The main purpose is to learn about programming microservices using Kotlin, (with REST and spring JPA). I also use GitHub to get a deeper understanding of continuous integration/DevOps using GitHub workflow/actions and gradle. integration testing with cucumber.
This project is a microservice dealing with persistence to a database using JPA (java persistence api) via
spring-data-jpa and is a microservice to use under com.github.jactor.percistence
(formerly as part of the archived
project jactor-rises)
- a spring-boot 3 application
- this application is documented with swagger. After startup, use link:
This is application is build with gradle.
From the root of the source code:
./gradlew build
All commands are being executed from the root of the source code.
Run it with gradle:
./gradlew bootRun
After a valid build one can execute the generated jar file as plain java:
java -jar build/lib/jactor-persistence-<version>-SNAPSHOT.jar
- spring-boot 3.4.x
- with spring-data-jpa
- with spring-webflow (mvc)
- h2
- kotlin 2.x
- flyway
- github actions
- gradle (8.x)
- swagger-ui
- herunder springdoc
- sdk man