From 667ed5c76b41b67719ce6793404141b305b483da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: itincknell <>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 12:49:00 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add files via upload
--- | 63 ++ | 157 ++++ | 220 ++++++ | 216 ++++++ | 386 ++++++++++ | 229 ++++++ | 390 ++++++++++ | 658 +++++++++++++++++ | 812 +++++++++++++++++++++ | 577 +++++++++++++++ | 159 ++++ | 452 ++++++++++++ | 64 ++ | 38 + | 282 ++++++++ | 151 ++++ | 376 ++++++++++
requirements.txt | 9 + | 640 +++++++++++++++++ | 1316 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 1113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 316 ++++++++ | 429 +++++++++++ | 381 ++++++++++
24 files changed, 9434 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644 requirements.txt
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
create mode 100644
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b72030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import pickle
+from load_dict import change_path
+with open('new_dictionary_unjoined.txt','rb') as file:
+ dictionary = pickle.load(file)
+alpha = {}
+for i in range(0,26):
+ alpha[chr(i+97)] = 0
+for i in range(len(dictionary['definitions'])):
+ if dictionary['definitions'][i]['handle'][0].lower() in alpha:
+ alpha[dictionary['definitions'][i]['handle'][0].lower()] = i
+prev = 0
+counter = 0
+for key in alpha:
+ print(f"processing {key}s")
+ for i in range(prev,alpha[key]):
+ if dictionary['definitions'][i] in dictionary['definitions'][i + 1:i + 10]:
+ dictionary['definitions'][i]['tags'].append('DUPE')
+ prev = alpha[key]
+ print(f"{key}s completed")
+offset = 0
+for i in range(len(dictionary['definitions'])):
+ if "DUPE" in dictionary['definitions'][i - offset]['tags']:
+ print(f"deleting {dictionary['definitions'][i - offset]['handle']}")
+ del dictionary['definitions'][i - offset]
+ offset += 1
+prev = 0
+counter = 0
+comp = ''
+for key in alpha:
+ handles = []
+ print(f"processing {key}s")
+ for i in range(prev,alpha[key]):
+ if comp == dictionary['definitions'][i]:
+ continue
+ else:
+ comp = dictionary['definitions'][i]
+ for j in range(1,len(dictionary['definitions'][i + 1:i+20])):
+ if dictionary['definitions'][i + j]['handle'] == dictionary['definitions'][i]['handle']:
+ print(f"i={i},j={j}; adding {dictionary['definitions'][i]['handle']} to {dictionary['definitions'][i + j]['handle']}")
+ dictionary['definitions'][i]['entries'].extend(dictionary['definitions'][i + j]['entries'])
+ dictionary['definitions'][i]['roots'].extend(dictionary['definitions'][i + j]['roots'])
+ dictionary['definitions'][i + j]['tags'].append('DUPE')
+ prev = alpha[key]
+ print(f"{key}s completed")
+offset = 0
+for i in range(len(dictionary['definitions'])):
+ if "DUPE" in dictionary['definitions'][i - offset]['tags']:
+ print(f"deleting {dictionary['definitions'][i - offset]['handle']}")
+ del dictionary['definitions'][i - offset]
+ offset += 1
+with open(dictionary['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(dictionary, openFile)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a0295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ create word:
+ create a new word based on user input
+ intended to be used if valid latin word cannot be retrieved by wiktionary parser
+ create entry:
+ create a new entry within a word
+ used by create_word and by word_print_edit.edit_entries
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import pickle
+import parser_shell
+import word_print_edit
+import edit_entry
+import load_dict
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def create_word(current_dict,tags):
+ # Create new word, first tag is file name - .txt
+ new_word = {'tags':tags}
+ # begin user input loop
+ exit_loop = False
+ while not exit_loop:
+ print("\nEnter new word heading ('0' to exit) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ # option to go back, return to calling function
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ # assign input to heading; un-macroned version to handle
+ new_word['heading'] = user_input
+ new_word['handle'] = unidecode(user_input)
+ # create empty entries list
+ new_word['entries'] = []
+ # call create entry, returns False if creation not completed
+ new_word, exit_loop = create_entry(new_word)
+ # End while Loop only if complete word is created
+ # Send new word to edit entry to add additional definitons etc.
+ new_word['entries'][0], dummy = edit_entry.edit_entry(new_word['entries'][0],new_word)
+ # call word options, from here return
+ load_dict.change_path('dumps sorted')
+ if current_dict['language'] == 'Latin' or current_dict['language'] == "Ancient Greek":
+ wiki_dump = parser_shell.load_big_language(new_word['heading'][0],current_dict['language'])
+ else:
+ wiki_dump = parser_shell.load_dump(current_dict['language'])
+ parser_shell.save_word(new_word,wiki_dump,2)
+ current_dict = parser_shell.save_word(new_word,current_dict)
+ return current_dict
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def create_entry(new_word):
+ # copy heading to shorter name
+ heading = new_word['heading']
+ # create empty entry to be added to
+ entry = {}
+ # Start series of ascending loops
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ # Begin Loop LEVEL ONE: part of speech
+ while True:
+ print(f"\nEnter part of speech for '{heading}'")
+ print("'0' to go back")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ # go back, word cancelled
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return new_word, False
+ # add to entry, proceed to next inner loop
+ entry['partOfSpeech'] = user_input
+ # Begin Loop LEVEL TWO: etymology
+ while True:
+ print(f"\nEnter etymology for '{heading}'")
+ print("'0' to go back\n'1' to go back\n'2' to skip")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ # go back, word cancelled
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return new_word, False
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ break
+ # add to entry, proceed to next inner loop
+ elif user_input != '2':
+ entry['etymology'] = user_input
+ else:
+ entry['etymology'] = ''
+ # begin loop LEVEL THREE: principal parts
+ while True:
+ print(f"\nEnter principle parts for '{heading}' (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ print("'0' to exit")
+ print("'1' to go back")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ # exit, word cancelled
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return new_word, False
+ # go back to previous level
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ break
+ # simple/principal the same for created word
+ entry['principleParts'] = user_input
+ entry['simpleParts'] = user_input
+ # Begin Loop LEVEL FOUR: 1st definition
+ while True:
+ print(f"\nEnter '{heading}' definition")
+ print("'0' to exit")
+ print("'1' to go back")
+ user_input = {'gloss':input(': ')}
+ # exit, word cancelled
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return new_word, False
+ # go back to previous level
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ break
+ user_input['tags'] = []
+ while True:
+ print("Enter definition tags ('0' to finish)")
+ new_tag = input(": ")
+ if new_tag == '0':
+ break
+ else:
+ user_input['tags'].append(new_tag)
+ # assign to entry defintions list
+ entry['defs'] = [user_input]
+ # append new entry to new word, return True
+ new_word['entries'].append(entry)
+ return new_word, True
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52dd73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import parser_shell
+from load_dict import change_path
+from copy import deepcopy
+import edit_all
+import pickle
+import beta_code
+from language_splitter import split_language
+from dict_utilities import printpr
+interval = 1000
+level = 0
+start = (interval * level)
+stop = (interval) * (level + 1)
+debug_print = False
+progress_print = True
+def cut_text(text,start,stop):
+ p = text.find(start) + len(start)
+ text = text[p:]
+ text = text[:text.find(stop)]
+ return text
+def translate_greek(text,bold):
+ text = list(text)
+ text = [x for x in text if not x.isnumeric()]
+ text = "".join(text)
+ if bold:
+ return "" + beta_code.beta_code_to_greek(text) + ""
+ else:
+ return beta_code.beta_code_to_greek(text)
+def smart_join(text):
+ s = ""
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ if i == 0:
+ s = text[i]
+ else:
+ if s[-1] != " " and s[-1] not in ['('] and text[i][0] != " " and text[i][0] not in [',','.',';',')','?']:
+ s += " " + text[i]
+ else:
+ s += text[i]
+ return s.replace(" .",".").replace(" ,",",").replace(" :",":")
+def configure_parts(defs):
+ count = 0
+ for i in defs[0]['gloss']:
+ if i == "(":
+ count += 1
+ if i == ")" and count != 0:
+ count -= 1
+ if count < 0:
+ # Error too many )s, unbalanced parens
+ print(defs[0]['gloss'])
+ print(defs[1]['gloss'])
+ break
+ if count != 0:
+ parens = 0
+ for i in range(len(defs[1]['gloss'])):
+ if defs[1]['gloss'][i] == ")":
+ parens += 1
+ if defs[1]['gloss'][i] == "(":
+ parens -= 1
+ if parens == count:
+ break
+ if i < len(defs[1]['gloss']) - 1:
+ defs[0]['gloss'] = smart_join([defs[0]['gloss'],defs[1]['gloss'][: i + 1]])
+ defs[1]['gloss'] = defs[1]['gloss'][i + 1 :]
+ for i in range(len(defs[1]['gloss'])):
+ if defs[1]['gloss'][i].isalpha() or defs[1]['gloss'][i] == "=":
+ break
+ defs[1]['gloss'] = defs[1]['gloss'][i:]
+ else:
+ defs[0]['gloss'] += ")"
+ return defs
+def process_entry(text):
+ definition = {'heading':'',
+ 'handle':'',
+ 'tags':set(),
+ 'entries':[]}
+ entry = {'defs':[],
+ 'partOfSpeech':'',
+ 'principleParts':'',
+ 'simpleParts':'',
+ 'etymology':''}
+ handle = cut_text(text,"key=\"","\"")
+ definition['heading'] = definition['handle'] = translate_greek(handle,False)
+ if debug_print:
+ print("@"*5000 + f"\nheading \"{definition['heading']}\"")
+ while text != "":
+ text, defs = get_def(text)
+ for x in defs:
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f"definition: {x['gloss']}")
+ entry['defs'].append(deepcopy(x))
+ if len(entry['defs']) > 1:
+ entry['defs'] = configure_parts(entry['defs'])
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry["principleParts"] = entry['defs'][0]['gloss']
+ entry['defs'].pop(0)
+ else:
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry["principleParts"] = definition['heading']
+ definition['entries'].append(deepcopy(entry))
+ definition['tags'].add("LSJ")
+ return definition
+def get_def(text):
+ m = 0
+ gloss = []
+ defs = []
+ greek = False
+ candidate_tag = ''
+ while True:
+ pull = text[:text.find("<")]
+ brac = text[text.find("<"):text.find(">")+1]
+ text = text[text.find(">") + 1:]
+ if greek and pull != "":
+ pull = translate_greek(pull,True)
+ greek = False
+ if 'lang=\"greek\"' in brac:
+ greek = True
+ if "" or text == "":
+ gloss = smart_join(gloss).strip(",. ")
+ if gloss != "":
+ defs.append({'gloss':gloss,'tags':[]})
+ break
+ return text, defs
+def extract_dictionary(perseus, dictionary):
+ line_list = []
+ ignition = False
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ if " 5:
+ exit()
+ else:
+ counter_senses += 1
+ if 'greek_word' in i:
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\n\n\n\t\t\t" + "*"*1000 + f"\n\nLINE: {current_line_number()}")
+ print(f"['greek_word'] == {i['greek_word']}")
+ entry['defs'].append({'gloss':i['greek_word'],'tags':['greek_word']})
+ print(f"entry == {entry}")
+ if counter_grk > 1:
+ print(f"Greek Word Break")
+ exit()
+ else:
+ counter_grk += 1
+ else:
+ if i['entry_type'] in {'spur','gloss'}:
+ return None
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\n\n\n\t\t\t" + "*"*1000 + f"\n\nLINE: {current_line_number()}")
+ print(f"i['entry_type'] == 'main' == {i['entry_type'] == 'main'}")
+ print(f"i['entry_type'] == {i['entry_type']}")
+ print(i)
+ #exit()
+ if 'principleParts' not in entry:
+ defs = entry['defs'][0]['gloss']
+ defs = defs.split()
+ gloss = ''
+ tag = ''
+ flag = False
+ for x, q in enumerate(defs):
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\n\n\n\t\t\t" + "*"*1000 + f"\n\nLINE: {current_line_number()}")
+ print(f"defs = {defs}")
+ print(f"q = {q}")
+ print(f"q[-1] = {q[-1]}")
+ if (x and q[0].isupper()) or q[0] == '(' or q[0].isnumeric():
+ break
+ if ((q[-1] == ',' and not flag) or (x == len(defs)-1 and not flag) or x == 0) and not (q[-1] == '.'):
+ gloss += q.strip(":") + ' '
+ else:
+ tag += q + ' '
+ if q[-1] == ':':
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\n\n\n\t\t\t" + "*"*1000 + f"\n\nLINE: {current_line_number()}")
+ print(f"End in colon is True = {q[-1]}")
+ break
+ if q[-1] != ',':
+ flag = True
+ continue
+ if tag.strip():
+ entry['principleParts'] = gloss.strip(", ") + " (" + tag.strip() + ")"
+ else:
+ entry['principleParts'] = gloss.strip(", ")
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\n\n\n\t\t\t" + "*"*1000 + f"\n\nLINE: {current_line_number()}")
+ if counter_princ_parts > 4:
+ print("'principleParts' not in entry")
+ print(i['entry_type'])
+ print(f"entry = {entry}")
+ print(f"final {entry['principleParts']}",flush=True)
+ exit()
+ else:
+ for x in entry['defs']:
+ if isinstance(x['gloss'],list):
+ print(f"Gloss = List {x['gloss']}",flush=True)
+ print(f"i = {i}")
+ exit()
+ print("'principleParts' not in entry")
+ print(f"increment {entry['principleParts']}")
+ counter_princ_parts += 1
+ return entry
+ for i in lewis:
+ entry = get_entry(i,debug_print)
+ if entry:
+ dictionary['definitions'].append({'entries':[entry],'heading':i['key'],'handle':unidecode(i['key']),'tags':set()})
+import json
+def Lewis(new_dictionary={'definitions':[]}):
+ change_path('texts')
+ change_path('lewis-short-json-master')
+ dictionary = {'file':'','definitions':[],"language":''}
+ for i in range(0,1):
+ json_file = 'ls_' + chr(i+65) + '.json'
+ with open(json_file,'r') as f:
+ print(f"Successfully opened '{'ls_' + chr(i+65) + '.json'}'",flush=True)
+ lewis = json.load(f)
+ extract_dictionary(lewis,dictionary)
+ new_dictionary['definitions'].extend(dictionary['definitions'])
+ return new_dictionary
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0385eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+from load_dict import change_path
+from copy import deepcopy
+import edit_all
+import pickle
+from dict_utilities import printpr
+interval = 30
+level = 1
+start = interval * level
+stop = (interval) * (level + 1)
+debug_print = False
+progress_print = True
+# From here on this is the most contrived code ever written
+tenses = ['pres','past','ptp']
+genders = ['m','f','n','pl','?']
+numbers = [f'{i + 1}.' for i in range(30)]
+other_pos = {'adj':'adjective',
+ 'noun':'noun',
+ 'pronoun':'pronoun',
+ 'prep':'preposition',
+ 'conj':'conjuction',
+ 'interrog. adv':'interrogative',
+ 'interrog':'interrogative',
+ 'adv':'adverb',
+ 'prefix':'prefix',
+ 'interj':'interjection',
+ 'pron':'pronoun',
+ 'suffix':'suffix',
+ 'num':'number',
+ 'article':'article',
+ 'infl':'inlfection',
+ 'indecl':'indecllinable noun'}
+def Johnson_OED(new_dictionary):
+ def pos_test(line,line_0 = ''):
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f"TEST LINE: {line}")
+ index = None
+ if 'ptp' in line:
+ full_verb = True
+ for n in numbers:
+ if n in line:
+ if line.index(n) < line.index('ptp'):
+ full_verb = False
+ else:
+ full_verb = False
+ if full_verb:
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'verb','etymology':''}
+ index = line.index('ptp')+2
+ parts = line_0 + ' '.join(line[:index]).strip(',.;')
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = parts
+ if debug_print:
+ print('\n>>>>> FULL VERB')
+ return entry, index
+ else:
+ if debug_print:
+ print('NOT FV',end='\t')
+ see = False
+ for word in line:
+ if word == 'see':
+ see = True
+ break
+ if word.strip('.,') in other_pos \
+ or word in numbers \
+ or word.strip(',.') in genders:
+ break
+ if see:
+ index = line.index('see')
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'form','etymology':''}
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = line_0 + ' '.join(line[:index]).strip(',.;')
+ entry['defs'] = [{'gloss':'alternative form of ' + ' '.join(line[index+1:]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]}]
+ new_word['entries'] = entry
+ if debug_print:
+ print('\n>>>>> FORM OF')
+ return entry, index
+ if debug_print:
+ print('NOT FORM',end='\t')
+ noun = flag = stop = False
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ if line[i].strip(".,") in genders and not stop:
+ noun = flag = True
+ index = i + 1
+ continue
+ elif noun and not flag:
+ stop = True
+ if flag:
+ if '(' in line[i]:
+ if ')' in line[i]:
+ index = i + 1
+ flag = False
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ flag = False
+ if ')' in line[i]:
+ index = i + 1
+ flag = False
+ if line[i] in numbers:
+ break
+ if noun:
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'noun','etymology':''}
+ parts = line_0 + ' '.join(line[:index]).strip(',.;')
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = parts
+ if debug_print:
+ print('\n>>>>> NOUN')
+ return entry,index
+ if debug_print:
+ print('NOT NOUN',end='\t')
+ found_pos = False
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ if line[i].strip('.,') in other_pos:
+ index = i
+ pos = other_pos[line[i].strip('.,')]
+ found_pos = True
+ break
+ if line[i] in numbers:
+ break
+ if found_pos:
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':pos,'etymology':''}
+ if pos == 'noun' or pos == 'pronoun':
+ if debug_print:
+ print('%'*1000)
+ if debug_print:
+ print(line)
+ flag = suspicious = False
+ og_index = index
+ for i in range(index,len(line)):
+ if line[i].strip('(,.') in genders:
+ if '(' in line[i]:
+ flag = True
+ else:
+ index = i + 1
+ if flag:
+ if ')' in line[i]:
+ flag = False
+ index = i + 1
+ if line[i].strip(',.') in ['suffix','prefix']:
+ entry['partOfSpeech'] = line[i].strip(',.')
+ if line[i].strip(',.') in other_pos:
+ suspicious = True
+ if line[i].strip(',.') == 'or' and suspicious:
+ entry['partOfSpeech'] = ''
+ index = 1
+ if entry['partOfSpeech'] == 'noun' and index > og_index:
+ parts = ' '.join(line[:index])
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = parts
+ if entry['partOfSpeech'] == 'suffix' or entry['partOfSpeech'] == 'prefix' :
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = line[0]
+ index = 1
+ else:
+ parts = line_0 + ' '.join(line[:index]).strip(',.;')
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = parts
+ index += 1
+ if debug_print:
+ print('\n>>>>> OTHER POS')
+ return entry, index
+ if debug_print:
+ print('POS NOT FOUND',end='\t')
+ form = False
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ if line[i] == 'of':
+ form = True
+ if line[i].strip('.,') in other_pos \
+ or line[i] in numbers \
+ or line[i].strip(',.') in genders:
+ form = False
+ break
+ if form:
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'form','etymology':''}
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = line_0
+ index = 0
+ return entry, index
+ prin("")
+ return None, None
+ def return_defs(line,index):
+ sub_nums = []
+ for i in range(len(numbers)):
+ if numbers[i] in line[index:]:
+ sub_nums.append(numbers[i])
+ defs = []
+ if debug_print:
+ print(line)
+ for i in range(len(sub_nums)):
+ start = line.index(sub_nums[i]) + 1
+ if sub_nums[i] == sub_nums[-1]:
+ stop = None
+ else:
+ stop = line.index(sub_nums[i+1])
+ if stop:
+ defs.append({'gloss':' '.join(line[start:stop]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]})
+ else:
+ defs.append({'gloss':' '.join(line[start:]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]})
+ return defs
+ def return_multi_entry(line):
+ sub_nums = []
+ for i in range(len(numbers)):
+ if numbers[i] in line:
+ sub_nums.append(numbers[i])
+ entries = []
+ if debug_print:
+ print(sub_nums)
+ for i in range(len(sub_nums)):
+ if debug_print:
+ print(sub_nums[i])
+ start = line.index(sub_nums[i]) + 1
+ if sub_nums[i] == sub_nums[-1]:
+ stop = None
+ else:
+ stop = line.index(sub_nums[i+1])
+ if debug_print:
+ print(line[start:stop])
+ if stop:
+ entry, index = pos_test(line[start:stop],line[0] + ' ')
+ else:
+ entry, index = pos_test(line[start:],line[0] + ' ')
+ if entry == None or index == None:
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\t\tAAAAAAAA")
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'','etymology':''}
+ parts = ' '.join(line[:line.index('1.')]).strip(',.;')
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = parts
+ if stop:
+ entry['defs'] = [{'gloss':' '.join(line[start:stop]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]}]
+ else:
+ entry['defs'] = [{'gloss':' '.join(line[start:]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]}]
+ else:
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\t\tBBBBBBBB")
+ if stop:
+ if 'defs' not in entry:
+ entry['defs'] = [{'gloss':' '.join(line[start+index:stop]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]}]
+ else:
+ if 'defs' not in entry:
+ entry['defs'] = [{'gloss':' '.join(line[start+index:]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]}]
+ entries.append(deepcopy(entry))
+ return entries
+ # Start of actual MLJohnson code
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ change_path('texts')
+ definitions = []
+ counter = 0
+ line_counter = 0
+ with open('MLJohnson_OEDictionary.txt','r') as f:
+ if progress_print:
+ print(f"Parsing 'MLJohnson_OEDictionary.txt': ",flush=True,end='')
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ line = line.split()
+ if '[]' in line:
+ line.remove('[]')
+ offset = 0
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if len(line[i]) > 2:
+ line[i] = line[i].rstrip('1234')
+ if len(line[i]) > 1:
+ line[i] = line[i].strip('?')
+ if line[i].rstrip('1234') == '':
+ del line[i]
+ offset += 1
+ i -= 1
+ if line[i].strip('.') in other_pos and line[i-1].strip('.') == 'interrog':
+ line[i-1] = 'interrog. adv.'
+ del line[i]
+ offset += 1
+ if line:
+ new_word = {}
+ new_word['heading'] = new_word['handle'] = line[0]
+ entry, index = pos_test(line)
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f'\nPOS TEST: {entry} {index}')
+ if entry:
+ if entry['partOfSpeech'] == 'suffix' or entry['partOfSpeech'] == 'prefix':
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ if entry['partOfSpeech'] in line[i]:
+ line[i] = line[i].strip(",.;") + ":"
+ one_entry = True
+ for n in numbers:
+ if n in line:
+ one_entry = False
+ else:
+ break
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f"ONE ENTRY = {one_entry}")
+ if index == None and not one_entry:
+ new_word['entries'] = return_multi_entry(line)
+ elif index and not one_entry:
+ entry['defs'] = return_defs(line,index)
+ new_word['entries'] = [entry]
+ elif index == None and one_entry:
+ verb = False
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ if '/' in line[i] or line[i] == 'verb':
+ index = i + 1
+ verb = True
+ if verb:
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'verb','etymology':''}
+ parts = ' '.join(line[:index]).strip(',.;')
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = parts
+ elif 'of' in line:
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'form','etymology':''}
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = line[0]
+ index = 1
+ elif index == None:
+ entry = {'partOfSpeech':'','etymology':''}
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry['principleParts'] = line[0]
+ index = 1
+ counter += 1
+ entry['defs'] = [{'gloss':' '.join(line[index:]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]}]
+ new_word['entries'] = [entry]
+ else:
+ if 'defs' not in entry:
+ entry['defs'] = [{'gloss':' '.join(line[index:]).strip(',.;'),'tags':[]}]
+ new_word['entries'] = [entry]
+ new_word['tags'] = set('MLJ')
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f"\n\tFINAL WORD: {new_word}\n")
+ if counter > 2:
+ if debug_print:
+ break
+ definitions.append(new_word)
+ line_counter += 1
+ if progress_print:
+ printpr(line_counter)
+ print(f' {line_counter:,} lines parsed',flush=True)
+ new_dictionary['definitions'].extend(definitions)
+ return new_dictionary
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776e443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+import parser_shell
+from load_dict import change_path
+from copy import deepcopy
+import edit_all
+import pickle
+import beta_code
+from language_splitter import split_language
+from dict_utilities import printpr
+debug_print = False
+progress_print = True
+interval = 1000
+level = 0
+start = (interval * level)
+stop = (interval) * (level + 1)
+def cut_text(text,start,stop):
+ p = text.find(start) + len(start)
+ text = text[p:]
+ text = text[:text.find(stop)]
+ return text
+def translate_greek(text,bold):
+ text = list(text)
+ text = [x for x in text if not x.isnumeric()]
+ text = "".join(text)
+ if bold:
+ return "" + beta_code.beta_code_to_greek(text) + ""
+ else:
+ return beta_code.beta_code_to_greek(text)
+def smart_join(text):
+ if debug_print:
+ print(text)
+ s = ""
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ if i == 0:
+ s = text[i]
+ else:
+ if s[-1] != " " and s[-1] not in ['('] and text[i][0] != " " and text[i][0] not in [',','.',';',')','?']:
+ s += " " + text[i]
+ else:
+ s += text[i]
+ return s.replace(" .",".").replace(" ,",",").replace(" :",":")
+def configure_parts(defs):
+ count = 0
+ for i in defs[0]['gloss']:
+ if i == "(":
+ count += 1
+ if i == ")" and count != 0:
+ count -= 1
+ if count < 0:
+ # Unbalance parens
+ if debug_print:
+ # need db printing function for line and function info
+ print(defs[0]['gloss'])
+ print(defs[1]['gloss'])
+ break
+ if count != 0:
+ if debug_print:
+ # need db printing function
+ print(defs[0]['gloss'])
+ print(defs[1]['gloss'])
+ parens = 0
+ for i in range(len(defs[1]['gloss'])):
+ if defs[1]['gloss'][i] == ")":
+ parens += 1
+ if defs[1]['gloss'][i] == "(":
+ parens -= 1
+ if parens == count:
+ break
+ if i < len(defs[1]['gloss']) - 1:
+ defs[0]['gloss'] = smart_join([defs[0]['gloss'],defs[1]['gloss'][: i + 1]])
+ defs[1]['gloss'] = defs[1]['gloss'][i + 1 :]
+ for i in range(len(defs[1]['gloss'])):
+ if defs[1]['gloss'][i].isalpha() or defs[1]['gloss'][i] == "=":
+ break
+ defs[1]['gloss'] = defs[1]['gloss'][i:]
+ else:
+ defs[0]['gloss'] += ")"
+ if debug_print:
+ # These statements are all useless
+ print(defs[0]['gloss'])
+ print(defs[1]['gloss'])
+ return defs
+def process_entry(text):
+ definition = {'heading':'',
+ 'handle':'',
+ 'tags':set("Middle Liddell"),
+ 'entries':[]}
+ entry = {'defs':[],
+ 'partOfSpeech':'',
+ 'principleParts':'',
+ 'simpleParts':'',
+ 'etymology':''}
+ handle = cut_text(text,"key=\"","\"")
+ if debug_print:
+ print(handle)
+ definition['heading'] = definition['handle'] = translate_greek(handle,False)
+ if debug_print:
+ print("@"*5000 + f"\nheading \"{definition['heading']}\"")
+ while text != "":
+ text, defs = get_def(text)
+ for x in defs:
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f"definition: {x['gloss']}")
+ entry['defs'].append(deepcopy(x))
+ if len(entry['defs']) > 1:
+ entry['defs'] = configure_parts(entry['defs'])
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry["principleParts"] = entry['defs'][0]['gloss']
+ entry['defs'].pop(0)
+ else:
+ entry['simpleParts'] = entry["principleParts"] = definition['heading']
+ definition['entries'].append(deepcopy(entry))
+ definition['tags'].add("Middle Liddell")
+ if debug_print:
+ print(definition)
+ return definition
+def get_def(text):
+ m = 0
+ gloss = []
+ defs = []
+ greek = quote = author = False
+ candidate_tag = ''
+ while True:
+ pull = text[:text.find("<")]
+ brac = text[text.find("<"):text.find(">")+1]
+ text = text[text.find(">") + 1:]
+ if greek and pull != "":
+ pull = translate_greek(pull,True)
+ greek = False
+ if 'lang=\"greek\"' in brac:
+ greek = True
+ if "" or text == "":
+ gloss = smart_join(gloss).strip(",. ")
+ if gloss != "":
+ defs.append({'gloss':gloss,'tags':[]})
+ break
+ return text, defs
+def extract_dictionary(perseus, dictionary):
+ line_list = []
+ ignition = False
+ for i in range(len(perseus)):
+ if "= .5
+def filter_tags(gloss_parts, existing_tags, Test):
+ """Filter existing tags by comparing them to the gloss_parts."""
