# 删除已有kingring
rm ~/.local/share/keyrings/cosmos.keyring
# 初始化链参数
../shell/init_chain testchain1 n1 node1
../shell/init_chain testchain2 n2 node2
../shell/init_chain testchain3 n3 node3
proxy_app = "tcp://" # TCP or UNIX socket address of the ABCI application,
laddr = "tcp://"
pprof_laddr = "localhost:6060"
laddr = "tcp://"
pruning = "custom" # 会影响 application.db 存储
pruning-keep-recent = "500"
pruning-interval = "10"
address = ""
address = ""
node = "tcp://localhost:26657"
keyring-backend = "test" # 客户端默认 keyring-backend
#tcp # pprof listen address
#tcp # TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
#tcp6 :::9090 # Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
#tcp6 :::9091 # Address defines the gRPC-web server address to bind to.
#tcp6 :::26656 # Address to listen for incoming connections
# n1 n2 n3
# 26656 26666 26676
# 26657 26667 26677
# 6060 6061 6062
# 9090 9092 9094
# 9091 9093 9095
build/ganymeded start --log_level warn --home n1
build/ganymeded start --log_level warn --home n2
build/ganymeded start --log_level warn --home n3
# 初始化
rm -r ~/.relayer/*
rly config init
# 添加链
rly chains add --file config/test1.json testchain1
rly chains add --file config/test2.json testchain2
rly chains add --file config/test3.json testchain3
# 添加key
rly keys restore testchain1 testchain1_node1_relayer "mnemonic words here"
rly keys restore testchain2 testchain2_node2_relayer "mnemonic words here"
rly keys restore testchain3 testchain3_node3_relayer "mnemonic words here"
# 查询余额
rly q balance testchain1
rly q balance testchain2
rly q balance testchain3
# 添加 path: 1-2 2-3
rly paths new testchain1 testchain2 ibc-path-12
rly paths new testchain2 testchain3 ibc-path-23
# 添加 channel, client, connection
# port-id 和 version 在 x/postoffice/types/keys.go 里定义, 需要保持一致
rly tx clients ibc-path-12 --client-tp 48h
rly tx connection ibc-path-12
rly tx channel ibc-path-12 --src-port postoffice --dst-port postoffice --order unordered --version postoffice-1
rly tx clients ibc-path-23 --client-tp 48h
rly tx connection ibc-path-23
rly tx channel ibc-path-23 --src-port postoffice --dst-port postoffice --order unordered --version postoffice-1
# 查看
rly chains list
rly paths list
rly config show
rly q channels testchain1
rly q channels testchain2
rly q channels testchain3
# 启动 path
rly start --time-threshold 8h
client过期后,需重新建立 path , 要使用 --override
rly paths new testchain1 testchain2 ibc-path-12-2
rly tx client testchain1 testchain2 ibc-path-12-2 --override
rly tx client testchain2 testchain1 ibc-path-12-2 --override
rly tx connection ibc-path-12-2
rly tx channel ibc-path-12-2 --src-port postoffice --dst-port postoffice --order unordered --version postoffice-1
# 'channel-0' 从 'rly q channels testchain1' 返回结果中获取
build/ganymeded --home n1 tx postoffice send-ibc-post postoffice channel-0 "hello" "hello test" --from testchain1_node1_relayer --chain-id testchain1
build/ganymeded --home n1 q postoffice list-sent-post
build/ganymeded --home n2 q postoffice list-post
# 此例,为 testchain1 增加节点 node4, chain_id相同
../shell/init_chain testchain1 n4 node4
# 复制初始节点(n1)的创世块覆盖新节点的创世块文件
cp n1/config/genesis.json n4/config/
如果复制节点(n4)不提交交易,可以忽略此步骤 生产环境,复制节点间需要建立密钥同步机制(NFS 或 rsync)
# 复制初始节点(n1)的 keyring 和 sm2 数据
cp n1/keyring-test/* n4/keyring-test/
cp -r n1/sm2/* n4/
# n4/config/config.toml
persistent_peers = "[email protected]:26656"
# 私有网络或单机测试需要设置这个
addr_book_strict = false
其中 id 的获取方法:
build/ganymeded tendermint show-node-id --home n1
# n4/config/config.toml
# n4/config/app.toml
# n4/config/client.toml
# n1 n4
# 26656 26686
# 26657 26687
# 6060 6063
# 9090 9096
# 9091 9097
build/ganymeded start --log_level warn --home n4
build/ganymeded --home n1 http --yaml config/settings1.yaml
build/ganymeded --home n2 http --yaml config/settings2.yaml
build/ganymeded --home n3 http --yaml config/settings3.yaml