diff --git a/packages/typed-binary/README.md b/packages/typed-binary/README.md
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+![typed binary (light mode)](/docs/media/logo-light.svg)
+Describe binary structures with full TypeScript support.
+[Website](https://iwoplaza.github.io/typed-binary) — [Documentation](https://iwoplaza.github.io/typed-binary/guides/getting-started)
+![Basic Type and Documentation Inference](/docs/media/code-showcase-light.svg)
+# Why Typed Binary?
+Serialize and deserialize typed schemas without the need for redundant interfaces or an external DSL. Schemas themselves define what type they encode and decode, and **the IDE knows it**!
+- Since value types are inferred from the schemas themselves, there is a **single source-of-truth**.
+- No external DSL necessary to define the schemas, meaning you have instant feedback without the need to compile the interface definitions.
+- It's platform independent (use it in Node.js as well as in in Browsers)
+- While being made with TypeScript in mind, it also works in plain JavaScript.
+# Documentation
+The [typed binary documentation](https://iwoplaza.github.io/typed-binary/guides/getting-started) is a great starting point for learning how to use the library.
+# Installation
+# using npm
+npm install typed-binary
+# using pnpm
+pnpm add typed-binary
+# using yarn
+yarn add typed-binary
+> To properly enable type inference, **TypeScript 4.5** and up is required because of it's newly added [Tail-Recursion Elimination on Conditional Types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-4-5.html#tail-recursion-elimination-on-conditional-types) feature,
+# Running examples
+There are a handful of examples provided. To run any one of them make sure to clone the [typed-binary](https://github.com/iwoplaza/typed-binary) repository first, then go into the `examples/` directory. To setup the examples environment, run `pnpm install`, which will fetch dependencies, build the parent project and link it to the 'examples' project.
+Pick an example that peaks interest, and run `pnpm example:exampleName`.
diff --git a/packages/typed-binary/package.json b/packages/typed-binary/package.json
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--- a/packages/typed-binary/package.json
+++ b/packages/typed-binary/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "typed-binary",
- "version": "4.0.1",
+ "version": "4.1.0",
"description": "Describe binary structures with full TypeScript support. Encode and decode into pure JavaScript objects.",
"packageManager": "pnpm@8.15.8+sha256.691fe176eea9a8a80df20e4976f3dfb44a04841ceb885638fe2a26174f81e65e",
"type": "module",