+ new_tags = existing_tags.copy()
+ for tag in existing_tags:
+ gloss_parts = [part for part in gloss_parts if not similar_enough(part, tag)]
+ if any(similar_enough(part, tag) for part in gloss_parts):
+ new_tags.remove(tag)
+ return new_tags, gloss_parts
+def paren_cut(gloss, tags):
+ if gloss[0] != "(":
+ return gloss, tags
+ gloss_parts = gloss[1:gloss.find(")")].split(", ")
+ remaining_gloss = gloss[gloss.find(")") + 2:]
+ debug_print(Test, f"g = {gloss_parts}", f"gloss = {remaining_gloss}", f"split g = {gloss_parts}", f"tags = {tags}")
+ new_tags, gloss_parts = filter_tags(gloss_parts, tags, Test)
+ if len(gloss_parts) == 0:
+ return remaining_gloss, new_tags
+ else:
+ return "(" + ", ".join(gloss_parts) + ") " + remaining_gloss, new_tags
+def add_def(defs,new_gloss,gloss_tags):
+ if ")" in new_gloss:
+ for d in defs:
+ if new_gloss[new_gloss.find(")") + 2:] == d['gloss']:
+ d['gloss'] = new_gloss
+ for tag in gloss_tags:
+ if tag not in d['tags']:
+ d['tags'].append(tag)
+ d['gloss'], d['tags'] = paren_cut(d['gloss'],d['tags'])
+ return
+ if ":" in new_gloss:
+ for d in defs:
+ if ":" in d['gloss'] and new_gloss[:new_gloss.find(':')] == d['gloss'][:d['gloss'].find(':')]:
+ if new_gloss[new_gloss.find(':') + 2:].isspace() or not new_gloss[new_gloss.find(':') + 2:]:
+ return
+ elif new_gloss[new_gloss.find(':') + 2:] == d['gloss'][d['gloss'].find(':') + 2:]:
+ return
+ if new_gloss:
+ defs.append({'gloss':new_gloss,'tags':copy.deepcopy(gloss_tags)})
+def create_defs(senses, tag_list):
+ defs = []
+ dupe_list = []
+ def process_glosses(glosses, gloss_tags):
+ for gloss in glosses:
+ new_gloss = gloss.strip(". ")
+ split_gloss = new_gloss.split('\n##') if '\n##' in new_gloss else [new_gloss]
+ # Apply the loop only if we have split the gloss
+ if len(split_gloss) > 1:
+ for i in range(1, len(split_gloss)):
+ new_gloss, gloss_tags = paren_cut(split_gloss[0] + split_gloss[i], gloss_tags)
+ if new_gloss not in dupe_list:
+ add_def(defs, new_gloss, gloss_tags)
+ dupe_list.append(new_gloss)
+ else:
+ new_gloss, gloss_tags = paren_cut(new_gloss, gloss_tags)
+ if new_gloss not in dupe_list:
+ add_def(defs, new_gloss, gloss_tags)
+ dupe_list.append(new_gloss)
+ return gloss_tags
+ for sense in senses:
+ gloss_tags = []
+ if 'form_of' in sense:
+ gloss_tags.append('form of ' + sense['form_of'][0]['word'])
+ if 'tags' in sense:
+ gloss_tags.extend([tag for tag in sense['tags'] if tag not in tag_list])
+ if 'english' in sense and sense['english'] not in tag_list:
+ gloss_tags.append(sense['english'])
+ if 'qualifier' in sense and sense['qualifier'] not in tag_list:
+ gloss_tags.append(sense['qualifier'])
+ if 'glosses' in sense:
+ gloss_tags = process_glosses([sense['glosses'][0].strip(". ")], gloss_tags)
+ if 'raw_glosses' in sense:
+ gloss_tags = process_glosses(sense['raw_glosses'], gloss_tags)
+ if Test:
+ print(f"dupe_list = {dupe_list}")
+ if Test:
+ print(f"defs: {defs}")
+ return defs
+def get_file_selection(Test, test_file, test_language):
+ change_path('dumps unsorted')
+ if Test:
+ return test_file, test_language
+ else:
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.json')
+ if myFiles == []:
+ print("\nSorry no saved dictionaries")
+ return None, None
+ else:
+ options = {'0':f"\nChoose from the following files: (0 to go back)\n"}
+ for index in range(len(myFiles)):
+ options[f"{str(index + 1)}"] = f"{index + 1}. {myFiles[index]}\n"
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return None, None
+ else:
+ file = myFiles[int(user_input)-1]
+ language = pick_language()
+ return file, language
+def print_debug_info(line, counter):
+ print('\n')
+ print(f"\tline: {counter}, word: {line['word']}")
+ print("WORD ITEMS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
+ for item in line.items():
+ print(item)
+ print("SENSES ITEMS >>>>>>>>>>>>")
+ for item in line['senses'][0].items():
+ print(item)
+def handle_pos(line):
+ pos_mapping = {
+ 'adv': 'adverb',
+ 'adj': 'adjective',
+ 'prep': 'preposition',
+ 'intj': 'interjection'
+ }
+ pos = line['pos']
+ line['pos'] = pos_mapping.get(pos, pos)
+ return line['pos']
+def handle_defs(line,tag_list):
+ if 'tags' in line['senses'][0]:
+ tag = line['senses'][0]['tags']
+ if 'no-senses' in tag or 'no-gloss' in tag or 'empty-gloss' in tag:
+ if isinstance(tag,list):
+ return [{'gloss': ", ".join(tag), 'tags': []}]
+ else:
+ return [{'gloss': tag, 'tags': []}]
+ else:
+ return create_defs(line['senses'], tag_list)
+ else:
+ return create_defs(line['senses'], tag_list)
+def handle_etymology(line):
+ if 'etymology_text' in line:
+ return line['etymology_text']
+ else:
+ return ''
+def handle_parts(line,get_simple=None):
+ if get_simple:
+ return get_simple(line['pos'], line['head_templates'][0]['expansion'], line['word']) if 'head_templates' in line else line['word']
+ else:
+ return line['head_templates'][0]['expansion'] if 'head_templates' in line else line['word']
+def handle_word_entry(line,tag_list,get_simple=None):
+ return {
+ 'partOfSpeech': handle_pos(line),
+ 'principleParts': line['head_templates'][0]['expansion'] if 'head_templates' in line else line['word'],
+ 'simpleParts': handle_parts(line,get_simple),
+ 'defs': handle_defs(line, tag_list),
+ 'etymology': handle_etymology(line)
+ }
+def handle_word(line,tag_list,language,get_simple=None):
+ return {
+ 'heading': line['word'],
+ 'handle': unidecode(line['word']) if language in ["Latin", "Italian"] else line['word'],
+ 'entries': [handle_word_entry(line, tag_list,get_simple)],
+ 'tags': set(),
+ 'roots': [line['senses'][0][root_type][0]['word'] for root_type in ['alt_of', 'form_of'] if root_type in line['senses'][0]]
+ }
+def ui_template(new_dictionary,dict_str,shrt_str,cite,cite_2='',dict_f=""):
+ user_input = input(f"\nAdd definitiions from: \"{dict_str}\"?"\
+ + "\nType 'y' to add definitions, Press 'Enter' to continue: " )
+ if user_input.lower() == 'y':
+ user_input = '0'
+ new_dictionary = dict_f(new_dictionary)
+ new_dictionary = edit_all.deduplicate(new_dictionary)
+ n = len(new_dictionary['definitions'])
+ thank(dict_str,shrt_str,n,cite)
+def thank(dict_str,shrt_str,length,cite,cite_2='',dict_f=""):
+ print(f"\nYour dictionary now contains ( {length:,} ) unique definitions after adding {shrt_str}.")
+ print(f"Data files courtesy of {cite}.",end='')
+ if cite_2:
+ i = input(f"\nType 'i' for more info, Press 'Enter' to continue: ")
+ if i.lower() == 'i':
+ print(f"\n{cite_2}")
+ input(f"Press 'Enter' to continue ")
+ else:
+ input(f"\n(Press 'Enter' to continue)")
+def parse_lines(input_file,tag_list,language,get_simple=None):
+ definitions_dict = {}
+ counter = 0
+ for line in input_file:
+ line = json.loads(line)
+ counter += 1
+ if progress_print or Test:
+ if counter % 1000 == 0:
+ print(".",end='',flush=True)
+ if counter % 100000 == 0:
+ print(f' {counter:,} lines parsed',flush=True)
+ if Test:
+ print_debug_info(line,counter)
+ new_definition = handle_word(line, tag_list,language,get_simple)
+ if new_definition['heading'] in definitions_dict:
+ definitions_dict[new_definition['heading']]['entries'].extend(new_definition['entries'])
+ else:
+ definitions_dict[new_definition['heading']] = new_definition
+ input_file.close()
+ print(f' {counter:,} lines parsed',flush=True)
+ print("De-duplicating definitions...")
+ # convert dict values to list
+ definitions = list(definitions_dict.values())
+ dict_str = f"{language} Wiktionary"
+ shrt_str = f"{language} Wiktionary"
+ cite = "Tatu Ylonen, see for more information"
+ cite_2 = "Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022."
+ n = len(definitions)
+ thank(dict_str,shrt_str,n,cite,cite_2)
+ return definitions
+def replace_greek(word):
+ alt_letters = {
+ 'Ἀ':'Α',
+ 'ά':'α', 'ἀ':'α', 'ἄ':'α', 'ἅ':'α', 'ἆ':'α', 'ᾰ':'α', 'ᾱ':'α', 'ᾴ':'α',
+ 'έ':'ε', 'ἐ':'ε', 'ἑ':'ε', 'ἔ':'ε', 'ἕ':'ε',
+ 'ή':'η','ἡ':'η', 'ἤ':'η', 'ἥ':'η', 'ῆ':'η',
+ 'ί':'ι','ἰ':'ι', 'ἱ':'ι', 'ἴ':'ι', 'ἵ':'ι', 'ἶ':'ι', 'ῐ':'ι', 'ῑ':'ι', 'ῖ':'ι',
+ 'ό':'ο','ὀ':'ο', 'ὁ':'ο', 'ὄ':'ο', 'ὅ':'ο',
+ 'ῥ':'ρ',
+ 'ύ':'υ','ὐ':'υ', 'ὑ':'υ', 'ὔ':'υ', 'ὕ':'υ', 'ὖ':'υ', 'ὗ':'υ','ῠ':'υ', 'ῡ':'υ', 'ῦ':'υ',
+ 'ώ':'ω', 'ὧ':'ω','ῶ':'ω', 'ῷ':'ω'
+ }
+ for x in word:
+ if x in alt_letters:
+ word = word.replace(x,alt_letters[x])
+ return word
+def sort_dump():
+ print_mode = Test
+ save_mode = not Test
+ test_language = 'Ancient Greek'
+ test_file = ""
+ change_path('texts')
+ with open('newtaglist.txt','r') as f:
+ tag_list = json.load(f)
+ language = pick_language()
+ file = "" + language.replace(' ','') + ".json"
+ if language == "Latin":
+ from get_simple import get_simple
+ simple = get_simple
+ else:
+ simple = None
+ sorted_file = language.replace(" ", '') + "Dump.txt"
+ print(f"Parsing {file}")
+ new_dictionary = {'definitions':[], 'file': sorted_file, 'language':language}
+ change_path('dumps unsorted')
+ with open(file, 'r') as input_file:
+ new_dictionary['definitions'] = parse_lines(input_file, tag_list,language,simple)
+ with open('newtaglist.txt', mode='w') as f:
+ json.dump(tag_list, f)
+ # Latin fixes
+ if True:
+ if new_dictionary['language'] == 'Latin':
+ if progress_print:
+ print(f"Fixing participles...")
+ new_dictionary = edit_all.fix_participles(new_dictionary)
+ if progress_print:
+ print(f"Fixing verbs...")
+ new_dictionary = edit_all.fix_verbs(new_dictionary)
+ if progress_print:
+ print(f"Fixing etymologies...")
+ new_dictionary = edit_all.fix_etymology(new_dictionary)
+ # Greek Supplement
+ if new_dictionary['language'] == "Ancient Greek":
+ dict_str = ["Liddell & Scott, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon","Liddell & Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ)"]
+ shrt_str = ["\"Middle\" Liddell",'\"LSJ\"']
+ cite = "Tufts University Perseus Digital Library"
+ cite_2=''
+ from dictionary_Middle_Liddell import middle_liddell
+ from dictionary_LSJ import LSJ
+ dict_f = [middle_liddell,LSJ]
+ for i in range(2):
+ ui_template(new_dictionary,dict_str[i],shrt_str[i],cite,cite_2,dict_f[i])
+ # Old English Supplement
+ if new_dictionary['language'] == "Old English":
+ dict_str = "Mary Lynch Johnson, A Modern English - Old English Dictionary"
+ shrt_str = "M.L. Johnson OE Dictionary"
+ cite = "Richard Zimmermann,"
+ cite_2=''
+ from dictionary_MLJohnson import Johnson_OED
+ ui_template(new_dictionary,dict_str,shrt_str,cite,cite_2,Johnson_OED)
+ change_path('dumps sorted')
+ new_dictionary['definitions'].sort(key=lambda item: item.get('handle').lower())
+ print("Converting dictionary to trie")
+ split_language(new_dictionary)
+ input("Extraction successful, press enter to continue")
+ return
+if Test:
+ sort_dump()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb60d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+import get_selection
+import word_methods
+import glob
+import os
+import sys
+import pickle, json
+from iteration_utilities import unique_everseen
+from copy import deepcopy
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import load_dict
+import word_print_edit
+import edit_entry
+import edit_dictionary
+from tables_greek_ext import auto_parts
+# # # # # # # # # # # #
+def edit_all(current_dict):
+ while True:
+ options = {'1':"Edit All Options:\n==================================\n>'1' to replace a tag\n",
+ 'q':">'q' other_unknown\n",
+ '2':">'2' special option\n",
+ 'a':">'a' change file name\n",
+ 'b':">'b' special option II\n",
+ 'c':">'c' convert to gloss/tags defs\n",
+ 'd':">'d' match dictionaries\n",
+ '3':">'3' to edit a subset by tag\n",
+ '4':">'4' to remove punctuation\n",
+ '5':">'5' to fix participles\n",
+ 'p':">'p' to fix pronuncitations\n",
+ '6':">'6' deduplicate\n",
+ '7':">'7' to fix verbs\n",
+ '8':">'8' remove periods\n",
+ '9':">'9' fix sort handles\n",
+ '10':">'10' special greek option\n",
+ #'q':">'q' to cut parens\n",
+ '0':">'0' to go back\n",
+ 'r':">'r' to reset template indicators\n",
+ 't':">'t' to tag splits\n",
+ 's':">'s' remove spaces\n",
+ 'x':">'x' to convert to set\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == 'r':
+ for i in current_dict['definitions']:
+ if 'template' in i:
+ del i['template']
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ current_dict = replace_tag(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'a':
+ current_dict = change_file_name(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 't':
+ for i in current_dict['definitions']:
+ if i['entries'][0]['partOfSpeech'] == 'verb':
+ i['entries'][0]['simpleParts'] = auto_parts(i['entries'][0]['simpleParts'],True)
+ load_dict.change_path('dictionaries')
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ current = special(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'c':
+ current_dict = replace_defs(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'd':
+ match_dictionaries(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'p':
+ current_dict = fix_pronunciations(current_dict)
+ #elif user_input == 'q':
+ # cut_parens_access(current_dict['language'])
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ current_dict = edit_subset(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ current_dict == remove_all_punct(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'b':
+ find_paren(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '5':
+ current_dict = fix_participles(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '6':
+ current_dict = deduplicate(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '7':
+ current_dict = fix_verbs(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '8':
+ current_dict = remove_periods(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '9':
+ current_dict = fix_sort_handles(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '10':
+ current_dict = fix_etymology(current_dict)
+ #elif user_input == '10':
+ # special_greek(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 's':
+ current_dict = remove_spaces(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'x':
+ convert_to_set(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'q':
+ other_unknown(current_dict)
+import tables, tables_greek_ext
+def other_unknown(current_dict):
+ print('re-doing all verbs')
+ load_dict.change_path('templates')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ template_file = "AncientGreek_templates.txt"
+ if template_file not in myFiles:
+ print("No '_templates.txt' files found in directory")
+ templates = []
+ else:
+ with open(template_file,'r') as f:
+ templates = json.load(f)
+ in_out_list = []
+ for t in templates:
+ if t['POS'] == 'verb':
+ user_input = input(f"{t['title']} = contracted (y/n)?: ")
+ if user_input.lower() == 'y':
+ in_out_list.append(True)
+ else:
+ in_out_list.append(False)
+ print(f"in_out_list = : {in_out_list}")
+ for i, t in enumerate(templates):
+ if t['POS'] == 'verb':
+ if in_out_list[i]:
+ t = tables_greek_ext.get_forms(t)
+ print(t['principal'])
+ user_input = input("Save new verb data (y/n)?")
+ if user_input.lower() == 'y':
+ load_dict.change_path('templates')
+ sort_tables(templates,language)
+ with open(template_file,'w') as f:
+ json.dump(templates,f)
+ print('re-doing all verbs succesful')
+ else:
+ print('re-doing all verbs aborted succesfully')
+ return
+def special_greek(current_dict):
+ letters = {
+ 'Ἀ':'Α',
+ 'ά':'α', 'ἀ':'α', 'ἄ':'α', 'ἅ':'α', 'ἆ':'α', 'ᾰ':'α', 'ᾱ':'α', 'ᾴ':'α',
+ 'έ':'ε', 'ἐ':'ε', 'ἑ':'ε', 'ἔ':'ε', 'ἕ':'ε',
+ 'ή':'η','ἡ':'η', 'ἤ':'η', 'ἥ':'η', 'ῆ':'η',
+ 'ί':'ι','ἰ':'ι', 'ἱ':'ι', 'ἴ':'ι', 'ἵ':'ι', 'ἶ':'ι', 'ῐ':'ι', 'ῑ':'ι', 'ῖ':'ι',
+ 'ό':'ο','ὀ':'ο', 'ὁ':'ο', 'ὄ':'ο', 'ὅ':'ο',
+ 'ῥ':'ρ',
+ 'ύ':'υ','ὐ':'υ', 'ὑ':'υ', 'ὔ':'υ', 'ὕ':'υ', 'ὖ':'υ', 'ὗ':'υ','ῠ':'υ', 'ῡ':'υ', 'ῦ':'υ',
+ 'ώ':'ω', 'ὧ':'ω','ῶ':'ω', 'ῷ':'ω'
+ }
+ letters = list(letters.keys())
+ for x in current_dict['definitions']:
+ for y in x['heading']:
+ if y not in letters:
+ letters.append(y)
+ letters.sort()
+ print("&" * 100)
+ print(letters)
+def remove_spaces(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ text = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]
+ text['gloss'] = text['gloss'].replace(" .",".").replace(" ,",",").replace(" :",":")
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k] = text
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ return current_dict
+def fix_etymology(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for x in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][x]['etymology'] = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][x]['etymology'].strip('\n')
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][x]['etymology'] = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][x]['etymology'].replace("\n"," ")
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+def fix_sort_handles(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ if 'sort_handle' in current_dict['definitions'][i]:
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['handle'] = current_dict['definitions'][i]['heading']
+ del current_dict['definitions'][i]['sort_handle']
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+def fix_pronunciations(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ if 'Pronunciation' in current_dict['definitions'][i]['tags']:
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['heading'] = "Pronunciation: " + current_dict['definitions'][i]['heading']
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['handle'] = current_dict['definitions'][i]['heading']
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+def change_file_name(current_dict):
+ print(f"Enter new name for {current_dict['file']} ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ else:
+ load_dict.change_path('dictionaries')
+ current_dict['file'] = user_input + '.txt'
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+def replace_defs(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k] = {'gloss':current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k],'tags':[]}
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+def load_latin(index_letter):
+ if index_letter.lower() not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
+ index_letter = 'misc'
+ load_dict.change_path("dumps sorted")
+ with open('Latin-' + index_letter.lower() + '.txt','rb') as openFile:
+ wiki_dump = pickle.load(openFile)
+ return wiki_dump
+def match_dictionaries(current_dict):
+ load_dict.change_path("dumps sorted")
+ trie_file = current_dict['language'].replace(" ","") + '-trie.txt'
+ print(f"Loading {trie_file}")
+ with open(trie_file, 'rb') as openFile:
+ current_trie = pickle.load(openFile)['definitions']
+ for word_data in current_dict['definitions']:
+ heading = unidecode(word_data['heading'].lower())
+ if heading in current_trie:
+ if isinstance(current_trie[heading],list):
+ for i in range(len(current_trie[heading])):
+ if current_trie[heading][i]['heading'] == word_data['heading']:
+ print(f"{word_data['heading']} updated")
+ current_trie[heading][i]['tags'].update(word_data['tags'])
+ else:
+ print(f"{word_data['heading']} updated")
+ current_trie[heading]['tags'].update(word_data['tags'])
+ else:
+ print(f"\t{word_data['heading']} added")
+ current_trie[heading] = deepcopy(word_data)
+ with open(current_dict['language'].replace(" ","") + '-trie.txt', mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump({'file': trie_file, 'language': current_dict['language'], 'definitions': current_trie}, openFile, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+def remove_all_punct(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ if '\n' in current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]:
+ text = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]
+ text = text[:text.find('\n')]
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k] = text
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+def remove_periods(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ text = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]
+ text['gloss'] = text['gloss'].strip(",.; ")
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k] = text
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ return current_dict
+def prune(entry):
+ while True:
+ edit_entry.print_entry(entry)
+ user_input = int(input("Prune definitions starting from ('0' to finish): "))
+ if user_input == 0:
+ return entry
+ else:
+ entry['defs'] = entry['defs'][:user_input]
+def remove_punct(entry):
+ while True:
+ edit_entry.print_entry(entry)
+ user_input = input("Choose character to remove ('0' to finish): ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return entry
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(entry['defs'])):
+ text = entry['defs'][i]
+ text = list(text)
+ while user_input in text:
+ text.remove(user_input)
+ new_text = ''
+ for c in text:
+ new_text += c
+ entry['defs'][i] = new_text
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def special(current_dict,start=0):
+ for i in range(start,len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ while True:
+ edit_entry.print_entry(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0],'length')
+ print(f"DEFINITION # {i}\n")
+ options = {'0':">'0' to stop\n",
+ '1':">'1' to prune definitions\n",
+ '2':">'2' to remove punctuation\n",
+ '3':">'3' to continue\n",
+ '4':">'4' to skip forward\n",
+ '5':">'5' to change order\n",
+ '6':">'6' to change definition\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0] = prune(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0])
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0] = remove_punct(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0])
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ user_input = int(input("Choose start position: "))
+ if user_input != 0:
+ special(current_dict,user_input)
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '5':
+ while True:
+ user_input = input("Enter selection and new position seperated by commas ('0' to stop): ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ else:
+ user_input = user_input.split(',')
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0]['defs'] = edit_entry.move_entries(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0]['defs'],int(user_input[0]),int(user_input[1]))
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ elif user_input == '6':
+ message = "\nChoose the definition you want to change"
+ selection = edit_entry.select_definition(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0],message)
+ if selection != None:
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0]['defs'][selection] = edit_entry.remove_words(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][0]['defs'][selection])
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ return current_dict
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def replace_tag(current_dict):
+ # Set directory
+ load_dict.change_path('dictionaries')
+ while True:
+ tags = word_methods.get_master_list(current_dict)
+ options = {'0':"Select the tag you want to replace ('0' to go back)\n"}
+ for index in range(len(tags)):
+ options[f"{index + 1}"] = f"{index + 1}. {tags[index]}\n"
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ else:
+ tag_selection = tags[int(user_input) - 1]
+ print(f"Enter the replacement tag for {tag_selection} ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ continue
+ else:
+ for index in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ offset = 0
+ for inner in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'])):
+ inner = inner - offset
+ if current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'][inner] == tag_selection:
+ if user_input == '':
+ del current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'][inner]
+ offset += 1
+ else:
+ current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'][inner] = user_input
+ # open file, pickle.dump definitions list to fine, close file
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ print(f"All instances of {tag_selection} replaced with {user_input}\n")
+def convert_to_set(current_dict):
+ # Set directory
+ load_dict.change_path('dictionaries')
+ # Convert all tags from lists to sets
+ for index in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'] = set(current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'])
+ # open file, pickle.dump definitions list to fine, close file
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+# # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def edit_subset(current_dict):
+ # Set directory
+ load_dict.change_path('dictionaries')
+ while True:
+ # option to set tags
+ master_list = word_methods.get_master_list(current_dict)
+ tags = word_methods.getTags([],'subset',master_list)
+ options = {'0':"Subset options:\n>'0' to go back\n",
+ '1':">'1' to add tags to subset\n",'2':">'2' to remove tags from subset\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ mode = 'add'
+ from_to = 'to'
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ mode = 'remove'
+ from_to = 'from'
+ options = {'1':">'1' for exact match\n",'2':">'2' for any word with selected tags\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '1':
+ exact = True
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ exact = False
+ exit_loop = False
+ while not exit_loop:
+ print(f"Enter the tag your want to {mode} {from_to} your subset ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_loop = True
+ # Loop to create sub-list to select from
+ offset = 0
+ for index in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ index = index - offset
+ # assign word to shorten name
+ current_tags = current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags']
+ # test if tags match; always 'yes' for empty tags
+ if exact:
+ tag_test = current_tags == tags
+ else:
+ tag_test = set(tags).issubset(set(current_tags))
+ if tag_test:
+ if mode == 'add':
+ current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'].append(user_input)
+ elif mode == 'remove':
+ if user_input in current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags']:
+ current_dict['definitions'][index]['tags'].remove(user_input)
+ offset += 1
+ # open file, pickle.dump definitions list to fine, close file
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ print(f"\n{user_input} {mode[:5]}ed {from_to} subset\n")
+ return current_dict
+def fix_participles(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ if current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['partOfSpeech'] == 'verb':
+ simpleParts = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['simpleParts']
+ simpleParts = simpleParts.split(',')
+ if len(simpleParts) >= 3:
+ if simpleParts[0][-2:] == 'us' and simpleParts[1][-1:] == 'a' and simpleParts[2][-2:] == 'um':
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['partOfSpeech'] = 'participle'
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['simpleParts'] = simpleParts[0].strip() + ", " + simpleParts[1].strip() + ", " + simpleParts[2].strip()
+ if len(simpleParts) >= 2:
+ if simpleParts[0][-2:] == 'ns' and simpleParts[1][-4:] == 'ntis':
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['partOfSpeech'] = 'participle'
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['simpleParts'] = simpleParts[0].strip() + ", " + simpleParts[1].strip()
+ if current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['partOfSpeech'] == 'participle':
+ first = False
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ text = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['gloss']
+ text, first = word_methods.participle_edit(text,first)
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['gloss'] = text
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+def fix_verbs(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ if current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['partOfSpeech'] == 'verb':
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ text = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['gloss']
+ text = word_methods.verb_edit(text)
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['gloss'] = text
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+import collections
+from copy import deepcopy
+def deduplicate(current_dict):
+ entries = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ language = current_dict['language']
+ for item in current_dict['definitions']:
+ if language == "Latin":
+ key = unidecode(item['heading'])
+ else:
+ key = item['handle']
+ entries[key].append(item)
+ new_definitions = []
+ for key, values in entries.items():
+ main_item = deepcopy(values[0])
+ if len(values) > 1:
+ for value in values[1:]:
+ main_item['entries'].extend(deepcopy(value['entries']))
+ new_definitions.append(main_item)
+ current_dict['definitions'] = new_definitions
+ with open(current_dict['file'], mode='wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ print("De-Duplicating Successful")
+ return current_dict
+def cut_parens_access(language):
+ if language == "Latin":
+ alpha = {'a':[],
+ 'b':[],
+ 'c':[],
+ 'd':[],
+ 'e':[],
+ 'f':[],
+ 'g':[],
+ 'h':[],
+ 'i':[],
+ 'j':[],
+ 'k':[],
+ 'l':[],
+ 'm':[],
+ 'n':[],
+ 'o':[],
+ 'p':[],
+ 'q':[],
+ 'r':[],
+ 's':[],
+ 't':[],
+ 'u':[],
+ 'v':[],
+ 'w':[],
+ 'x':[],
+ 'y':[],
+ 'z':[],
+ 'misc':[]}
+ for key in alpha:
+ alpha[key] = load_latin(key)
+ for key in alpha:
+ cut_parens(alpha[key])
+ else:
+ load_dict.change_path("dumps sorted")
+ with open(language.replace(" ","") + 'Dump.txt','rb') as openFile:
+ wiki_dump = pickle.load(openFile)
+ cut_parens(wiki_dump)
+def cut_parens(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ g = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['gloss']
+ if g[0] == "(":
+ tags = ", ".join(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['tags'])
+ p = g[g.find("(") + 1:g.find(")")]
+ if tags in p or tags.replace("-"," ") in p:
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['gloss'] = g[g.find(")") + 1:].strip(": ")
+ else:
+ for tag in current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['tags']:
+ if tag in p or tag.replace("-"," ") in p:
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k]['gloss'] = g[g.find(")") + 1:].strip(": ")
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ return current_dict
+def find_paren(current_dict):
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = open("parenthesis.txt",'w')
+ for definition in current_dict['definitions']:
+ for defs in definition['entries'][0]['defs']:
+ if ')' in defs:
+ text = defs[defs.find("("):defs.find(")")+1]
+ print(text)
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
+def fix_etymology(current_dict):
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ if 'etymology' in current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]:
+ current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['etymology'] = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['etymology'].replace('\n',' ')
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ return current_dict
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c36f28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+ edit_dictionary:
+ options to route control to different functions within this file
+ word_look_up:
+ the function searches for a word input within the current dictionary
+ if found, send the word and current dictionary to existing_entry_options
+ word list:
+ print a list of all entries (or filtered by tags)
+ user selection is sent to existing_enntry_options
+ print_dict:
+ print the dictionary or a subset of tags to a file
+import glob
+import os
+import sys
+import pickle
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import re
+import random
+import word_print_edit
+import parser_shell
+import word_methods
+import get_selection
+import edit_all
+import load_dict
+from edit_entry import pretty_print_tags
+# # # # # # # # # # # #
+def edit_dictionary(current_dict):
+ while True:
+ # dictionary options
+ options = {
+ '1':"\nEdit Dictionary Options:\n==================================\n>'1' to look up words by name\n",
+ '2':">'2' to select from all entries\n",
+ '3':">'3' for edit all options\n",
+ 'tags':">'tags' to select from a subset by tag\n",
+ '0':">'0' to go back\n"
+ }
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ # options to go back
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ current_dict = word_look_up(current_dict)
+ # Option to set tags
+ elif user_input.lower() == 'tags':
+ master_list = word_methods.get_master_list(current_dict)
+ tags = word_methods.getTags([],'filter',master_list)
+ user_input = '2'
+ else:
+ tags = []
+ # Proceed to next step
+ if user_input == '2':
+ current_dict = word_list(current_dict, tags)
+ if user_input == '3':
+ current_dict = edit_all.edit_all(current_dict)
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def word_look_up(current_dict,look_up_word=None):
+ while True:
+ # set/reset flag
+ word_found = False
+ if not look_up_word:
+ # prompt user to input word
+ print("Enter the word you want to look up ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ else:
+ user_input = look_up_word
+ # option to go back
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ else:
+ # compare with handles in current dictionary
+ for word in current_dict['definitions']:
+ if user_input == word['handle']:
+ word_found = True
+ print(f"\nEntry for '{user_input}' found in {current_dict['file']}")
+ word_print_edit.print_entries(word['entries'])
+ current_dict = existing_word_options(current_dict,word)
+ if look_up_word:
+ invalid_selection = not word_found
+ return current_dict, invalid_selection
+ if not word_found:
+ print(f"\n\t'{user_input}' not found in {current_dict['file']}\n")
+def subset_test(tags,word_tags):
+ result = True
+ for i in tags:
+ if i not in word_tags:
+ result = False
+ return result
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def word_list(current_dict,tags):
+ # whole function contained in loop
+ # flag begins set to false
+ invalid_selection = False
+ while True:
+ counter = 0
+ sublist = []
+ # Print heading for dictionary entries display
+ print(f"\n{current_dict['file']}\n")
+ labels = [" Headings:","Parts:","Definitions:"]
+ print(f"{labels[0]:<25}{labels[1]:<55}{labels[2]}\n")
+ # Loop to create sub-list to select from
+ for index in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ # assign word to shorten name
+ word = current_dict['definitions'][index]
+ # test if tags match; always 'yes' for empty tags
+ if subset_test(tags,word['tags']):
+ # Create and print formatted string
+ entry_string = f"{counter + 1:>3}. {word['heading']}:"
+ # print with desired alignment
+ print(f"{entry_string:<25}",end='')
+ # check if part exceeds desired length
+ entry_len = len(word['entries'][0]['simpleParts'])
+ entry_string = f"{word['entries'][0]['simpleParts'][:50]}"
+ # if over length attach elipses
+ if entry_len > 50:
+ entry_string = entry_string[:-3]
+ entry_string += "..."
