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Lat Long albumkey subject song lyric notes
45.8591 -77.7785 maw Algonquin Park Lake Fever Want to be your wheezing screen door / Want to be your stars of Algonquin You can thank glaciers for all the lakes
46.0331 -78.6294 maw Algonquin Park The Bear I think it was Algonquin Park / It was so cold and winter-dark The oldest provincial park in Canada
-77.4135 -106.4082 pp Antarctica Chagrin Falls Where to now? If I had to guess / I'm afraid to say Antarctica's next "Lake Vostok, hidden under the ice, is the size of Lake Ontario"
-65.9521 52.6898 pp Antarctica Emperor Penguin In a spartan Antarctican walk for many days An Emperor Penguin can walk up to 110 km to breed
41.8187 12.558 maw Appian Way Puttin' Down United state of ricochet / From the boardwalk to the Appian way A historic road from the Roman Republic
52.924 -82.4289 nfpa Attawapiskat Goodnight Attawapiskat Attawapiskat / City by the Bay 'People of the parting of the rocks'
-22.2053 150.0385 maw Australia Sharks Sharks don't attack the Irish / It's mostly Australians The Land Down Under
47.6562 -117.4245 dfn Baby Bar Emergency We're sitting in the Baby Bar bereft / At a shadowy table out past the sentences end "A bar in Spokane, WA. Just maybe the same bar the song is referring to"
52.5197 13.3408 maw Berlin Sharks When the sharks finished the Irish / And those people from Berlin The front line of the Cold War
52.52 13.4049 fc Berlin El Dorado Just the mention of Berlin makes me sexy "During the Weimar Republic, Berlin was indeed a decadent place"
51.5006 -0.1244 ivl Big Ben Silver Jet It's quiet again / When a car like Big Ben "Big Ben is the name of the bell, not the clock or the tower"
49.9581 -80.9499 fc Bill Barilko Fifty Mission Cap Bill Barilko disappeared that summer / He was on a fishing trip This is roughly where the plane was found 11 years after the crash
44.5414 -78.5438 pp Bobcaygeon Bobcaygeon It was in Bobcaygeon I saw the constellations / Reveal themselves on star at a time The Hub of the Kawarthas
42.8844 -78.8634 fc Buffalo At The Hundredth Meridian I remember Buffalo / And I remember Hengelo Birthplace of the Buffalo wing
51.1023 -114.1337 nfpa Calgary Take Forever "He breaks down, when I broke down / I always thought I'd go to Calgary" Cowtown
54.18 -73.75 ibe Canada Summer's Killing Us Til you say 'Canada lost. Go home.' Land of Maple Syrup
58.43 -110.13 wc Canada Last Night I Dreamed You Didn't Love Me "Oh, Canada emptied, there was me / Featureless and freezing" The Great White North
47.517 -52.6325 ivl Cape Spear Silver Jet Silver jet / Clayqout Sound to Cape Spear The eastern-most edge of Canada
40.7678 -73.9717 ibe Central Park Zoo "Gus, The Polar Bear From Central Park" [Song Title] Gus was the first zoo animal to be treated with Prozac
41.4305 -81.3902 pp Chagrin Falls Chagrin Falls "Or Chagrin Falls, Ohio / Where the unknown won't even go" The town setting helped inspire the comic Calvin and Hobbes
41.8758 -87.6793 wats Chicago The Depression Suite Under the pillow / I bury my head and try and shut Chicago out The Windy City
43.6651 -79.4205 pp Christie Pits Bobcaygeon In the middle of that riot / Couldn't get you off my mind Nazi and Jewish groups clashed at Christie Pits in the 1930s
58.7685 -94.1669 pp Churchill Thompson Girl Thompson Girl walking from Churchill / Across the icy world with polar bears it's mostly uphill The Polar Bear Capital of the World
49.1626 -125.9248 ivl Clayoquot Sound Silver Jet Silver jet / Clayqout Sound to Cape Spear Site of large protests against clearcut logging in 1993
41.5084 -81.6948 wc Cleveland World Container "Good News! You get to vanish / Go to Cleveland, be an indie smash" The Forest City
55.6759 12.5754 ibe Copenhagen One Night In Copenhagen Quits you at a payphone in the snow / One night in Copenhagen The city aims to be carbon-neutral by 2025
31.7632 -106.4663 dfn El Paso Yawning Or Snarling One day in El Paso / The cops go into the crowd The Six Shooter Capitol
43.6671 -79.5423 ivl Etobicoke Ultra Mundane "It's time to make ya inside with a wristband, alright / To see Etobicoke coyotes" Place where the alders grow
-22.945 -135.2783 ivl Gambier Islands The Dire Wolf Yawnin' shores / Gambier-bleached / In tomorrow's thorough light
25.6511 85.065 maw Ganges River My Music At Work "Determining where you are / In a sink full of Ganges, I remain"
51.3006 -116.9496 ra Golden Rim Motor Inn The Luxury The Golden Rim Motor Inn / Soft water and a colour TV It's now a Days Inn
44.2859 -76.9436 dfn Goodyear Titanic Terrarium His great grandfather worked for Goodyear / He'd see the blimp on Sunday's The Napanee Goodyear plant is a major employer in the Kingston area
