let open State.Real_e_exp in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (State_real_e_exp state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_e_exp (state |> State.Real_e_exp.accum_digit digit)) view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", fun state view t ->
- let state' = match to_r state with
- | Ok r -> State.Real_approx_r.init ~r
- | Error mals -> State.Real_approx_r.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_approx_r state') view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_r")),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_e_exp (state |> State.Real_e_exp.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- match to_r state with
- | Ok r -> accept_approx_excl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Error mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- match to_r state with
- | Ok r -> accept_approx_incl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Error mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_precise_r =
- let open State.Real_precise_r in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- ((cpset_of_cps dec_lead_cps), fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {r} -> begin
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- State.Real_precise_r_bitwidth.init ~r ~bitwidth:digit
- end
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_precise_r_bitwidth.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_precise_r_bitwidth state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "0",
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unsupported_bitwidth pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_precise_r (state |> State.Real_precise_r.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps) (cpset_of_cps dec_cps),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_precise_r (state |> State.Real_precise_r.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- match state with
- | R {r} -> accept_precise_excl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- match state with
- | R {r} -> accept_precise_incl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_approx_r =
- let open State.Real_approx_r in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- ((cpset_of_cps dec_lead_cps), fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let state' = match state with
- | R {r} -> begin
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- State.Real_approx_r_bitwidth.init ~r ~bitwidth:digit
- end
- | Malformations mals -> State.Real_approx_r_bitwidth.mals ~mals
- in
- advance (State_real_approx_r_bitwidth state') view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "0",
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unsupported_bitwidth pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_approx_r (state |> State.Real_approx_r.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps) (cpset_of_cps dec_cps),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_approx_r (state |> State.Real_approx_r.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- match state with
- | R {r} -> accept_approx_excl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- match state with
- | R {r} -> accept_approx_incl Subtype_r64 ~r view t
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_precise_r_bitwidth =
- let open State.Real_precise_r_bitwidth in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- ((cpset_of_cps dec_cps), fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_precise_r_bitwidth
- (state |> State.Real_precise_r_bitwidth.accum_digit digit)) view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps) (cpset_of_cps dec_cps),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_precise_r_bitwidth
- (state |> State.Real_precise_r_bitwidth.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match state with
- | R {r; bitwidth} -> begin
- match subtype_of_bitwidth bitwidth with
- | Some subtype -> accept_precise_excl subtype ~r view t
- | None -> begin
- let mal = unsupported_bitwidth t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_mals_excl [mal] view t
- end
- end
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match state with
- | R {r; bitwidth} -> begin
- match subtype_of_bitwidth bitwidth with
- | Some subtype -> accept_precise_incl subtype ~r view t
- | None -> begin
- let mal = unsupported_bitwidth t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_mals_incl [mal] view t
- end
- end
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_approx_r_bitwidth =
- let open State.Real_approx_r_bitwidth in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- ((cpset_of_cps dec_cps), fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_approx_r_bitwidth
- (state |> State.Real_approx_r_bitwidth.accum_digit digit)) view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps) (cpset_of_cps dec_cps),
- fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_real_approx_r_bitwidth
- (state |> State.Real_approx_r_bitwidth.accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match state with
- | R {r; bitwidth} -> begin
- match subtype_of_bitwidth bitwidth with
- | Some subtype -> accept_approx_excl subtype ~r view t
- | None -> begin
- let mal = unsupported_bitwidth t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_mals_excl [mal] view t
- end
- end
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_excl mals view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match state with
- | R {r; bitwidth} -> begin
- match subtype_of_bitwidth bitwidth with
- | Some subtype -> accept_approx_incl subtype ~r view t
- | None -> begin
- let mal = unsupported_bitwidth t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_mals_incl [mal] view t
- end
- end
- | Malformations mals -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- );
- }
- end
- module Integer = struct
- type signedness =
- | Unsigned
- | Signed
- (* Full enumeration of integer types is a bit unwieldy, but it's more robust and doesn't
- * actually cause much code bloat. *)
- type subtype =
- | Subtype_u8
- | Subtype_i8
- | Subtype_u16
- | Subtype_i16
- | Subtype_u32
- | Subtype_i32
- | Subtype_u64
- | Subtype_i64
- | Subtype_u128
- | Subtype_i128
- | Subtype_u256
- | Subtype_i256
- | Subtype_u512
- | Subtype_i512
- | Subtype_nat
- | Subtype_zint
- (* Prefix signs are scanned as separate tokens, and there is no way to distinguish them from
- * infix operators until parsing is complete. Therefore the scanner accepts min_value (e.g.
- * 0x80i8) regardless of whether it's negative. Thanks to 2s complement representation, both
- * 0x80i8 and -0x80i8 encode min_value, and no correctness issues arise from allowing 0x80i8.
- *
- * It would be possible to disallow this edge case during an AST optimization pass which
- * combines constants and their prefix signs; if the compiler does so, it should take care to
- * emit error messages formatted the same as those emitted by the scanner. Although it would be
- * possible to push the limit checking into the post-parsing optimization, doing so would make
- * the optimization mandatory, as well as making it more likely for the programmer to not see
- * such errors unless there are no parse errors which prevent code generation. *)
- let limit_of_subtype subtype =
- match subtype with
- | Subtype_u8 -> Some U8.(extend_to_nat max_value)
- | Subtype_i8 -> Some Sint.(widen_to_nat_hlt (abs (I8.(extend_to_sint min_value))))
- | Subtype_u16 -> Some U16.(extend_to_nat max_value)
- | Subtype_i16 -> Some Sint.(widen_to_nat_hlt (abs (I16.(extend_to_sint min_value))))
- | Subtype_u32 -> Some U32.(extend_to_nat max_value)
- | Subtype_i32 -> Some Sint.(widen_to_nat_hlt (abs (I32.(extend_to_sint min_value))))
- | Subtype_u64 -> Some U64.(extend_to_nat max_value)
- | Subtype_i64 -> Some (Nat.like_of_zint_hlt (Zint.abs I64.(extend_to_zint min_value)))
- | Subtype_u128 -> Some U128.(extend_to_nat max_value)
- | Subtype_i128 -> Some (Nat.like_of_zint_hlt (Zint.abs I128.(extend_to_zint min_value)))
- | Subtype_u256 -> Some U256.(extend_to_nat max_value)
- | Subtype_i256 -> Some (Nat.like_of_zint_hlt (Zint.abs I256.(extend_to_zint min_value)))
- | Subtype_u512 -> Some U512.(extend_to_nat max_value)
- | Subtype_i512 -> Some (Nat.like_of_zint_hlt (Zint.abs I512.(extend_to_zint min_value)))
- | Subtype_nat
- | Subtype_zint -> None
- let accept_integer ?subtype n radix cursor t =
- let subtype = match subtype with
- | None -> Subtype_u64
- | Some subtype -> subtype
- in
- let limit = match limit_of_subtype subtype with
- | None -> None
- | Some limit when Nat.(n <= limit) -> None
- | Some limit -> Some limit
- in
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- let tok = match limit with
- | Some limit -> begin
- let mal = out_of_range_int radix limit t.tok_base cursor in
- let malformed = Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal] in
- match subtype with
- | Subtype_u8 -> Token.Tok_u8 {source; u8=malformed}
- | Subtype_i8 -> Tok_i8 {source; i8=malformed}
- | Subtype_u16 -> Tok_u16 {source; u16=malformed}
- | Subtype_i16 -> Tok_i16 {source; i16=malformed}
- | Subtype_u32 -> Tok_u32 {source; u32=malformed}
- | Subtype_i32 -> Tok_i32 {source; i32=malformed}
- | Subtype_u64 -> Tok_u64 {source; u64=malformed}
- | Subtype_i64 -> Tok_i64 {source; i64=malformed}
- | Subtype_u128 -> Tok_u128 {source; u128=malformed}
- | Subtype_i128 -> Tok_i128 {source; i128=malformed}
- | Subtype_u256 -> Tok_u256 {source; u256=malformed}
- | Subtype_i256 -> Tok_i256 {source; i256=malformed}
- | Subtype_u512 -> Tok_u512 {source; u512=malformed}
- | Subtype_i512 -> Tok_i512 {source; i512=malformed}
- | Subtype_nat
- | Subtype_zint -> not_reached ()
- end
- | None -> begin
- (* Use truncation for signed types rather than narrowing, in order to support min_value
- * for signed types. Unsigned types could use `narrow_of_nat_hlt`, but range checking
- * was already done so there's no need to validate again. *)
- match subtype with
- | Subtype_u8 -> Tok_u8 {source; u8=Constant (U8.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_i8 -> Tok_i8 {source; i8=Constant (I8.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_u16 -> Tok_u16 {source; u16=Constant (U16.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_i16 -> Tok_i16 {source; i16=Constant (I16.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_u32 -> Tok_u32 {source; u32=Constant (U32.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_i32 -> Tok_i32 {source; i32=Constant (I32.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_u64 -> Tok_u64 {source; u64=Constant (U64.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_i64 -> Tok_i64 {source; i64=Constant (I64.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_u128 -> Tok_u128 {source; u128=Constant (U128.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_i128 -> Tok_i128 {source; i128=Constant (I128.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_u256 -> Tok_u256 {source; u256=Constant (U256.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_i256 -> Tok_i256 {source; i256=Constant (I256.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_u512 -> Tok_u512 {source; u512=Constant (U512.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_i512 -> Tok_i512 {source; i512=Constant (I512.trunc_of_nat n)}
- | Subtype_nat -> Tok_nat {source; nat=Constant n}
- | Subtype_zint -> Tok_zint {source; zint=Constant (Nat.bits_to_zint n)}
- end
- in
- accept_tok tok cursor t
- let accept_integer_incl ?subtype n radix View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_integer ?subtype n radix cursor t
- let accept_integer_excl ?subtype n radix View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_integer ?subtype n radix pcursor t
- let accept_integer_pexcl ?subtype n radix View.{ppcursor; _} t =
- accept_integer ?subtype n radix ppcursor t
- let accept_zero cursor t =
- accept_integer Nat.zero Hex cursor t
- let accept_integer_bitwidth ~signedness ~bitwidth n radix cursor t =
- let subtype_opt = match signedness, Nat.to_uns_opt bitwidth with
- | Unsigned, Some 8L -> Some Subtype_u8
- | Signed, Some 8L -> Some Subtype_i8
- | Unsigned, Some 16L -> Some Subtype_u16
- | Signed, Some 16L -> Some Subtype_i16
- | Unsigned, Some 32L -> Some Subtype_u32
- | Signed, Some 32L -> Some Subtype_i32
- | Unsigned, Some 64L -> Some Subtype_u64
- | Signed, Some 64L -> Some Subtype_i64
- | Unsigned, Some 128L -> Some Subtype_u128
- | Signed, Some 128L -> Some Subtype_i128
- | Unsigned, Some 256L -> Some Subtype_u256
- | Signed, Some 256L -> Some Subtype_i256
- | Unsigned, Some 512L -> Some Subtype_u512
- | Signed, Some 512L -> Some Subtype_i512
- | _ -> None
- in
- match subtype_opt with
- | None -> begin
- let mal = unsupported_bitwidth t.tok_base cursor in
- let malformed = Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal] in
- accept_tok (Tok_u64 {source=source_at cursor t; u64=malformed}) cursor t
- end
- | Some subtype -> accept_integer ~subtype n radix cursor t
- let accept_integer_bitwidth_incl ~signedness ~bitwidth n radix View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_integer_bitwidth ~signedness ~bitwidth n radix cursor t
- let accept_integer_bitwidth_excl ~signedness ~bitwidth n radix View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_integer_bitwidth ~signedness ~bitwidth n radix pcursor t
- let accept_zero_incl View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_zero cursor t
- let accept_zero_excl View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_zero pcursor t
- let accept_zero_pexcl View.{ppcursor; _} t =
- accept_zero ppcursor t
- let accept_mal cursor t =
- let mal = malformed (invalid_numerical t.tok_base cursor) in
- accept_tok (Tok_u64 {source=source_at cursor t; u64=mal}) cursor t
- let accept_mal_incl View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_mal cursor t
- let accept_mal_excl View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_mal pcursor t
- let node0_0 = {
- edges0=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", advance (State_integer_dec (State.Integer_dec.init ~n:Nat.k_0)));
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_integer_dec (State.Integer_dec.init ~n:digit)) view t;
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "b", advance State_integer_0b);
- (cpset_of_cps "o", advance State_integer_0o);
- (cpset_of_cps "x", advance State_integer_0x);
- (cpset_of_cps "u", advance (State_integer_u (State.Integer_u.init ~n:Nat.k_0 ~radix:Dec)));
- (cpset_of_cps "i", advance (State_integer_i (State.Integer_i.init ~n:Nat.k_0 ~radix:Dec)));
- (cpset_of_cps "n", advance (State_integer_n (State.Integer_n.init ~n:Nat.k_0 ~radix:Dec)));
- (cpset_of_cps "z", advance (State_integer_z (State.Integer_z.init ~n:Nat.k_0 ~radix:Dec)));
- (cpset_of_cps "r", advance (State_real_approx_r (State.Real_approx_r.init ~r:0.)));
- (cpset_of_cps ".", advance State_integer_0_dot);
- (cpset_of_cps "e", advance (State_real_e (State.Real_e.init ~m:0.)));
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "_beinoruxz")),
- advance State_integer_mal_ident);
- ];
- default0=accept_zero_excl;
- eoi0=accept_zero_incl;
- }
- let node0_0_dot = {
- edges0=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps operator_cps, accept_zero_pexcl);
- (cpset_of_cps "e", advance (State_real_e (State.Real_e.init ~m:0.)));
- (cpset_of_cps dec_cps, fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = real_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_real_dec_dot (State.Real_dec_dot.(init ~m:0. |> accum_digit digit))) view
- t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "_", advance (State_real_dec_dot (State.Real_dec_dot.init ~m:0.)));