+ # print with desired alignment
+ print(f"{entry_string:<55}", end='')
+ # check if definition exceeds desired length
+ entry_len = len(word['entries'][0]['defs'][0]['gloss'])
+ entry_string = f"{word['entries'][0]['defs'][0]['gloss'][:50]}"
+ # if over length attach elipses
+ if entry_len > 50:
+ entry_string = entry_string[:-3]
+ entry_string += "..."
+ print(f"{entry_string}")
+ # save word as a dictionary entry with index values
+ sublist.append({'word':word})
+ sublist[counter]['index'] = index
+ counter += 1
+ # if sublist is empty
+ if counter == 0:
+ print("\nno definitions found with these tags")
+ return current_dict
+ if invalid_selection:
+ print("\ninvalid selection\n")
+ invalid_selection = False
+ # prompt selection
+ print("Select definition ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ # Option to go back to edit dictionary
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ # validate selection is numeric
+ if not user_input.isnumeric():
+ current_dict, invalid_selection = word_look_up(current_dict,user_input)
+ else:
+ # validate selection is in range
+ if int(user_input) - 1 not in range(len(sublist)):
+ invalid_selection = True
+ else:
+ # assign saved index from sublist
+ i = sublist[int(user_input) - 1]['index']
+ word = current_dict['definitions'][i]
+ current_dict = existing_word_options(current_dict,word)
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def existing_word_options(current_dict,word):
+ # Set directory
+ load_dict.change_path('dictionaries')
+ # whole function contained in loop
+ while True:
+ # retreive heading from sublist
+ heading = word['heading']
+ # display options
+ options = {
+ 'α':"Options:\n",
+ '1':f">'1' to Edit '{heading}'\n",
+ '2':f">'2' to Delete '{heading}'\n",
+ '3':f">'3' look-up '{heading}'\n",
+ '4':f">'4' split word\n",
+ '0':">'0' to go back\n"
+ }
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ # Option to go back
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ # Option to edit
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ # call edit word
+ language = current_dict['language']
+ word, result = word_print_edit.edit_entries(word,current_dict)
+ parser_shell.save_word(word,current_dict)
+ # back to calling function
+ return current_dict
+ # Option to delete word
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ # confirm deletion request
+ print(f"Delete {heading}?\n'1' to confirm, any other key to cancel")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ # retrieve correct index from sublist
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ if heading == current_dict['definitions'][i]['heading']:
+ del current_dict['definitions'][i]
+ break
+ # Open file an save dictionary after deleting
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ # announce word was deleted
+ print(f"\n'{heading}' deleted from {current_dict['file']}\n")
+ # back calling function
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ parser_shell.look_up_word(heading,current_dict,word['tags'],skip_check=True)
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ word_print_edit.split_word(word,current_dict)
+ return current_dict
+def pos_test_part_latin(definition,pos):
+ for entry in definition['entries']:
+ if pos_test_part_latin_2(entry['partOfSpeech'],pos):
+ return True
+ return False
+def pos_test_part_latin_2(entry_pos,pos):
+ if pos == 'adjective':
+ if entry_pos == 'adjective' or entry_pos == 'participle':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ elif pos == 'noun':
+ if entry_pos == 'noun' or entry_pos == 'name' or entry_pos.lower() == 'proper noun' :
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ elif pos == 'verb':
+ if entry_pos == 'verb':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ elif pos == 'other':
+ if entry_pos == 'adjective' or entry_pos == 'participle' or entry_pos == 'noun' or entry_pos == 'verb':
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def pos_test_part_greek(definition,pos):
+ for entry in definition['entries']:
+ if pos_test_part_greek_2(entry['partOfSpeech'],pos):
+ return True
+ return False
+def pos_test_part_greek_2(entry_pos,pos):
+ if pos == 'verb':
+ if entry_pos == 'verb':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ elif pos == 'other':
+ if entry_pos == 'verb':
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+# function prints a loaded dictionary as text to a file with ':' separators
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def print_dict(current_dict,mode='Quizlet'):
+ # change file path to 'prints' folder
+ load_dict.change_path('flashcards')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ if current_dict['language'] == "Latin":
+ split = True
+ pos_list = ['noun','verb','adjective','other']
+ function, function2 = pos_test_part_latin, pos_test_part_latin_2
+ elif current_dict['language'] == "Ancient Greek":
+ split = True
+ pos_list = ['verb','other']
+ function, function2 = pos_test_part_greek, pos_test_part_greek_2
+ else:
+ split = False
+ pos_list = ['other']
+ # Special separator character
+ c = '|'
+ counter = 0
+ limit = 49000
+ files = 1
+ while True:
+ tags = []
+ tag_mode = '2'
+ # Save a reference to the original standard output
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ for pos in pos_list:
+ if split:
+ file_name = current_dict['language'].replace(' ','') + "-" + pos.upper() + '-Flashcards.txt'
+ else:
+ file_name = current_dict['language'].replace(' ','') + '-Flashcards.txt'
+ # assign user selected file to output
+ sys.stdout = open(file_name, 'w')
+ dict_range = list(range(len(current_dict['definitions'])))
+ random.shuffle(dict_range)
+ # Loop through words in current_dict
+ for i in dict_range:
+ if function(current_dict['definitions'][i],pos) or not split:
+ pass
+ else:
+ continue
+ word_string = '{current_dict['definitions'][i]['heading'].strip()}
+ for j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ entry = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]
+ partOfSpeech = entry['partOfSpeech']
+ if function2(partOfSpeech,pos) or not split:
+ pass
+ else:
+ continue
+ entry = current_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]
+ if 'etymology' in entry:
+ if len(entry['etymology']) <= 125:
+ word_string += f'{entry["etymology"]}
+ word_string += get_entry_string(entry,current_dict['language'])
+ word_string += c
+ for tag in current_dict['definitions'][i]['tags']:
+ word_string += '"' + tag + '"; '
+ word_string.strip('; ')
+ print(word_string)
+ # re-assign orinigal output
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
+ print("\n**********************\n\nPrint to file complete\n\n**********************\n")
+ return
+def split_tags(tags,next_index,previous_tags):
+ current_index = next_index - 1
+ ''' If previous (current) tags and current tags both exist '''
+ if previous_tags != [] and tags[current_index] != []:
+ match = True
+ if len(previous_tags) > len(tags[current_index]):
+ match = False
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(previous_tags)):
+ if previous_tags[i] != tags[current_index][i]:
+ match = False
+ ''' If all previous (common) tags match with first n current tags '''
+ if match:
+ ''' Seperate current into common and distinct tags '''
+ return tags[current_index][:i+1], tags[current_index][i+1:]
+ ''' Current did not match previous common tags, inspect next tags '''
+ if len(tags) > next_index:
+ if tags[next_index] != []:
+ ''' Next tags exist and are not empty '''
+ if tags[next_index] == tags[next_index - 1]:
+ ''' Tags are exactly the same, all current tags will be common tags '''
+ return tags[current_index], []
+ ''' Find the smaller of the two lists '''
+ if len(tags[current_index]) <= len(tags[next_index]):
+ shorter = tags[current_index]
+ longer = tags[next_index]
+ else:
+ shorter = tags[next_index]
+ longer = tags[current_index]
+ for i in range(len(shorter)):
+ if shorter[i] != longer[i]:
+ ''' Once lists are no longer the same we have common and distict tags '''
+ if i == 0:
+ ''' If no matches, all tags are common '''
+ return tags[current_index], []
+ ''' Else use index to seperate common and distinct '''
+ return tags[current_index][:i], tags[current_index][i:]
+ ''' If next tags don't exist or are empty, all tags are common tags '''
+ return tags[current_index], []
+def get_entry_string(entry,language):
+ entry_string = ''
+ entry_string += f'' + f"{entry['simpleParts'].strip()}
+ text = [definition['gloss'] for definition in entry['defs']]
+ def_tags = [definition['tags'] for definition in entry['defs']]
+ if language == "Latin":
+ text = short_defs(text,def_tags)
+ bank = ["*","^","†","∆"]
+ custom = []
+ while text[0][-1] in bank:
+ custom.append(text[0][-1])
+ text[0] = text[0][:-1]
+ if custom:
+ if len(custom) == 4:
+ entry_string += f'
' #style="color:#750265;">'
+ elif len(custom) >= 2:
+ entry_string += f'' # style="color:#5C4033;">'
+ elif len(custom) == 1:
+ if custom[0] == f'*':
+ entry_string += f'' # style="color:#00008B";">'
+ elif custom[0] == '^':
+ entry_string += f'' # style="color:#006400";">'
+ elif custom[0] == '†':
+ entry_string += f'' # style="color:#483C32";">'
+ elif custom[0] == '∆':
+ entry_string += f'' # style="color:#7d022f";">'
+ entry_string += ''
+ else:
+ entry_string += f''
+ special_tags = ['LTRG','Oxford','Liddell & Scott','Athenaze']
+ line_tags = def_tags[0]
+ previous_tags = []
+ common_tags, distinct_tags = split_tags(def_tags,1,previous_tags)
+ open_sublist = False
+ if line_tags:
+ open_sublist = True
+ entry_string += pretty_print_tags(common_tags,-1)
+ next_index = 1
+ for line, tags in zip(text,def_tags):
+ common_tags, distinct_tags = split_tags(def_tags,next_index,previous_tags)
+ previous_tags = common_tags
+ if common_tags != line_tags:
+ tag_break = False
+ for tag in line_tags:
+ if tag in special_tags:
+ tag_break = True
+ for tag in tags:
+ if tag in special_tags:
+ tag_break = False
+ line_tags = common_tags
+ if open_sublist:
+ entry_string += "
+ if tag_break:
+ entry_string += '
+ if common_tags != []:
+ open_sublist = True
+ entry_string += pretty_print_tags(common_tags,-1)
+ else:
+ open_sublist = False
+ if distinct_tags:
+ entry_string += '- ' + "(" + ",".join(distinct_tags) + ") " + line.strip(";,. ").strip("†∆*^") + '
+ else:
+ entry_string += '- ' + line.strip(";,. ").strip("†∆*^") + '
+ next_index += 1
+ if open_sublist:
+ entry_string += "
+ entry_string += '
+ return entry_string
+# # # # # # # # # # # #
+def print_gloss_setup(current_dict):
+ # change file path to 'prints' folder
+ load_dict.change_path('glosses')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ while True:
+ master_list = word_methods.get_master_list(current_dict)
+ tags = word_methods.getTags([],'filter',master_list)
+ options= {'1':"Choose tag option: '1' for strict match",'2':", '2' for loose match\n"}
+ tag_mode = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ # User input Loop
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while not exit_inner_loop:
+ # Input name of print file
+ print("What to you want to name your print file?")
+ user_input = input("Enter name (0 to go back): ")
+ # return control
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ continue
+ file_name = user_input + '.txt'
+ # Check with user before overwriting existing file
+ if file_name in myFiles:
+ print(f"\n{file_name} already exists, ok to overwrite?")
+ print("'1' to proceed, any other key to go back")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ if user_input != '1':
+ continue
+ filter_gloss(current_dict,tags,file_name,tag_mode)
+ print("\n**********************\n\nPrint to file complete\n\n**********************\n")
+ return
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def filter_gloss(current_dict,tags,output_file=None,tag_mode='1'):
+ count = 0
+ if output_file:
+ # Save a reference to the original standard output
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ # assign user selected file to output
+ sys.stdout = open(output_file, 'w')
+ if tags:
+ print(f"\n\t{str(tags)}\n")
+ parts_list = ["noun",
+ "proper noun","verb","adjective","participle", "adverb", "determiner",
+ "article", "preposition", "conjunction","pronoun","letter", "character",
+ "phrase", "proverb", "idiom","symbol", "syllable", "numeral", "initialism",
+ "interjection","definitions"]
+ for part in parts_list:
+ count += print_gloss(current_dict,tags,part,tag_mode)
+ if output_file:
+ # re-assign orinigal output
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
+ return count
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def print_gloss(current_dict,tags,partOfSpeech=None,tag_mode='1'):
+ strings = {}
+ first_run = True
+ counter = 0
+ # Loop to create sub-list to select from
+ for index in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ # assign word to shorten name
+ word = current_dict['definitions'][index]
+ for x in range(len(word['entries'])):
+ # test if tags match; always 'yes' for empty tags
+ if tag_mode == '1':
+ print_flag = set(tags).issubset(set(word['tags']))
+ elif tag_mode == '2':
+ print_flag = False
+ for tag in tags:
+ if tag in word['tags']:
+ print_flag = True
+ # test if part of speech match if using part of speech mode
+ if print_flag and partOfSpeech:
+ print_flag = word['entries'][x]['partOfSpeech'].lower() == partOfSpeech.lower()
+ # print word in desired subset
+ if print_flag:
+ if partOfSpeech and first_run:
+ print(f"\n{partOfSpeech.upper()}S:\n")
+ first_run = False
+ # increment counter
+ counter += 1
+ # print with desired alignment
+ if current_dict['language'] == 'Latin':
+ simpleParts = word['entries'][x]['simpleParts']
+ if partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ if len(simpleParts) > 50:
+ simpleParts = simpleParts[:49] + "-"
+ entry_string = f"{simpleParts:.<50} | "
+ else:
+ if len(simpleParts) > 30:
+ simpleParts = simpleParts[:29] + "-"
+ entry_string = f"{simpleParts:.<30} | "
+ # check if definition exceeds desired length
+ text = [d['gloss'] for d in word['entries'][x]['defs']]
+ dtags = [d['tags'] for d in word['entries'][x]['defs']]
+ #text = short_defs(text, dtags)
+ if len(text) == 1:
+ entry_string += f"~) " + text[0].strip('*^†∆') + "; "
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ entry_string += f"{i+1}) " + text[i].strip('*^†∆') + "; "
+ entry_string = entry_string.strip("; ")
+ if len(entry_string) > 130:
+ print(entry_string[:entry_string[:130].rfind(' ')])
+ if partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ second_line = entry_string[entry_string[:130].rfind(' '):]
+ if len(second_line) > 80:
+ second_line = second_line[:77] + "..."
+ print(f"{'.':.<50} | {second_line}")
+ else:
+ second_line = entry_string[entry_string[:150].rfind(' '):]
+ if len(second_line) > 100:
+ second_line = second_line[:97] + "..."
+ print(f"{'.':.<30} | {second_line}")
+ else:
+ print(f"{entry_string}")
+ elif current_dict['language'] == "Ancient Greek":
+ entry_string = word['entries'][x]['simpleParts'][:word['entries'][x]['simpleParts'].find(')')+1].strip()
+ length_string = entry_string.lower().replace("θ",'t')
+ length_string = length_string.replace("χ",'k')
+ length_string = length_string.replace('φ','f')
+ length_string = length_string.replace('ψ','c')
+ entry_string += ' ' * (30 - len(unidecode(length_string))) + " | "
+ # check if definition exceeds desired length
+ text = [line['gloss'] for line in word['entries'][x]['defs']]
+ text = short_defs(text)
+ if len(text) == 1:
+ entry_string += text[0]
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ entry_string += f"{i+1}) " + text[i].strip('*^†∆') + "; "
+ entry_string = entry_string.strip("; ")
+ if len(entry_string) > 130:
+ print(entry_string[:entry_string[:130].rfind(' ')])
+ print(f"{' ':<30} | {entry_string[entry_string[:130].rfind(' '):entry_string[:225].rfind(',')]}")
+ else:
+ print(f"{entry_string}")
+ return counter
+# # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def chop_line(text,tags):
+ size = sum([len(line) for line in text])
+ if len(text) < 3:
+ limit = 5
+ elif len(text) == 3:
+ limit = 4
+ elif len(text) > 3:
+ limit = 3
+ custom = []
+ bank = ["*","^","†","∆"]
+ special_tags = ['LTRG','Oxford','Liddell & Scott','Athenaze']
+ special = False
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ if text[i] == "":
+ continue
+ for tag in tags[i]:
+ if tag in special_tags:
+ special = True
+ while text[i][-1] in bank:
+ if text[i][-1] not in custom:
+ custom.append(text[i][-1])
+ text[i] = text[i][:-1]
+ if custom:
+ c_string = ''
+ if "*" in custom:
+ c_string += "*"
+ if "^" in custom:
+ c_string += "^"
+ if "†" in custom:
+ c_string += "†"
+ if "∆" in custom:
+ c_string += "∆"
+ text[0] += c_string
+ elif special:
+ pass
+ elif size > 150:
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ text[i] = short_line(text[i],limit)
+ return text
+# # # # # # # # # #
+def short_line(line,limit):
+ line = re.split(",|;",line)
+ stop = orstop = parstop = limit
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ orlist = [x for x in line[i:] if " or " in x]
+ if orlist != []:
+ orstop = i + 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ #stop = max(i,limit)
+ break
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ parlist = [x for x in line[i:] if ")" in x or "(" in x]
+ if parlist != []:
+ parstop = i + 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ #stop = max(i,limit)
+ break
+ stop = max(orstop,parstop,limit)
+ line = line[:stop]
+ new_text = ''
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ new_text += line[i].strip() + ', '
+ line = new_text.strip(", ")
+ #print(f"PRINT END SHORT LINE:\n{line}")
+ return line
+# # # # # # # # # #
+def short_defs(text,tags):
+ while '' in text:
+ text.remove('')
+ text = chop_line(text,tags)
+ size = sum([len(line) for line in text])
+ while '' in text:
+ text.remove('')
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ text[i] = text[i].strip(',;')
+ return text
+# # # # # # # # # # # #
+def chop_parens(text):
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ if text[i].strip()[:1] == "(":
+ text[i] = text[i][text[i].find(')')+1:].strip(';, ')
+ if text[i][-1:] == ")":
+ text[i] = text[i][:text[i].rfind('(')].strip(':, ')
+ return text
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db67436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+ edit_entry:
+ allows user to edit an entry: change parts, change definitions,
+ move definitions, delete definitions or replace all
+ move_entries:
+ take a list and two positionn as arguments and move
+ item from position one to position two
+ print_entry:
+ prints parts and definition of a single entry
+ select_definition:
+ validates the selection of a definition
+from unidecode import unidecode
+from get_selection import get_selection, clear_screen,visible_len
+import edit_dictionary
+from copy import deepcopy
+from tables_greek_ext import auto_parts
+from pyfiglet import figlet_format
+# # # # # # # #
+entry_string = ''
+def edit_entry(entry,new_word):
+ # string used multiple times
+ confirm_str = "'1' to confirm, any other key to cancel: "
+ # rest of function contained in loop
+ while True:
+ # flag if only one definition exists
+ if len(entry['defs']) == 1:
+ singleton = True
+ else:
+ singleton = False
+ # display entry
+ entry_string = get_entry(entry)
+ # get user selection
+ options = {
+ '1':"\n==================================\nEntry Options:\n>'1' to add definition\n",
+ '2':">'2' to change definition\n"}
+ if singleton:
+ options.update({
+ '3':">'3' to replace definition\n"})
+ # only display if more than one definition
+ if not singleton:
+ options.update({
+ '3':">'3' to replace all\n",
+ '4':">'4' to move definitions\n",
+ '5':">'5' to delete definitions\n"})
+ # more options
+ options.update({
+ 'tag':">'tag' to tag defintions",
+ 'untag_all':'',
+ 'untag':">'untag' to remove tags\n",
+ 'parts':">'parts' to change principal parts\n",
+ 'etym':">'etym' to change etymology\n",
+ 'ps':">'ps' to change part of speech\n",
+ '0':">'0' to go back ",'00':">'00' to finish and save\n"})
+ user_input = get_selection(options,entry_string)
+ # Option to finish/go back
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return entry, False
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return entry, True
+ # Option to add new
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ while True:
+ print("\nChoose postion of new definition (1-n)")
+ try:
+ place = int(input(": "))-1
+ except:
+ print("Invalid")
+ continue
+ break
+ if place < 0:
+ continue
+ print("\nEnter your new definition ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ new_definition = {'gloss':input(': ')}
+ if new_definition['gloss'] != '0':
+ new_definition['tags'] = []
+ print("Enter definition tags ('0' to finish)")
+ new_tag = input(": ")
+ if new_tag != '0':
+ new_definition['tags'].append(new_tag)
+ entry['defs'].insert(place,new_definition)
+ elif user_input.lower() == 'tag':
+ exit_loop = False
+ while not exit_loop:
+ print("Enter the tag you want to apply ('0' to go back)")
+ new_tag = input(": ")
+ if new_tag == '0':
+ exit_loop = True
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while exit_inner_loop == False:
+ message = "\n==================================\nChoose the definition you want to tag\n'0' to go back"
+ selection = select_definition(entry,message)
+ if selection == None:
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ else:
+ entry['defs'][selection]['tags'].append(new_tag)
+ elif user_input.lower() == "untag_all":
+ for i in entry['defs']:
+ i['tags'] = []
+ elif user_input.lower() == 'untag':
+ exit_loop = False
+ while not exit_loop:
+ message = "\n==================================\nChoose the definition you want to untag\n'0' to go back"
+ selection = select_definition(entry,message)
+ if selection == None:
+ exit_loop = True
+ elif entry['defs'][selection]['tags']:
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while exit_inner_loop == False:
+ for i in range(len(entry['defs'][selection]['tags'])):
+ print(f"{i+1}. {entry['defs'][selection]['tags'][i]}")
+ print("Select the tag you want to remove ('0' to go back)")
+ tag_no = input(": ")
+ if tag_no == '0':
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ elif int(tag_no) - 1 in range(len(entry['defs'][selection]['tags'])):
+ del entry['defs'][selection]['tags'][int(tag_no) - 1]
+ if entry['defs'][selection]['tags'] == []:
+ print("\ndefinitions has no more tags")
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ else:
+ print("\ninvalid selection")
+ else:
+ print('\ndefinition has no tags')
+ # Option to change definition
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ exit_loop = False
+ while not exit_loop:
+ if singleton:
+ selection = 0
+ else:
+ message = "\n==================================\nChoose the definition you want to change\n'0' to go back"
+ selection = select_definition(entry,message)
+ if selection == None:
+ exit_loop = True
+ definition_string = ''
+ while selection != None:
+ definition_string += f"Definition: {entry['defs'][selection]['gloss']}\nTags: {', '.join(entry['defs'][selection]['tags'])}\n"
+ options = {'0':f"Change Definition Options:\n>'0' to go back",'00':">'00' to finish\n",'1':">'1' to remove words\n",
+ '2':">'2' to add text to the end\n",
+ '3':">'3' to add text to the beginning\n",
+ '4':">'4' to write new definition\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection(options,definition_string)
+ definition_string = ""
+ if user_input == '0':
+ selection = None
+ if singleton:
+ exit_loop = True
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ selection = None
+ exit_loop == True
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ entry['defs'][selection]['gloss'] = remove_words(entry['defs'][selection]['gloss'])
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ print("\nEnter text to add to definition ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ new_text = input(': ')
+ if new_text != '0':
+ entry['defs'][selection]['gloss'] += new_text
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ print("\nEnter text to add to definition ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ new_text = input(': ')
+ if new_text != '0':
+ entry['defs'][selection]['gloss'] = new_text + entry['defs'][selection]['gloss']
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ print("\nEnter your new definition ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ new_definition = input(': ')
+ if new_definition != '0':
+ entry['defs'][selection]['gloss'] = new_definition
+ entry['defs'][selection]['tags'] = []
+ while True:
+ print("Enter definition tags ('0' to finish)")
+ new_tag = input(": ")
+ if new_tag == '0':
+ break
+ else:
+ entry['defs'][selection]['tags'].append(new_tag)
+ # Option to move definition
+ elif user_input == '4' and not singleton:
+ if len(entry['defs']) == 2:
+ entry['defs'] = move_entries(entry['defs'],1,0)
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while not exit_inner_loop:
+ message = "\n==================================\nChoose the definition you want to move\n'0' to go back"
+ take = select_definition(entry,message)
+ if take != None:
+ message = "\nMove to what position?\n'0' to go back"
+ put = select_definition(entry,message)
+ if put != None:
+ entry['defs'] = move_entries(entry['defs'],take,put)
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ # Option to delete definition
+ elif user_input == '5' and not singleton:
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while not exit_inner_loop:
+ message = "\n==================================\nChoose the definition you want to delete\n'0' to go back"
+ selection = select_definition(entry,message)
+ if selection != None:
+ print(f"\nAre you sure to want to delete {selection+1}?")