24.9688 -90.6877 wats Gulf Of Mexico The Depression Suite I move through huge rooms with no windows / And no Gulf of Mexico The Grand Canyon under the sea
45.2898 -75.8698 dfn Hazeldean Greasy Jungle I drove down your road / To Hazeldean where I tasted / Your funeral home's / sandwiches and coffee "Kelly Funeral Home is located in Hazeldean, Kanata"
52.2574 6.7627 fc Hengelo At The Hundredth Meridian I remember Buffalo / And I remember Hengelo The Hip got lost trying to find the Metropool in Hengelo. They were right fermented when they finally got there
32.8292 76.8635 pp Himalayas Poets Those Himalayas of the mind More analogy taken at word
44.2841 -76.7173 dfn Hiway 401 Titanic Terrarium There's a trace o mint wafting in from the north / So we don't fuck with the 401 Good advice right there. It's a mess in bad weather
43.649 -79.3929 pp Horseshoe Tavern Bobcaygeon That night in Toronto with its checkerboard floors The Horseshoe has checkerboard tile floors
53.0104 -9.0305 maw Ireland Sharks Sharks don't attack the Irish / It's mostly Australians This is an important location in Ireland
47.5874 -58.9745 ivl Isle Aux Morts The Dire Wolf In that September off / Isle aux Morts Island of the Dead
44.2314 -76.4863 tth Kingston Small Town Bringdown You're a top ten kingpin in the borders of your hometown The Hip's hometown
55.752 37.6165 pp Kremlin Fireworks Crisis of faith and crisis in the Kremlin / And yeah we'd heard all that before The Fortress Inside a City
43.076 -89.3767 tathh Kurt Cobain Don't Wake Daddy "Kurt Cobain, reinacrnated, sighs and licks is face" This location is the bar where Nirvana opened for the Hip due to a double booking
45.0355 -72.2548 ivl Lake Memphemagog Problem Bears Writing a song about Lake Memphremagog 'Where there is a big expanse of water'
43.7262 -77.6926 maw Lake Ontario Lake Fever I'll tell you a story about the lake fever A cholera epidemic hit along the shores of Lake Ontario in 1832
44.3344 -75.9992 tth Last American Exit Last American Exit I'm on the last American exit to the Northland "This would be the last exit to Kingston"
34.0208 -118.2222 nfpa Los Angeles Now For Plan A I'll stay till the wisteria fades / And falls on L.A. The City of Angels
55.7182 37.5491 pp Luzhniki Arena Fireworks If there's a goal that everyone remembers / It was back in ol '72 Where Game 8 of the Summit Series was played
17.7755 142.5839 maw Mariana Trench Sharks From the Moon down to the surface of the Mariana's Trench About as deep as you can get
44.1959 -76.7512 uth Millhaven Institution 38 Years Old Twelve men broke loose in Seventy-Three / From Millhaven maximum security The actual jailbreak that inspired the song was 14 inmates in 1972. The year was changed to make things rhyme
46.2666 -93.7727 ibe Minnesota If New Orleans Is Beat Here where the Mississippi quits / Where its still got a bit of Minnesota in it "The Land of 10,000 Lakes"
29.3889 -89.2124 ibe Mississippi River If New Orleans Is Beat Here where the Mississippi quits / Where its still got a bit of Minnesota in it Old Man River. The longest in North America
46.6299 -53.1716 wc Mistaken Point Fly "There's Mistaken Point, Newfoundland / There's Moonbeam Ontario" "Sailors would mistake this for Cape Rice in the fog, to their peril"
49.343 -82.1542 wc Moonbeam Fly "There's Mistaken Point, Newfoundland / There's Moonbeam Ontario" Pioneers claimed to have seen flashing lights falling from the sky here
27.9858 86.9235 tathh Mount Everest Sherpa We were high / We were sherpa high "Mount Everest is high, and there's a good chance you'll find Sherpas there"
40.821 14.4272 maw Mount Vesuvius Toronto #4 Did you know you were the rock plug for all of us / Did you know in the conduit of Vesuvius It destroyed a lot of stuff in AD 79
36.1597 -86.7794 ibe Nashville It Can't Be Nashville Every Night Stares into the blur of the tuner lights / It can't be Nashville every night "Music City, U.S.A"
52.72 -123.35 ibe New Caledonia Are We Family The lost to the recovered? / The New Caledonian crow to the chimpanzee? Better known these days as British Columbia
29.9424 -90.0679 wats New Orleans The Depression Suite Working in the new NewOrleansWorld The Big Easy
29.9758 -90.0413 ibe New Orleans If New Orleans Is Beat If New Orleans is beat / Where's that leave you and me? The Crescent City
30.0038 -90.0102 uth New Orleans New Orleans Is Sinking "New Orleans is sinking, man, and I don't wanna swim" The song wasn't played much during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
