(screenshots coming soon)
Aaaaand in this corner of the internet, we have my custom light theme bundled up with "forks" of awesome dark themes I like but wanted to tweak for some reason. The core motivation for this is a single pack of themes I can install once to simplify my extension list, and a compulsion to add a bit more style to some already awesome themes. All sources cited below because humanity works better together
When I say "forks", I mean I found a theme I loved and changed like two lines lol. I followed 'the process' (probably a blog link here in the future) to export a theme from VSCode, set up an extension, import the theme as code and adjust to taste, then republish it.
I'm picky about the existing themes so I'm unlikely to accept significant color updates, but if you have a theme to add or a really nice QoL change for an existing theme, I'm wide open to it!
Honestly, I just got sick of light themes having no vibe and so little contrast that I couldn't see the code, so I made this from scratch. Now it's my daytime default ☀️
Fully organic fair trade colors injected with concentrated pesticides provided by https://themes.vscode.one
, then biohacked for better usability and bonzi-buddy resistance. Inspired by Arturia hardware then infused with sick colors, this theme is primarily white and violet with a slap of teal and a dash of gold for balance
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I probably haven't changed anything, I just love this theme
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I probably haven't changed anything here either, this is a gorgeous theme and you should protect it with your life
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Super clean with mysterious origins (see below). I've only changed the comment color from the original
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Updated scrollbars
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Updated scrollbars and comments and possibly a couple other details
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No updates so far, just pulled it in for testing
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TLDR: This is all MIT except hacker-blue, which is unknown but reposted in good faith that lennythetechie wanted these colors out in the world
All my custom violet ice
themes are shared under the MIT license, pay it forward! ❇️
was a successful heist from EliverLara.andromeda
on the marketplace. There's a public repository released under the MIT license, thanks Eliver!
is lifted straight out of larabeatriz32.astronaut
, which is also covered by the MIT license. Cheers Lara!
Shoutout to all the Lara's making dope editor themes, yall should form a club or something
and cyber
are shamelessly stolen from the Vaporizer.vaporizer-dark
theme pack on the VSCode marketplace. According to the marketplace license link, MIT License applies for these guys too.
hacker blue
is unique, it may be removed at any point, license information is unknown. The original theme was created by lennythetechie on themes.vscode.one, but lenny doesn't seem to be on github. Lenny's theme was eventually found by a github user named chausen, but the theme wasn't published as an installable extension anywhere - so chausen pulled it into their own github repo and published it. No license information is available in either location
- At the time of acquisition (and also writing this), themes.vscode.one's host (currently flamelab.io) has terms of service stating that users who upload/create content on their platform are responsible for enforcing their own copyright
- TLDR Lenny hit me up I want to give you credit your theme is dope, post an issue to this repo or something!
is a copy of Rob's excellent Synthwave '84 theme, check it out on github here - also MIT license, you get the theme here