+ user_input = input(confirm_str)
+ if user_input == '1':
+ del entry['defs'][selection]
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ if len(entry['defs']) == 1:
+ exit_inner_loop = singleton = True
+ # Options to replace all definitions
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ print("\nEnter your new definition ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ new_definition = {'gloss':input(': ')}
+ if new_definition != '0':
+ new_definition['tags'] = []
+ print("Enter definition tags ('0' to finish)")
+ new_tag = input(": ")
+ if new_tag != '0':
+ new_definition['tags'].append(new_tag)
+ entry['defs'] = [new_definition]
+ # Option to rewrite principle parts
+ elif user_input.lower() == 'parts':
+ print("'1' to auto retreieve verb parts (Greek only), any other key to proceed")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ entry['simpleParts'] = auto_parts(entry['simpleParts'],True)
+ else:
+ print("\nEnter your new principal parts ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ new_definition = input(': ')
+ if new_definition != '0':
+ entry['simpleParts'] = new_definition
+ # Option to rewrite principle parts
+ elif user_input.lower() == 'etym':
+ print("\nEnter your new etymology ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū) ('X' to delete)")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ if user_input.upper() == "X":
+ entry['etymology'] = ''
+ elif user_input != '0':
+ entry['etymology'] = user_input
+ elif user_input.lower() == 'ps':
+ print("\nEnter your new part of speech ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ if user_input != '0':
+ entry['partOfSpeech'] = user_input
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def remove_words(text):
+ text = list(text)
+ #print(f'text = {text}')
+ invalid = False
+ while True:
+ clear_screen()
+ rows = 1+len(text)//26
+ #print(f"Rows == {1+len(text)//26}")
+ print('*' * 35 + " |")
+ for i in range(rows):
+ print(f"Row ({chr(i + 65)}): ",end='')
+ #print(f"len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ]) == {len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ])}")
+ #print(f"text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ] == {text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ]}")
+ for j in range(len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ])):
+ print(chr(j+65),end='')
+ pad = 26 - len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ])
+ print(' ' * pad + " |")
+ print(' ' * 9,end='')
+ for j in range(26 * i,(26 * i) + len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ])):
+ #print(f"range(26 * i,len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ]) == {range(26 * i,len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ]))}")
+ print(text[j],end='')
+ pad = 26 - len(text[ 26 * i : 26 * (i + 1) ])
+ print(' ' * pad + " |")
+ print('-' * 35 + " |")
+ print('*' * 35 + " |")
+ print("To cut enter 'Start Row, Start Col, Stop Row, Stop Col':'RC,RC' ('0' to stop): ")
+ if invalid:
+ print("\nInvalid entry\n\n")
+ invalid = False
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return_text = ''
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ return_text += text[i]
+ return return_text
+ else:
+ try:
+ user_input = user_input.split(',')
+ row1 = user_input[0][0].upper()
+ col1 = user_input[0][1].upper()
+ row2 = user_input[1][0].upper()
+ col2 = user_input[1][1].upper()
+ start = ( ( ord(row1) - 65 ) * 26 ) + ( ord(col1) - 65 )
+ stop = ( ( ord(row2) - 65 ) * 26 ) + ( ord(col2) - 65 ) + 1
+ text = text[:start] + text[stop:]
+ except:
+ invalid = True
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def move_entries(entries,selection,new_position):
+ if selection == new_position:
+ return
+ else:
+ popped = entries.pop(selection)
+ # avoid going out of bounds
+ if new_position == len(entries):
+ entries.append(popped)
+ else:
+ entries.insert(int(new_position),popped)
+ return entries
+def pretty_print_tags(tags,mode=[]):
+ ''' -1 is mode for html printing '''
+ ''' else mode corresponds to counter '''
+ if mode != -1:
+ string = f'{mode}. ('
+ else:
+ ''' begin html list '''
+ string = '('
+ string += ", ".join(tags)
+ ''' if -1 start sub list in hierarchy, edit_dictionary.print_entry_string takes care of capping ordered list '''
+ if mode == -1:
+ string += ')'
+ ''' else simply cap tags with ")", print_entry takes care of sublist '''
+ else:
+ string += ")\n"
+ return string
+def split_tags(defs,next_index,previous_tags):
+ current_index = next_index - 1
+ ''' If previous (current) tags and current tags both exist '''
+ if previous_tags != [] and defs[current_index]['tags'] != []:
+ match = True
+ if len(previous_tags) > len(defs[current_index]['tags']):
+ match = False
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(previous_tags)):
+ if previous_tags[i] != defs[current_index]['tags'][i]:
+ match = False
+ ''' If all previous (common) tags match with first n current tags '''
+ if match:
+ ''' Seperate current into common and distinct tags '''
+ return defs[current_index]['tags'][:i+1], defs[current_index]['tags'][i+1:]
+ ''' Current did not match previous common tags, inspect next tags '''
+ if len(defs) > next_index:
+ if defs[next_index]['tags'] != []:
+ ''' Next tags exist and are not empty '''
+ if defs[next_index]['tags'] == defs[next_index - 1]['tags']:
+ ''' Tags are exactly the same, all current tags will be common tags '''
+ return defs[current_index]['tags'], []
+ ''' Find the smaller of the two lists '''
+ if len(defs[current_index]['tags']) <= len(defs[next_index]['tags']):
+ shorter = defs[current_index]['tags']
+ longer = defs[next_index]['tags']
+ else:
+ shorter = defs[next_index]['tags']
+ longer = defs[current_index]['tags']
+ for i in range(len(shorter)):
+ if shorter[i] != longer[i]:
+ ''' Once lists are no longer the same we have common and distict tags '''
+ if i == 0:
+ ''' If no matches, all tags are common '''
+ return defs[current_index]['tags'], []
+ ''' Else use index to seperate common and distinct '''
+ return defs[current_index]['tags'][:i], defs[current_index]['tags'][i:]
+ ''' If next tags don't exist or are empty, all tags are common tags '''
+ return defs[current_index]['tags'], []
+1A. If first n tags match with next list
+ Common tags become common_tags, distinct tags become distinct tags
+1B. If no tags match OR next list does not exist
+ All tags become common_tags, no tags become distict tags
+2A. If previous common_tags matches with first n tags of current tags
+ identify distinct tags as distinct_tags
+2B. If common_tags does not match first n tags of current tags
+ Go back to Step 1
+def convert_message(message,string):
+ modulus = 129
+ if len(message) < modulus:
+ string += message + "\n"
+ return string
+ last = 0
+ for i in range((len(message)//modulus)+1):
+ first = last
+ if len(message) > (i+1) * modulus:
+ last = message[0: (i+1) * modulus].rstrip(" ").rfind(" ")
+ if last == -1: # No space found, force break
+ last = len(message)
+ string += message[first:last].replace("\n","") + '\n'
+ else:
+ string += message[first:].replace("\n","") + '\n'
+ return string
+def get_entry(entry,mode='',trunc=False):
+ string = ''
+ iv = ['i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', 'v', 'vi', 'vii', 'viii', 'ix', 'x', 'xi', 'xii', 'xiii', 'xiv', 'xv', 'xvi', 'xvii', 'xviii', 'xix', 'xx', 'xxi', 'xxii', 'xxiii', 'xxiv', 'xxv', 'xxvi', 'xxvii', 'xxviii', 'xxix', 'xxx', 'xxxi', 'xxxii', 'xxxiii', 'xxxiv', 'xxxv', 'xxxvi', 'xxxvii', 'xxxviii', 'xxxix', 'xl', 'xli', 'xlii', 'xliii', 'xliv', 'xlv', 'xlvi', 'xlvii', 'xlviii', 'xlix', 'l']
+ ''' Print Heading '''
+ if mode == '':
+ string += figlet_format("ENTRY:",font='cybermedium',width=150)
+ string += "**************\n\n"
+ ''' Print Etymology if Applicable '''
+ if 'etymology' in entry and entry['etymology'] != '' and mode != 'choice':
+ string = convert_message(f"\n{entry['etymology']}\n\n",string)
+ if entry['partOfSpeech'] != "":
+ string += f"{entry['partOfSpeech']}\n\n"
+ string = convert_message(entry['simpleParts'],string)
+ previous_tags = []
+ char_count = 0
+ etym = len(string)
+ counter = 1
+ offset = 0
+ ''' Loop through defs '''
+ for index in range(len(entry['defs'])):
+ if( (index > 3 or char_count > 400) and trunc):
+ string += f"{index + 1}. ...\n"
+ break
+ ''' "choice" mode involves simpler formatting '''
+ if mode != "choice":
+ ''' compare current, previous and next tags for next common tags '''
+ common_tags, distinct_tags = split_tags(entry['defs'],index + 1,previous_tags)
+ ''' If a new set of tags '''
+ if common_tags != previous_tags:
+ previous_tags = common_tags
+ if common_tags != []:
+ ''' Create a new numerical list item '''
+ string += pretty_print_tags(common_tags,counter)
+ offset = index
+ counter += 1
+ ''' If no tags, simply print defs as numerical list item '''
+ last = 0
+ if common_tags == []:
+ string = convert_message(f"{counter}. {entry['defs'][index]['gloss']}",string)
+ counter += 1
+ ''' Skip the bottom block for printing defs with roman numerals '''
+ char_count = len(string) - etym
+ continue
+ ''' Choice mode uses a simple list w/o hierarchy '''
+ last = 0
+ if mode == 'choice':
+ string = convert_message(f"{index + 1}. {entry['defs'][index]['gloss']}",string)
+ ''' Print definitions with roman numeral in the event there are tags '''
+ else:
+ if distinct_tags:
+ string = convert_message(f"{iv[index - offset]:>4}. ({', '.join(distinct_tags)}) {entry['defs'][index]['gloss']}",string)
+ string.strip('\n')
+ else:
+ string = convert_message(f"{iv[index - offset]:>4}. {entry['defs'][index]['gloss']}",string)
+ string.strip('\n')
+ char_count = len(string) - etym
+ x = 800
+ if mode != '' and char_count - etym > x:
+ string = string[:x-1] +"...\n"
+ return string
+# # # # # # # # #
+def print_entry(entry,mode=''):
+ print(get_entry(entry,mode,False))
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def select_definition(entry,message):
+ # whole function contained in loop
+ invalid = False
+ while True:
+ clear_screen()
+ print_entry(entry,'choice')
+ print(message)
+ if invalid:
+ print('\ninvalid selection')
+ invalid = False
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ # Option to go back
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return None
+ #elif user_input == '00':
+ # return None, True
+ # confirm input is numeric
+ elif "-" in user_input:
+ user_input = user_input.split("-")
+ if user_input[0].isnumeric() and user_input[1].isnumeric():
+ user_input[0] = int(user_input[0])-1
+ user_input[1] = int(user_input[1])-1
+ if user_input[0] in range(len(entry['defs'])) and user_input[1] in range(len(entry['defs'])):
+ return user_input
+ elif user_input.isnumeric():
+ # convert to string
+ user_input = int(user_input)-1
+ #confirm in range
+ if user_input in range(len(entry['defs'])):
+ return user_input
+ # repeat loop after invalid selection
+ invalid = True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95f712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ get_selection:
+ takes message and a list and/or dict
+ requests, validates, and returns a user input
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import unicodedata
+import os
+def clear_screen():
+ if == 'posix': # For UNIX or Linux or MacOS
+ os.system('clear')
+ elif == 'nt': # For Windows
+ os.system('cls')
+def visible_len(s):
+ return len([c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'])
+def get_selection(options, message=""):
+ invalid = False
+ while True:
+ clear_screen() # Uncomment this if you have a clear_screen function
+ if message:
+ print(message)
+ if len(options) > 30:
+ print_columns(options)
+ else:
+ for key, value in options.items():
+ if value != '':
+ print(value.rstrip('\n'))
+ if invalid:
+ print("\nInvalid selection\n\n")
+ invalid = False
+ user_input = unidecode(input(": ")).lower()
+ if user_input in options:
+ return user_input
+ else:
+ invalid = True
+def print_columns(options,field=25):
+ limit = 40
+ keys = list(options.keys())
+ special_keys = ['0', '00']
+ # Separate special keys from the rest
+ regular_keys = [k for k in keys if k not in special_keys]
+ # Calculate the number of columns needed
+ num_columns = len(regular_keys) // limit + 1
+ row_string = ''
+ for i in range(limit):
+ for col in range(num_columns):
+ idx = i + limit * col
+ if idx >= len(regular_keys):
+ continue
+ option_str = options[regular_keys[idx]].rstrip('\n')
+ while visible_len(option_str) < field:
+ option_str += " "
+ if visible_len(option_str) > field and field != 40:
+ clear_screen()
+ print_columns(options,40)
+ return
+ row_string += f"{option_str}"
+ print(row_string)
+ row_string = ''
+ # Print special keys at the end
+ for key in special_keys:
+ if key in options:
+ print(options[key], end='')
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def get_selection(options,message=""):
+ # whole function contained in loop
+ invalid = False
+ while True:
+ clear_screen()
+ if message:
+ print(message)
+ if len(list(options.keys())) > 30:
+ print_columns(options)
+ else:
+ for key in options:
+ print(f"{options[key]}",end='')
+ if invalid:
+ print("\ninvalid selection\n\n")
+ invalid = False
+ user_input = unidecode(input(": "))
+ # check if input matches and keys in options
+ if user_input.lower() in options:
+ return user_input
+ else:
+ invalid = True
+def print_columns(options):
+ limit = 50
+ keys = list(options.keys())
+ if '0' in keys:
+ end = ['0']
+ keys.remove('0')
+ if '00' in keys:
+ end.append('00')
+ keys.remove('00')
+ L = len(keys)
+ if L > 1000:
+ print_bigger_columns()
+ else:
+ step = L // limit + 1
+ for i in range(0,limit):
+ for x in range(step):
+ q = i + limit * x
+ if q >= L:
+ continue
+ else:
+ fill_char = ' '
+ # using .format()
+ print_str = "{message:{fill}<30}".format(message=options[keys[q]], fill=fill_char)
+ def multi_replace(string):
+ replacements = [ ('θ','t'), ('ψ','s'), ('φ','f'), ('̓',''), ]
+ for old, new in replacements:
+ string = string.replace(old, new)
+ return string
+ len_str = multi_replace(print_str)
+ while len(len_str) < 25:
+ len_str += "#"
+ print_str += "#"
+ while len(print_str) > 25:
+ len_str = len_str[:-1]
+ print_str = print_str[:-1]
+ print(print_str, end='')
+ print()
+ for key in end:
+ print(options[key],end="")
+def print_bigger_columns(options):
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d547b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ get_simple:
+ takes principle parts line from a wiktionary entry and
+ chops out all extraneous word
+ i_stem_test:
+ look up the i-stem version of the gen plural of a
+ third declension noun to check if the noun is
+ i-stem or not; returns true or false
+#from wiktionaryparser import WiktionaryParser
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import load_dict
+import pickle
+def load_i_stem_trie():
+ load_dict.change_path("dumps sorted")
+ with open("Latin" + '-i_stem_nouns-trie.txt','rb') as openFile:
+ t = pickle.load(openFile)
+ #print("Load I-stem trie success")
+ #for i in t['definitions'].values():
+ # print(i)
+ return t['definitions']
+def load_dump():
+ print("Loading previous Latin trie...")
+ load_dict.change_path("dumps sorted")
+ with open("Latin" + '-trie.txt','rb') as openFile:
+ t = pickle.load(openFile)
+ return t['definitions']
+quickmode = True
+i_stem_mode = False
+if quickmode:
+ t = load_i_stem_trie()
+ t = load_dump()
+# # # # # # # # # #
+def chop_parts(parts):
+ ''' Chop parts down to simple list '''
+ # cut off tail after closing paratheses
+ if ';' in parts:
+ parts = parts[:parts.find(';')]
+ # separate into list
+ parts = parts.split(' ')
+ # remove punctuation
+ for index in range(len(parts)):
+ parts[index] = parts[index].strip(" ,()")
+ return parts
+# # #
+def remove_words(parts,remove_words):
+ """ Loop to remove extra words not part of principal parts """
+ # need to reverse for special case of Latin word 'neuter'
+ parts.reverse()
+ # remove extraneous word
+ for word in remove_words:
+ if word in parts:
+ parts.remove(word)
+ # reverse back
+ parts.reverse()
+ return parts
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def combine_deponent(parts):
+ ''' Loop for perfect active form of deponent verbs '''
+ offset = 0
+ for number in range(1,len(parts)):
+ # when items combined index shrinks
+ # very unlikely that this is needed twice
+ index = number - offset
+ # combine parts with '__ sum'
+ if parts[index] == 'sum':
+ popped = parts.pop(index)
+ parts[index - 1] += f" {popped}"
+ offset += 1
+ index = number - offset
+ # combine parts with '__ est'
+ if parts[index] == 'est':
+ popped = parts.pop(index)
+ parts[index - 1] += f" {popped}"
+ offset += 1
+ return parts
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def combine_or(parts):
+ """ Loop to combine part with __ or __ """
+ offset = 0
+ for number in range(len(parts)):
+ # when items combined index shrinks
+ index = number - offset
+ # combine parts with __ or __
+ if parts[index] == 'or':
+ popped = parts.pop(index)
+ parts[index - 1] += f" {popped}"
+ popped = parts.pop(index)
+ parts[index - 1] += f" {popped}"
+ offset += 2
+ return parts
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def double_noun(parts):
+ #print("\n\n\t\tACTIVE IF DOUBLE NOUN >>>>>>>>>>>")
+ #print(parts)
+ ''' catches the special case of a two word noun'''
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ parts[0] = parts[0].strip('\xa0')
+ return parts
+ if '\xa0' in parts[1]:
+ parts[0] += ' ' + parts.pop(1)
+ if len(parts) > 2:
+ parts[1] += ' ' + parts.pop(2)
+ #parts = parts[:2]
+ return parts
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def move_gender(parts,partOfSpeech):
+ for index in range(len(parts)):
+ # wiktionary entries contain special character
+ # between nominative and gender of nouns
+ if '\xa0' in parts[index]:
+ #print("\n\n\t\tACTIVE IF \xa0 >>>>>>>>>>>")
+ # split nom into two or three parts
+ word_plus_gdr = parts[index].split('\xa0')
+ # reassign nom w/o gdr to 0 in parts
+ parts[index] = word_plus_gdr[0]
+ # and gender to the end of parts; don't do this for pronouns
+ if partOfSpeech == 'noun':
+ # add gender to end of parts
+ parts.append(word_plus_gdr[1])
+ # if two-part gender,
+ # add second part to gender already appended at end of parts
+ if len(word_plus_gdr) == 3:
+ parts[-1] += ' '
+ parts[-1] += word_plus_gdr[-1]
+ elif partOfSpeech == 'noun':
+ #print("\n\n\t\tACTIVE ELIF >>>>>>>>>>>")
+ #print(parts)
+ offset = 0
+ for i in range(len(parts)):
+ i = i - offset
+ letters = ['n','f','m','sg','pl','m or f']
+ if parts[i] in letters:
+ parts.append(parts.pop(i))
+ offset += 1
+ #print(parts)
+ return parts
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def build_string(num_parts,comma_stop,parts,partOfSpeech,i_stem=False):
+ ''' Loop to build simple parts string '''
+ simpleParts = ''
+ for index in range(min(num_parts,len(parts))):
+ # Last part of nouns should be gender in ()
+ if partOfSpeech == 'noun' and index == num_parts-1:
+ simpleParts += f"({parts[index]})"
+ else:
+ # append part to string
+ simpleParts += parts[index]
+ # rule for when to insert comma
+ if index < num_parts - comma_stop:
+ simpleParts += ', '
+ else:
+ # insert i-stem label if flagged
+ if i_stem == True and index == num_parts - 2:
+ simpleParts += ' -ium'
+ # insert space w/o comma
+ simpleParts += ' '
+ return simpleParts
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def get_simple(partOfSpeech,parts,heading):
+ # Only works on noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, determiner
+ # adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, etc. remain the same
+ # in case proper noun or other subset of noun
+ if partOfSpeech.lower() == 'proper noun':
+ partOfSpeech = 'noun'
+ # not a, b, or c then return
+ if partOfSpeech not in ['noun','verb','adjective','participle','adverb','pronoun','determiner','numeral']:
+ return parts
+ # set some flags ['thid_decl', 'adjective_parts', 'deponent', 'defective', 'verb_label']
+ flags = set_flags_la(parts,partOfSpeech)
+ # if not comparable for adverb return parts
+ if 'not comparable' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'adverb':
+ return parts
+ # Chop parts down to simple list
+ parts = chop_parts(parts)
+ # abort here len(part) == 1, (not a main entry)
+ if len(parts) == 1 or partOfSpeech == 'adverb':
+ return parts[0]
+ # List of words to remove
+ remove_words_la = ['present','infinitive','perfect','active',
+ 'future','participle','supine','genitive','feminine','neuter','irregular',
+ 'no','indeclinable','variously','declined','comparative','superlative'
+ ]
+ # remove extra words not part of principal parts
+ parts = remove_words(parts,remove_words_la)
+ # Loop for perfect active form of deponent verbs
+ parts = combine_deponent(parts)
+ # Loop to combine part with __ or __
+ parts = combine_or(parts)
+ # for noun list should only contain nominative & genitive
+ if partOfSpeech == 'noun':
+ parts = double_noun(parts)
+ # Loop to find gender, separate from nominative
+ parts = move_gender(parts,partOfSpeech)
+ # test for i-stem
+ i_stem = i_stem_test(parts,heading,flags)
+ # wrap up, create simpleParts string
+ # add blanks for verbs without four principle parts
+ if (partOfSpeech == 'verb' and not flags['deponent']) and len(parts) < 4 and flags['no_perfect']:
+ parts.insert(2,"____")
+ while (partOfSpeech == 'verb' and not flags['deponent']) and len(parts) < 4:
+ parts.append("____")
+ # Verbs and nouns all parts are used
+ # adjectives are cutoff at 2 or 3
+ if partOfSpeech in ['adjective','participle','numeral'] and not flags['indeclinable']:
+ num_parts = flags['adjective_parts']
+ else:
+ num_parts = len(parts)
+ # No comma between parts and gender for nouns
+ if partOfSpeech == 'noun':
+ comma_stop = 2
+ else:
+ # Comma between each part until last for non-noun
+ comma_stop = 1
+ simpleParts = build_string(num_parts,comma_stop,parts,partOfSpeech,i_stem)
+ # add verb label label if any
+ if flags['verb_label'] and partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ simpleParts += flags['verb_label']
+ if flags['indeclinable']:
+ simpleParts += '(indeclinable)'
+ if flags['indeclinable portion']:
+ simpleParts += '(indeclinable portion)'
+ # return string
+ if i_stem_mode:
+ if i_stem and partOfSpeech == 'noun':
+ return simpleParts
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return simpleParts
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def set_flags_la(parts,partOfSpeech):
+ flags = {}
+ # flag one/two vs. three termination adjective
+ if 'one-termination' in parts or 'two-termination' in parts or 'third declension' in parts:
+ flags['adjective_parts'] = 2
+ else:
+ flags['adjective_parts'] = 3
+ if 'comparative' in parts and 'superlative' in parts:
+ flags['adjective_parts'] += 2
+ # flag third declension noun for i-stem test
+ if 'third declension' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'noun':
+ flags['third_decl'] = True
+ else:
+ flags['third_decl'] = False
+ # flag defective verb
+ if 'highly defective' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ flags['defective'] = 'highly defective'
+ elif 'defective' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ flags['defective'] = 'defective'
+ elif 'perfect forms have present meaning' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ flags['defective'] = 'perfect forms have present meaning'
+ else: flags['defective'] = False
+ if 'no perfect stem' in parts:
+ flags['no_perfect'] = True
+ else:
+ flags['no_perfect'] = False
+ # flag deponent verb
+ if 'semi-deponent' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ flags['deponent'] = 'semi-deponent'
+ elif 'optionally deponent' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ flags['deponent'] = 'optionally deponent'
+ elif 'deponent' in parts and partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ flags['deponent'] = 'deponent'
+ else:
+ flags['deponent'] = False
+ deponent = flags['deponent']
+ defective = flags['defective']
+ # combine labels into one
+ if defective and deponent and deponent != 'deponent':
+ flags['verb_label'] = f"({deponent}, {defective})"
+ elif defective:
+ flags['verb_label'] = f"({defective})"
+ elif deponent and deponent != 'deponent':
+ flags['verb_label'] = f"({deponent})"
+ else:
+ flags['verb_label'] = False
+ if 'indeclinable portion' in parts:
+ flags['indeclinable portion'] = True
+ else:
+ flags['indeclinable portion'] = False
+ if 'indeclinable' in parts and not flags['indeclinable portion']:
+ flags['indeclinable'] = True
+ else:
+ flags['indeclinable'] = False
+ return flags
+# # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def i_stem_test(parts,heading,flags):
+ if quickmode:
+ if parts[0] in t and flags['third_decl']:
+ #print(f"{parts[0]},{parts[1]} is i_stem")
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ ''' test to determine if i'stem label is needed'''
+ if flags['third_decl']:
+ # chop 's' off genitive to get stem
+ istem = parts[1][:-1]
+ # add 'um' for gen plur (of i-stem)
+ istem += 'um'
+ # remove macrons
+ istem = unidecode(istem)
+ else:
+ return False
+ # remove macrons for comparison
+ handle = unidecode(heading)
+ if istem in t:
+ value = t[istem]
+ if isinstance(value,list):
+ entries_list = []
+ for e in value:
+ entries_list.extend(e['entries'])
+ else:
+ entries_list = value['entries']
+ for entry in entries_list:
+ for d in entry['defs']:
+ compare = unidecode(d['gloss'])
+ if 'genitive' in compare and handle in compare:
+ #print(f"{parts[0]},{parts[1]} is i_stem")
+ return True
+ return False
+# Combine adjective parts
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def combine_adjective_parts(parts):
+ ''' combine masculine and feminine for spanish adjectives '''
+ offset = 0
+ for number in range(1,len(parts)):
+ index = number - offset
+ if parts[index][-1] == 'a' and parts[index - 1][-1] == 'o':
+ if parts[index][:-1] == parts[index - 1][:-1]:
+ parts[index - 1] += "/-a"
+ del parts[index]
+ offset += 1
+ elif parts[index][-2:] == 'as' and parts[index - 1][-2:] == 'os':
+ if parts[index][:-2] == parts[index - 1][:-2]:
+ parts[index - 1] += "/-as"
+ del parts[index]
+ offset += 1
+ return parts
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afaab66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+def set_styles(body_string):
+ body_string += ''
+ return body_string
+def create_style(body_string,width):
+ if width == 2:
+ body_string += f'\
+ '
+ elif width == 1:
+ body_string += f'\
+ '
+ body_string += ''
+ return body_string
+def create_header(body_string,parts,header=''):
+ body_string += f'{header} | '
+ column_labels = parts[list(parts.keys())[0]]
+ for label in column_labels:
+ body_string += f'{label} | '
+ body_string += "
+ return body_string
+def create_body(body_string,parts,t_type):
+ for key in parts:
+ body_string += ''
+ if t_type == 'noun':
+ body_string += f'{key[:3]}. | '
+ elif t_type == 'conj':
+ body_string += f'{key[:3]} | '
+ else:
+ body_string += f'{key} | '
+ if type(parts[key]) == dict:
+ for row_item in parts[key]:
+ body_string += f'{parts[key][row_item]} | '
+ else:
+ body_string += f'{parts[key]} | '
+ body_string += '
+ body_string += '
+ return body_string
+def create_table(body_string,parts,t_type,width):
+ body_string = create_style(body_string,width)
+ body_string = create_header(body_string,parts)
+ body_string = create_body(body_string,parts,t_type)
+ return body_string
+def create_box(body_string,label,content):
+ body_string = create_style(body_string,1)
+ body_string += f'{label} | '
+ body_string += f'{content} | '
+ body_string += '
+ return body_string
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c5bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+from load_dict import change_path
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import pickle
+import datrie
+def split_language(new_dictionary):
+ alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-'
+ t = datrie.Trie(alpha)
+ #counter = 0
+ for i in range(len(new_dictionary['definitions'])):
+ if any(entry['simpleParts'] != False for entry in new_dictionary['definitions'][i]['entries']):
+ #counter += 1
+ try:
+ key = unidecode(new_dictionary['definitions'][i]['heading']).lower()
+ if key not in t:
+ t[key] = new_dictionary['definitions'][i]
+ else:
+ if isinstance(t[key],list):
+ t[key].append(new_dictionary['definitions'][i])
+ else:
+ t[key] = [t[key],new_dictionary['definitions'][i]]
+ except KeyError:
+ print(f"{new_dictionary['definitions'][i]} could not be added")
+ #print(counter)
+ #if counter == 0:
+ # return
+ new_dictionary['file'] = new_dictionary['language'].replace(' ','') + "-trie.txt"
+ new_dictionary['definitions'] = t
+ change_path("dumps sorted")
+ with open(new_dictionary['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(new_dictionary, openFile,protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ return
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d97661d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ find_dict:
+ allow user to select a previously saved dictionary
+ open_dict:
+ open a saved dictionary, copy definitions into
+ dictionary object taken as argument,
+ create_dict:
+ name a new dictionary to be created
+import glob
+import os
+import pickle
+import copy
+from unidecode import unidecode
+from get_selection import get_selection
+#import parser_shell
+# save cwd into global var
+global CWD
+CWD = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
+# # # # # # # # #
+def change_path(folder=''):
+ path = os.path.join(CWD,folder)
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ os.chdir(path)
+# # # # # # #
+def find_dict():
+ change_path('dictionaries')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ if myFiles == []:
+ print("\nSorry no saved dictionaries")
+ return create_dict()
+ else:
+ options = {'0':f"\nChoose from the following files: (0 to go back)\n==================================\n"}
+ for index in range(len(myFiles)):
+ options[f"{str(index + 1)}"] = f"{index + 1}. {myFiles[index]}\n"
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return None
+ current_dict = {'file':myFiles[int(user_input)-1]}
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode= 'rb') as openFile:
+ current_dict = pickle.load(openFile)
+ return current_dict
+# # # # # # # #
+def create_dict():
+ change_path('dictionaries')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ while True:
+ print("What do you want to name new dictionary?: (0 to go back)\n==================================\n")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return
+ user_input += '.txt'
+ exit_loop = True
+ while exit_loop:
+ if user_input in myFiles:
+ print(f'\n{user_input} already exists, do you want to add to {user_input}?')