- (cpset_of_cps "r", advance (State_real_approx_r (State.Real_approx_r.init ~r:0.)));
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps) (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "er_")),
- fun (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_numerical t.tok_base cursor in
- advance (State_real_dec_dot (State.Real_dec_dot.mals ~mals:[mal])) view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_tok_excl (Tok_r64 {source=source_excl view t; r64=(Constant 0.)}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_r64 {source=source_incl view t; r64=(Constant 0.)}) view t);
- }
- let node0_0box ~base_cps ~state ~state_base_init =
- {
- edges0=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", advance state);
- (cpset_of_cps base_cps, fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (state_base_init digit) view t
- );
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps) (Set.union (cpset_of_cps "_") (cpset_of_cps base_cps)),
- advance State_integer_mal_ident);
- (cpset_of_cps ".", accept_mal_incl);
- ];
- default0=accept_mal_excl;
- eoi0=accept_mal_incl;
- }
- let node0_0b = node0_0box ~base_cps:bin_cps ~state:State_integer_0b
- ~state_base_init:(fun n -> State_integer_bin (State.Integer_bin.init ~n))
- let node0_0o = node0_0box ~base_cps:oct_cps ~state:State_integer_0o
- ~state_base_init:(fun n -> State_integer_oct (State.Integer_oct.init ~n))
- let node0_0x = node0_0box ~base_cps:hex_cps ~state:State_integer_0x
- ~state_base_init:(fun n -> State_integer_hex (State.Integer_hex.init ~n))
- let node1_base ~radix ~base_cps ~state_init ~ep_cp ~ep_advance ~n_of_state ~accum_digit
- ~state_dot_init ~r_advance =
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "_", fun state view t -> advance (state_init state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps base_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (state_init (state |> accum_digit digit)) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps ".", fun state view t -> advance (state_dot_init state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps ep_cp, ep_advance);
- (cpset_of_cps "u", fun state view t ->
- let n = n_of_state state in
- advance (State_integer_u (State.Integer_u.init ~n ~radix)) view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "i", fun state view t ->
- let n = n_of_state state in
- advance (State_integer_i (State.Integer_i.init ~n ~radix)) view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "n", fun state view t ->
- let n = n_of_state state in
- advance (State_integer_n (State.Integer_n.init ~n ~radix)) view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "z", fun state view t ->
- let n = n_of_state state in
- advance (State_integer_z (State.Integer_z.init ~n ~radix)) view t
- );
- (cpset_of_cps "r", r_advance);
- (Set.diff (cpset_of_cps ident_cps)
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps base_cps) (cpset_of_cps (String.join ["_inruz"; ep_cp]))),
- fun _state view t -> advance State_integer_mal_ident view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- let n = n_of_state state in
- accept_integer_excl n radix view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- let n = n_of_state state in
- accept_integer_incl n radix view t
- );
- }
- let node1_bin =
- node1_base ~radix:Bin ~base_cps:bin_cps
- ~state_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_bin state)
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_bin.{n} -> n)
- ~ep_cp:"p"
- ~ep_advance:(fun State.Integer_bin.{n} view t ->
- let m = realer_of_nat n in
- advance (State_real_p (State.Real_p.init ~m)) view t
- )
- ~accum_digit:State.Integer_bin.accum_digit
- ~state_dot_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_bin_dot state)
- ~r_advance:(fun State.Integer_bin.{n} view t ->
- let r = realer_of_nat n in
- advance (State_real_precise_r (State.Real_precise_r.init ~r)) view t
- )
- let node1_oct =
- node1_base ~radix:Oct ~base_cps:oct_cps
- ~state_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_oct state)
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_oct.{n} -> n)
- ~ep_cp:"p"
- ~ep_advance:(fun State.Integer_oct.{n} view t ->
- let m = realer_of_nat n in
- advance (State_real_p (State.Real_p.init ~m)) view t
- )
- ~accum_digit:State.Integer_oct.accum_digit
- ~state_dot_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_oct_dot state)
- ~r_advance:(fun State.Integer_oct.{n} view t ->
- let r = realer_of_nat n in
- advance (State_real_precise_r (State.Real_precise_r.init ~r)) view t
- )
- let node1_dec =
- node1_base ~radix:Dec ~base_cps:dec_cps
- ~state_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_dec state)
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_dec.{n} -> n)
- ~ep_cp:"e"
- ~ep_advance:(fun State.Integer_dec.{n} view t ->
- let m = Nat.to_real n in
- advance (State_real_e (State.Real_e.init ~m)) view t
- )
- ~accum_digit:State.Integer_dec.accum_digit
- ~state_dot_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_dec_dot state)
- ~r_advance:(fun State.Integer_dec.{n} view t ->
- let r = Nat.to_real n in
- advance (State_real_approx_r (State.Real_approx_r.init ~r)) view t
- )
- let node1_hex =
- node1_base ~radix:Hex ~base_cps:hex_cps
- ~state_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_hex state)
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_hex.{n} -> n)
- ~ep_cp:"p"
- ~ep_advance:(fun State.Integer_hex.{n} view t ->
- let m = realer_of_nat n in
- advance (State_real_p (State.Real_p.init ~m)) view t
- )
- ~accum_digit:State.Integer_hex.accum_digit
- ~state_dot_init:(fun state -> State.State_integer_hex_dot state)
- ~r_advance:(fun State.Integer_hex.{n} view t ->
- let r = realer_of_nat n in
- advance (State_real_precise_r (State.Real_precise_r.init ~r)) view t
- )
- let node1_base_dot ~radix ~n_of_state ~real_dot_retry =
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (".", fun state view t ->
- let n = n_of_state state in
- accept_integer_pexcl n radix view t
- );
- ];
- default1=real_dot_retry;
- eoi1=real_dot_retry;
- }
- let node1_bin_dot =
- node1_base_dot ~radix:Bin
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_bin_dot.{n} -> n)
- ~real_dot_retry:(fun State.Integer_bin_dot.{n} _view t ->
- let m = realer_of_nat n in
- retry (State_real_bin_dot (State.Real_bin_dot.init ~m)) t
- )
- let node1_oct_dot =
- node1_base_dot ~radix:Oct
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_oct_dot.{n} -> n)
- ~real_dot_retry:(fun State.Integer_oct_dot.{n} _view t ->
- let m = realer_of_nat n in
- retry (State_real_oct_dot (State.Real_oct_dot.init ~m)) t
- )
- let node1_dec_dot =
- node1_base_dot ~radix:Dec
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_dec_dot.{n} -> n)
- ~real_dot_retry:(fun State.Integer_bin_dot.{n} _view t ->
- let m = Nat.to_real n in
- retry (State_real_dec_dot (State.Real_dec_dot.init ~m)) t
- )
- let node1_hex_dot =
- node1_base_dot ~radix:Hex
- ~n_of_state:(fun State.Integer_hex_dot.{n} -> n)
- ~real_dot_retry:(fun State.Integer_hex_dot.{n} _view t ->
- let m = realer_of_nat n in
- retry (State_real_hex_dot (State.Real_hex_dot.init ~m)) t
- )
- let node1_u =
- let open State.Integer_u in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun {n; radix} (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_integer_u_bitwidth (State.Integer_u_bitwidth.init ~n ~radix
- ~bitwidth:digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {n; radix} view t -> accept_integer_excl ~subtype:Subtype_u64 n radix view t);
- eoi1=(fun {n; radix} view t -> accept_integer_incl ~subtype:Subtype_u64 n radix view t);
- }
- let node1_i =
- let open State.Integer_i in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun {n; radix} (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_integer_i_bitwidth (State.Integer_i_bitwidth.init ~n ~radix
- ~bitwidth:digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {n; radix} view t -> accept_integer_excl ~subtype:Subtype_i64 n radix view t);
- eoi1=(fun {n; radix} view t -> accept_integer_incl ~subtype:Subtype_i64 n radix view t);
- }
- let node1_n =
- let open State.Integer_n in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun _state view t -> advance State_integer_mal_ident view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun {n; radix} view t -> accept_integer_excl ~subtype:Subtype_nat n radix view t);
- eoi1=(fun {n; radix} view t -> accept_integer_incl ~subtype:Subtype_nat n radix view t);
- }
- let node1_z =
- let open State.Integer_z in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun _state view t -> advance State_integer_mal_ident view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun {n; radix} view t ->
- accept_integer_excl ~subtype:Subtype_zint n radix view t);
- eoi1=(fun {n; radix} view t -> accept_integer_incl ~subtype:Subtype_zint n radix view t);
- }
- let node1_u_bitwidth =
- let open State.Integer_u_bitwidth in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_integer_u_bitwidth (state |> accum_bitwidth digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {n; radix; bitwidth} view t ->
- accept_integer_bitwidth_excl ~signedness:Unsigned ~bitwidth n radix view t);
- eoi1=(fun {n; radix; bitwidth} view t ->
- accept_integer_bitwidth_incl ~signedness:Unsigned ~bitwidth n radix view t);
- }
- let node1_i_bitwidth =
- let open State.Integer_i_bitwidth in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_integer_i_bitwidth (state |> accum_bitwidth digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {n; radix; bitwidth} view t ->
- accept_integer_bitwidth_excl ~signedness:Signed ~bitwidth n radix view t);
- eoi1=(fun {n; radix; bitwidth} view t ->
- accept_integer_bitwidth_incl ~signedness:Signed ~bitwidth n radix view t);
- }
- let node0_mal_ident = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (ident_cps, advance State_integer_mal_ident);
- ];
- default0=accept_mal_excl;
- eoi0=accept_mal_incl;
- }
- end
- module Ident = struct
- let accept_uident cursor t =
- let uident_str = str_of_cursor cursor t in
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- let tok = match uident_str with
- | "and" -> Token.Tok_and {source}
- | "also" -> Token.Tok_also {source}
- | "as" -> Token.Tok_as {source}
- | "conceal" -> Token.Tok_conceal {source}
- | "effect" -> Token.Tok_effect {source}
- | "else" -> Token.Tok_else {source}
- | "expose" -> Token.Tok_expose {source}
- | "external" -> Token.Tok_external {source}
- | "false" -> Token.Tok_false {source}
- | "fn" -> Token.Tok_fn {source}
- | "function" -> Token.Tok_function {source}
- | "if" -> Token.Tok_if {source}
- | "import" -> Token.Tok_import {source}
- | "include" -> Token.Tok_include {source}
- | "lazy" -> Token.Tok_lazy {source}
- | "let" -> Token.Tok_let {source}
- | "match" -> Token.Tok_match {source}
- | "mutability" -> Token.Tok_mutability {source}
- | "of" -> Token.Tok_of {source}
- | "open" -> Token.Tok_open {source}
- | "or" -> Token.Tok_or {source}
- | "rec" -> Token.Tok_rec {source}
- | "then" -> Token.Tok_then {source}
- | "true" -> Token.Tok_true {source}
- | "type" -> Token.Tok_type {source}
- | "when" -> Token.Tok_when {source}
- | "with" -> Token.Tok_with {source}
- | _ -> Tok_uident {source; uident=Constant uident_str}
- in
- accept_tok tok cursor t
- let accept_uident_incl View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_uident cursor t
- let accept_uident_excl View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_uident pcursor t
- let accept_cident cursor t =
- let cident_str = str_of_cursor cursor t in
- accept_tok (Tok_cident {source=source_at cursor t; cident=cident_str}) cursor t
- let accept_cident_incl View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_cident cursor t
- let accept_cident_excl View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_cident pcursor t
- let accept_mal cursor t =
- let uident_str = str_of_cursor cursor t in
- let description =
- String.Fmt.empty
- |> Fmt.fmt "Identifier "
- |> Fmt.fmt uident_str
- |> Fmt.fmt " lacks _*[A-Za-z] prefix"
- |> Fmt.to_string
- in
- let mal = malformed (malformation ~base:t.tok_base ~past:cursor description) in
- accept_tok (Tok_uident {source=source_at cursor t; uident=mal}) cursor t
- let accept_mal_incl View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_mal cursor t
- let accept_mal_excl View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_mal pcursor t
- let node0_uscore = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", advance State_ident_uscore);
- (ident_cident_cps, advance State_ident_cident);
- (ident_uident_cps, advance State_ident_uident);
- (ident_continue_cps, advance State_ident_mal);
- ];
- default0=accept_mal_excl;
- eoi0=accept_mal_incl;
- }
- let node0_uident = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (ident_cps, advance State_ident_uident);
- ];
- default0=accept_uident_excl;
- eoi0=accept_uident_incl;
- }
- let node0_cident = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (ident_cps, advance State_ident_cident);
- ];
- default0=accept_cident_excl;
- eoi0=accept_cident_incl;
- }
- let node0_mal = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (ident_cps, advance State_ident_mal);
- ];
- default0=accept_mal_excl;
- eoi0=accept_mal_incl;
- }
- end
- module Operator = struct
- let accept_operator f cursor t =
- let op = str_of_cursor cursor t in
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- let tok = match op with
- | "|" -> Token.Tok_bar {source}
- | ":" -> Tok_colon {source}
- | "::" -> Tok_colon_colon {source}
- | ":=" -> Tok_colon_eq {source}
- | "." -> Tok_dot {source}
- | ".." -> Tok_dot_dot {source}
- | "-" -> Tok_minus {source}
- | "^" -> Tok_caret {source}
- | "<" -> Tok_lt {source}
- | "<=" -> Tok_lt_eq {source}
- | "=" -> Tok_eq {source}
- | "<>" -> Tok_lt_gt {source}
- | ">=" -> Tok_gt_eq {source}
- | ">" -> Tok_gt {source}
- | "->" -> Tok_arrow {source}
- | "~->" -> Tok_carrow {source}
- | _ -> f source op
- in
- accept_tok tok cursor t
- let accept_operator_incl f View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_operator f cursor t
- let accept_operator_excl f View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_operator f pcursor t
- let node0_tilde = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_tilde)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_tilde_op {source; tilde_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_tilde_op {source; tilde_op=s});
- }
- let node0_qmark = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_qmark)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_qmark_op {source; qmark_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_qmark_op {source; qmark_op=s});
- }
- let node0_star_star = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_star_star)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_star_star_op {source; star_star_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_star_star_op {source; star_star_op=s});
- }
- let node0_star = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_star)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_star_op {source; star_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_star_op {source; star_op=s});
- }
- let node0_slash = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_slash)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_slash_op {source; slash_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_slash_op {source; slash_op=s});
- }
- let node0_pct = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_pct)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_pct_op {source; pct_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_pct_op {source; pct_op=s});
- }
