This is the inspector command line application for inspecting PayPal integrations.
inspector screenshot [--width=<width>] <url> <path>
width is an option to specify the width of the capture in px. Default is 768. url is a required argument that is the URL of the page to capture path is a required argument that is the path of where to save the file. The default extension is .png. the default path is ./scrapes. The width is appended to the filename.
capture google home page into a file at path ./scrapes/google_home_w1024.png
inspector screenshot --width=1024 google_home
inspector csv <csvfile>
csvfile is a required argument that contains one row per url, with 2 columns: URL & Path.
The first row of the file is a header and will be skipped.
Screenshots are taken per row @ 3 widths: 768, 1024, 1536.
.description("Create image segments from the header and footer of an image")
.argument('<filename>', 'Image file to process')
.option('-h, --header <headerSize>', 'Height of the header segment', myParseInt, 1024)
.option('-f, --footer <footerSize>', 'Height of the footer segment', myParseInt, 1024)
inspector footer [--header=<headerSize>] [--footer=<footerSize> <filepath>
inspector header [--header=<headerSize>] [--footer=<footerSize> <filepath>
header is an option to specify the header height in px. Default is 1024. If 0 is passed, then no file is created. footer is an option to specify the footer height in px. Default is 1024. If 0 is passed, then no file is created. path is a required argument that is the path of the source image file. The default extension is .png. The section and height are appended to the filename.
extract the header (height 512px) and footer (default height) from ./scrapes/google_home_1024.png;
inspector footer --header=512 ./scrapes/google_home_1024.png
//creates 2 files:
// ./scrapes/google_home_1024_header_h512.png
// ./scrapes/google_home_1024_footer_h1024.png