+ options = {'1':"(1=yes, ",'1':"0 to go back): "}
+ choice = get_selection(options)
+ if choice == '1':
+ current_dict = {'file':user_input}
+ openFile = open(current_dict['file'],mode= 'rb')
+ current_dict = pickle.load(openFile)
+ openFile.close()
+ return current_dict
+ elif choice == '0':
+ exit_loop = True
+ else:
+ current_dict = {'file':user_input}
+ user_input = pick_language()
+ if user_input != None:
+ current_dict['language'] = user_input
+ current_dict['definitions'] = []
+ return current_dict
+ else:
+ exit_loop = True
+# # # # # # # # # # # #
+def combine_dict(current_dict,combo_dict=[]):
+ if combo_dict == []:
+ change_path('dictionaries')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ if current_dict['file'] in myFiles:
+ myFiles.remove(current_dict['file'])
+ if myFiles == []:
+ print("\nSorry no other saved dictionaries")
+ return current_dict
+ else:
+ options = {'0':f"\nChoose from the following files: (0 to go back)\n==================================\n"}
+ for index in range(len(myFiles)):
+ options[f"{str(index + 1)}"] = f"{index + 1}. {myFiles[index]}\n"
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ combine_file = myFiles[int(user_input) - 1]
+ with open(combine_file,mode= 'rb') as openFile:
+ combo_dict = pickle.load(openFile)
+ bank = ["*","^","†","∆"]
+ counter = 0
+ for i in range(len(combo_dict['definitions'])):
+ '''
+ for j in range(len(combo_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'])):
+ def_tags = []
+ for k in range(len(combo_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'])):
+ if combo_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k][-1] in bank:
+ def_tags.append(combo_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs'][k][-1])
+ if def_tags:
+ handle = combo_dict['definitions'][i]['handle']
+ for x in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ if current_dict['definitions'][x]['handle'] == handle:
+ if j in range(len(current_dict['definitions'][x]['entries'])):
+ if len(current_dict['definitions'][x]['entries'][j]['defs']) == len(combo_dict['definitions'][i]['entries'][j]['defs']):
+ for tag in def_tags:
+ current_dict['definitions'][x]['entries'][j]['defs'][0]['gloss'] += tag
+ '''
+ handle = combo_dict['definitions'][i]['handle']
+ found = False
+ for k in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ if current_dict['definitions'][k]['handle'] == handle:
+ found = True
+ current_dict['definitions'][k]['tags'].extend(combo_dict['definitions'][i]['tags'])
+ break
+ if found == False:
+ current_dict['definitions'].append(combo_dict['definitions'][i])
+ counter += 1
+ current_dict['definitions'].sort(key=lambda item: item.get('handle').lower())
+ with open("test" + current_dict['file'] ,mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ print(f"\n{combo_dict['file']} successfully combined with {current_dict['file']}")
+ print(f"{counter} new words added\n")
+ return current_dict
+def pick_language():
+ language_options = ["Latin","Ancient Greek","Old English"]
+ options = {'0':"\nChoose the language for your new dictionary ('0' to go back)\n==================================\n"}
+ for i in range(len(language_options)):
+ options.update({f"{i+1}":f"{i+1}. {language_options[i]}\n"})
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return None
+ else:
+ return language_options[int(user_input)-1]
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def extract_list(current_dict,mode=0):
+ change_path('lists')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ if myFiles == []:
+ print("\nSorry no saved lists")
+ return
+ else:
+ options = {'0':f"\nChoose from the following files: (0 to go back)\n"}
+ for index in range(len(myFiles)):
+ options[f"{str(index + 1)}"] = f"{index + 1}. {myFiles[index]}\n"
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return
+ else:
+ with open(myFiles[int(user_input)-1],'r') as file:
+ word_list = [unidecode(line).strip("\n\t, ") for line in file.readlines()]
+ new_dictionary = {'definitions':[],'file':'','language':'Latin'}
+ while True:
+ if mode == 1:
+ file_name = input("Enter name of new dictionary ('0' to go back): ")
+ if file_name == '0':
+ return
+ else:
+ user_input = pick_language()
+ if user_input == None:
+ continue
+ else:
+ new_dictionary['language'] = user_input
+ new_dictionary['file'] = file_name + ".txt"
+ else:
+ new_dictionary['language'] = current_dict['language']
+ new_dictionary['file'] = myFiles[int(user_input)-1]
+ #new_dictionary['file'] = file_name + ".txt"
+ tag = ''
+ user_input = input("Enter a tag to apply to dictionary entries (max=1,'0' to skip): ")
+ if user_input != '0':
+ tag = user_input
+ if new_dictionary['language'] != 'Latin':
+ #dump_dict = parser_shell.load_dump(new_dictionary['language'])
+ for word in word_list:
+ for i in range(len(dump_dict['definitions'])):
+ if dump_dict['definitions'][i]['handle'] == word:
+ dump_dict['definitions'][i]['tags'].append(tag)
+ new_dictionary['definitions'].append(copy.deepcopy(dump_dict['definitions'][i]))
+ else:
+ alpha = {'a':[],
+ 'b':[],
+ 'c':[],
+ 'd':[],
+ 'e':[],
+ 'f':[],
+ 'g':[],
+ 'h':[],
+ 'i':[],
+ 'j':[],
+ 'k':[],
+ 'l':[],
+ 'm':[],
+ 'n':[],
+ 'o':[],
+ 'p':[],
+ 'q':[],
+ 'r':[],
+ 's':[],
+ 't':[],
+ 'u':[],
+ 'v':[],
+ 'w':[],
+ 'x':[],
+ 'y':[],
+ 'z':[],
+ 'misc':[]}
+ for key in alpha:
+ alpha[key] = parser_shell.load_big_language(key,current_dict['language'])
+ for word in word_list:
+ if word[0].lower() not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
+ key = 'misc'
+ else:
+ key = word[0].lower()
+ for i in range(len(alpha[key]['definitions'])):
+ if unidecode(alpha[key]['definitions'][i]['handle']) == unidecode(word):
+ alpha[key]['definitions'][i]['tags'].append(tag)
+ new_dictionary['definitions'].append(copy.deepcopy(alpha[key]['definitions'][i]))
+ if mode == 1:
+ change_path('dictionaries')
+ with open(new_dictionary['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(new_dictionary, openFile)
+ print(f"{new_dictionary['file']} successfully saved")
+ else:
+ combine_dict(current_dict,new_dictionary)
+ return
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c2c659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ Ian Tincknell
+ Shell program to extract wiktionary entries from json dump files created by Wiktextract
+ Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022.
+ Supplementary definitions for Greek come from the Perseus Digital Library
+ Links to xml texts:
+ Supplementary definitions for Old English from Mary Lynch Johnson's "A Modern English - Old English Dictionary"
+ Posted Online by:
+ Pulls definitions from Latin, Greek or Old Enlgish wiktionary
+ Creates dictionary pickle file to store definitions
+ Can print a formatted list to upload as flashcards using Anki
+'''# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+import parser_shell
+from load_dict import *
+import word_methods
+import edit_dictionary
+from get_selection import get_selection, clear_screen
+import dump_parser
+import os
+import tables
+from pyfiglet import figlet_format
+# Print welcome message
+# # # # # # # # # # # #
+message = ''
+for i in range(5):
+ if i%2 == 0:
+ message += "\n" + "Ξ " * (75)
+ else:
+ message += "\n" + "Σ " * (75)
+middle = '\n\n'
+middle += figlet_format(" Word-Hoarder +",font='epic',width=150)
+message += middle
+for i in range(5):
+ if i%2 == 0:
+ message += "\n" + "Ξ " * (75)
+ else:
+ message += "\n" + "Σ " * (75)
+input("\n\n\n\t\t\tMake sure the display fits your screen\n\t\t\tPress \'Enter\' to continue\n")
+# Whole program contained in loop
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+exit_loop_1 = False
+user_input = None
+current_dict = None
+while not exit_loop_1:
+ # set/reset flag for second loop
+ exit_loop_2 = False
+ options = {
+ '1':"\nMain Menu:\n==================================\n>'1' Open saved dictionary\n",
+ '2':">'2' Create new dictionary\n",
+ '3':">'3' Data files\n",
+ '0':">'0' to exit\n"
+ }
+ user_input = get_selection(options,message)
+ message = ''
+ # Terminate program
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_loop_1 = exit_loop_2 = True
+ continue
+ # function calls to load or create a dictionary
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ current_dict = find_dict()
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ current_dict = create_dict()
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ dump_parser.sort_dump()
+ # find/create will return {} if dict not loaded
+ # must have a valid dictionary to proceed to new loop
+ if current_dict == None:
+ continue
+ # inner Loop to get valid user input
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ while not exit_loop_2:
+ # Print Options
+ options = {
+ '1':f"\n{current_dict['file']} options:\n==================================\n>'1' to look up words\n",
+ '2':">'2' to save formatted flashcards\n",
+ '3':">'3' to save gloss\n",
+ '4':">'4' to edit dictionary\n",
+ '5':">'5' to combine dictionaries\n",
+ '6':">'6' add words from list\n",
+ '0':">'0' to go back\n"
+ }
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ # Return previous loop: dictionary selection
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_loop_2 = True
+ current_dict = None
+ # functions calls to add words to dictionary or print dictionary
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ current_dict, quit = parser_shell.add_word_options(current_dict)
+ if quit:
+ exit_loop_1 = exit_loop_2 = True
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ tables_list = tables.get_tables(current_dict['language'])
+ tables.print_tables(tables_list,current_dict['language'])
+ edit_dictionary.print_dict(current_dict)
+ input("Press enter to Continue")
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ edit_dictionary.print_gloss_setup(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ current_dict = edit_dictionary.edit_dictionary(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '5':
+ current_dict = combine_dict(current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '6':
+ extract_list(current_dict)
+print("\n\nGood Bye")
+# End Main
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..203fb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+import pickle
+import os
+from unidecode import unidecode
+from copy import deepcopy
+from create_word import create_word
+import word_methods
+from word_print_edit import get_entry_string, edit_entries, word_combo
+from get_selection import get_selection, clear_screen
+import edit_dictionary
+import load_dict
+import tables
+import unicodedata
+import inspect
+from pyfiglet import figlet_format
+theme = '\u2624'
+theme = "|"
+def current_line_number():
+ return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def add_word_options(current_dict):
+ tags = set()
+ while(True):
+ clear_screen()
+ options = {'1':"\nWord Search Options:\n==================================\n>'1' word search\n",
+ '2':">'2' to set tags\n",
+ '3':">'3' to display current gloss\n",
+ '4':">'4' to create word\n",
+ 't':">'T' for tables\n",
+ '0':">'0' to exit ('00' to quit)\n"}
+ if not tags:
+ options['0'] += "** No tags selected **\n"
+ else:
+ options['0'] += f"* {', '.join(tags)} *\n"
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict, False
+ if user_input == '00':
+ return current_dict, True
+ if user_input == '1':
+ current_dict = word_search(current_dict,tags)
+ continue
+ elif user_input.lower() == '2':
+ master_list = word_methods.get_master_list(current_dict)
+ tags = word_methods.getTags(tags,'',master_list)
+ continue
+ elif user_input.lower() == '3':
+ tag_mode = '1' if tags == set() else '2'
+ count = edit_dictionary.filter_gloss(current_dict,tags,output_file=None,tag_mode=tag_mode)
+ print(f"\n\t{count} items with current tags\n")
+ continue
+ if user_input == '4':
+ current_dict = create_word(current_dict,tags)
+ continue
+ elif user_input == 't':
+ tables.table_options(current_dict['language'])
+ else:
+ current_dict = look_up_word(user_input,current_dict,tags)
+# # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def word_options(new_word,current_dict,backup,existing_word,t):
+ language = current_dict['language']
+ handle = new_word['handle']
+ heading = new_word['heading']
+ entry_string = ''
+ while True:
+ entry_string = get_entry_string(new_word['entries'])
+ if existing_word == True:
+ options = {'0':f"\n===================================================\n{heading} already exists in '{current_dict['file']}'\n",
+ '1':f"Do you want to save, edit or discard '{heading}'?\n",
+ '2':">>>(1=save, 2=edit, 0=discard)"}
+ #if 'template' not in new_word:
+ # options.update({'t':"'T' to add templates\n"})
+ #else:
+ # options.update({'t':"\n"})
+ options.update({'3':"'3' to see original wiktionary\n"})
+ else:
+ options = {
+ '1':f"\n===================================================\nDo you want to save, edit or discard '{heading}'?\n",
+ '2':">>>(1=save, 2=edit, 0=discard)"}
+ #if 'template' not in new_word:
+ # options.update({'t':" 'T' to add templates\n"})
+ #else:
+ # options.update({'t':"\n"})
+ options.update({'0':''})
+ user_input = get_selection(options,entry_string)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input.lower() == 't':
+ tables.auto_template(current_dict,new_word)
+ if 'template' in new_word:
+ save_word(new_word,current_dict)
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ save_word(new_word,current_dict)
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ clear_screen()
+ new_word, finish_and_save = edit_entries(new_word,current_dict,t)
+ if finish_and_save:
+ save_word(new_word,current_dict)
+ return current_dict
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ template = True if 'template' in new_word else False
+ new_word['entries'] = backup['entries']
+ if template:
+ new_word['template'] = True
+ clear_screen()
+# # # # # # # # # # #
+def save_word(new_word,current_dict,mode=1):
+ if mode == 2:
+ load_dict.change_path('dumps sorted')
+ else:
+ load_dict.change_path('dictionaries')
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ if current_dict['definitions'][i]['handle'] == new_word['handle']:
+ current_dict['definitions'][i] = deepcopy(new_word)
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ input(f"\n\"{new_word['heading']}\" was updated; press enter to continue")
+ return current_dict
+ current_dict['definitions'].append(deepcopy(new_word))
+ current_dict['definitions'].sort(key=lambda item: tables.replace_greek(item.get('handle').lower()))
+ with open(current_dict['file'],mode = 'wb') as openFile:
+ pickle.dump(current_dict, openFile)
+ input(f"\n\"{new_word['heading']}\" was saved; press enter to continue")
+ return current_dict
+def load_dump(language):
+ print(f"Loading {language}...")
+ load_dict.change_path("dumps sorted")
+ with open(language.replace(" ","") + '-trie.txt','rb') as openFile:
+ t = pickle.load(openFile)
+ return t['definitions']
+def word_search(current_dict,tags):
+ t = load_dump(current_dict['language'])
+ while True:
+ """ Retrieve use selection from dictionary """
+ result = choose_from_trie(t,current_dict['language'])
+ clear_screen()
+ """ 'end' will be returned is user choose to end querying """
+ if result == None:
+ return current_dict
+ else:
+ """ Test if selected word already exists in saved dictionary """
+ existing_word = False
+ backup = deepcopy(result)
+ for i in range(len(current_dict['definitions'])):
+ if current_dict['definitions'][i]['handle'] == result['handle']:
+ existing_word = True
+ result = deepcopy(current_dict['definitions'][i])
+ result['tags'] = result['tags'] | tags
+ current_dict = word_options(result,current_dict,backup,existing_word,t)
+def center_text(text, total_width):
+ padding_each_side = (total_width - len(text.split('\n')[0])) // 2
+ lines = text.split('\n')
+ centered_lines = [f"{theme} " * ((padding_each_side - 2)//2) + line + f" {theme}" * ( (padding_each_side + 2)//2) + f" {theme}" for line in lines if line != '']
+ return '\n'.join(centered_lines)
+def choose_from_trie(t,lang,debug_print=True):
+ prefix = ''
+ items = []
+ empty = False
+ while True:
+ clear_screen()
+ # print heading
+ message = f"{theme} " * (75) + "\n"
+ asci_art = lang.upper() + " WORD SEARCH"
+ #if len(asci_art)%2 != 0:
+ # asci_art += "!"
+ asci_art = figlet_format(asci_art,font='digital',width=150)
+ asci_art = center_text(asci_art,150)
+ message += asci_art + "\n"
+ message += f"{theme} " * (75)
+ message += "\n" + " "*148 + theme
+ message += "\n" + " "*148 + theme
+ print(message)
+ if items:
+ print_word_list(items)
+ if prefix:
+ print(" " * 148 + theme)
+ message = f"Current filter: {prefix}-"
+ print("{:<148}".format(message) + theme)
+ if empty:
+ print(" " * 148 + theme)
+ print("{:<148}".format("! No items found with this combination") + theme)
+ print(" " * 148 + theme)
+ empty = False
+ print("{:<148}".format("Options:") + theme)
+ if prefix:
+ print("{:<148}".format("Enter a number to select definition") + theme)
+ print("{:<148}".format("Enter a search word or partial word (add one or more trailing '*'s to limit characters)") + theme)
+ message = "Enter '0' to go back, '00' to "
+ if prefix:
+ message += "clear, '000' to "
+ message += "end"
+ print("{:<148}".format(message) + theme)
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '':
+ continue
+ if user_input == '0':
+ prefix = prefix[:-1]
+ elif user_input == '00' and prefix:
+ prefix = ''
+ items = []
+ if debug_print:
+ print("\n" + theme * 15 + f"\n\nLINE: {current_line_number()}")
+ print(f"Prefix == {prefix}")
+ if prefix:
+ print(f"Prefix != ''")
+ exit()
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '00' or user_input == '000':
+ return None
+ elif user_input[0] == '0':
+ prefix = user_input[1:]
+ elif user_input.isnumeric():
+ result = get_word(items,int(user_input))
+ if result:
+ return result
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ prefix += user_input
+ prefix = unidecode(prefix).lower()
+ while not t.keys(prefix.replace('*','')):
+ prefix = prefix.replace('*','')[:-1]
+ if not prefix:
+ items = []
+ empty = True
+ continue
+ items = t.values(prefix.replace('*',''))
+ items = flatten_sublists(items)
+ if '*' in prefix:
+ max_length = len(prefix) - 1
+ items = [item for item in items if len(item['heading']) <= max_length]
+ if not items:
+ empty = True
+def flatten_sublists(lst):
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(lst):
+ while isinstance(lst[i], list):
+ if not lst[i]:
+ lst.pop(i)
+ i -= 1
+ break
+ else:
+ lst[i:i + 1] = lst[i]
+ i += 1
+ return lst
+def get_word(items,user_input):
+ i = user_input - 1
+ if i in range(len(items)):
+ return items[i]
+ else:
+ print("\n\t" + theme*3 + " Selection out of range " + theme*3 + "\n")
+ return None
+def visible_len(s):
+ return len([c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'])
+def print_word_list(items):
+ clear_screen()
+ # print heading
+ print(f"{theme} " * 75)
+ print(f"{theme} " * 33 + "SEARCH RESULTS " + f" {theme}" * 34)
+ print(" " * 148 + theme)
+ print(" " * 148 + theme)
+ labels = [" Headings:","Definitions:"]
+ message = f"{labels[0]:<30}{labels[1]}"
+ print("{:<148}".format(message) + theme)
+ print(" " * 148 + theme)
+ # Loop to create sub-list to select from
+ for i in range(len(items)):
+ if i >= 100:
+ message = f"{theme} " * 29 + "Limit reached " + f"{theme} " * 29
+ print("{:<148}".format(message) + theme)
+ break
+ # assign word to shorten name
+ word = items[i]
+ # Create and print formatted string
+ message = ''
+ for j in range(len(word['entries'])):
+ if j == 0:
+ entry_string = f"{i + 1:>6}. {word['heading']}:"
+ # print with desired alignment
+ #print(f"{entry_string:<30}",end='')
+ else:
+ entry_string = f"{i + 1:>6}{chr(j + 97)}. {word['heading']}:"
+ message += f"{entry_string:<30}"
+ # print with desired alignment
+ #print(f"{entry_string:<30}",end='')
+ text = word['entries'][j]['defs']
+ if len(text) == 1:
+ entry_len = len(text[0]['gloss'])
+ entry_string = text[0]['gloss']
+ else:
+ entry_len = sum([len(f"0) " + text[i]['gloss'] + " ") for i in range(len(text))])
+ entry_string = ''
+ for line in [f"{i + 1}) " + text[i]['gloss'] + " " for i in range(len(text))]:
+ entry_string += line
+ entry_string = entry_string[:100]
+ # if over length attach elipses
+ if entry_len > 100:
+ entry_string = entry_string[:-3]
+ entry_string += "..."