- let node0_plus = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_plus)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_plus_op {source; plus_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_plus_op {source; plus_op=s});
- }
- let node0_minus = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_minus)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_minus_op {source; minus_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_minus_op {source; minus_op=s});
- }
- let node0_at = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_at)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_at_op {source; at_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_at_op {source; at_op=s});
- }
- let node0_caret = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_caret)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_caret_op {source; caret_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_caret_op {source; caret_op=s});
- }
- let node0_dollar = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_dollar)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_dollar_op {source; dollar_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_dollar_op {source; dollar_op=s});
- }
- let node0_lt = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_lt)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_lt_op {source; lt_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_lt_op {source; lt_op=s});
- }
- let node0_eq = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_eq)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_eq_op {source; eq_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_eq_op {source; eq_op=s});
- }
- let node0_gt = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_gt)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_gt_op {source; gt_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_gt_op {source; gt_op=s});
- }
- let node0_bar = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_bar)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_bar_op {source; bar_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_bar_op {source; bar_op=s});
- }
- let node0_colon = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_colon)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_colon_op {source; colon_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_colon_op {source; colon_op=s});
- }
- let node0_dot = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [(operator_cps, advance State_operator_dot)];
- default0=accept_operator_excl (fun source s -> Tok_dot_op {source; dot_op=s});
- eoi0=accept_operator_incl (fun source s -> Tok_dot_op {source; dot_op=s});
- }
- end
- module ParenComment = struct
- let eoi1 _state View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_tok (Tok_paren_comment {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- paren_comment=malformed (unterminated_comment t.tok_base cursor)}
- ) cursor t
- let default1 state view t =
- advance (State_paren_comment_body state) view t
- let node1_body = {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("*", fun state view t -> advance (State_paren_comment_star state) view t);
- ("(", fun state view t -> advance (State_paren_comment_lparen state) view t);
- ];
- default1;
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_lparen = {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("*", fun State.Paren_comment_lparen.{nesting} view t ->
- advance (State_paren_comment_body (State.Paren_comment_body.init ~nesting:(succ
- nesting))) view t
- );
- ("(", fun state view t -> advance (State_paren_comment_lparen state) view t);
- ];
- default1;
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_star = {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("*", fun state view t -> advance (State_paren_comment_star state) view t);
- ("(", fun state view t -> advance (State_paren_comment_lparen state) view t);
- (")", fun {nesting} view t ->
- match nesting with
- | 1L -> begin
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_paren_comment {
- source=source_incl view t;
- paren_comment=Constant ()
- }) view t
- end
- | _ ->
- advance (State_paren_comment_body (State.Paren_comment_body.init
- ~nesting:(pred nesting))) view t
- );
- ];
- default1;
- eoi1;
- }
- end
- module SrcDirective = struct
- let max_abs_i64 = Nat.like_of_zint_hlt (Zint.abs I64.(extend_to_zint min_value))
- let render_source_directive ~mals ~path ~line ~indent ~omit =
- match mals with
- | [] -> begin
- let path = match path with
- | None -> None
- | Some cps -> Some (Path.of_string (String.of_list_rev cps))
- in
- let line = match line with
- | None -> None
- | Some line -> Some (Nat.to_u64_hlt line)
- in
- let io = match indent, omit with
- | None, None -> None
- | Some indent, Some omit ->
- Some Token.{indent=(Nat.to_u64_hlt indent); omit=(Nat.to_u64_hlt omit)}
- | Some _, None
- | None, Some _ -> not_reached ()
- in
- Token.Rendition.Constant Token.{path; line; io}
- end
- | _ :: _ -> Token.Rendition.of_mals mals
- let node0_colon = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("\"", advance (State_src_directive_path State.Src_directive_path.empty));
- ("_", advance (State_src_directive_path_colon State.Src_directive_path_colon.empty));
- (dec_lead_cps, fun ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_line (State.Src_directive_line.init ~mals:[] ~path:None
- ~line_cursor:pcursor ~line:(Some digit))) view t);
- ("]", fun view t ->
- let tok =
- render_source_directive ~mals:[] ~path:None ~line:None ~indent:None ~omit:None in
- accept_source_directive tok view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_line (State.Src_directive_line.init ~mals:[mal] ~path:None
- ~line_cursor:cursor ~line:None)) view t
- );
- eoi0=(fun ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_incl view t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal]
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_path =
- let open State.Src_directive_path in
- let open View in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("%", fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = missing_backslash pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- ("\"", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_rditto state) view t);
- ("\\", fun {mals; path} ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path_bslash {mals; path; bslash_cursor=pcursor}) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_path (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor))) view
- t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_path_bslash =
- let open State.Src_directive_path_bslash in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("u", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_path_bslash_u state) view t);
- ("t", fun state view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_path Codepoint.ht)) view t);
- ("n", fun state view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_path Codepoint.nl)) view t);
- ("r", fun state view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_path Codepoint.cr)) view t);
- ("\"\\%", fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_path (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor)))
- view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = illegal_backslash bslash_cursor cursor in
- retry (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_mals mal)) t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_path_bslash_u =
- let open State.Src_directive_path_bslash_u in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("{", fun {mals; path; bslash_cursor} view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly
- (State.Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly.init ~mals ~path ~bslash_cursor)) view t
- );
- ("\"", fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_rditto (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_path_bslash_u_lcurly =
- let open State.Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly state) view t);
- (hex_cps, fun {mals; path; bslash_cursor} ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex
- (State.Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex.init ~mals ~path ~bslash_cursor
- ~hex:digit)) view t
- );
- ("\"", fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_rditto (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex =
- let open State.Src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex state) view t);
- (hex_cps, fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex (state |> accum_hex digit)) view
- t
- );
- ("}", fun ({bslash_cursor; hex; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_path (
- Option.value_map (Nat.to_uns_opt hex)
- ~f:(fun u -> Codepoint.narrow_of_uns_opt u)
- ~default:None
- |> Option.value_map
- ~f:(fun cp -> (state |> accum_path cp))
- ~default:(state |> accum_mals (invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor))
- )) view t
- );
- ("\"", fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_rditto (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_path (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_rditto =
- let open State.Src_directive_rditto in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (":", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_path_colon state) view t);
- ("]", fun {mals; path} view t ->
- let tok = render_source_directive ~mals ~path ~line:None ~indent:None ~omit:None in
- accept_source_directive tok view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_rditto (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_path_colon =
- let open State.Src_directive_path_colon in
- let open View in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_path_colon state) view t);
- (dec_lead_cps, fun {mals; path} ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_line (State.Src_directive_line.init ~mals ~path
- ~line_cursor:pcursor ~line:(Some digit))) view t);
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_rditto (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_line =
- let open State.Src_directive_line in
- let validate_line {mals; line_cursor; line; _} View.{pcursor; _} = begin
- match line with
- | Some line -> begin
- match Nat.(line > max_abs_i64) with
- | false -> mals, Some line
- | true -> begin
- let description =
- String.Fmt.empty
- |> Fmt.fmt "Line exceeds "
- |> Nat.fmt ~alt:true max_abs_i64
- |> Fmt.to_string
- in
- let mal = malformation ~base:line_cursor ~past:pcursor description in
- (mal :: mals), None
- end
- end
- | None -> mals, None
- end in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_line state) view t);
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_line (state |> accum_line digit)) view t
- );
- (":", fun ({path; _} as state) view t ->
- let mals, line = validate_line state view in
- advance (State_src_directive_line_colon (State.Src_directive_line_colon.init ~mals
- ~path ~line)) view t
- );
- ("]", fun ({path; _} as state) view t ->
- let mals, line = validate_line state view in
- let tok = render_source_directive ~mals ~path ~line ~indent:None ~omit:None in
- accept_source_directive tok view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {mals; path; _} ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_line (init ~mals:(mal :: mals) ~path ~line_cursor:cursor
- ~line:None)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_line_colon =
- let open State.Src_directive_line_colon in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_line_colon state) view t);
- ("0", fun {mals; path; line} view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_indent_0 (State.Src_directive_indent_0.init ~mals ~path
- ~line)) view t);
- (dec_lead_cps, fun {mals; path; line} (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_indent (State.Src_directive_indent.init ~mals ~path ~line
- ~indent_cursor:pcursor ~indent:digit)) view t);
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_line_colon (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_indent =
- let open State.Src_directive_indent in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_indent state) view t);
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_indent (state |> accum_indent digit)) view t
- );
- ("+", fun {mals; path; line; indent_cursor; indent} ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mals = match Nat.(indent % k_4 = k_0) with
- | true -> mals
- | false -> begin
- let mal = malformation ~base:indent_cursor ~past:pcursor
- "Indentation is not a multiple of 4" in
- (mal :: mals)
- end
- in
- let mals, indent = match Nat.(indent > max_abs_i64) with
- | false -> mals, Some indent
- | true -> begin
- let description =
- String.Fmt.empty
- |> Fmt.fmt "Indentation exceeds "
- |> Nat.fmt ~alt:true max_abs_i64
- |> Fmt.to_string
- in
- let mal = malformation ~base:indent_cursor ~past:pcursor description in
- (mal :: mals), None
- end
- in
- advance (State_src_directive_indent_plus (State.Src_directive_indent_plus.init ~mals
- ~path ~line ~indent)) view t
- );
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_indent (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_indent_0 =
- let open State.Src_directive_indent_0 in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_indent_0 state) view t);
- ("+", fun {mals; path; line} view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_indent_plus (State.Src_directive_indent_plus.init ~mals
- ~path ~line ~indent:(Some Nat.k_0))) view t
- );
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_indent_0 (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_indent_plus =
- let open State.Src_directive_indent_plus in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_indent_plus state) view t);
- ("0", fun {mals; path; line; indent} view t ->
- advance (State_src_directive_omit_0 (State.Src_directive_omit_0.init ~mals ~path
- ~line ~indent)) view t);
- (dec_lead_cps, fun {mals; path; line; indent} (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_omit (State.Src_directive_omit.init ~mals ~path ~line
- ~indent ~omit_cursor:pcursor ~omit:digit)) view t);
- ("]", fun {mals; _} {pcursor; cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_indent_plus (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_omit =
- let open State.Src_directive_omit in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_omit state) view t);
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_src_directive_omit (state |> accum_omit digit)) view t
- );
- ("]", fun {mals; path; line; indent; omit_cursor; omit} ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mals, omit = match Nat.(omit > max_abs_i64) with
- | false -> mals, Some omit
- | true -> begin
- let description =
- String.Fmt.empty
- |> Fmt.fmt "Omitted columns exceeds "
- |> Nat.fmt ~alt:true max_abs_i64
- |> Fmt.to_string
- in
- let mal = malformation ~base:omit_cursor ~past:pcursor description in
- (mal :: mals), None
- end
- in
- let tok = render_source_directive ~mals ~path ~line ~indent ~omit in
- accept_source_directive tok view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_omit (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- let node1_omit_0 =
- let open State.Src_directive_omit_0 in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_src_directive_omit_0 state) view t);
- ("]", fun {mals; path; line; indent} view t ->
- let tok = render_source_directive ~mals ~path ~line ~indent ~omit:(Some Nat.k_0) in