40.7127 -74.0059 tathh New York Flamenco "Maybe I'll go to New York / I'll drag you there / You said, 'no one drags me anywhere'" "In the early 1800's, pigs roamed the streets feasting on trash"
40.7133 -73.8444 pp New York Escape Is At Hand For The Travelling Man It was our third time in New York / It was your fourth time in New York The Big Apple
48.62 -56.03 ivl Newfoundland The Dire Wolf At the Dire Wolf's crest / The Newfoundland paused May be referring to the breed of dog
43.0772 -79.0752 dfn Niagara Falls Daredevil Do you like it inside a barrel / plunging over the falls? Annie Edison Taylor was the first to ride down the falls in a barrel in 1901
43.521 -76.4043 wats Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Morning Moon "The reactor's down, I guess for Labour Day / Today's the first day I ain't seen / The great plume of steam from across the lake" Poetry
54.975 -2.1052 ivl Northumberland Silver Jet As if the Wolves of Northumberland themselves / Were rumoured to be en route "A millennium ago, Northumberland was known for its high wolf population"
39.3058 -75.1665 maw Philadelphia The Bastard "Then you turned all Billy Sunday, shoutin' / Philadelphia for Christ and Christ for Philadelphia" The Cradle of Liberty
44.0073 -77.1408 tth Regent Theatre All Canadian Surf Club Well there's a rockin' little spot next to the Regent Theatre "This Regent Theatre is close to Sandbanks Provincial Park, known for sandbar waves"
39.524 -119.7467 tth Reno Small Town Bringdown Been to Reno / Drives an El Camino The Biggest Little City in the World
51.7276 36.1923 dfn Russia Scared You're in Russia and more than a million works of art / Are whisked out to the woods / So when the Nazi's find the whole place dark / They'd think God's left the museum for good Whether this happened or not seems to fall under WW2 legend. This location is Kursk museum
42.974 -82.4052 mmp Sarnia In Sarnia "In my blood / Sarnia, you've been on my mind" The Imperial City
52.1361 -106.6473 fc Saskatoon Wheat Kings Sundown in the Paris of the Praries / Wheat kings have all their treasures buried David Milgaard was wrongly imprisoned for a Saskatoon murder
46.5251 -84.301615 ra Sault Ste. Marie Born In The Water Smart as trees in Sault Ste. Marie The Soo
-2.33 34.83 tathh Serengeti Don't Wake Daddy Then they drift past strips of Serengeti / And the gates of Sleepy Hollow too The Maa word Serengit means Endless Plains
43.5675 -80.2695 wats Speed River Speed River Speed River take me away
44.2505 -76.9452 dfn Springside Park An Inch An Hour Tonight the winter may have missed its mark / You can see your breath in Springside Park / Coffee coloured ice and peeling birch bark / Sound of rushing water in the dark My favourite Hip lyric. Perfectly describes the Napanee park in winter
47.2693 -122.525 ibe Tacoma Narrows Bridge Vaccination Scar It went down like a bad card table / Like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge "Part bridge, part amusement ride"
48.4845 -89.168 dfn Terry Fox Inevitability Of Death Terry's gift is for ever green "Terry Fox memorial, near where he was forced to end his run across Canada"
48.15 -16.1166 dfn The Bismarck Nautical Disaster "One afternoon, four thousand men died in the water here / and five hundred more were thrashing madly / as parasites might in your blood" Was sunk in retaliation to the Battle of Denmark Strait
36.1098 -112.1945 tathh The Grand Canyon Gift Shop And after a glimpse / Over the top / The rest of the world / Becomes a gift shop Home of pink rattlesnakes
51 -100 fc The Hundredth Meridian At The Hundredth Meridian At the hundredth meridian / Where the great planes begin
41.7255 -49.9469 dfn The Titanic Titanic Terrarium My great grandfather was a welder / He helped to build the Titanic / He certainly didn't think / That it was unsinkable This is where the Titanic met its doom
55.7438 -97.8539 pp Thompson Thompson Girl "Looks like Christmas at 55 degrees / This latitude weakens my knees, Thompson girl" The Hub of the North
45.5543 -78.6993 ra Tom Thompson Three Pistols Tom Thompson came paddling past / I'm pretty sure it was him Tom Thompson went missing on Canoe Lake
43.6714 -79.4085 maw Toronto Toronto #4 [Song Title] Hogtown
43.6875 -79.3661 wats Toronto Queen Of The Furrows "'Win Toronto', yelled the Queen of the Furrows / This is how we farm, hens cluck and roosters crow " The Big Smoke
43.6223 -79.3784 wats Toronto Island The Last Recluse We rode hard for the boat / Hard as we could "A bit of a stretch on lyrics alone, but Gord mentioned the Toronto Island reference in concert"
48.2007 16.382 tathh Vienna Springtime In Vienna [Song Title] "The City of Dreams, the City of Music"