+ message += f"{entry_string}"
+ while visible_len(message) < 148:
+ message += " "
+ print(message + theme)
+ message = ''
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2306e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a6e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+import json, pickle
+import glob
+import os
+from load_dict import change_path
+from get_selection import get_selection
+from unidecode import unidecode
+from copy import deepcopy
+import requests
+import re
+import tables_greek_ext
+DEBUG = True
+import inspect
+def debug_print(message):
+ line_number = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(f"[Line {line_number}] - {message}")
+def get_tables(language):
+ change_path('tables')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ table_file = language.replace(" ","") + "-tables.txt"
+ if table_file not in myFiles:
+ return []
+ else:
+ with open(table_file,'r') as f:
+ tables_list = json.load(f)
+ tables_list = sort_tables(tables_list,language)
+ return tables_list
+def get_forms(language):
+ change_path('tables')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ form_file = language.replace(" ","") + "-forms.txt"
+ if form_file not in myFiles:
+ return []
+ else:
+ with open(form_file,'r') as f:
+ forms_list = json.load(f)
+ forms_list = sort_tables(forms_list,language)
+ return forms_list
+def sort_tables(tables_list,language):
+ if language == 'Ancient Greek':
+ tables_list.sort(key=lambda item: greek_sort_name(item.get('title')))
+ else:
+ tables_list.sort(key=lambda item: find_sort_name(item.get('title')))
+ return tables_list
+def greek_sort_name(word):
+ if ": " in word:
+ word = word[word.find(": ")+2]
+ return replace_greek(word.lower())
+def find_sort_name(word):
+ if ": " in word:
+ word = word[word.find(": ")+2]
+ return unidecode(word.lower())
+def replace_greek(word):
+ alt_letters = {
+ 'Ἀ':'Α',
+ 'ά':'α', 'ἀ':'α', 'ἄ':'α', 'ἅ':'α', 'ἆ':'α', 'ᾰ':'α', 'ᾱ':'α', 'ᾴ':'α',
+ 'έ':'ε', 'ἐ':'ε', 'ἑ':'ε', 'ἔ':'ε', 'ἕ':'ε',
+ 'ή':'η','ἡ':'η', 'ἤ':'η', 'ἥ':'η', 'ῆ':'η',
+ 'ί':'ι','ἰ':'ι', 'ἱ':'ι', 'ἴ':'ι', 'ἵ':'ι', 'ἶ':'ι', 'ῐ':'ι', 'ῑ':'ι', 'ῖ':'ι',
+ 'ό':'ο','ὀ':'ο', 'ὁ':'ο', 'ὄ':'ο', 'ὅ':'ο',
+ 'ῥ':'ρ',
+ 'ύ':'υ','ὐ':'υ', 'ὑ':'υ', 'ὔ':'υ', 'ὕ':'υ', 'ὖ':'υ', 'ὗ':'υ','ῠ':'υ', 'ῡ':'υ', 'ῦ':'υ',
+ 'ώ':'ω', 'ὧ':'ω','ῶ':'ω', 'ῷ':'ω'
+ }
+ for x in word:
+ if x in alt_letters:
+ word = word.replace(x,alt_letters[x])
+ return word
+def replace_greek_ii(word):
+ alt_letters = {
+ 'Ᾰ̓':'Ἀ',
+ 'Ᾰ̔':'Ἁ',
+ 'ᾰ̀':'ὰ',
+ 'ᾰ́':'ά',
+ 'ᾰ̓':'ἀ',
+ 'ᾰ̔':'ἁ',
+ 'ἀ̆':'ἀ',
+ 'ἄ̆':'ἄ',
+ 'ά̆':'ά',
+ 'Ῐ̓':'Ἰ',
+ 'Ῐ̔':'Ἱ',
+ 'ῐ̈':'ι',
+ 'ϊ':'ι',
+ 'ῐ̓':'ἰ',
+ 'ῐ̔':'ἱ',
+ 'ί̆':'ί',
+ 'Ῠ̔':'Υ',
+ 'ύ̆':'ύ',
+ 'ῠ́':'ύ',
+ 'ῠ̈':'υ',
+ 'ῠ̔':'ὑ',
+ # added for kukao
+ 'ῠ':'υ',
+ # removed for εὐνοϊκός
+ # 'ϊ̄́':'ί',
+ 'ί':'ί',
+ 'ύ':'ύ',
+ 'ἄ':'ἄ',
+ 'ἴ':'ἴ',
+ 'ᾰ̔':'ἁ',
+ 'ᾰ́':'ά',
+ 'ᾰ':'α',
+ 'Ᾱ̓́':'Ἄ',
+ 'Ᾱ̓':'Ἀ',
+ 'Ᾱ̔':'Ἁ',
+ 'Ᾱ':'Α',
+ 'ᾱ̔́':'ἅ',
+ 'ᾱ̓́':'ἄ',
+ 'ᾱ̀':'ὰ',
+ 'ᾱ́':'ά',
+ 'ᾱ̆':'ᾶ',
+ 'ᾱ̔':'ἁ',
+ 'ᾱ̓':'ἀ',
+ 'ᾱ':'α',
+ 'Ῑ̓́':'Ἴ',
+ 'Ῑ̓':'Ἰ',
+ 'Ῑ̔':'Ἱ',
+ 'Ῑ':'Ι',
+ 'ῑ́̔':'ἵ',
+ 'ῑ̈́':'ί',
+ 'ῑ̓́':'ἴ',
+ 'ῑ̔́':'ἵ',
+ 'ῑ̔':'ἱ',
+ 'ῑ́':'ί',
+ 'ῑ̆':'ῖ',
+ 'ῐ':"ι",
+ 'ῑ̈':'ι',
+ 'ῐ́':'ί',
+ 'ῑ̓':'ἰ',
+ 'ῑ':'ι',
+ 'ῡ̈́':'ύ',
+ 'ῡ̔́':'ὕ',
+ 'ῡ́':'ύ',
+ 'ῡ̈':'υ',
+ 'ῡ̔':'ὑ',
+ 'ῡ':'υ',
+ 'Ῡ̔':'Υ'
+ }
+ for x in alt_letters:
+ if x in word:
+ word = word.replace(x,alt_letters[x])
+ return word
+def save_tables(tables_list,file):
+ change_path('tables')
+ with open(file,'w') as f:
+ json.dump(tables_list,f)
+def add_table(tables_list,table_info):
+ found = False
+ for i in range(len(tables_list)):
+ if tables_list[i]['title'] == table_info['title']:
+ debug_print(f"Match found {table_info['title']} == {tables_list[i]['title']}")
+ tables_list[i] = deepcopy(table_info)
+ debug_print(f"{table_info['title']} updated")
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ debug_print(f"No Match Found: New entry made for {table_info['title']}")
+ tables_list.append(deepcopy(table_info))
+ debug_print(f"{table_info['title']} added successfully")
+ return tables_list
+def table_options(language):
+ while True:
+ options = {'1':"\nTable Options:\n==================================\n>'1' to add a table\n",
+ '2':">'2' to edit tables\n",
+ '3':">'3' to print table flashcards\n",
+ '4':">'4' for template options\n",
+ '0':">'0' to go back\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '1':
+ add_tables(language)
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ edit_tables(language)
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ tables_list = get_tables(language)
+ print_tables(tables_list,language)
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ template_options(language)
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ return
+def template_options(language):
+ print('re-doing all templates')
+ change_path('templates')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ template_file = language.replace(" ","") + "_templates.txt"
+ if template_file not in myFiles:
+ templates = []
+ else:
+ with open(template_file,'r') as f:
+ templates = json.load(f)
+ for t in templates:
+ if t['POS'] == 'verb':
+ t = tables_greek_ext.get_forms(t)
+ change_path('templates')
+ sort_tables(templates,language)
+ with open(template_file,'w') as f:
+ json.dump(templates,f)
+ print('re-doing all templates succesful')
+ return
+def template_options(language):
+ while True:
+ change_path('templates')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ template_file = language.replace(" ","") + "_templates.txt"
+ if template_file not in myFiles:
+ templates = []
+ else:
+ with open(template_file,'r') as f:
+ templates = json.load(f)
+ while True:
+ if templates == []:
+ user_input = "00"
+ else:
+ options, keys = get_template_options(templates)
+ user_input = get_selection(options,"\nSelect template:\n==================================\n")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ if user_input == '00':
+ template = new_template(language)
+ if template:
+ templates.append(template)
+ #if user_input == "x":
+ # templates = redo_templates(templates,language)
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(templates)):
+ if templates[i]['title'] == keys[user_input]['title']:
+ edit_template(templates[i],language)
+ break
+ change_path('templates')
+ sort_tables(templates,language)
+ with open(template_file,'w') as f:
+ json.dump(templates,f)
+ return
+def edit_template(template,language):
+ if language == 'Ancient Greek':
+ return tables_greek_ext.edit_template(template)
+ elif language == "Latin":
+ return tables_latin_ext.edit_template(template)
+def new_template(language,heading='',handle='',definition='',partOfSpeech=''):
+ if language == 'Ancient Greek':
+ return tables_greek_ext.new_template(heading,handle,definition,partOfSpeech)
+ elif language == 'Latin':
+ return tables_latin_ext.new_template(heading,handle,definition,partOfSpeech)
+ elif language == 'Old English':
+ return tables_oe_ext.new_template(heading,handle,definition,partOfSpeech)
+def redo_templates(templates,language):
+ if language == 'Ancient Greek':
+ return tables_greek_ext.redo(templates)
+def get_template_options(templates):
+ counter = 1
+ options = {}
+ keys = {}
+ for t in templates:
+ fill_char = '#'
+ options[str(counter)] = f"{counter:>4}. {t['title']}"
+ keys[str(counter)] = t
+ counter += 1
+ options.update({'00':" '00' to create new\n"})
+ options.update({'0':"'0' to go back"})
+ #options.update({"x":"'x' to re-do existing templates"})
+ return options, keys
+def auto_template(dictionary,word):
+ change_path('templates')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ language = dictionary['language']
+ template_file = language.replace(" ","") + "_templates.txt"
+ if template_file not in myFiles:
+ templates = []
+ else:
+ with open(template_file,'r') as f:
+ templates = json.load(f)
+ for i in range(len(word['entries'])):
+ entry = word['entries'][i]
+ def_string = [x['gloss'] for x in entry['defs']]
+ def_string = "; ".join(chop_line(def_string[:5]))
+ print(f"\n{word['heading']} entry #{i+1} info:")
+ print("{:<18}".format("Principle Parts:") + entry['simpleParts'])
+ print("{:<18}".format("Part of Speech:") + entry['partOfSpeech'])
+ print("{:<18}".format("Definition:") + def_string)
+ if 'etymology' in entry:
+ if len(entry['etymology']) <= 125:
+ print("{:<18}".format("Etymology:") + entry['etymology'])
+ print(f"Create template ('1' for yes, '0' to finish, any other key to skip)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ word['template'] = True
+ template = new_template(language,word['heading'],word['handle'],def_string,word['entries'][i]['partOfSpeech'])
+ if template:
+ templates.append(template)
+ change_path('templates')
+ sort_tables(templates,language)
+ with open(template_file,'w') as f:
+ json.dump(templates,f)
+ return
+def chop_line(text):
+ bank = ["*","^","†","∆"]
+ for x in bank:
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ text[i] = text[i].replace(x,"")
+ if len(text) < 3:
+ limit = 5
+ elif len(text) == 3:
+ limit = 4
+ elif len(text) == 4:
+ limit = 3
+ elif len(text) == 5:
+ limit = 2
+ size = sum([len(line) for line in text])
+ if size > 100:
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ text[i] = short_line(text[i],limit)
+ return text
+# # # # # # # # # #
+def short_line(line,limit):
+ line = re.split(",|;",line)
+ stop = orstop = parstop = limit
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ orlist = [x for x in line[i:] if " or " in x]
+ if orlist != []:
+ orstop = i + 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ #stop = max(i,limit)
+ break
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ parlist = [x for x in line[i:] if ")" in x or "(" in x]
+ if parlist != []:
+ parstop = i + 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ #stop = max(i,limit)
+ break
+ stop = max(orstop,parstop,limit)
+ line = line[:stop]
+ new_text = ''
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ new_text += line[i].strip() + ', '
+ line = new_text.strip(", ")
+ return line
+def get_template(language):
+ change_path('templates')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ template_file = language.replace(" ","") + "_templates.txt"
+ if template_file not in myFiles:
+ return None
+ else:
+ with open(template_file,'r') as f:
+ templates = json.load(f)
+ while True:
+ print("Choose template ('0' to go back)")
+ for i in range(len(templates)):
+ print(f"{i + 1}. {templates[i]['title']}")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return None
+ elif user_input == '':
+ print("Invalid selection")
+ elif user_input[0] == '-':
+ if user_input[1:].isnumeric():
+ if int(user_input[1:]) - 1 in range(len(templates)):
+ del templates[int(user_input[1:]) - 1]
+ elif int(user_input) - 1 in range(len(templates)):
+ return templates[int(user_input) - 1 ]
+ else:
+ print("Invalid selection")
+def get_table_types(tables_list):
+ counter = 1
+ options = {}
+ types = {}
+ for t in tables_list:
+ if t['type'] not in types.values():
+ options[str(counter)] = f"{counter:>3}. {t['type']}\n"
+ types[str(counter)] = t['type']
+ counter += 1
+ options.update({'0':"'0' to go back"})
+ return options, types
+def get_table_family(tables_list,table_type):
+ counter = 1
+ families = {}
+ options = {}
+ for t in tables_list:
+ if t['type'] == table_type:
+ word = t['title'][t['title'].find(": ")+2:]
+ if word not in families.values():
+ options[str(counter)] = f"{counter:>3}. {t['title'][t['title'].find(': ')+2:]}"
+ families[str(counter)] = t['title'][t['title'].find(': ')+2:]
+ counter += 1
+ options.update({'0':"'0' to go back"})
+ return options, families
+def get_table_options(tables_list,table_type,family=None):
+ counter = 1
+ positions = {}
+ options = {}
+ for i in range(len(tables_list)):
+ t = tables_list[i]
+ if t['type'] == table_type:
+ word = t['title'][t['title'].find(": ")+2:]
+ if family == None or family == word:
+ positions[str(counter)] = i
+ options[str(counter)] = f"{counter:>3}. {t['title']}"
+ counter += 1
+ options.update({'0':"'0' to go back"})
+ return options, positions
+def edit_tables(language):
+ tables_list = get_tables(language)
+ while True:
+ options, types = get_table_types(tables_list)
+ options['1'] = "\nSelect table group:\n==================================\n" + options['1']
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return
+ table_type = types[user_input]
+ family = None
+ if table_type == 'conj':
+ options, families = get_table_family(tables_list,'conj')
+ options['1'] = "\nSelect table family:\n==================================\n" + options['1']
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ continue
+ family = families[user_input]
+ exit_loop = False
+ while not exit_loop:
+ options, positions = get_table_options(tables_list,table_type,family)
+ options['1'] = "\nSelect table:\n==================================\n" + options['1']
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input in positions:
+ index = positions[user_input]
+ if index in range(len(tables_list)):
+ print("'X' to delete, any other key to edit")
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ if user_input == 'X':
+ del tables_list[index]
+ else:
+ tables_list[index] = edit_table(tables_list[index])
+ save_tables(tables_list,language)
+ continue
+ else:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+def get_person(x,y):
+ if x == '1st Person':
+ return '1st Sg.' if y == 'Singular' else '1st Pl.'
+ elif x == '2nd Person':
+ return '2nd Sg.' if y == 'Singular' else '2nd Pl.'
+ elif x == '3rd Person':
+ return '3rd Sg.' if y == 'Singular' else '3rd Pl.'
+def edit_table(table):
+ while True:
+ table_list = [['definition','',table['definition']]]
+ table_list.append(['title','',table['title']])
+ for part in table['parts']:
+ if type(table['parts'][part]) != dict:
+ table_list.append([part,'',table['parts'][part]])
+ else:
+ for x in table['parts'][part]:
+ if type(table['parts'][part][x]) != dict:
+ table_list.append([part,x,table['parts'][part][x]])
+ else:
+ for y in table['parts'][part][x]:
+ person = get_person(x,y)
+ table_list.append([part,person,table['parts'][part][x][y]])
+ for i in range(len(table_list)):
+ if table['type'] != 'parts':
+ print(f"{i + 1:>2}. {table_list[i][0]:>11} {table_list[i][1]:>8}: {table_list[i][2]}")
+ else:
+ print(f"{i + 1:>2}. {table_list[i][0]:>15}: {table_list[i][2]}")
+ user_input = input("('0' to go back): ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return table
+ elif user_input.isnumeric():
+ if int(user_input) - 1 in range(len(table_list)):
+ if table_list[int(user_input) - 1][0] == 'definition':
+ print("Enter replacement definition ('0' to cancel)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input != '0':
+ table['definition'] = user_input
+ elif table_list[int(user_input) - 1][0] == 'title':
+ print("Enter replacement title ('0' to cancel)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input != '0':
+ table['title'] = user_input
+ else:
+ part = table_list[int(user_input)-1][0]
+ number = table_list[int(user_input)-1][1]
+ print(f"Enter replacement for {table['parts'][part][number]} ('0' to cancel) (ᾱ)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input != '0':
+ table['parts'][part][number] = user_input
+ else:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+import tables_latin_ext, tables_greek_ext, tables_oe_ext
+def add_tables(language):
+ if language == 'Ancient Greek':
+ tables_greek_ext.add_tables()
+ elif language == 'Latin':
+ tables_latin_ext.add_tables()
+ elif language == 'Old English':
+ tables_oe_ext.add_tables()
+def get_html(word):
+ try:
+ search_string = "" + word
+ page_obj = requests.get(search_string)
+ html_doc = page_obj.content
+ except:
+ print("\tERROR: Search String Not Found ")
+ return
+ print(f"{word} retreived successfully")
+ return html_doc
+def create_style(body_string,columns):
+ if columns == 2:
+ body_string += '' + f'\
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ '
+ elif columns == 1:
+ body_string += '' + f'\
+ \
+ \
+ '
+ body_string += ''
+ return body_string
+def create_table(body_string,parts,t_type,columns,header=''):
+ body_string = create_style(body_string,columns)
+ body_string += f'{header} | '
+ columns = parts[list(parts.keys())[0]]
+ for col in columns:
+ body_string += f'{col} | '
+ body_string += "
+ for row in parts:
+ body_string += ''
+ if t_type == 'noun':
+ body_string += f'{row[:3]}. | '
+ elif t_type == 'conj':
+ body_string += f'{row[:3]} | '
+ else:
+ body_string += f'{row} | '
+ for col in parts[row]:
+ body_string += f'{parts[row][col]} | '
+ body_string += '
+ body_string += '
+ return body_string
+def print_tables(tables_list,language):
+ if language == 'Ancient Greek':
+ tables_greek_ext.print_tables(tables_list)
+ elif language == 'Latin':
+ tables_latin_ext.print_tables(tables_list)
+ elif language == 'Old English':
+ tables_oe_ext.print_tables(tables_list)
+ print("\n**************************\n\nFlashcards printed to file\n\n**************************\n")
+#import parser_shell, word_print_edit, edit_dictionary, edit_entry
+def add_definition(language):
+ while True:
+ change_path('dumps sorted')
+ wiki_dump = parser_shell.load_dump(language)
+ combo_word = parser_shell.choose_from_alpha(wiki_dump,[],language)
+ if combo_word == 'end' or combo_word == 'return to top' or combo_word == 'back':
+ return None
+ else:
+ if len(combo_word['entries']) > 1:
+ selection = word_print_edit.select_entry(combo_word['entries'],"Choose the definition you want to use:")
+ else:
+ selection = 0
+ number = edit_entry.select_definition(combo_word['entries'][selection],"Choose the line you want to use:")
+ definition = combo_word['entries'][selection]['defs'][number]['gloss']
+ if selection == None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return definition
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c0bc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1316 @@
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import tables
+import html_x
+from load_dict import change_path
+from get_selection import get_selection
+from copy import deepcopy, copy
+import random
+import sys
+import glob, json
+{'title': capio
+'search word':
+'definition #':
+'POS': verb
+'definition': 'to take'
+'principle' : capio, capere, capi ,captum
+] }
+DEBUG = True
+import inspect
+def debug_print(message):
+ line_number = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(f"[Line {line_number}] - {message}")
+def new_template(heading="",handle="",definition="",POS=""):
+ template = {}
+ while True:
+ x = 'POS'
+ options = {'0':f"\nEnter choose template {x} ('0' to go back)\n==================================\n",
+ '1':"'1'> noun\n",'2':"'2'> verb\n",
+ '00':"'00' to quit\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = 'noun' if user_input == '1' else 'verb'
+ if template[x] == 'noun':
+ x = 'gender'
+ options = {'0':f"\nEnter choose template {x} ('0' to go back)\n==================================\n",
+ '1':"'1'> (m)\n",
+ '2':"'2'> (f)\n",
+ '3':"'3'> (m or f)\n",
+ '4':"'4'> (n)\n",
+ '5':"'5'> (m,f,n)\n",
+ '6':"'6'> (m/f,n)\n",
+ '7':"'7'> (m/f/n)\n",
+ '00':"'00' to quit\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = options[user_input][options[user_input].find("("):].strip("\n")
+ print("Proper noun? ('Y' for yes, any other key for no)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ template['proper'] = True if user_input.upper() == 'Y' else False
+ while True:
+ x = 'title'
+ if heading == "":
+ print(f"Enter template {x} ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = user_input
+ else:
+ template[x] = heading
+ while True:
+ x = 'search word'
+ if handle == "":
+ print(f"Enter template {x} ('0' to go back '00' to quit)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = tables.replace_greek_ii(user_input)
+ else:
+ template[x] = handle
+ while True:
+ print("Enter definition number ('0' if unspecified)")
+ try:
+ template['defno'] = int(input(": "))
+ except:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ template = get_forms(template)
+ x = 'definition'
+ print(f"Enter template {x} ('0' to go back '00' to quit)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = user_input
+ print(template)
+ return template
+def edit_template(template):
+ while True:
+ options = {'1':f"\nTemplate \"{template['title']}\" options:\n==================================\n'1' change definition\n",
+ '2':"'2' to display forms\n",
+ '3':"'3' to re-do forms\n",
+ '4':"'4' to delete\n",
+ '0':"'0' to go back\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '1':
+ print(f"Current definition: {template['definition']}")
+ user_input = input("Enter new definition ('0' to cancel): ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ continue
+ else:
+ template['definition'] == user_input
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ print(template['principal'])
+ print_parts(template['parts'])
+ input("\n\nPress Enter to continue\n")
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ template = get_forms(template)
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ del template
+ return
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ return
+def print_parts(chunk,string='',outer_key=''):
+ if string != '' or outer_key != '':
+ string += " " + outer_key
+ if type(chunk) == dict:
+ for inner_key in chunk:
+ print_parts(chunk[inner_key],string,inner_key)
+ else:
+ if chunk != '---':
+ final_str = f"{string.lstrip():_<70}" + chunk
+ print(final_str)
+def get_forms(template):
+ if template['POS'] == 'noun':
+ if template['gender'] == '(multi)':
+ while True:
+ print(f"{template['title']} (m,f,n)>1 or (m/f,n)>2?")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ template['gender'] = '(m,f,n)'
+ break
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ template['gender'] = '(m/f,n)'
+ break
+ else:
+ print("Invalid selection")
+ template['parts'] = retreive_noun_forms(template)
+ if template['gender'] == '(m,f,n)':
+ parts = template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular']
+ template['principal'] = ", ".join([x for x in parts.values()])
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_multi_noun(template['parts'])
+ elif template['gender'] == '(m/f,n)':
+ print(template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular'])
+ template['parts'] = fix_two_ending(template['parts'])
+ parts = template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular']
+ template['principal'] = ", ".join([y for x,y in parts.items() if x != 'Feminine'])
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_multi_noun(template['parts'])
+ else:
+ parts = template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular']
+ nom = parts['article'] + " " + parts['form']
+ parts = template['parts']['Genitive']['Singular']
+ gen = parts['article'] + " " + parts['form']
+ template['principal'] = nom + ", " + gen
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_noun(template['parts'])
+ elif template['POS'] == 'verb':
+ template['parts'] = retreive_verb_forms(template)
+ result = assign_principle_parts({},template['parts'])
+ result = [y['Principal Part'] for y in result['parts'].values()]
+ template['principal'] = ", ".join(result)
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_verb(template['parts'])
+ return template
+def redo(templates):
+ for template in templates:
+ template = get_forms(template)
+ return templates
+def fix_two_ending(parts):
+ for case in parts:
+ for number in parts[case]:
+ print(f"{case} {number} Masculine = {parts[case][number]['Masculine']}")
+ parts[case][number]["Feminine"] = parts[case][number]["Masculine"]
+ print(f"{case} {number} Feminine now = {parts[case][number]['Feminine']}")
+ print(parts)
+ return parts
+def nu_movable(x):
+ wo_nu = x[:x.find("(")]
+ letter = x[x.find("(")+1:-1]
+ if len(letter) > 1:
+ return [wo_nu]
+ with_nu = wo_nu + letter
+ return [wo_nu,with_nu]
+def perfectMiddleSubjuctive(part):
+ parts = part.split()
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ parts[1] = parts[1].split("/")
+ if len(parts[1]) == 2:
+ new_parts = [parts[0] + " " + parts[1][0], parts[0] + " " + parts[1][1]]
+ return new_parts
+ return parts
+def inside_out_multi_noun(parts):
+ forms = []
+ print(parts)
+ for case in parts:
+ for number in parts[case]:
+ for gender in parts[case][number]:
+ if parts[case][number][gender] != "—":
+ if "," in parts[case][number][gender]:
+ for x in parts[case][number][gender].split(","):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ')':
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[case][number][gender]:
+ for x in parts[case][number][gender].split("/"):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ')':
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ print(f"{case} {number} {gender} = {parts[case][number][gender]}")
+ if parts[case][number][gender][-1] == ")":
+ for x in nu_movable(parts[case][number][gender]):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[case][number][gender]}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ return forms
+def inside_out_noun(parts):
+ forms = []
+ for case in parts:
+ for number in parts[case]:
+ if parts[case][number]['form'] != "—":
+ if "," in parts[case][number]['form']:
+ for x in parts[case][number]['form'].split(","):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['article'] = parts[case][number]['article']
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['article'] = parts[case][number]['article']
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[case][number]['form']:
+ for x in parts[case][number]['form'].split("/"):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['article'] = parts[case][number]['article']
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['article'] = parts[case][number]['article']
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ if parts[case][number]['form'][-1] == ")":
+ for x in nu_movable(parts[case][number]['form']):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['article'] = parts[case][number]['article']
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ form = {'form':parts[case][number]['form']}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['article'] = parts[case][number]['article']
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ return forms
+def inside_out_verb(parts):
+ forms = []
+ for tense in parts:
+ for voice in parts[tense]:
+ for mood in parts[tense][voice]:
+ if mood == 'Infinitive':
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood] != "---":
+ if "," in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood].split(","):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood].split("/"):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood][-1] == ")":
+ for x in nu_movable(parts[tense][voice][mood]):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[tense][voice][mood]}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif mood == 'Participle':
+ for gender in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood][gender] != "---":
+ if "," in parts[tense][voice][mood][gender]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood][gender].split(","):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[tense][voice][mood][gender]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood][gender].split("/"):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood][gender][-1] == ")":
+ for x in nu_movable(parts[tense][voice][mood][gender]):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[tense][voice][mood][gender]}
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ for person in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood][person] != "---":
+ if "," in parts[tense][voice][mood][person]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood][person].split(","):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[tense][voice][mood][person]:
+ perfmidsubj_flag = False
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood][person].split("/"):
+ if x in ['ὦ','ᾖς','ᾖ','ἦτον','εἴην','εἴης','εἴη','εἴητον','εἶτον','εἰήτην','εἴτην','ὦμεν','ἦτε','ὦσῐ','ὦσῐ(ν)','εἴημεν','εἶμεν','εἴητε','εἶτε','εἴησᾰν','εἶεν']:
+ perfmidsubj_flag = True
+ if perfmidsubj_flag:
+ for x in perfectMiddleSubjuctive(parts[tense][voice][mood][person]):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood][person].split("/"):
+ if x.strip()[-1] == ")":
+ for y in nu_movable(x):
+ form = {'form':y.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood][person][-1] == ")":
+ for x in nu_movable(parts[tense][voice][mood][person]):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[tense][voice][mood][person]}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ return forms
+def auto_parts(parts,rapid_fire=False):
+ if not rapid_fire:
+ print("Enter look up word")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ else:
+ if " " in parts:
+ user_input = parts[:parts.find(" ")+1]
+ else:
+ user_input = parts
+ user_input = tables.replace_greek_ii(user_input)
+ print(user_input)
+ #try:
+ result = retreive_verb_forms({'search word':user_input,'title':''})#'defno':0})
+ result = assign_principle_parts(result,result)
+ result = [y['Principal Part'] for y in result['parts'].values()]
+ result = ", ".join(result)
+ while True:
+ print("Does this look right ('1' to except '0' to discard)?")