- accept_source_directive tok view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unexpected_codepoint_source_directive pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_src_directive_omit_0 (state |> accum_mals mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {mals; _} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = unterminated_source_directive t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_tok (Tok_source_directive {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- source_directive=Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal :: mals)
- }) cursor t
- );
- }
- end
- module Dentation = struct
- type alignment =
- | Aligned
- | Continued
- | Misaligned
- type level_change =
- | Level_dedent
- | Level_stable
- | Level_indent
- | Level_excess_indent
- let tok_missing_indent cursor t =
- Token.Tok_indent {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- indent=malformed (malformation ~base:cursor ~past:cursor "Missing indent")
- }
- let tok_missing_dedent cursor t =
- Token.Tok_dedent {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- dedent=malformed (malformation ~base:cursor ~past:cursor "Missing dedent")
- }
- let accept_dentation tok cursor t =
- assert Source.Cursor.(t.tok_base = cursor);
- accept_tok tok cursor t
- let other ~retry_state cursor t =
- let col = match t.line_state with
- | Line_begin
- | Line_whitespace -> Text.Pos.col (Source.Cursor.pos cursor)
- | Line_start_col col -> col
- | Line_body -> not_reached ()
- in
- (* Compute level and alignement such that misaligned cases are rounded to the nearest level.
- *)
- let level, alignment = match col / 4L, col % 4L with
- | floor_level, 0L -> Level.update floor_level t.level, Aligned
- | floor_level, 1L -> Level.update floor_level t.level, Misaligned
- | floor_level, 2L -> Level.update floor_level t.level, Continued
- | floor_level, 3L -> Level.update (succ floor_level) t.level, Misaligned
- | _ -> not_reached ()
- in
- let level_change = match Level.cmp t.level level with
- | Lt -> begin
- match Level.(=) (Level.succ t.level) level with
- | true -> Level_indent
- | false -> Level_excess_indent
- end
- | Eq -> Level_stable
- | Gt -> Level_dedent
- in
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- (* The following patterns incrementally handle all dentation/alignment cases. Malformed tokens
- * are synthesized in error cases such that the cursor does not advance, but the level is
- * incrementally adjusted to converge. The overall result is that Tok_indent/Tok_dedent
- * nesting is always well formed. *)
- match t.block_state, t.line_state, level_change, alignment with
- (* New expression at same level. *)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_stable, Aligned ->
- retry retry_state {t with level; block_state=Block_nonempty; line_state=Line_body}
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_stable, Aligned ->
- accept_dentation (Tok_line_delim {source}) cursor {t with line_state=Line_body}
- (* Continued expression at current level. *)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_stable, Continued ->
- accept_dentation (Tok_misaligned {source}) cursor
- {t with block_state=Block_nonempty; line_state=Line_body}
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_stable, Continued ->
- retry retry_state {t with line_state=Line_body}
- (* New expression at higher level. *)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_indent, Aligned ->
- accept_dentation (tok_missing_indent cursor t) cursor
- {t with level=Level.succ t.level; block_state=Block_nonempty; line_state=Line_body}
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_indent, Aligned ->
- accept_dentation (Tok_indent {source; indent=Constant ()}) cursor
- {t with level; line_state=Line_body}
- (* New/continued expression at lower level. *)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_dedent,
- (Aligned|Continued) -> not_reached ()
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_dedent,
- (Aligned|Continued) ->
- accept_dentation (Tok_dedent {source; dedent=Constant ()}) cursor
- {t with level=Level.pred t.level}
- (* Misaligned at lower level. *)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_dedent, Misaligned ->
- not_reached ()
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_dedent, Misaligned ->
- accept_dentation (tok_missing_dedent cursor t) cursor {t with level=Level.pred t.level}
- (* Misaligned at current level. *)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_stable, Misaligned ->
- accept_dentation (Tok_misaligned {source}) cursor
- {t with block_state=Block_nonempty; line_state=Line_body}
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_stable, Misaligned ->
- accept_dentation (Tok_misaligned {source}) cursor {t with line_state=Line_body}
- (* Excess indentation. *)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_indent,
- (Continued|Misaligned)
- | Block_primal, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_excess_indent,
- (Aligned|Continued|Misaligned) ->
- accept_dentation (tok_missing_indent cursor t) cursor
- {t with level=Level.succ t.level; block_state=Block_nonempty}
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), Level_indent,
- (Continued|Misaligned)
- | Block_nonempty, (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _),
- Level_excess_indent, (Aligned|Continued|Misaligned) ->
- accept_dentation (tok_missing_indent cursor t) cursor {t with level=Level.succ t.level}
- | _, Line_body, _, _ -> not_reached ()
- let other_excl ~retry_state View.{pcursor; _} t =
- other ~retry_state pcursor t
- let other_pexcl ~retry_state View.{ppcursor; _} t =
- other ~retry_state ppcursor t
- let accept_whitespace cursor t =
- assert Source.Cursor.(t.tok_base < cursor);
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- match t.line_state with
- | Line_begin ->
- accept_tok (Tok_whitespace {source}) cursor {t with line_state=Line_whitespace}
- | Line_start_col _ ->
- accept_tok (Tok_whitespace {source}) cursor t
- | Line_whitespace (* Consecutive whitespace tokens is impossible. *)
- | Line_body -> not_reached ()
- let accept_whitespace_incl View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_whitespace cursor t
- let accept_whitespace_excl View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_whitespace pcursor t
- let advance ?line_state state view t =
- let t' = match line_state with
- | None -> t
- | Some line_state -> {t with line_state}
- in
- advance state view t'
- let node0_start = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (" ", advance State_dentation_space);
- ("#", advance ~line_state:Line_body State_hash_comment);
- ("(", advance State_dentation_lparen);
- ("\n", fun view t ->
- match t.line_state with
- | Line_begin -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_whitespace {source=source_incl view t}) view t
- | Line_whitespace
- | Line_start_col _ ->
- accept_line_break_incl (Tok_whitespace {source=source_incl view t}) view t
- | Line_body -> not_reached ()
- );
- ];
- default0=other_excl ~retry_state:State_start;
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- match t.line_state, Level.level t.level with
- | (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), 0L ->
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_end_of_input {source=source_incl view t}) view t
- | (Line_begin|Line_whitespace|Line_start_col _), t_level ->
- accept_tok_incl (Tok_dedent {source=source_incl view t; dedent=Constant ()}) view
- {t with level=Level.update (pred t_level) t.level}
- | _ -> not_reached ()
- );
- }
- let node0_lparen = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("*", fun (View.{ppcursor; _} as view) t ->
- match t.line_state with
- | Line_begin
- | Line_whitespace -> begin
- let col = Text.Pos.col (Source.Cursor.pos ppcursor) in
- advance ~line_state:(Line_start_col col) (State_paren_comment_body
- (State.Paren_comment_body.init ~nesting:1L)) view t
- end
- | Line_start_col _ ->
- advance (State_paren_comment_body (State.Paren_comment_body.init ~nesting:1L)) view t
- | Line_body -> not_reached ()
- );
- ];
- default0=other_pexcl ~retry_state:State_lparen;
- eoi0=other_excl ~retry_state:State_lparen;
- }
- let node0_space = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (" ", advance State_dentation_space);
- ("\n", fun view t ->
- accept_line_break_incl (Tok_whitespace {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ];
- default0=accept_whitespace_excl;
- eoi0=accept_whitespace_incl;
- }
- end
- let node0_whitespace = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (" ", advance State_whitespace);
- ("\n", fun view t ->
- accept_line_break_incl (Tok_whitespace {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_whitespace {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_whitespace {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- let node0_hash_comment = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("\n", fun view t ->
- accept_line_break_incl (Tok_hash_comment {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- ];
- default0=advance State_hash_comment;
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_line_break_incl (Tok_hash_comment {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- module Codepoint_ = struct
- let accept_rendition rendition cursor t =
- match in_fstring t with
- | true ->
- accept_fstring_trans Fstring_spec_pad_seen
- (Tok_fstring_pad {source=source_at cursor t; fstring_pad=rendition}) cursor t
- | false ->
- accept_tok (Tok_codepoint {source=source_at cursor t; codepoint=rendition}) cursor t
- let accept_rendition_incl rendition View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_rendition rendition cursor t
- let accept_rendition_pexcl rendition View.{ppcursor; _} t =
- accept_rendition rendition ppcursor t
- let eoi0 View.{cursor; _} t =
- let mal = unterminated_codepoint t.tok_base cursor in
- let rendition = Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal] in
- accept_rendition rendition cursor t
- let eoi1 _state view t =
- eoi0 view t
- let node0_tick = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("\\", fun (View.{pcursor=bslash_cursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_codepoint_bslash (State.Codepoint_bslash.init ~bslash_cursor)) view t);
- ("'", fun ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = empty_codepoint t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_rendition_incl (Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal]) view t
- );
- ("\t\n\r", fun ({pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_codepoint pcursor cursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init ~mal)) view t
- );
- ("�", fun (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match Source.Cursor.rvalid pcursor with
- | false -> begin
- let mal = invalid_utf8 pcursor cursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init ~mal)) view t
- end
- | true -> begin
- let cp = Source.Cursor.rget pcursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_raw_cp (State.Codepoint_raw_cp.init ~cp)) view t
- end
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let cp = Source.Cursor.rget pcursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_raw_cp (State.Codepoint_raw_cp.init ~cp)) view t
- );
- eoi0;
- }
- let node1_bslash =
- let open State.Codepoint_bslash in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("u", fun state view t -> advance (State_codepoint_bslash_u state) view t);
- ("t", fun _state view t ->
- advance (State_codepoint_interpolated_cp (State.Codepoint_interpolated_cp.init
- ~cp:Codepoint.ht)) view t);
- ("n", fun _state view t ->
- advance (State_codepoint_interpolated_cp (State.Codepoint_interpolated_cp.init
- ~cp:Codepoint.nl)) view t);
- ("r", fun _state view t ->
- advance (State_codepoint_interpolated_cp (State.Codepoint_interpolated_cp.init
- ~cp:Codepoint.cr)) view t);
- ("'\\", fun _state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let cp = Source.Cursor.rget pcursor in
- advance (State_codepoint_interpolated_cp (State.Codepoint_interpolated_cp.init ~cp))
- view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {bslash_cursor} (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = illegal_backslash bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init ~mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_bslash_u = {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("{", fun state view t -> advance (State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly state) view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun {bslash_cursor} (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init ~mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_bslash_u_lcurly = {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly state) view t);
- (hex_cps, fun {bslash_cursor} (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex (State.Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex.init
- ~bslash_cursor ~hex:digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {bslash_cursor} (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init ~mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_bslash_u_lcurly_hex =
- let open State.Codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex state) view t);
- (hex_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex (state |> accum_hex digit)) view t
- );
- ("}", fun {bslash_cursor; hex} ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (
- Option.value_map (Nat.to_uns_opt hex)
- ~f:(fun u -> Codepoint.narrow_of_uns_opt u)
- ~default:None
- |> Option.value_map
- ~f:(fun cp -> State.State_codepoint_interpolated_cp
- (State.Codepoint_interpolated_cp.init ~cp))
- ~default:(State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init
- ~mal:(invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor)))
- ) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {bslash_cursor; _} (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init ~mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_interpolated_cp =
- let open State.Codepoint_interpolated_cp in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("'", fun {cp} view t -> accept_rendition_incl (Constant cp) view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun _state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = excess_codepoint pcursor cursor in
- advance (State.State_codepoint_mal (State.Codepoint_mal.init ~mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_raw_cp =
- let open State.Codepoint_raw_cp in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("'", fun {cp} view t -> accept_rendition_incl (Constant cp) view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun _state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match in_fstring t with
- | true -> begin
- let mal = unterminated_codepoint t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_rendition_pexcl (Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal]) view t
- end
- | false -> accept_tok_pexcl (Tok_tick {source=source_pexcl view t}) view t);
- eoi1;
- }
- let node1_mal =
- let open State.Codepoint_mal in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("'", fun {mal} view t -> accept_rendition_incl (Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal]) view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t -> advance (State.State_codepoint_mal state) view t);
- eoi1=(fun {mal} (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal2 = unterminated_codepoint t.tok_base cursor in
- accept_rendition_incl (Token.Rendition.of_mals (mal2 :: [mal])) view t
- );
- }
- end
- module Rstring = struct
- let accept_mals mals cursor t =
- let open Token in
- let malformed = Rendition.of_mals mals in
- accept_tok (Tok_rstring {source=source_at cursor t; rstring=malformed}) cursor t
- let accept_mals_incl mals View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_mals mals cursor t
