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File metadata and controls

63 lines (55 loc) · 2.86 KB


Dotfiles powered by Nix™, plus a package overlay and a library of utility functions.

I use haumea:

  • to generate lists and trees of modules for home and nixos;
  • as a module system for lib.

Repository Structure

I try to make the repo structure as close to that of nixpkgs as possible, differing from it only when it makes sense.

Each part of this repo (home, lib, nixos, pkgs) has a subflake that can be used as flake input by specifying a directory like this: github:Weathercold/nixfiles?dir=home

├ home/                                     home configurations
│ ├ configurations/                         top-level home configurations
│ │ ├ weathercold/                          my configurations
│ │ ├ custom.nix                            a custom example configuration
│ │ └ _options.nix                          configuration abstraction
│ └ modules/                                home modules
│   ├ profiles/                             top-level home modules
│   ├ accounts/, programs/, services/, ...  options-based home modules
│   └ themes/                               home modules for theming; they don't add options and have effect on import
│     └ base/, colloid/, ...
├ nixos/                                    nixos configurations
│ ├ configurations/                         top-level nixos configurations
│ │ ├ nixos-inspiron7405.nix, ...           my configurations
│ │ └ _options.nix                          configuration abstraction
│ ├ profiles/                               top-level nixos modules
│ ├ config/, i18n/, programs/, ...          options-based home modules
│ └ hardware/                               nixos modules for hardware; they don't add options and have effect on import
├ pkgs/                                     packaging repository
└ lib/                                      library of utility functions

Import Graph

├ home/flake-module.nix
│ ├ configurations/custom.nix, ...
│ └ configurations/weathercold/nixos-inspiron7405.nix
│   ├ ../_options.nix
│   └ _base.nix
│     └ ../../modules/profiles/full.nix
│       └ base.nix
│         └ ../accounts/*, ../programs/*, ../services/*, ...
├ lib/default.nix
│ └ src/*
├ nixos/flake-module.nix
│ └ configurations/nixos-inspiron7405.nix
│   ├ _options.nix
│   ├ ../modules/hardware/inspiron-7405.nix
│   └ ../modules/profiles/full.nix
│     ├ ../hardware/halo65.nix, ...
│     └ base.nix
│       └ ../config/*, ../i18n/*, ../programs/*, ...
└ pkgs/flake-module.nix
  └ default.nix
    └ aa/*, ab/*, ...