+ print(result)
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ return result
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ return parts
+ else:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ #except:
+ # print("Something went wrong")
+ return parts
+def assign_principle_parts(table_info,tenses,template=None):
+ table_info['parts'] = {}
+ # 1
+ part = copy(tenses['Present']['Active']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular'])
+ if part == "---":
+ part = copy(tenses['Present']['Middle/Passive']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular'])
+ if part == "---":
+ part = copy(tenses['Present']['Middle']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular'])
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Present':{'Principal Part':part}})
+ # 2
+ part = copy(tenses['Future']['Active']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular'])
+ if part == "---":
+ part = copy(tenses['Future']['Middle']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular'])
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Future':{'Principal Part':part}})
+ part = copy(tenses['Perfect']['Middle/Passive']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular'])
+ if part == '---':
+ part = copy(tenses['Perfect']['Middle']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular'])
+ table_info['parts'].update(
+ # 3
+ {'Aorist Act.':{'Principal Part':tenses['Aorist']['Active']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular']},\
+ # 4
+ 'Perfect Act.':{'Principal Part':tenses['Perfect']['Active']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular']},\
+ # 5
+ 'Perf. M./P.':{'Principal Part':part},\
+ # 6
+ 'Aorist Pas.':{'Principal Part':tenses['Aorist']['Passive']['Indicative']['1st Person Singular']}})
+ if template:
+ table_info['title'] = f"Principal Parts: {template['title']}"
+ return table_info
+def count_indent(a):
+ return len(a) - len(a.lstrip())
+def retreive_verb_forms(template):
+ if 'defno' in template:
+ defno = template['defno']
+ else:
+ defno = 0
+ html_doc = tables.get_html(template['search word'])
+ if html_doc == None:
+ return
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
+ page_list = soup.prettify().split('\n')
+ if template['title'] == 'εἰμῐ́':
+ print("exception detected")
+ exception = True
+ else:
+ exception = False
+ page_list = clean_page_list(page_list,exception)
+ tenses = {"Present":'','Imperfect':'','Future':'','Aorist':'','Perfect':'','Pluperfect':''}
+ voices = {"Active":'',"Middle/Passive":'',"Middle":'','Passive':''}
+ moods = {'Indicative':[],'Subjunctive':[],'Optative':[],'Imperative':[],"Infinitive":[],"Participle":[]}
+ mood_list = ['Indicative','Subjunctive','Optative','Imperative']
+ persons = {'1st Person Singular':'---','2nd Person Singular':'---','3rd Person Singular':'---','2nd Person Dual':'---','3rd Person Dual':'---','1st Person Plural':'---','2nd Person Plural':'---','3rd Person Plural':'---'}
+ genders = {'Masculine':'---','Feminine':'---','Neuter':'---'}
+ codec = {'m':'Masculine','f':'Feminine','n':'Neuter'}
+ for tense in tenses:
+ tenses[tense] = deepcopy(voices)
+ for voice in tenses[tense]:
+ tenses[tense][voice] = deepcopy(moods)
+ for mood in tenses[tense][voice]:
+ if mood in mood_list:
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = deepcopy(persons)
+ elif mood == 'Participle':
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = deepcopy(genders)
+ elif mood == 'Infinitive':
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = '---'
+ tense = False
+ mood = False
+ voice = False
+ indent = 0
+ uncontracted = {}
+ unc_flag = False
+ counter = 0
+ def build(uncontracted,tense,voice,mood):
+ if tense not in uncontracted:
+ uncontracted[tense] = {}
+ if voice not in uncontracted[tense]:
+ uncontracted[tense][voice] = {}
+ if mood not in uncontracted[tense][voice]:
+ uncontracted[tense][voice][mood] = {}
+ if mood in mood_list:
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = deepcopy(persons)
+ elif mood == 'Participle':
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = deepcopy(genders)
+ elif mood == 'Infinitive':
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = '---'
+ for i in range(len(page_list)):
+ if counter < defno:
+ if page_list[i].strip(": ").title() in tenses:
+ if not indent:
+ indent = count_indent(page_list[i])
+ if count_indent(page_list[i]) < indent - 2:
+ indent = 0
+ counter += 1
+ else:
+ if count_indent(page_list[i]) < indent - 2:
+ if counter < defno:
+ indent = 0
+ tense = False
+ mood = False
+ voice = False
+ counter += 1
+ else:
+ break
+ if page_list[i].strip(": ").title() in tenses:
+ if not indent:
+ indent = count_indent(page_list[i])
+ tense = page_list[i].strip(": ").title()
+ voice = mood = gender = indent = unc_flag = False
+ voices = []
+ elif page_list[i].strip() == '(Uncontracted)':
+ unc_flag = True
+ elif tense:
+ if page_list[i].strip().title() in tenses[tense]:
+ voice = page_list[i].strip().title()
+ voices.append(page_list[i].strip().title())
+ index = 0
+ elif voice:
+ if page_list[i].strip().title() in moods:
+ mood = page_list[i].strip().title()
+ index = 0
+ elif mood:
+ if page_list[i].strip() == "Notes:":
+ voice = mood = gender = False
+ else:
+ if mood in mood_list:
+ if index not in range(len(list(persons.keys()))):
+ mood = False
+ else:
+ if mood == 'Imperative' and (index == 0 or index == 5):
+ index += 1
+ if tenses[tense][voice][mood][list(persons.keys())[index]] == '---':
+ if not unc_flag:
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood][list(persons.keys())[index]] = page_list[i].strip()
+ else:
+ build(uncontracted,tense,voice,mood)
+ uncontracted[tense][voice][mood][list(persons.keys())[index]] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ elif mood == 'Infinitive':
+ if index >= len(voices):
+ index %= len(voices)
+ if tenses[tense][voices[index]][mood] == '---':
+ if not unc_flag:
+ tenses[tense][voices[index]][mood] = page_list[i].strip()
+ else:
+ build(uncontracted,tense,voice,mood)
+ uncontracted[tense][voices[index]][mood] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ elif mood == 'Participle':
+ if index >= len(voices):
+ index %= len(voices)
+ if page_list[i].strip() in codec:
+ gender = codec[page_list[i].strip()]
+ continue
+ elif gender and tenses[tense][voices[index]][mood][gender] == '---':
+ if unc_flag == False:
+ tenses[tense][voices[index]][mood][gender] = page_list[i].strip()
+ else:
+ build(uncontracted,tense,voices[index],mood)
+ uncontracted[tense][voices[index]][mood][gender] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ for tense in uncontracted.keys():
+ tenses[f'{tense} (Uncontracted)'] = uncontracted[tense]
+ return tenses
+def retreive_noun_forms(template):
+ html_doc = tables.get_html(template['search word'])
+ print(f"template['gender'] = {template['gender']}")
+ three_ending = True if template['gender'] == '(m,f,n)' else False
+ two_ending = True if template['gender'] == '(m/f,n)' else False
+ print(f" three_ending = {three_ending}, two_ending = {two_ending}")
+ if 'proper' in template:
+ proper = True if template['proper'] else False
+ else:
+ proper = False
+ if html_doc == None:
+ return
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
+ page_list = soup.prettify().split('\n')
+ page_list = clean_page_list(page_list)
+ cases = {"Nominative":'','Genitive':'','Dative':'','Accusative':'','Vocative':''}
+ numbers = {'Singular':'---','Dual':'---',"Plural":'---'}
+ genders = {'Masculine':'---','Feminine':'---','Neuter':'---'}
+ article = {'article':'','form':'---'}
+ if three_ending or two_ending:
+ for n in numbers:
+ numbers[n] = deepcopy(genders)
+ else:
+ for n in numbers:
+ numbers[n] = deepcopy(article)
+ for case in cases:
+ cases[case] = deepcopy(numbers)
+ case = False
+ indent = 0
+ for i in range(len(page_list)):
+ if count_indent(page_list[i]) < indent - 2:
+ break
+ if page_list[i].strip() in cases:
+ if not indent:
+ indent = count_indent(page_list[i])
+ case = page_list[i].strip()
+ index = 0
+ if case:
+ emdash = True if page_list[i].strip() == '—' else False
+ if three_ending:
+ if index % 2 != 0 or emdash:
+ if index <= 6:
+ number = 'Singular'
+ elif index <= 12:
+ number = 'Dual'
+ elif index <= 18:
+ number = 'Plural'
+ else:
+ if case == "Vocative":
+ break
+ case = False
+ continue
+ key_list = ['Masculine','Feminine','Neuter']
+ cases[case][number][key_list[index//2%3]] = page_list[i].strip()
+ if two_ending:
+ if index % 2 != 0 or emdash:
+ if index <= 4:
+ number = 'Singular'
+ elif index <= 8:
+ number = 'Dual'
+ elif index <= 12:
+ number = 'Plural'
+ else:
+ if case == "Vocative":
+ break
+ case = False
+ continue
+ key_list = ['Masculine','Neuter']
+ cases[case][number][key_list[index//2%2]] = page_list[i].strip()
+ elif not two_ending and not three_ending:
+ if index % 3 != 0 or emdash:
+ if index <= 3:
+ number = 'Singular'
+ elif index <= 6:
+ number = 'Dual'
+ elif index <= 9:
+ number = 'Plural'
+ else:
+ if case == "Vocative":
+ break
+ case = False
+ continue
+ if case == "Vocative":
+ if "notes" in page_list[i].lower():
+ break
+ elif proper and number != 'Singular':
+ break
+ cases[case][number]['form'] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ elif proper:
+ cases[case][number]['form'] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ else:
+ key_list = ['article','form']
+ cases[case][number][key_list[index%3-1]] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 2 if emdash else 1
+ return cases
+def add_tables():
+ tables_list = tables.get_tables('Ancient Greek')
+ table_info = {'title':'','type':''}
+ table_file = "AncientGreek-tables.txt"
+ while True:
+ print("Use table template? ('1' for yes, '0' to go back, any other key for no) 'AUTO' to auto-add all forms")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ template = tables.get_template('Ancient Greek')
+ if template == None:
+ continue
+ table_info['title'] = template['title']
+ elif user_input.upper() == 'AUTO':
+ auto_add([],table_info,table_file)
+ return
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ return
+ else:
+ template = None
+ print(f"Enter table title ('0' to go back)")
+ table_info['title'] = input(': ')
+ if table_info['title'] == '0':
+ continue
+ exit_second_loop = False
+ while not exit_second_loop:
+ complete = False
+ print("Select table type")
+ options = {'1':"'1'> noun\n",'2':"'2'> verb principal parts\n",'3':"'3'> verb conjugation\n",'4':"'4'> noun + dual\n",'5':"'5'> complete verb system\n",'6':"'6'> complete forms\n"}
+ options.update({'0':"'0'> to go back"})
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ table_info['type'] = 'noun'
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ table_info['type'] = 'parts'
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ table_info['type'] = 'conj'
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ table_info['type'] = 'dual'
+ elif user_input == '5':
+ table_info['type'] = 'conj'
+ complete = True
+ elif user_input == '6':
+ table_info['type'] = 'form'
+ complete = True
+ exit_third_loop = False
+ while not exit_third_loop:
+ if template:
+ table_info['definition'] = template['definition']
+ else:
+ definition = input("Enter definition ('0' to go back): ")
+ if definition == '0':
+ exit_third_loop = True
+ continue
+ table_info['definition'] = definition
+ while True:
+ print("Enter definition number (1-n) ('0' to go back)")
+ try:
+ user_input = int(input(": "))
+ except:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ if user_input == 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ table_info['defno'] = user_input
+ if complete:
+ if table_info['type'] == 'conj':
+ add_complete_verb_system(template,table_info,tables_list,table_file)
+ elif table_info['type'] == 'form':
+ add_complete_forms(template)
+ exit_second_loop = exit_third_loop = True
+ print("tables added succesfully")
+ continue
+ exit_loop_four = False
+ while not exit_loop_four:
+ print(f"Do you want to auto-retreive {table_info['title']}? ('1' for yes, '0' to go back, '00' to exit)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ if table_info['type'] in ['parts','conj']:
+ table_info = auto_retreive_verb(table_info,template)
+ else:
+ table_info = auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template)
+ if result:
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list)
+ tables.save_tables(tables_list,'AncientGreektables.txt')
+ exit_loop_four = exit_third_loop = exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ exit_loop_four = exit_third_loop = exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+def auto_add(tables_list,table_info,table_file):
+ change_path('templates')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ template_file = "AncientGreek_templates.txt"
+ if template_file not in myFiles:
+ print(f"file: {template_file} not found")
+ return
+ else:
+ with open(template_file,'r') as f:
+ templates = json.load(f)
+ for template in templates:
+ debug_print(f"Begin: {template['title']}")
+ i = template
+ #add_complete_forms(template)
+ table_info['definition'] = template['definition']
+ if template["POS"] == 'verb':
+ table_info['type'] = 'conj'
+ #for template in templates:
+ debug_print(f"Running add_complete_verb_system")
+ add_complete_verb_system(template,table_info,tables_list,table_file)
+ debug_print(f"add_complete_verb_system successful")
+ if template["POS"] == 'noun':
+ table_info['type'] = 'noun'
+ if template['gender'] == "(m,f,n)" or template['gender'] == "(m/f,n)":
+ continue
+ debug_print(f"Running auto_retreive_noun")
+ table_info = auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template)
+ debug_print(f"auto_retreive_noun successful")
+ debug_print(f"Running add_table")
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list,table_info)
+ debug_print(f"add_table successful")
+ tables.save_tables(tables_list,table_file)
+def empty(item):
+ if type(item) != dict:
+ return True if item == '---' or item == '—' else False
+ for key in item:
+ if not empty(item[key]):
+ return False
+ return True
+'features':{x:y for x,y in template['forms'] if x != 'form'}
+def add_complete_forms(template):
+ forms_list = tables.get_forms("Ancient Greek")
+ for i in range(len(template['forms'])):
+ if not debug_print:
+ print('*',end='',flush=True)
+ found = False
+ for x in range(len(forms_list)):
+ if forms_list[x]['title'] == template['forms'][i]['form']:
+ found = True
+ instance = {'form':template['forms'][i]['form']}
+ instance['root'] = template['title']
+ instance['features'] = {x:y for x,y in template['forms'][i].items() if x != 'form'}
+ same = True
+ for y in forms_list[x]['instances']:
+ for key in y['features'].keys():
+ if key not in instance['features']:
+ same = False
+ break
+ else:
+ if y['features'][key] != instance['features'][key]:
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f"NOT SAME {y['features']} AND {instance['features']}")
+ same = False
+ break
+ if not same:
+ break
+ if same:
+ debug_print(f"rejected DUPLICATE")
+ break
+ if 'tense' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['tense'] not in ["Present",'Imperfect','Future','Aorist']:
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['tense']}")
+ break
+ if 'mood' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['mood'] in ["Subjunctive",'Imperative','Optative']:
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['mood']}")
+ break
+ if 'number' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['number'] == 'Dual':
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['number']}")
+ break
+ if 'person' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['person'] in ['2nd Person Dual','3rd Person Dual']:
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['person']}")
+ break
+ instance['principal'] = template['principal']
+ instance['definition'] = template['definition']
+ debug_print("ADDING TO EXISTING")
+ debug_print(instance)
+ if not DEBUG:
+ print('<',end='',flush=True)
+ forms_list[x]['instances'].append(deepcopy(instance))
+ if not found:
+ form = {'title':template['forms'][i]['form']}
+ instance = {'form':template['forms'][i]['form']}
+ instance['root'] = template['title']
+ instance['features'] = {x:y for x,y in template['forms'][i].items() if x != 'form'}
+ if 'tense' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['tense'] not in ["Present",'Imperfect','Future','Aorist']:
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['tense']}")
+ continue
+ if 'mood' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['mood'] in ["Subjunctive",'Imperative','Optative']:
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['mood']}")
+ continue
+ if 'number' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['number'] == 'Dual':
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['number']}")
+ continue
+ if 'person' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['person'] in ['2nd Person Dual','3rd Person Dual']:
+ debug_print(f"rejected {instance['features']['person']}")
+ continue
+ instance['principal'] = template['principal']
+ instance['definition'] = template['definition']
+ form['instances'] = [deepcopy(instance)]
+ debug_print("ADDING NEW")
+ debug_print(instance)
+ if not debug_print:
+ print('+',end='',flush=True)
+ forms_list.append(deepcopy(form))
+ file = 'AncientGreek_forms.txt'
+ tables.add_tables(forms_list)
+def add_complete_verb_system(template,table_info,tables_list,table_file):
+ table_info['principal'] = template['principal']
+ tenses = template['parts']
+ for tense in ["Present",'Imperfect','Future','Aorist']:
+ debug_print(f"Tense: {tense}")
+ for voice in ["Active","Middle/Passive","Middle",'Passive']:
+ debug_print(f"Voice: {voice}")
+ debug_print("Running assign_table_info")
+ table_info = assign_table_info(table_info,template,tenses,tense,voice,'Indicative')
+ debug_print("assign_table_info run succesfully")
+ if empty(table_info['parts']):
+ debug_print(f"\t\t{table_info['title']} was blank")
+ continue
+ else:
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list,table_info)
+ debug_print(f"\t\t{table_info['title']} saved")
+ table_info['type'] = 'parts'
+ table_info = assign_principle_parts(table_info,tenses,template)
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list,table_info)
+def auto_retreive_verb(table_info,template):
+ tenses = template['parts']
+ if table_info['type'] == 'parts':
+ table_info = assign_principle_parts(table_info,tenses,template)
+ return table_info
+ elif table_info['type'] == 'conj':
+ options1 = {'1':"Present",'2':'Imperfect','3':'Future','4':'Aorist','5':'Perfect'}
+ user_input = get_selection(options1,2)
+ tense = options1[user_input]
+ options2 = {'1':"Active",'2':"Middle/Passive",'3':"Middle",'4':'Passive'}
+ user_input = get_selection(options2,2)
+ voice = options2[user_input]
+ options3 = {'1':'Indicative','2':'Subjunctive','3':'Optative','4':'Imperative'}
+ user_input = get_selection(options3,2)
+ mood = options3[user_input]
+ table_info = assign_table_info(table_info,template,tenses,tense,voice,mood)
+ return table_info
+def assign_table_info(table_info,template,tenses,tense,voice,mood):
+ table_info['parts'] = {
+ '1st Person':{
+ 'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][mood]['1st Person Singular'],\
+ 'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][mood]['1st Person Plural']},\
+ '2nd Person':{
+ 'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][mood]['2nd Person Singular'],\
+ 'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][mood]['2nd Person Plural']},\
+ '3rd Person':{
+ 'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][mood]['3rd Person Singular'],\
+ 'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][mood]['3rd Person Plural']}}
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Infinitive':tenses[tense][voice]['Infinitive']})
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Participle':{
+ 'Masculine':tenses[tense][voice]['Participle']['Masculine'],\
+ 'Feminine':tenses[tense][voice]['Participle']['Feminine'],\
+ 'Neuter':tenses[tense][voice]['Participle']['Neuter']}})
+ if template:
+ table_info['title'] = f"{tense.title()} {voice.title()} {mood.title()}: {template['title']}"
+ return table_info
+def auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template):
+ table_info['principal'] = template['principal']
+ parts = template['parts']
+ case_keys = ["Nominative",'Genitive','Dative','Accusative','Vocative']
+ number_keys = ['Singular','Dual',"Plural"]
+ table_info['parts'] = {}
+ for case in case_keys:
+ table_info['parts'][case] = {}
+ for number in number_keys:
+ if number == 'Dual' and table_info['type'] != 'dual':
+ continue
+ if 'article' in parts[case][number]:
+ if parts[case][number]['article'] != "":
+ table_info['parts'][case][number] = parts[case][number]['article'] + " " + parts[case][number]['form']
+ else:
+ table_info['parts'][case][number] = parts[case][number]['form']
+ elif 'Masculine' in parts[case][number]:
+ table_info['parts'][case][number] = ", ".join([parts[case][number]['Masculine'], parts[case][number]['Feminine'], parts[case][number]['Neuter']])
+ if template:
+ table_info['title'] = f"{template['title']}"
+ return table_info
+def clean_page_list(page_list,exception=False):
+ offset = 0
+ for i in range(1,len(page_list)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if ' ' in page_list[i]:
+ page_list[i] = page_list[i].replace(' ',' ')
+ if page_list[i].strip()[0] == "<":
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ offset = 0
+ perfmidsubj = ['ὦ','ᾖς','ᾖ','ἦτον','εἴην','εἴης','εἴη','εἴητον','εἶτον','εἰήτην','εἴτην','ὦμεν','ἦτε','ὦσῐ','ὦσῐ(ν)','εἴημεν','εἶμεν','εἴητε','εἶτε','εἴησᾰν','εἶεν']
+ #articles = ["ὁ, ἡ" , "οἱ, αἱ" , "τοῦ, τῆς" , "τῷ, τῇ" , "τοῖς, ταῖς" , "τὸν, τὴν" , "τοὺς, τᾱ̀ς"]
+ for i in range(1,len(page_list)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if page_list[i].strip(' ') == 'passive' and page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') == 'middle/':
+ page_list[i] = 'middle/passive'
+ del page_list[i - 1]
+ offset += 1
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') == ',':
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].rstrip(' ') + ", " + page_list[i + 1].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') == 'ν':
+ if page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') == '(':
+ page_list[i - 2] = page_list[i - 2].rstrip(' ') + '(ν)'
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ del page_list[i - 1]
+ offset += 3
+ else:
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].rstrip(' ') + '(ν)'
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') == 'σ':
+ if page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') == '(':
+ page_list[i - 2] = page_list[i - 2].rstrip(' ') + '(σ)' + page_list[i + 2].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 2]
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ del page_list[i - 1]
+ offset += 4
+ else:
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].rstrip(' ') + '(σ)' + page_list[i + 2].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 2]
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 3
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') == '/':
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].rstrip(' ') + "/" + page_list[i + 1].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ')[:1] == ')' and page_list[i - 2].strip(' ')[-1] == '(':
+ page_list[i - 2] = page_list[i - 2].rstrip(" ") + page_list[i - 1].strip(" ") + page_list[i].strip(' ')
+ for x in range(2):
+ del page_list[i - 1]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') in perfmidsubj and previous not in perfmidsubj and not exception:
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].rstrip(' ') + ' ' + page_list[i].strip(' ')
+ previous = page_list[i].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ elif page_list[i].strip()[0] == "<" or (len(page_list[i].strip()) == 1 and page_list[i].strip().isnumeric()):
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ else:
+ previous = ''
+ return page_list
+'features':{x:y for x,y in template['forms'] if x != 'form'}
+def features_join(features):
+ join = ""
+ if 'gender' in features:
+ join += " " + features['gender'] + ""
+ for x,y in features.items():
+ if x != 'article':
+ if x == "mood" and (y != "Infinitive" and y != 'Participle'):
+ join += " " + y + ""
+ elif x == 'gender':
+ pass
+ else:
+ join += " " + y + ""
+ return join.strip()
+def print_forms():
+ out_file = 'AncientGreek-FormCards.txt'
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ change_path('flashcards')
+ sys.stdout = open(out_file,'w')
+ forms_list = tables.get_forms("Ancient Greek")
+ random_list = list(range(len(forms_list)))
+ random.shuffle(random_list)
+ for i in random_list:
+ print('· ' + forms_list[i]['title'] + '
+ for instance in forms_list[i]['instances']:
+ features = features_join(instance['features'])
+ if 'article' in instance['features']:
+ print('' + instance['features']['article'] + " " + instance['form'] + '
+ else:
+ print('
+ print(features,end='')
+ print(' form of: ' + instance['principal'] + '
+ print("Definition: " + instance['definition'] + '
+ print('|"forms"')
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
+def print_tables(tables_list):
+ print_forms()
+ out_file = 'AncientGreek-TableCards.txt'
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ change_path('flashcards')
+ sys.stdout = open(out_file,'w')
+ random_list = list(range(len(tables_list)))
+ random.shuffle(random_list)
+ for i in random_list:
+ if tables_list[i]['type'] != 'noun':
+ print('' + tables_list[i]['title'] + '
+ else:
+ print('Forms: ' + tables_list[i]['title'] + '
+ if tables_list[i]['definition']:
+ body_string = '' + tables_list[i]['definition'] + '
+ else:
+ body_string = ''
+ if tables_list[i]['principal'] and tables_list[i]['type'] != 'parts':
+ body_string += "Parts: " + tables_list[i]['principal'] + '
+ body_string += '
+ body_string = html_x.set_styles(body_string)
+ if tables_list[i]['type'] == 'parts':
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,tables_list[i]['parts'],'parts',1)
+ elif tables_list[i]['type'] == 'noun':
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,tables_list[i]['parts'],'noun',2)
+ elif tables_list[i]['type'] == 'conj':
+ parts = {k:v for k,v in tables_list[i]['parts'].items() if k != "Infinitive" and k != "Participle"}
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,parts,'conj',2)
+ body_string = html_x.create_style(body_string,1)
+ body_string = html_x.create_box(body_string,'Infinitive',tables_list[i]["parts"]["Infinitive"])
+ parts = {k:v for k,v in tables_list[i]['parts'].items() if k == "Participle"}
+ parts = {k:{'Participle':v} for k,v in parts['Participle'].items()}
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,parts,'Participle',1)
+ print(body_string + '|"table"')
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0f5c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import tables
+from load_dict import change_path
+from get_selection import get_selection
+from copy import deepcopy
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import html_x
+import random
+import sys
+import json
+import glob
+def new_template(heading="",handle="",definition="",POS=""):
+ template = {}
+ while True:
+ x = 'POS'
+ if POS != "verb" and POS != "noun" and POS != "adjective":
+ print("Enter choose template {x} ('0' to go back)")
+ print("'1'> noun/adj.")
+ print("'2'> verb")
+ print("type description for other (e.g. 'particle', 'not comparable', 'indeclinable')")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ template[x] = 'noun/adj.'
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ template[x] = 'verb'
+ else:
+ template[x] = user_input
+ elif POS == "noun" or POS == "adjective":
+ template[x] = 'noun/adj.'
+ elif POS == "verb":
+ template[x] = 'verb'
+ if template[x] == 'noun/adj.':
+ x = 'gender'
+ options = {'0':f"Enter choose template {x} ('0' to go back)\n",
+ '1':"'1'> (m)\n",
+ '2':"'2'> (f)\n",
+ '3':"'3'> (m or f)\n",
+ '4':"'4'> (n)\n",
+ '5':"'5'> (m,f,n)\n",
+ '6':"'6'> (m/f,n)\n",
+ '7':"'7'> (m/f/n)\n",
+ '00':"'00' to quit\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = options[user_input][options[user_input].find("("):].strip("\n")
+ print("Proper noun? ('Y' for yes, any other key for no)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ template['proper'] = True if user_input.upper() == 'Y' else False
+ while True:
+ x = 'title'
+ if heading == "":
+ print(f"Enter template {x} ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = user_input
+ else:
+ template[x] = heading
+ x = 'search word'
+ if template['POS'] != 'noun/adj.' and template['POS'] != 'verb':
+ template['search word'] = None
+ elif handle == "":
+ template[x] = unidecode(user_input)
+ else:
+ template[x] = handle
+ while True:
+ if template['POS'] != 'noun/adj.' and template['POS'] != 'verb':
+ template['defno'] = None
+ else:
+ print("Enter definition number ('0' if unspecified)")
+ try:
+ template['defno'] = int(input(": "))
+ except:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ template = get_forms(template)
+ print(template['principal'])
+ print_parts(template['parts'])
+ x = 'definition'
+ if definition == "":
+ print(f"Enter template {x} ('0' to go back '00' to quit)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+ else:
+ template[x] = user_input
+ else:
+ template[x] = definition
+ return template
+def edit_template(template):
+ while True:
+ options = {'1':f"Template \"{template['title']}\" options:\n'1' change definition\n",
+ '2':"'2' to display forms\n",
+ '3':"'3' to re-do forms\n",
+ '4':"'4' to delete\n",
+ '0':"'0' to go back\n"}
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '1':
+ print(f"Current definition: {template['definition']}")
+ user_input = input("Enter new definition ('0' to cancel): ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ continue
+ else:
+ template['definition'] == user_input
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ print(template['principal'])
+ print_parts(template['parts'])
+ input("\n\nPress Enter to continue\n")
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ template = get_forms(template)
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ del template
+ return
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ return
+def print_parts(chunk,string='',outer_key=''):
+ if string != '' or outer_key != '':
+ string += " " + outer_key
+ if type(chunk) == dict:
+ for inner_key in chunk:
+ print_parts(chunk[inner_key],string,inner_key)
+ else:
+ if chunk != '---' and chunk != "–":
+ final_str = f"{string.lstrip():_<70}" + chunk
+ print(final_str)
+def get_forms(template):
+ if template['POS'] != 'noun/adj.' and template['POS'] != 'verb':
+ template['forms'] = [{'form':template['title']}]
+ template['principal'] = template['title'] + " (" + template['POS'] + ")"
+ template['parts'] = {'single form':template['title']}
+ return template
+ if template['POS'] == 'noun/adj.':
+ template['parts'] = retreive_noun_forms(template)
+ if template['gender'] == '(m,f,n)':
+ template['parts'] = fix_two_ending(template['parts'])
+ parts = template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular']
+ template['principal'] = ", ".join([x for x in parts.values()])
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_multi_noun(template['parts'])
+ elif template['gender'] == '(m/f,n)':
+ #print(template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular'])
+ template['parts'] = fix_two_ending(template['parts'])
+ parts = template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular']
+ template['principal'] = ", ".join([y for x,y in parts.items() if x != 'Feminine'])
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_multi_noun(template['parts'])
+ elif template['gender'] == '(m/f/n)':
+ template['parts'] = fix_two_ending(template['parts'])
+ part = template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular']["Masculine"]
+ nom = part
+ part = template['parts']['Genitive']['Singular']["Masculine"]
+ gen = part
+ template['principal'] = nom + ", " + gen
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_noun(template['parts'])
+ else:
+ part = template['parts']['Nominative']['Singular']
+ nom = part
+ part = template['parts']['Genitive']['Singular']
+ gen = part
+ template['principal'] = nom + ", " + gen + template['gender']
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_noun(template['parts'])
+ elif template['POS'] == 'verb':
+ template['parts'] = retreive_verb_forms(template)
+ result = assign_principle_parts({},template['parts'])
+ result = [y['Principal Part'] for y in result['parts'].values()]
+ template['principal'] = ", ".join(result)
+ print("GETTING FORMS")
+ template['forms'] = inside_out_verb(template['parts'])
+ return template
+def redo(templates):
+ for template in templates:
+ template = get_forms(template)
+ return templates
+def fix_two_ending(parts):
+ for case in parts:
+ for number in parts[case]:
+ if parts[case][number]["Feminine"] == "---":
+ parts[case][number]["Feminine"] = deepcopy(parts[case][number]["Masculine"])
+ if parts[case][number]["Neuter"] == "---":
+ parts[case][number]["Neuter"] = deepcopy(parts[case][number]["Masculine"])
+ return parts
+def remove_emdash(forms):
+ for form in forms:
+ if form['form'] == '—':
+ del form
+def inside_out_multi_noun(parts):
+ forms = []
+ print(parts)
+ for case in parts:
+ for number in parts[case]:
+ for gender in parts[case][number]:
+ if parts[case][number][gender] != "—":
+ if "," in parts[case][number][gender]:
+ for x in parts[case][number][gender].split(","):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[case][number][gender]:
+ for x in parts[case][number][gender].split("/"):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ print(f"{case} {number} {gender} = {parts[case][number][gender]}")
+ form = {'form':parts[case][number][gender]}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ form['gender'] = gender
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ remove_emdash(forms)
+ return forms
+def inside_out_noun(parts):
+ forms = []
+ for case in parts:
+ for number in parts[case]:
+ if parts[case][number] != "—":
+ if "," in parts[case][number]:
+ for x in parts[case][number].split(","):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[case][number]:
+ for x in parts[case][number].split("/"):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[case][number]}
+ form['case'] = case
+ form['number'] = number
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ remove_emdash(forms)
+ return forms
+def inside_out_verb(parts):
+ change_path("texts")
+ with open('sum_forms.txt','r') as f:
+ sum_forms = json.load(f)
+ if parts['Present']['Active']['Indicative']['FPS'] == "sum":
+ exception = True
+ else:
+ exception = False
+ forms = []
+ for tense in parts:
+ for voice in parts[tense]:
+ for mood in parts[tense][voice]:
+ if mood == 'Infinitive':
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood] != "---":
+ if "," in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ split = parts[tense][voice][mood].split(",")
+ for x in split:
+ if x.strip() in sum_forms and not exception:
+ x = split[0][:split[0].find(" ")+1] + x.strip()
+ print(x)
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood].split("/"):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[tense][voice][mood]}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif mood == 'Participle':
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood] != "---":
+ if "," in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ split = parts[tense][voice][mood].split(",")
+ for x in split:
+ if x.strip() in sum_forms and not exception:
+ x = split[0][:split[0].find(" ")+1] + x.strip()
+ print(x)
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood].split("/"):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[tense][voice][mood]}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ for person in parts[tense][voice][mood]:
+ if parts[tense][voice][mood][person] != "---":
+ if "," in parts[tense][voice][mood][person]:
+ split = parts[tense][voice][mood][person].split(",")
+ for x in split:
+ if x.strip() in sum_forms and not exception:
+ x = split[0][:split[0].find(" ")+1] + x.strip()
+ print(x)
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ elif "/" in parts[tense][voice][mood][person]:
+ for x in parts[tense][voice][mood][person].split("/"):
+ form = {'form':x.strip()}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ else:
+ form = {'form':parts[tense][voice][mood][person]}
+ form['tense'] = tense
+ form['voice'] = voice
+ form['mood'] = mood
+ form['person'] = person
+ forms.append(deepcopy(form))
+ remove_emdash(forms)
+ return forms
+def auto_parts(parts):
+ print("Enter look up word")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ result = retreive_verb_forms({'search word':user_input,'title':''})
+ result = assign_principle_parts(result,result)
+ result = [y['Principal Part'] for y in result['parts'].values()]
+ result = ", ".join(result)
+ print("Does this look right ('1' to except '0' to discard)?")