- let node1_ltag =
- let open State.Rstring_ltag in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps ident_cps, fun state view t -> advance (State_rstring_ltag state) view t);
- (cpset_of_cps "`", fun {mals; ltag_base} (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let ltag = Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:ltag_base ~past:pcursor in
- let state' = State.Rstring_body.init ~mals ~ltag ~body_base:cursor in
- advance (State_rstring_body state') view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_tag pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_rstring_ltag (state |> accum_mal ~mal)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unterminated_string t.tok_base cursor in
- let state' = accum_mal ~mal state in
- accept_mals_incl state'.mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_body =
- let open State.Rstring_body in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("`", fun {mals; ltag; body_base} (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let body = Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:body_base ~past:pcursor in
- let state' = State.Rstring_rtag.init ~mals ~ltag ~body in
- advance (State_rstring_rtag state') view t
- );
- ("�", fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let state' = match Source.Cursor.rvalid pcursor with
- | false -> begin
- let mal = invalid_utf8 pcursor cursor in
- state |> accum_mal ~mal
- end
- | true -> state
- in
- advance (State_rstring_body state') view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t -> advance (State_rstring_body state) view t);
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unterminated_string t.tok_base cursor in
- let state' = accum_mal ~mal state in
- accept_mals_incl state'.mals view t
- );
- }
- let node1_rtag =
- let open State.Rstring_rtag in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("`", fun {mals; ltag; body; ltag_cursor} (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let ltag_past = Source.Slice.past ltag in
- match Source.Cursor.(ltag_cursor = ltag_past) with
- | false -> begin
- let body' =
- Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:(Source.Slice.base body) ~past:pcursor in
- let state' = State.Rstring_rtag.init ~mals ~ltag ~body:body' in
- advance (State_rstring_rtag state') view t
- end
- | true -> begin
- match mals with
- | _ :: _ -> accept_mals_incl mals view t
- | [] -> begin
- let open Token in
- accept_tok (Tok_rstring {
- source=source_incl view t;
- rstring=Constant (Source.Slice.to_string body)
- }) cursor t
- end
- end
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun ({mals; ltag; body; ltag_cursor} as state) (View.{pcursor; _} as view)
- t ->
- let lcp = Source.Cursor.rget ltag_cursor in
- let rcp = Source.Cursor.rget pcursor in
- match Codepoint.(lcp = rcp) with
- | false -> begin
- let state' =
- State.Rstring_body.init ~mals ~ltag ~body_base:(Source.Slice.base body) in
- advance (State_rstring_body state') view t
- end
- | true -> advance (State_rstring_rtag (State.Rstring_rtag.next state)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = unterminated_string t.tok_base cursor in
- let state' = accum_mal ~mal state in
- accept_mals_incl state'.mals view t
- );
- }
- end
- (* Istring states are also used for fstrings. Source directives, on the other hand, have their own
- * istring scanning implementation. *)
- module Istring = struct
- let accept_istring accum cursor t =
- accept_tok (Token.Tok_istring {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- istring=State.CodepointAccum.to_istring accum
- }) cursor t
- let accept_istring_incl accum View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_istring accum cursor t
- let accept_mal accum cursor t =
- let open State.CodepointAccum in
- assert (match accum with Codepoints _ -> false | Malformations _ -> true);
- match in_fstring t with
- | true ->
- accept_tok (Token.Tok_fstring_interpolated {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- fstring_interpolated=to_fstring_interpolated accum
- }) cursor t
- | false -> accept_istring accum cursor t
- let accept_mal_incl accum View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_mal accum cursor t
- let accept_eoi accum cursor t =
- let open State.CodepointAccum in
- match in_fstring t with
- | true -> begin
- match accum with
- | Codepoints [] -> retry_fstring_eoi t
- | _ ->
- accept_fstring_pop_tok (Token.Tok_fstring_interpolated {
- source=source_at cursor t;
- fstring_interpolated=to_fstring_interpolated accum
- }) cursor t
- end
- | false -> begin
- let mal = unterminated_string cursor cursor in
- let accum' = accum |> accum_mal mal in
- accept_istring accum' cursor t
- end
- let accept_eoi_incl accum View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_eoi accum cursor t
- let node1_start =
- let open State.Istring_body in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("%", fun {accum} (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match in_fstring t with
- | false -> begin
- let interpolated_base = Source.Cursor.succ t.tok_base in
- let lditto_tok =
- Token.Tok_fstring_lditto {source=source_at interpolated_base t} in
- let pct_tok = Token.Tok_fstring_pct {source=Source.Slice.of_cursors
- ~base:pcursor ~past:cursor} in
- let fstring_state = match Source.Cursor.(interpolated_base = pcursor) with
- | true -> Fstring_spec_pct_seen [pct_tok]
- | false -> begin
- let interpolated_tok = Token.Tok_fstring_interpolated {
- source=Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:interpolated_base ~past:pcursor;
- fstring_interpolated=State.CodepointAccum.to_fstring_interpolated accum
- } in
- Fstring_spec_pct_seen [interpolated_tok; pct_tok]
- end
- in
- accept_fstring_push_tok_incl fstring_state lditto_tok view t
- end
- | true -> begin
- let pct_tok = Token.Tok_fstring_pct {source=Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:pcursor
- ~past:cursor} in
- let fstring_state, tok = match Source.Cursor.(t.tok_base = pcursor) with
- | true -> Fstring_spec_pct_seen [], pct_tok
- | false -> begin
- let interpolated_tok = Token.Tok_fstring_interpolated {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_interpolated=State.CodepointAccum.to_fstring_interpolated accum
- } in
- Fstring_spec_pct_seen [pct_tok], interpolated_tok
- end
- in
- accept_fstring_trans_tok_incl fstring_state tok view t
- end
- );
- ("\"", fun {accum} (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- match in_fstring t with
- | true -> begin
- let rditto_tok = Token.Tok_fstring_rditto {
- source=Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:pcursor ~past:cursor} in
- let fstring_states' = List.tl t.fstring_states in
- match Source.Cursor.(t.tok_base = pcursor) with
- | true ->
- {t with tok_base=cursor; fstring_states=fstring_states'}, Accept rditto_tok
- | false -> begin
- let interpolated_tok = Token.Tok_fstring_interpolated {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_interpolated=State.CodepointAccum.to_fstring_interpolated accum
- } in
- accept_fstring_trans_tok_incl (Fstring_rditto_seen rditto_tok)
- interpolated_tok view t
- end
- end
- | false -> accept_istring_incl accum view t
- );
- ("\\", fun {accum} ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_istring_bslash (State.Istring_bslash.init ~accum
- ~bslash_cursor:pcursor)) view t
- );
- ("\t\r", fun state (View.{pcursor; cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_codepoint pcursor cursor in
- advance (State_istring_body (state |> accum_mal mal)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let cp = Source.Cursor.rget pcursor in
- advance (State_istring_body (state |> accum_cp cp)) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun {accum} view t -> accept_eoi_incl accum view t);
- }
- let node1_bslash =
- let open State.Istring_bslash in
- let accum_interpolated cp state view t = begin
- let state' = state |> accum_cp cp in
- advance (State_istring_body (State.Istring_body.init ~accum:state'.accum)) view t
- end in
- let accum_raw state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t = begin
- let cp = Source.Cursor.rget pcursor in
- accum_interpolated cp state view t
- end in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("u", fun {accum; bslash_cursor} view t ->
- advance (State_istring_bslash_u (State.Istring_bslash.init ~accum ~bslash_cursor))
- view t
- );
- ("t", accum_interpolated Codepoint.ht);
- ("n", accum_interpolated Codepoint.nl);
- ("r", accum_interpolated Codepoint.cr);
- ("\"\\%", accum_raw);
- ("\n", fun {accum; _} view t ->
- advance (State_istring_body (State.Istring_body.init ~accum)) view t);
- ];
- default1=(fun {accum; bslash_cursor} {cursor; _} t ->
- let mal = illegal_backslash bslash_cursor cursor in
- let accum' = State.CodepointAccum.accum_mal mal accum in
- t, Retry (State_istring_body (State.Istring_body.init ~accum:accum'))
- );
- eoi1=(fun {accum; _} view t -> accept_eoi_incl accum view t);
- }
- let node1_bslash_u =
- let open State.Istring_bslash_u in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("{", fun {accum; bslash_cursor} view t ->
- advance (State_istring_bslash_u_lcurly {accum; bslash_cursor; u=Nat.k_0}) view t
- );
- ("\"", fun {accum; bslash_cursor} ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = illegal_backslash bslash_cursor cursor in
- accept_mal_incl (State.CodepointAccum.accum_mal mal accum) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) View.{pcursor; _} t ->
- let mal = illegal_backslash bslash_cursor pcursor in
- let state' = state |> accum_mal mal in
- t, Retry (State_istring_body (State.Istring_body.init ~accum:state'.accum))
- );
- eoi1=(fun {accum; _} view t -> accept_eoi_incl accum view t);
- }
- let node1_bslash_u_lcurly =
- let open State.Istring_bslash_u_lcurly in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("_", fun state view t -> advance (State_istring_bslash_u_lcurly state) view t);
- (hex_cps, fun state ({pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let cp = Source.Cursor.rget pcursor in
- advance (State_istring_bslash_u_lcurly (state |> accum_hex cp)) view t
- );
- ("}", fun ({bslash_cursor; u; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- Option.value_map (Nat.to_uns_opt u)
- ~f:(fun u -> Codepoint.narrow_of_uns_opt u)
- ~default:None
- |> Option.value_map
- ~f:(fun cp ->
- let state' = state |> accum_cp cp in
- advance (State_istring_body (State.Istring_body.init ~accum:state'.accum)) view t
- )
- ~default:(
- let mal = invalid_unicode bslash_cursor cursor in
- let state' = state |> accum_mal mal in
- t, Retry (State_istring_body (State.Istring_body.init ~accum:state'.accum))
- )
- );
- ("\"", fun ({bslash_cursor; _} as state) ({cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor cursor in
- let state' = state |> accum_mal mal in
- accept_mal_incl state'.accum view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun {accum; bslash_cursor; _} View.{pcursor; _} t ->
- let mal = invalid_unicode_escape bslash_cursor pcursor in
- t, Retry (State_istring_body {accum=State.CodepointAccum.accum_mal mal accum})
- );
- eoi1=(fun {accum; _} view t -> accept_eoi_incl accum view t);
- }
- end
- module Fstring = struct
- let accept_mal fstring_state description tok_of_mal cursor t =
- let mal = malformation ~base:t.tok_base ~past:cursor description in
- accept_fstring_trans fstring_state (tok_of_mal mal) cursor t
- let accept_mal_incl fstring_state description tok_of_mal View.{cursor; _} t =
- accept_mal fstring_state description tok_of_mal cursor t
- let accept_mal_excl fstring_state description tok_of_mal View.{pcursor; _} t =
- accept_mal fstring_state description tok_of_mal pcursor t
- let eoi0 _view t =
- retry_fstring_eoi t
- let edges0_pad = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("'", advance State_codepoint_tick);
- ]
- let edges0_just = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("<", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_tok_incl Fstring_spec_just_seen (Tok_fstring_just {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_just=Fmt.Left
- }) view t);
- ("^", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_just_seen (Tok_fstring_just {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_just=Fmt.Center
- }) view t);
- (">", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_just_seen (Tok_fstring_just {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_just=Fmt.Right
- }) view t);
- ]
- let edges0_sign = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("+", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_sign_seen (Tok_fstring_sign {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_sign=Fmt.Explicit
- }) view t);
- ("_", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_sign_seen (Tok_fstring_sign {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_sign=Fmt.Space
- }) view t);
- ]
- let edges0_alt = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("#", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_alt_seen (Tok_fstring_alt {
- source=source_incl view t
- }) view t);
- ]
- let edges0_zpad = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("0", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_zpad_seen (Tok_fstring_zpad {
- source=source_incl view t
- }) view t);
- ]
- let edges0_width = map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_lead_cps, fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_width (State.Fstring_width.init ~n:digit)) view t
- );
- ("*", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_width_star_seen (Tok_fstring_width_star {
- source=source_incl view t
- }) view t);
- ]
- let edges0_precision = map_of_cps_alist [
- (".", advance State_fstring_dot);
- ]
- let edges0_radix = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("b", advance State_fstring_b);
- ("o", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_radix_seen (Tok_fstring_radix {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_radix=Radix.Oct
- }) view t);
- ("d", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_radix_seen (Tok_fstring_radix {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_radix=Radix.Dec
- }) view t);
- ("x", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_radix_seen (Tok_fstring_radix {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_radix=Radix.Hex
- }) view t);
- ]
- let edges0_notation = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("m", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_notation_seen (Tok_fstring_notation {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_notation=Fmt.Normalized
- }) view t);
- ("a", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_notation_seen (Tok_fstring_notation {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_notation=Fmt.RadixPoint
- }) view t);
- ("c", advance State_fstring_c);
- ]
- let edges0_pretty = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("p", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_pretty_seen (Tok_fstring_pretty {
- source=source_incl view t
- }) view t);
- ]
- (* Sans [bc], which require lookahead. *)
- let edges0_fmt = map_of_cps_alist [
- ("u", advance State_fstring_fmt_u);
- ("i", advance State_fstring_fmt_i);
- ("n", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_n
- }) view t);
- ("z", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_z
- }) view t);
- ("r", advance State_fstring_fmt_r);
- ("s", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_s
- }) view t);
- ("f", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_f_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_f
- }) view t);
- ]
- (* Sans c, which requires lookahead. *)
- let edges0_fmt_b = Map.insert edges0_fmt
- ~k:(Codepoint.of_char 'b')
- ~v:(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_b
- }) view t)
- (* No lookahead required. *)
- let edges0_fmt_bc = Map.insert edges0_fmt
- ~k:(Codepoint.of_char 'c')
- ~v:(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_c
- }) view t)
- let edges0_of_maps maps =
- List.fold maps ~init:(Map.empty (module Codepoint))
- ~f:(fun accum m -> Map.union m accum ~f:(fun _k _v0 _v1 -> not_reached ()))
- let node0_pct_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- ("Percent must be followed by pad/just/sign/alt/zpad/width/precision/radix/notation/pretty/"
- ^ "fmt parameter")
- in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_pad; edges0_just; edges0_sign; edges0_alt; edges0_zpad;
- edges0_width; edges0_precision; edges0_radix; edges0_notation; edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_pad_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- "Pad parameter must be followed by just/sign/alt/zpad/width/precision/radix/notation/"
- ^ "pretty/fmt parameter"
- in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_just; edges0_sign; edges0_alt; edges0_zpad; edges0_width;
- edges0_precision; edges0_radix; edges0_notation; edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_just_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- "Justification parameter must be followed by sign/alt/zpad/width/precision/radix/notation/"
- ^ "pretty/fmt parameter"
- in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_sign; edges0_alt; edges0_zpad; edges0_width; edges0_precision;
- edges0_radix; edges0_notation; edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_sign_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- "Sign parameter must be followed by alt/zpad/width/precision/radix/notation/pretty/fmt"
- ^ " parameter"
- in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_alt; edges0_zpad; edges0_width; edges0_precision;
- edges0_radix; edges0_notation; edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_alt_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- "Alt parameter must be followed by zpad/width/precision/radix/notation/pretty/fmt parameter"
- in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_zpad; edges0_width; edges0_precision; edges0_radix;
- edges0_notation; edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_zpad_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- "Zpad parameter must be followed by width/precision/radix/notation/pretty/fmt parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_width; edges0_precision; edges0_radix; edges0_notation;
- edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node1_width =
- let open State.Fstring_width in
- let accept_width {n} cursor t = begin
- let open Token in
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- let tok = match Nat.to_uns_opt n with
- | None -> begin
- let mal = out_of_range_int Radix.Dec Uns.(extend_to_nat max_value) t.tok_base
- cursor in
- Tok_fstring_width {source; fstring_width=Rendition.of_mals [mal]}
- end
- | Some width -> Tok_fstring_width {source; fstring_width=Constant width}
- in
- accept_fstring_trans Fstring_spec_width_seen tok cursor t
- end in
- let accept_width_incl state View.{cursor; _} t = begin
- accept_width state cursor t
- end in
- let accept_width_excl state View.{pcursor; _} t = begin
- accept_width state pcursor t
- end in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_width (state |> accum_digit digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=accept_width_excl;
- eoi1=accept_width_incl;
- }
- let node0_width_star_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_width_seen in
- let description = "Parametric width must be of the form `*(^ ... ^)`" in
- let tok_of_mal cursor t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_width {source=source_at cursor t; fstring_width=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_incl View.{cursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal cursor t mal
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_excl View.{pcursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal pcursor t mal
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("(", advance State_fstring_lparen);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- }
- let node0_width_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- "Width parameter must be followed by precision/radix/notation/pretty/fmt parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_precision; edges0_radix; edges0_notation;
- edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_dot =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_precision_seen in
- let description = "Dot must be followed by precision mode or precision" in
- let tok_of_mal cursor t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_precision {source=source_at cursor t; fstring_precision=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_incl View.{cursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal cursor t mal
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_excl View.{pcursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal pcursor t mal
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "=", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_pmode_seen (Tok_fstring_pmode {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_pmode=Fmt.Fixed
- }) view t);
- (Set.union (cpset_of_cps dec_cps) (cpset_of_cps "*"), fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_pmode_seen (Tok_fstring_pmode {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_pmode=Fmt.Limited
- }) view t);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- }
- let node0_pmode_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_precision_seen in
- let description = "Precision mode parameter must be followed by precision parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_precision {source=source_excl view t; fstring_precision=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_lead_cps, fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_precision (State.Fstring_precision.init ~n:digit)) view t
- );
- ("*", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_precision_star_seen (Tok_fstring_precision_star {
- source=source_incl view t
- }) view t);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node1_precision =
- let open State.Fstring_precision in
- let accept_precision {n} cursor t = begin
- let source = source_at cursor t in
- let tok = match Nat.to_uns_opt n with
- | None -> begin
- let mal = out_of_range_int Radix.Dec Uns.(extend_to_nat max_value) t.tok_base
- cursor in
- Token.Tok_fstring_precision {source; fstring_precision=Token.Rendition.of_mals [mal]}
- end
- | Some precision -> Tok_fstring_precision {source; fstring_precision=Constant precision}
- in
- accept_fstring_trans Fstring_spec_precision_seen tok cursor t
- end in
- let accept_precision_incl state View.{cursor; _} t = begin
- accept_precision state cursor t
- end in
- let accept_precision_excl state View.{pcursor; _} t = begin
- accept_precision state pcursor t
- end in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_precision (state |> accum_digit digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=accept_precision_excl;
- eoi1=accept_precision_incl;
- }
- let node0_precision_star_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_precision_seen in
- let description = "Parametric precision must be of the form `*(^ ... ^)`" in
- let tok_of_mal cursor t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_precision {source=source_at cursor t; fstring_precision=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_incl View.{cursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal cursor t mal
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_excl View.{pcursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal pcursor t mal
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("(", advance State_fstring_lparen);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- }
- let node0_precision_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description =
- "Precision parameter must be followed by radix/notation/pretty/fmt parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_radix; edges0_notation; edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_b = {
- edges0=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "macpbuinzrcsf", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_radix_seen (Tok_fstring_radix {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_radix=Radix.Bin
- }) view t);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_b
- }) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_b
- }) view t);
- }
- let node0_radix_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description = "Radix parameter must be followed by notation/pretty/fmt parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_notation; edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt_b];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_c = {
- edges0=map_of_cpsets_alist [
- (cpset_of_cps "pbuinzrcsf", fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_notation_seen (Tok_fstring_notation {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_notation=Fmt.Compact
- })
- view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_c
- }) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_c
- }) view t);
- }
- let node0_notation_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description = "Notation parameter must be followed by pretty/fmt parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_of_maps [edges0_pretty; edges0_fmt_bc];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_pretty_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description = "Pretty parameter must be followed by fmt parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_fmt {source=source_excl view t; fstring_fmt=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=edges0_fmt_bc;
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_fmt_u = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_lead_cps, fun (View.{ppcursor; pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth
- State.Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth.(init ~fmt_cursor:ppcursor |> accum_bitwidth digit))
- view t
- );
- ("0", fun (View.{ppcursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth
- State.Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth.(init ~fmt_cursor:ppcursor |> accum_invalid)) view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_u
- }) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_u
- }) view t);
- }
- let node1_fmt_u_bitwidth =
- let open State.Fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth in
- let subtype_of_state {fmt_cursor; invalid; bitwidth} View.{pcursor; _} = begin
- let open Token in
- match invalid, bitwidth with
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "8") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_u8
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "16") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_u16
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "32") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_u32
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "64") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_u64
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "128") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_u128
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "256") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_u256
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "512") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_u512
- | _, _ -> Rendition.of_mals [unsupported_bitwidth fmt_cursor pcursor]
- end in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth (state |> accum_bitwidth digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- let subtype = subtype_of_state state view in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=subtype
- }) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- let subtype = subtype_of_state state view in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=subtype
- }) view t
- );
- }
- let node0_fmt_i = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_lead_cps, fun (View.{ppcursor; pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth
- State.Fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth.(init ~fmt_cursor:ppcursor |> accum_bitwidth digit))
- view t
- );
- ("0", fun (View.{ppcursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth
- State.Fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth.(init ~fmt_cursor:ppcursor |> accum_invalid)) view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_i
- }) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_i
- }) view t);
- }
- let node1_fmt_i_bitwidth =
- let open State.Fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth in
- let subtype_of_state {fmt_cursor; invalid; bitwidth} View.{pcursor; _} = begin
- let open Token in
- match invalid, bitwidth with
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "8") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_i8
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "16") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_i16
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "32") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_i32
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "64") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_i64
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "128") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_i128
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "256") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_i256
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "512") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_i512
- | _, _ -> Rendition.of_mals [unsupported_bitwidth fmt_cursor pcursor]
- end in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth (state |> accum_bitwidth digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- let subtype = subtype_of_state state view in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=subtype
- }) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- let subtype = subtype_of_state state view in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=subtype
- }) view t
- );
- }
- let node0_fmt_r = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_lead_cps, fun (View.{ppcursor; pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth
- State.Fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth.(init ~fmt_cursor:ppcursor |> accum_bitwidth digit))
- view t
- );
- ("0", fun (View.{ppcursor; _} as view) t ->
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth
- State.Fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth.(init ~fmt_cursor:ppcursor |> accum_invalid)) view t
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_r
- }) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_fmt=Constant Fmt_r
- }) view t);
- }
- let node1_fmt_r_bitwidth =
- let open State.Fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth in
- let subtype_of_state {fmt_cursor; invalid; bitwidth} View.{pcursor; _} = begin
- let open Token in
- match invalid, bitwidth with
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "32") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_r32
- | false, bitwidth when Nat.(bitwidth = of_string "64") -> Rendition.Constant Fmt_r64
- | _, _ -> Rendition.of_mals [unsupported_bitwidth fmt_cursor pcursor]
- end in
- {
- edges1=map_of_cps_alist [
- (dec_cps, fun state (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let digit = nat_of_cp (Source.Cursor.rget pcursor) in
- advance (State_fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth (state |> accum_bitwidth digit)) view t
- );
- ];
- default1=(fun state view t ->
- let subtype = subtype_of_state state view in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=subtype
- }) view t
- );
- eoi1=(fun state view t ->
- let subtype = subtype_of_state state view in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_fmt {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_fmt=subtype
- }) view t
- );
- }
- let node0_fmt_f_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_fmt_seen in
- let description = "`f` fmt parameter must be of the form `f(^ ... ^)`" in
- let tok_of_mal cursor t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_error {source=source_at cursor t; error=[mal]}
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_incl View.{cursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal cursor t mal
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_excl View.{pcursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal pcursor t mal
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("(", advance State_fstring_lparen);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- }
- let node0_fmt_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_sep_seen in
- let description = "Fmt parameter must be followed by separator/value parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_incl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_sep {source=source_incl view t; fstring_sep=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (" ", advance State_fstring_sep_space);
- (operator_infix_lead_cps, advance State_fstring_sep_op);
- ("(", advance State_fstring_lparen);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_sep_space =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_spec_sep_seen in
- let description = "Separator parameter must contain an infix operator" in
- let tok_of_mal cursor t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_fstring_sep {source=source_at cursor t; fstring_sep=Malformed [mal]}
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_incl View.{cursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal cursor t mal
- end in
- let tok_of_mal_excl View.{pcursor; _} t mal = begin
- tok_of_mal pcursor t mal
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (" ", advance State_fstring_sep_space);
- (operator_infix_lead_cps, advance State_fstring_sep_op);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- }
- let node0_sep_op = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (operator_cps, advance State_fstring_sep_op);
- (" ", advance State_fstring_sep_op_space);
- ];
- default0=(fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let sep = str_of_cursor pcursor t in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_sep_seen (Tok_fstring_sep {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_sep=Constant sep
- }) view t
- );
- eoi0=(fun (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let sep = str_of_cursor cursor t in
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_sep_seen (Tok_fstring_sep {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_sep=Constant sep
- }) view t
- );
- }
- let node0_sep_op_space = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (operator_cps, advance State_fstring_sep_op);
- (" ", advance State_fstring_sep_op_space);
- ];
- default0=(fun (View.{pcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let sep = str_of_cursor pcursor t in
- accept_fstring_trans_excl Fstring_spec_sep_seen (Tok_fstring_sep {
- source=source_excl view t;
- fstring_sep=Constant sep
- }) view t
- );
- eoi0=(fun (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let sep = str_of_cursor cursor t in
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_sep_seen (Tok_fstring_sep {
- source=source_incl view t;
- fstring_sep=Constant sep
- }) view t
- );
- }
- let node0_sep_seen_start =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_body in
- let description = "Separator parameter must be followed by value parameter" in
- let tok_of_mal_excl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_error {source=source_excl view t; error=[mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("(", advance State_fstring_lparen);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_excl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_excl view t) view t);
- eoi0;
- }
- let node0_spec_lparen =
- let fstring_state = Fstring_body in
- let description = "Value parameter must be of the form `(^ ... ^)`" in
- let tok_of_mal_incl view t mal = begin
- Token.Tok_error {source=source_incl view t; error=[mal]}
- end in
- {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- ("^", fun (View.{cursor; _} as view) t ->
- let source = source_incl view t in
- match t.fstring_states with
- | Fstring_spec_width_star_seen :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_expr_width (Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source})
- view t
- | Fstring_spec_precision_star_seen :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_expr_precision (Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source})
- view t
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_f_seen :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_expr_fmt (Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source})
- view t
- | Fstring_spec_fmt_seen :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl (Fstring_expr_value None)
- (Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source}) view t
- | Fstring_spec_sep_seen :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl (Fstring_expr_value (Some cursor))
- (Tok_fstring_lparen_caret {source}) view t
- | _ :: _
- | [] -> not_reached ()
- );
- ];
- default0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t ->
- accept_mal_incl fstring_state description (tok_of_mal_incl view t) view t);
- }
- let node0_caret = {
- edges0=map_of_cps_alist [
- (")", fun (View.{ppcursor; _} as view) t ->
- let source = source_incl view t in
- match t.fstring_states with
- | [] -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_caret {source}) view t
- | Fstring_expr_width :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_width_seen (Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source})
- view t
- | Fstring_expr_precision :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_precision_seen
- (Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source}) view t
- | Fstring_expr_fmt :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_spec_fmt_seen (Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source})
- view t
- | (Fstring_expr_value (Some label_base)) :: _ -> begin
- let source = Source.Slice.of_cursors ~base:label_base ~past:ppcursor in
- let label_tok = Token.Tok_fstring_label {
- source;
- fstring_label=Source.Slice.to_string source
- } in
- accept_fstring_trans_incl (Fstring_value_seen label_tok)
- (Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source}) view t
- end
- | (Fstring_expr_value None) :: _ ->
- accept_fstring_trans_incl Fstring_body (Tok_fstring_caret_rparen {source}) view t
- | _ :: _ -> not_reached ()
- );
- (operator_cps, advance State_operator_caret);
- ];
- default0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_excl (Tok_caret {source=source_excl view t}) view t);
- eoi0=(fun view t -> accept_tok_incl (Tok_caret {source=source_incl view t}) view t);
- }
- end
- let transition_of_state trace state view t =
- match state with
- | State.State_start -> act0 trace node0_start view t
- | State_lparen -> act0 trace node0_lparen view t
- | State_lbrack -> act0 trace node0_lbrack view t
- | State_tilde -> act0 trace node0_tilde view t
- | State_qmark -> act0 trace node0_qmark view t
- | State_star -> act0 trace node0_star view t
- | State_caret -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_caret view t
- | State_bar -> act0 trace node0_bar view t
- | State_uscore -> act0 trace node0_uscore view t
- | State_tick -> act0 trace node0_tick view t
- | State_tick_lookahead -> act0 trace node0_tick_lookahead view t
- | State_real_bin_dot v -> act1 trace Real.node1_bin_dot v view t
- | State_real_oct_dot v -> act1 trace Real.node1_oct_dot v view t
- | State_real_hex_dot v -> act1 trace Real.node1_hex_dot v view t
- | State_real_dec_dot v -> act1 trace Real.node1_dec_dot v view t
- | State_real_p v -> act1 trace Real.node1_p v view t
- | State_real_e v -> act1 trace Real.node1_e v view t
- | State_real_p_sign v -> act1 trace Real.node1_p_sign v view t
- | State_real_e_sign v -> act1 trace Real.node1_e_sign v view t
- | State_real_p_exp v -> act1 trace Real.node1_p_exp v view t
- | State_real_e_exp v -> act1 trace Real.node1_e_exp v view t
- | State_real_precise_r v -> act1 trace Real.node1_precise_r v view t
- | State_real_approx_r v -> act1 trace Real.node1_approx_r v view t
- | State_real_precise_r_bitwidth v -> act1 trace Real.node1_precise_r_bitwidth v view t
- | State_real_approx_r_bitwidth v -> act1 trace Real.node1_approx_r_bitwidth v view t
- | State_integer_0 -> act0 trace Integer.node0_0 view t
- | State_integer_0_dot -> act0 trace Integer.node0_0_dot view t
- | State_integer_0b -> act0 trace Integer.node0_0b view t
- | State_integer_0o -> act0 trace Integer.node0_0o view t
- | State_integer_0x -> act0 trace Integer.node0_0x view t
- | State_integer_bin v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_bin v view t
- | State_integer_oct v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_oct v view t
- | State_integer_dec v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_dec v view t
- | State_integer_hex v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_hex v view t
- | State_integer_bin_dot v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_bin_dot v view t
- | State_integer_oct_dot v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_oct_dot v view t
- | State_integer_dec_dot v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_dec_dot v view t
- | State_integer_hex_dot v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_hex_dot v view t
- | State_integer_u v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_u v view t
- | State_integer_i v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_i v view t
- | State_integer_n v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_n v view t
- | State_integer_z v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_z v view t
- | State_integer_u_bitwidth v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_u_bitwidth v view t
- | State_integer_i_bitwidth v -> act1 trace Integer.node1_i_bitwidth v view t
- | State_integer_mal_ident -> act0 trace Integer.node0_mal_ident view t
- | State_ident_uscore -> act0 trace Ident.node0_uscore view t
- | State_ident_uident -> act0 trace Ident.node0_uident view t
- | State_ident_cident -> act0 trace Ident.node0_cident view t
- | State_ident_mal -> act0 trace Ident.node0_mal view t
- | State_operator_tilde -> act0 trace Operator.node0_tilde view t
- | State_operator_qmark -> act0 trace Operator.node0_qmark view t
- | State_operator_star_star -> act0 trace Operator.node0_star_star view t
- | State_operator_star -> act0 trace Operator.node0_star view t
- | State_operator_slash -> act0 trace Operator.node0_slash view t
- | State_operator_pct -> act0 trace Operator.node0_pct view t
- | State_operator_plus -> act0 trace Operator.node0_plus view t
- | State_operator_minus -> act0 trace Operator.node0_minus view t
- | State_operator_at -> act0 trace Operator.node0_at view t
- | State_operator_caret -> act0 trace Operator.node0_caret view t
- | State_operator_dollar -> act0 trace Operator.node0_dollar view t
- | State_operator_lt -> act0 trace Operator.node0_lt view t
- | State_operator_eq -> act0 trace Operator.node0_eq view t
- | State_operator_gt -> act0 trace Operator.node0_gt view t
- | State_operator_bar -> act0 trace Operator.node0_bar view t
- | State_operator_colon -> act0 trace Operator.node0_colon view t
- | State_operator_dot -> act0 trace Operator.node0_dot view t
- | State_paren_comment_body v -> act1 trace ParenComment.node1_body v view t
- | State_paren_comment_lparen v -> act1 trace ParenComment.node1_lparen v view t
- | State_paren_comment_star v -> act1 trace ParenComment.node1_star v view t
- | State_src_directive_colon -> act0 trace SrcDirective.node0_colon view t
- | State_src_directive_path v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_path v view t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_path_bslash v view t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_path_bslash_u v view t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly v ->
- act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_path_bslash_u_lcurly v view t
- | State_src_directive_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex v ->
- act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_path_bslash_u_lcurly_hex v view t
- | State_src_directive_rditto v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_rditto v view t
- | State_src_directive_path_colon v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_path_colon v view t
- | State_src_directive_line v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_line v view t
- | State_src_directive_line_colon v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_line_colon v view t
- | State_src_directive_indent v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_indent v view t
- | State_src_directive_indent_0 v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_indent_0 v view t
- | State_src_directive_indent_plus v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_indent_plus v view t
- | State_src_directive_omit v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_omit v view t
- | State_src_directive_omit_0 v -> act1 trace SrcDirective.node1_omit_0 v view t
- | State_dentation_start -> act0 trace Dentation.node0_start view t
- | State_dentation_lparen -> act0 trace Dentation.node0_lparen view t
- | State_dentation_space -> act0 trace Dentation.node0_space view t
- | State_whitespace -> act0 trace node0_whitespace view t
- | State_hash_comment -> act0 trace node0_hash_comment view t
- | State_codepoint_tick -> act0 trace Codepoint_.node0_tick view t
- | State_codepoint_bslash v -> act1 trace Codepoint_.node1_bslash v view t
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u v -> act1 trace Codepoint_.node1_bslash_u v view t
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly v -> act1 trace Codepoint_.node1_bslash_u_lcurly v view t
- | State_codepoint_bslash_u_lcurly_hex v ->
- act1 trace Codepoint_.node1_bslash_u_lcurly_hex v view t
- | State_codepoint_interpolated_cp v -> act1 trace Codepoint_.node1_interpolated_cp v view t
- | State_codepoint_raw_cp v -> act1 trace Codepoint_.node1_raw_cp v view t
- | State_codepoint_mal v -> act1 trace Codepoint_.node1_mal v view t
- | State_rstring_ltag v -> act1 trace Rstring.node1_ltag v view t
- | State_rstring_body v -> act1 trace Rstring.node1_body v view t
- | State_rstring_rtag v -> act1 trace Rstring.node1_rtag v view t
- | State_istring_body v -> act1 trace Istring.node1_start v view t
- | State_istring_bslash v -> act1 trace Istring.node1_bslash v view t
- | State_istring_bslash_u v -> act1 trace Istring.node1_bslash_u v view t
- | State_istring_bslash_u_lcurly v -> act1 trace Istring.node1_bslash_u_lcurly v view t
- | State_fstring_pct_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_pct_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_pad_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_pad_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_just_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_just_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_sign_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_sign_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_alt_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_alt_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_zpad_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_zpad_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_width_star_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_width_star_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_width v -> act1 trace Fstring.node1_width v view t
- | State_fstring_width_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_width_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_dot -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_dot view t
- | State_fstring_pmode_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_pmode_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_precision_star_seen_start ->
- act0 trace Fstring.node0_precision_star_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_precision v -> act1 trace Fstring.node1_precision v view t
- | State_fstring_precision_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_precision_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_b -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_b view t
- | State_fstring_radix_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_radix_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_notation_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_notation_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_pretty_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_pretty_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_c -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_c view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_u -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_fmt_u view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_u_bitwidth v -> act1 trace Fstring.node1_fmt_u_bitwidth v view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_i -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_fmt_i view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_i_bitwidth v -> act1 trace Fstring.node1_fmt_i_bitwidth v view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_r -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_fmt_r view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_r_bitwidth v -> act1 trace Fstring.node1_fmt_r_bitwidth v view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_f_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_fmt_f_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_fmt_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_fmt_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_sep_space -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_sep_space view t
- | State_fstring_sep_op -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_sep_op view t
- | State_fstring_sep_op_space -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_sep_op_space view t
- | State_fstring_sep_seen_start -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_sep_seen_start view t
- | State_fstring_lparen -> act0 trace Fstring.node0_spec_lparen view t
- let rec transition trace state view t =
- match transition_of_state trace state view t with
- | t', Advance (view', state') -> begin
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt " -> Advance (" |> View.pp view' |> Fmt.fmt ", "
- |> State.pp state' |> Fmt.fmt "), " |> pp t' |> Fmt.fmt "\n" |> ignore;
- transition trace state' view' t'
- end
- | t', Retry state' -> begin
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt " -> Retry (" |> State.pp state' |> Fmt.fmt "), " |> pp t'
- |> Fmt.fmt "\n" |> ignore;
- transition trace state' view t'
- end
- | t', Accept tok -> begin
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt " -> Accept (" |> Token.pp tok |> Fmt.fmt "), "
- |> pp t' |> Fmt.fmt "\n" |> ignore;
- t', Accept tok
- end
- let next ?(trace=false) state t =
- if trace then
- File.Fmt.stdout |> Fmt.fmt "Scan: start " |> State.pp state |> Fmt.fmt ", " |> pp t
- |> Fmt.fmt "\n" |> ignore;
- match transition trace state (view_of_t t) t with
- | _, Advance _ -> not_reached ()
- | _, Retry _ -> not_reached ()
- | t', Accept tok -> t', tok
-let next t =
- let trace = None in
- let _trace = Some true in
- match State.start_of_t t with
- | Some start -> Dfa.next ?trace start t
- | None -> begin
- match List.hd t.fstring_states with
- | Fstring_spec_pct_seen (tok :: toks') ->
- Dfa.fstring_trans (Fstring_spec_pct_seen toks') t, tok
- | Fstring_value_seen tok -> Dfa.fstring_trans Fstring_body t, tok
- | Fstring_rditto_seen tok -> Dfa.fstring_pop t, tok
- | _ -> not_reached ()
- end
diff --git a/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.mli b/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.mli
index fd4ecf5d..39bba00e 100644
--- a/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.mli
+++ b/bootstrap/src/mlc/scan.mli
@@ -1,130 +1,44 @@
(** Scanner. *)
-(* The following naming convention is used for special codepoints which show up in the language
- syntax. Token names for other codepoints are e.g. Tok_a and Tok_A; concatenations are e.g.
- Tok_aA. The special codepoints are referred to similarly, e.g. Tok_nl and Tok_lbrack_bar.
- - '\t' : ht
- - '\n' : nl
- - '\r' : cr
- - ' ' : space
- - '!' : xmark
- - '"' : ditto
- - '#' : hash
- - '$' : dollar
- - '%' : pct
- - '&' : amp
- - '\'' : tick
- - '(' : lparen
- - ')' : rparen
- - '*' : star
- - '+' : plus
- - ',' : comma
- - '-' : minus
- - '.' : dot
- - '/' : slash
- - ':' : colon
- - ';' : semi
- - '<' : lt
- - '=' : eq
- - '>' : gt
- - '?' : qmark
- - '@' : at
- - '[' : lbrack
- - '\\' : bslash
- - ']' : rbrack
- - '^' : caret
- - '_' : uscore
- - '`' : btick
- - '{' : lcurly
- - '|' : bar
- - '}' : rcurly
- - '~' : tilde
open Basis
open Basis.Rudiments
-open Hmc
-module Token : sig
- module Rendition : sig
- module Malformation : sig
- type t
- include FormattableIntf.SMono with type t := t
- val init: base:Source.Cursor.t -> past:Source.Cursor.t -> description:string -> t
- val source: t -> Source.Slice.t
- val description: t -> string
- end
- type 'a t =
- | Constant of 'a
- | Malformed of Malformation.t list
+module Source = Hmc.Source
- include FormattableIntf.SPoly with type 'a t := 'a t
- end
- type indent_omit = {
- indent: uns;
- omit: uns;
- }
- type source_directive = {
- path: Path.t option;
- line: uns option;
- io: indent_omit option;
- }
- type fmt =
- | Fmt_b
- | Fmt_u
- | Fmt_u8
- | Fmt_u16
- | Fmt_u32
- | Fmt_u64
- | Fmt_u128
- | Fmt_u256
- | Fmt_u512
- | Fmt_i
- | Fmt_i8
- | Fmt_i16
- | Fmt_i32
- | Fmt_i64
- | Fmt_i128
- | Fmt_i256
- | Fmt_i512
- | Fmt_n
- | Fmt_z
- | Fmt_r
- | Fmt_r32
- | Fmt_r64
- | Fmt_c
- | Fmt_s
- | Fmt_f
+module Token : sig
+ module Rendition = Hmc.Scan.Token.Rendition
type t =
(* Keywords. *)
| Tok_and of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_also of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_as of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_conceal of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_effect of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_begin of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_else of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_expose of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_end of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_external of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_false of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fn of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_fun of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_function of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_if of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_import of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_in of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_include of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_lazy of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_let of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_match of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_mutability of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_mod of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_module of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_mutable of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_nonrec of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_of of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_open of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_or of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_rec of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_sig of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_struct of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_then of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_true of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_type of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_val of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_when of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_with of {source: Source.Slice.t}
@@ -171,75 +85,28 @@ module Token : sig
| Tok_lcurly of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_rcurly of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_bar of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_lcapture of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_rcapture of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_bar_bar of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_larray of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_rarray of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_bslash of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_tick of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_caret of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_amp of {source: Source.Slice.t}
+ | Tok_amp_amp of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_xmark of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_arrow of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_carrow of {source: Source.Slice.t}
(* Miscellaneous. *)
- | Tok_source_directive of
- {source: Source.Slice.t; source_directive: source_directive Rendition.t}
- | Tok_line_delim of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_indent of {source: Source.Slice.t; indent: unit Rendition.t}
- | Tok_dedent of {source: Source.Slice.t; dedent: unit Rendition.t}
| Tok_whitespace of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_hash_comment of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_paren_comment of {source: Source.Slice.t; paren_comment: unit Rendition.t}
| Tok_uscore of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_uident of {source: Source.Slice.t; uident: string Rendition.t}
| Tok_cident of {source: Source.Slice.t; cident: string}
- | Tok_codepoint of {source: Source.Slice.t; codepoint: codepoint Rendition.t}
- | Tok_rstring of {source: Source.Slice.t; rstring: string Rendition.t}
+ | Tok_char of {source: Source.Slice.t; char: codepoint Rendition.t}
+ | Tok_qstring of {source: Source.Slice.t; qstring: string Rendition.t}
| Tok_istring of {source: Source.Slice.t; istring: string Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_lditto of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_interpolated of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_interpolated: string Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_pct of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_pad of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_pad: codepoint Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_just of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_just: Fmt.just}
- | Tok_fstring_sign of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_sign: Fmt.sign}
- | Tok_fstring_alt of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_zpad of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_width_star of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_width of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_width: uns Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_pmode of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_pmode: Fmt.pmode}
- | Tok_fstring_precision_star of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_precision of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_precision: uns Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_radix of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_radix: Radix.t}
- | Tok_fstring_notation of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_notation: Fmt.notation}
- | Tok_fstring_pretty of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_fmt of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_fmt: fmt Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_sep of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_sep: string Rendition.t}
- | Tok_fstring_label of {source: Source.Slice.t; fstring_label: string}
- | Tok_fstring_lparen_caret of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_caret_rparen of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_fstring_rditto of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_r32 of {source: Source.Slice.t; r32: real Rendition.t}
| Tok_r64 of {source: Source.Slice.t; r64: real Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u8 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u8: u8 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i8 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i8: i8 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u16 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u16: u16 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i16 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i16: i16 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u32 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u32: u32 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i32 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i32: i32 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u64 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u64: u64 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i64 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i64: i64 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u128 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u128: u128 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i128 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i128: i128 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u256 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u256: u256 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i256 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i256: i256 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_u512 of {source: Source.Slice.t; u512: u512 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_i512 of {source: Source.Slice.t; i512: i512 Rendition.t}
- | Tok_nat of {source: Source.Slice.t; nat: Nat.t Rendition.t}
- | Tok_zint of {source: Source.Slice.t; zint: Zint.t Rendition.t}
+ | Tok_long of {source: Source.Slice.t; long: u64 Rendition.t}
| Tok_end_of_input of {source: Source.Slice.t}
- | Tok_misaligned of {source: Source.Slice.t}
| Tok_error of {source: Source.Slice.t; error: Rendition.Malformation.t list}
val pp: t -> (module Fmt.Formatter) -> (module Fmt.Formatter)