+ print(result)
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ return result
+ else:
+ return parts
+def assign_principle_parts(table_info,tenses,template=None):
+ table_info['parts'] = {
+ 'Present':{'Principal Part':tenses['Present']['Active']['Indicative']['FPS']},\
+ 'Infinitive':{'Principal Part':tenses['Present']['Active']['Infinitive']},\
+ 'Perfect Act.':{'Principal Part':tenses['Perfect']['Active']['Indicative']['FPS']},\
+ 'Perfect Pas.':{'Principal Part':tenses['Perfect']['Passive']['Participle']}}
+ if template:
+ table_info['title'] = f"Principal Parts: {template['title']}"
+ return table_info
+def retreive_verb_forms(template):
+ if 'specified' in template:
+ specified = template['specified']
+ else:
+ specified = 0
+ if template['search word'] == 'sum':
+ exception = True
+ else:
+ exception = False
+ html_doc = tables.get_html(template['search word'])
+ if html_doc == None:
+ return
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
+ page_list = soup.prettify().split('\n')
+ page_list = clean_page_list(page_list,exception)
+ tenses = {"Present":'','Imperfect':'','Future':'','Future Perfect':'','Perfect':'','Pluperfect':''}
+ voices = {"Active":'','Passive':''}
+ moods = {'Indicative':[],'Subjunctive':[],'Imperative':[],"Infinitive":[],"Participle":[]}
+ mood_list = ['Indicative','Subjunctive','Imperative']
+ persons = {'FPS':'---','SPS':'---','TPS':'---','FPP':'---','SPP':'---','TPP':'---'}
+ for tense in tenses:
+ tenses[tense] = deepcopy(voices)
+ for voice in tenses[tense]:
+ tenses[tense][voice] = deepcopy(moods)
+ for mood in tenses[tense][voice]:
+ if mood in mood_list:
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = deepcopy(persons)
+ elif mood == 'Participle' or mood == 'Infinitive':
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood] = '---'
+ tense = False
+ mood = False
+ voice = False
+ count = 0
+ specified = 0
+ for i in range(len(page_list)):
+ if count < specified:
+ if page_list[i].strip() == 'Conjugation of':
+ count += 1
+ elif page_list[i].strip() == "verbal nouns":
+ break
+ elif page_list[i].strip(": ").title() in mood_list:
+ mood = page_list[i].strip(": ").title()
+ voice = False
+ tense = False
+ elif page_list[i].strip(": ")[:-1].title() in ['Infinitive','Participle']:
+ mood = page_list[i].strip(": ")[:-1].title()
+ columns = ['Active','Passive']
+ rows = ['Present','Perfect','Future','Present','Perfect','Future']
+ index = 0
+ continue
+ elif mood in mood_list:
+ if page_list[i].strip().title() in voices:
+ voice = page_list[i].strip().title()
+ index = 0
+ elif voice:
+ if page_list[i].strip().title() in tenses:
+ tense = page_list[i].strip().title()
+ index = 0
+ elif tense:
+ if index not in range(6):
+ tense = False
+ else:
+ if tenses[tense][voice][mood][list(persons.keys())[index]] == '---':
+ tenses[tense][voice][mood][list(persons.keys())[index]] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ elif mood in ['Infinitive','Participle']:
+ if index == 6:
+ mood = False
+ else:
+ tenses[rows[index]][columns[index//3]][mood] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ return tenses
+def count_indent(a):
+ return len(a) - len(a.lstrip())
+def manual_sort(cases,case,holder,multi=True):
+ print(f"\nSorting needed for {case} case")
+ genders = {"M":"Masculine","F":"Feminine","N":"Neuter"}
+ numbers = {"S":"Singular","P":"Plural"}
+ while True:
+ for word in holder:
+ user_input = ""
+ if multi:
+ while True:
+ print(f"Select gender for {word} ({case}) ('M', 'F', 'N') ('X' to discard)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input.upper() == "X":
+ break
+ if len(user_input) == 2:
+ user_input = list(user_input)
+ if user_input[0].upper() not in genders and user_input[1].upper() not in numbers:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ else:
+ gender = genders[user_input[0].upper()]
+ number = numbers[user_input[1].upper()]
+ break
+ if user_input.upper() not in genders:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ else:
+ gender = genders[user_input.upper()]
+ break
+ if user_input == "X":
+ break
+ while True:
+ if len(user_input) == 2:
+ break
+ print(f"Select number for {word} ({case}) ('S', 'P')")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input.upper() not in numbers:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ else:
+ number = numbers[user_input.upper()]
+ break
+ if multi:
+ if cases[case][number][gender] != "---":
+ cases[case][number][gender] += ", " + word
+ else:
+ cases[case][number][gender] = word
+ else:
+ if cases[case][number] != "---":
+ cases[case][number] += ", " + word
+ else:
+ cases[case][number] = word
+ print("Like this? ('1' to accept, '2' to manually edit, any other key to try again)")
+ print_parts(cases[case])
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ return manual_edit(cases,case)
+ else:
+ reset(cases[case])
+ return cases
+def reset(case):
+ for key in case:
+ if type(case[key]) == dict:
+ reset(case[key])
+ else:
+ case[key] = "---"
+def manual_edit(parts,case):
+ while True:
+ print("Select term to edit ('0' to finish)")
+ index = 1
+ key_holder = {}
+ for number in parts[case]:
+ if type(parts[case][number]) == dict:
+ for gender in parts[case][number]:
+ print(f"{index}. {case} {number} {gender} {parts[case][number][gender]}")
+ key_holder[str(index)] = {'number':number,'gender':gender}
+ index += 1
+ else:
+ print(f"{index}. {case} {number} {parts[case][number]}")
+ key_holder[str(index)] = {'number':number}
+ index += 1
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return parts
+ elif user_input in key_holder:
+ keys = key_holder[user_input]
+ print(f"Enter correct form for {case} {' '.join([x for x in key_holder[user_input].values()])} ('0' to go back)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ continue
+ if 'gender' in keys:
+ parts[case][keys['number']][keys['gender']] = user_input
+ else:
+ parts[case][keys['number']] = user_input
+def retreive_noun_forms(template):
+ html_doc = tables.get_html(template['search word'])
+ if html_doc == None:
+ return
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
+ page_list = soup.prettify().split('\n')
+ page_list = clean_page_list(page_list)
+ multi = True if template['gender'] in ["(m,f,n)","(m/f,n)","(m/f/n)"] else False
+ one_ending = True if template['gender'] == "(m/f/n)" else False
+ two_ending = True if template['gender'] == "(m/f,n)" else False
+ three_endiing = True if template['gender'] == "(m,f,n)" else False
+ cases = {"Nominative":'','Genitive':'','Dative':'','Accusative':'','Ablative':'','Vocative':''}
+ genders = {'Masculine':'---','Feminine':'---','Neuter':'---'}
+ numbers = {'Singular':'---',"Plural":'---'}
+ if multi:
+ for n in numbers:
+ numbers[n] = deepcopy(genders)
+ for case in cases:
+ cases[case] = deepcopy(numbers)
+ case = False
+ start = 0
+ last = False
+ holder = []
+ indent = 0
+ count = 0
+ specified = template['defno'] - 1
+ stop = False
+ for i in range(len(page_list)):
+ if count_indent(page_list[i]) < indent - 2:
+ stop = True
+ if page_list[i].strip().title() == "Case" or page_list[i].strip().title() == "Number":
+ start = 1
+ if page_list[i].strip().title() == "Singular" and start == 1:
+ start = 2
+ if (page_list[i].strip().title() == "Plural" or page_list[i].strip().title() == "Case / Gender") and start == 2:
+ start = 3
+ if count < specified:
+ count += 1
+ start = 0
+ if page_list[i].strip().title() in cases and start == 3 or stop:
+ if not indent:
+ indent = count_indent(page_list[i])
+ if case or stop:
+ if multi:
+ if len(holder) > 6:
+ cases = manual_sort(cases,case,holder)
+ elif len(holder) == 6:
+ if three_endiing:
+ cases[case]['Singular']['Masculine'] = holder[0]
+ cases[case]['Singular']["Feminine"] = holder[1]
+ cases[case]['Singular']['Neuter'] = holder[2]
+ cases[case]['Plural']['Masculine'] = holder[3]
+ cases[case]['Plural']["Feminine"] = holder[4]
+ cases[case]['Plural']['Neuter'] = holder[5]
+ else:
+ cases = manual_sort(cases,case,holder)
+ elif len(holder) == 5:
+ cases = manual_sort(cases,case,holder)
+ elif len(holder) == 4:
+ if two_ending:
+ cases[case]['Singular']['Masculine'] = holder[0]
+ cases[case]['Singular']['Neuter'] = holder[1]
+ cases[case]['Plural']['Masculine'] = holder[2]
+ cases[case]['Plural']['Neuter'] = holder[3]
+ else:
+ cases = manual_sort(cases,case,holder)
+ elif len(holder) == 3:
+ cases = manual_sort(cases,case,holder)
+ elif len(holder) == 2:
+ cases[case]['Singular']['Masculine'] = holder[0]
+ cases[case]['Plural']['Masculine'] = holder[1]
+ else:
+ if len(holder) > 2:
+ cases = manual_sort(cases,case,holder,False)
+ else:
+ cases[case]['Singular'] = holder[0]
+ cases[case]['Plural'] = holder[1]
+ if stop:
+ indent = 0
+ stop = False
+ break
+ holder = []
+ case = page_list[i].strip()
+ elif case:
+ holder.append(page_list[i].strip())
+ return cases
+def add_sum_forms(page_list,i,alt=''):
+ change_path('texts')
+ with open('sum_parts.txt','r') as f:
+ sum_forms = json.load(f)
+ if 'Imperfect' in page_list[i - 1].title():
+ tense = 'Imperfect'
+ elif 'Future' in page_list[i - 1].title():
+ tense = 'Future'
+ elif 'Present' in page_list[i - 1].title():
+ tense = 'Present'
+ if 'Indicative' in page_list[i - 1].title():
+ mood = 'indicative'
+ elif 'Subjunctive' in page_list[i - 1].title():
+ mood = 'subjunctive'
+ voice = 'active'
+ keys = ['tpp','spp','fpp','tps','sps','fps']
+ for key in keys:
+ if alt:
+ page_list.insert(i + 1,alt + "/" + page_list[i - 2].strip() + " " + sum_forms[tense][voice][mood][key])
+ else:
+ page_list.insert(i + 1,page_list[i - 2] + " " + sum_forms[tense][voice][mood][key])
+ return page_list
+def add_tables():
+ tables_list = tables.get_tables('Latin')
+ table_info = {'title':'','type':''}
+ table_file = "Latin-tables.txt"
+ while True:
+ print("Use table template? ('1' for yes, '0' to go back, any other key for no) 'AUTO' to auto-add all forms")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ template = tables.get_template('Latin')
+ if template == None:
+ continue
+ table_info['title'] = template['title']
+ elif user_input.upper() == 'AUTO':
+ auto_add(tables_list,table_info,table_file)
+ return
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ return
+ else:
+ template = None
+ print(f"Enter table title ('0' to go back)")
+ table_info['title'] = input(': ')
+ if table_info['title'] == '0':
+ continue
+ exit_second_loop = False
+ while not exit_second_loop:
+ complete = False
+ print("Select table type")
+ options = {'1':"'1'> noun\n",'2':"'2'> verb principal parts\n",'3':"'3'> verb conjugation\n",'4':"'4'> complete verb system\n",'5':"'5'> complete forms\n"}
+ options.update({'4':"'4'> complete verb system\n"})
+ options.update({'0':"'0'> to go back"})
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ table_info['type'] = 'noun'
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ table_info['type'] = 'parts'
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ table_info['type'] = 'conj'
+ elif user_input == '4':
+ table_info['type'] = 'conj'
+ complete = True
+ elif user_input == '5':
+ table_info['type'] = 'form'
+ complete = True
+ exit_third_loop = False
+ while not exit_third_loop:
+ if template:
+ table_info['definition'] = template['definition']
+ else:
+ definition = input("Enter definition ('0' to go back): ")
+ if definition == '0':
+ exit_third_loop = True
+ continue
+ table_info['definition'] = definition
+ while True:
+ print("Enter definition number (1-n) ('0' to go back)")
+ try:
+ user_input = int(input(": "))
+ except:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ if user_input == 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ table_info['specified'] = user_input
+ if complete:
+ if table_info['type'] == 'conj':
+ add_complete_verb_system(template,table_info,tables_list,table_file)
+ elif table_info['type'] == 'form':
+ add_complete_forms(template)
+ exit_second_loop = exit_third_loop = True
+ prtin("tables added succesfully")
+ continue
+ exit_loop_four = False
+ while not exit_loop_four:
+ print(f"Do you want to auto-retreive {table_info['title']}? ('1' for yes, '0' to go back, '00' to exit)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ if table_info['type'] in ['parts','conj']:
+ result = auto_retreive_verb(table_info,template)
+ else:
+ result = auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template)
+ if result:
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list,table_info)
+ tables.save_tables(tables_list,table_file)
+ exit_loop_four = exit_third_loop = exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ exit_loop_four = exit_third_loop = exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+def auto_add(tables_list,table_info,table_file):
+ change_path('templates')
+ myFiles = glob.glob('*.txt')
+ template_file = "Latin_templates.txt"
+ if template_file not in myFiles:
+ return
+ else:
+ with open(template_file,'r') as f:
+ templates = json.load(f)
+ for template in templates:
+ print(template['title'])
+ i = template
+ add_complete_forms(template)
+ table_info['definition'] = template['definition']
+ if template["POS"] == 'verb':
+ table_info['type']= 'conj'
+ add_complete_verb_system(template,table_info,tables_list,table_file)
+ if template["POS"] == 'noun/adj.':
+ table_info['type']= 'noun'
+ if template['gender'] == "(m,f,n)" or template['gender'] == "(m/f,n)" or template['gender'] == '(m/f/n)':
+ continue
+ table_info = auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template)
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list,table_info)
+ tables.save_tables(tables_list,table_file)
+def empty(item):
+ if type(item) != dict:
+ return True if item == '---' or item == '—' else False
+ for key in item:
+ if not empty(item[key]):
+ return False
+ return True
+def add_complete_forms(template):
+ return
+ forms_list = tables.get_forms("Latin")
+ for i in range(len(template['forms'])):
+ found = False
+ for x in range(len(forms_list)):
+ if forms_list[x]['title'] == unidecode(template['forms'][i]['form']):
+ found = True
+ instance = {'form':template['forms'][i]['form']}
+ instance['root'] = template['title']
+ instance['features'] = {x:y for x,y in template['forms'][i].items() if x != 'form'}
+ for y in forms_list[x]['instances']:
+ same = True
+ for key in y['features'].keys():
+ if key not in instance['features']:
+ same = False
+ break
+ else:
+ if y['features'][key] != instance['features'][key]:
+ #print(f"NOT SAME {y['features']} AND {instance['features']}")
+ same = False
+ break
+ if same:
+ break
+ if same:
+ print(f"rejected DUPLICATE")
+ break
+ '''
+ if 'tense' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['tense'] not in ["Present",'Imperfect','Future']:
+ #print(f"rejected {instance['features']['tense']}")
+ break
+ if 'mood' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['mood'] in ["Subjunctive",'Imperative']:
+ #print(f"rejected {instance['features']['mood']}")
+ break
+ '''
+ instance['principal'] = template['principal']
+ instance['definition'] = template['definition']
+ print(instance)
+ forms_list[x]['instances'].append(deepcopy(instance))
+ if not found:
+ form = {'title':unidecode(template['forms'][i]['form'])}
+ instance = {'form':template['forms'][i]['form']}
+ instance['root'] = template['title']
+ instance['features'] = {x:y for x,y in template['forms'][i].items() if x != 'form'}
+ '''
+ if 'tense' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['tense'] not in ["Present",'Imperfect','Future']:
+ #print(f"rejected {instance['features']['tense']}")
+ continue
+ if 'mood' in instance['features']:
+ if instance['features']['mood'] in ["Subjunctive",'Imperative']:
+ #print(f"rejected {instance['features']['mood']}")
+ continue
+ '''
+ instance['principal'] = template['principal']
+ instance['definition'] = template['definition']
+ form['instances'] = [deepcopy(instance)]
+ print("ADDING NEW")
+ print(instance)
+ forms_list.append(deepcopy(form))
+ tables.save_tables(forms_list,'Latin_forms.txt')
+def add_complete_verb_system(template,table_info,tables_list,table_file):
+ table_info['principal'] = template['principal']
+ tenses = template['parts']
+ for tense in ["Present",'Imperfect','Future','Future Perfect','Perfect',"Pluperfect"]:
+ for voice in ["Active",'Passive']:
+ table_info = assign_table_info(table_info,template,tenses,tense,voice)
+ if empty(table_info['parts']):
+ #print(f"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{table_info['title']} was blank")
+ continue
+ else:
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list,table_info)
+ tables.save_tables(tables_list,table_file)
+ #print(f"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{table_info['title']} saved")
+ table_info['type'] = 'parts'
+ table_info = assign_principle_parts(table_info,tenses,template)
+ tables_list = tables.add_table(tables_list,table_info)
+ tables.save_tables(tables_list,table_file)
+def auto_retreive_verb(table_info,template):
+ tenses = template['parts']
+ if table_info['type'] == 'parts':
+ table_info = assign_principle_parts(table_info,tenses,template)
+ return table_info
+ elif table_info['type'] == 'conj':
+ options1 = {'1':"Present",'2':'Imperfect','3':'Future','4':'Perfect','5':'Pluperfect','6':'Future Perfect'}
+ user_input = get_selection(options1,2)
+ tense = options1[user_input]
+ options2 = {'1':"Active",'2':'Passive'}
+ user_input = get_selection(options2,2)
+ voice = options2[user_input]
+ options3 = {'1':'Indicative','2':'Subjunctive','3':'Imperative'}
+ user_input = get_selection(options3,2)
+ mood = options3[user_input]
+ table_info = assign_table_info(table_info,template,tenses,tense,voice,mood)
+ return table_info
+def assign_table_info(table_info,template,tenses,tense,voice):
+ x = 'Indicative'
+ table_info['parts'] = {'1st Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['FPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['FPP']},\
+ '2nd Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['SPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['SPP']},\
+ '3rd Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['TPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['TPP']}}
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Infinitive':tenses[tense][voice]['Infinitive']})
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Participle':tenses[tense][voice]['Participle']})
+ x = 'Imperative'
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Imperative':{'1st Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['FPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['FPP']},\
+ '2nd Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['SPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['SPP']},\
+ '3rd Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['TPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['TPP']}}})
+ x = 'Subjunctive'
+ table_info['parts'].update({'Subjunctive':{'1st Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['FPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['FPP']},\
+ '2nd Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['SPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['SPP']},\
+ '3rd Person':{'Singular':tenses[tense][voice][x]['TPS'],'Plural':tenses[tense][voice][x]['TPP']}}})
+ if template:
+ table_info['title'] = f"{tense.title()} {voice.title()}: {template['title']}"
+ return table_info
+def auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template):
+ table_info['principal'] = template['principal']
+ parts = template['parts']
+ case_keys = ["Nominative",'Genitive','Dative','Accusative','Ablative','Vocative']
+ number_keys = ['Singular',"Plural"]
+ table_info['parts'] = {}
+ for case in case_keys:
+ table_info['parts'][case] = {}
+ for number in number_keys:
+ if 'Masculine' not in parts[case][number]:
+ table_info['parts'][case][number] = parts[case][number]
+ elif 'Masculine' in parts[case][number]:
+ table_info['parts'][case][number] = ", ".join([parts[case][number]['Masculine'], parts[case][number]['Feminine'], parts[case][number]['Neuter']])
+ if template:
+ table_info['title'] = f"{template['title']}"
+ return table_info
+def clean_page_list(page_list,exception=False):
+ offset = 0
+ for i in range(1,len(page_list)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if ' ' in page_list[i]:
+ page_list[i] = page_list[i].replace(' ',' ')
+ if page_list[i].strip()[0] == "<":
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ offset = 0
+ sum_infinitive = ['īrī','esse']
+ for i in range(1,len(page_list)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if page_list[i].strip(' ') == ',':
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') + ", " + page_list[i + 1].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') == 'sum' and page_list[i - 1].strip(' ')[0] == '+' and page_list[i - 1].strip(' ')[-2:] == 'of':
+ if page_list[i - 3].strip() == 'or':
+ page_list = add_sum_forms(page_list,i,page_list[i - 4].strip())
+ for x in range(5):
+ del page_list[i - 4]
+ offset += 5
+ else:
+ page_list = add_sum_forms(page_list,i)
+ for x in range(3):
+ del page_list[i - 2]
+ offset += 3
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') == '/':
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') + "/" + page_list[i + 1].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') in sum_infinitive and previous not in sum_infinitive and not exception:
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') + ' ' + page_list[i].strip(' ')
+ previous = page_list[i].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ elif page_list[i].strip()[0] == "<" or (len(page_list[i].strip()) == 1 and page_list[i].strip().isnumeric()):
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ else:
+ previous = ''
+ return page_list
+def filter_cards(tables_list,random_list):
+ filters = {
+ 'Pluperfect Passive':97,
+ 'Future Perfect Passive':97,
+ 'Pluperfect':75,
+ 'Future Perfect':75,
+ 'Perfect Passive':75,
+ 'Imperfect Passive':90,
+ 'Imperfect Active':65,
+ 'Present Passive':50,
+ 'Future Passive':65,
+ 'Future Active':25,
+ }
+ for i in range(len(tables_list)):
+ r = random.randrange(0,100,1)
+ for x in filters:
+ if x in tables_list[i]['title']:
+ if r < filters[x]:
+ random_list.remove(i)
+ break
+ return random_list
+def features_join(features):
+ join = ""
+ if 'gender' in features:
+ join += " " + features['gender'] + ""
+ for x,y in features.items():
+ if x == "mood" and (y != "Infinitive" and y != 'Participle'):
+ join += " " + y + ""
+ elif x == 'gender':
+ pass
+ else:
+ join += " " + y + ""
+ return join.strip()
+def print_forms():
+ out_file = 'Latin-FormCards.txt'
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ change_path('flashcards')
+ sys.stdout = open(out_file,'w')
+ forms_list = tables.get_forms("Latin")
+ random_list = list(range(len(forms_list)))
+ random.shuffle(random_list)
+ for i in random_list:
+ print('· ' + unidecode(forms_list[i]['title']) + '
+ for instance in forms_list[i]['instances']:
+ features = features_join(instance['features'])
+ if features:
+ print('' + instance['form'] + '
+ else:
+ print('
+ print(features,end='')
+ print(' form of: ' + instance['principal'] + '
+ print("Definition: " + instance['definition'] + '
+ print('|"forms"')
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
+def print_tables(tables_list):
+ print_forms()
+ out_file = 'Latin-TableCards.txt'
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ change_path('flashcards')
+ sys.stdout = open(out_file,'w')
+ #random_list = list(range(len(tables_list)))
+ #random_list = filter_cards(tables_list,random_list)
+ #random.shuffle(random_list)
+ for i in range(len(tables_list)):
+ if tables_list[i]['type'] != 'noun':
+ print('' + tables_list[i]['title'] + '
+ else:
+ print('Forms: ' + tables_list[i]['title'] + '
+ if tables_list[i]['definition']:
+ body_string = '' + tables_list[i]['definition'] + '
+ else:
+ body_string = ''
+ body_string = html_x.set_styles(body_string)
+ if tables_list[i]['type'] == 'parts':
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,tables_list[i]['parts'],'parts',1)
+ elif tables_list[i]['type'] == 'noun':
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,tables_list[i]['parts'],'noun',2)
+ elif tables_list[i]['type'] == 'conj':
+ parts = {k:v for k,v in tables_list[i]['parts'].items() if k != "Infinitive" and k != "Participle" and k != "Imperative" and k != "Subjunctive"}
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,parts,'conj',2)
+ body_string = html_x.create_box(body_string,'Infinitive',tables_list[i]["parts"]["Infinitive"])
+ body_string = html_x.create_box(body_string,'Participle',tables_list[i]["parts"]["Participle"])
+ if 'Subjunctive' in tables_list[i]['parts']:
+ body_string += 'Subjunctive:
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,tables_list[i]['parts']['Subjunctive'],'conj',2)
+ if 'Imperative' in tables_list[i]['parts']:
+ body_string += 'Imperative:
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,tables_list[i]['parts']['Imperative'],'conj',2)
+ print(body_string + '|"table"')
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e2ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import tables
+import html_x
+from load_dict import change_path
+from get_selection import get_selection
+from copy import deepcopy
+import random
+import sys
+def add_tables():
+ tables_list = tables.get_tables('Old English')
+ table_info = {'title':'','type':''}
+ table_file = "OldEnglishtables.txt"
+ while True:
+ print("Use table template? ('1' for yes, '0' to go back, any other key for no)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ template = tables.get_template('Old English')
+ if template == None:
+ continue
+ table_info['title'] = template['title']
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ return
+ else:
+ template = None
+ print(f"Enter table title ('0' to go back)")
+ table_info['title'] = input(': ')
+ if table_info['title'] == '0':
+ continue
+ exit_second_loop = False
+ while not exit_second_loop:
+ complete = False
+ print("Select table type")
+ options = {'1':"'1'> noun\n",'2':"'2'> verb conjugation\n"}
+ options.update({'0':"'0'> to go back"})
+ user_input = get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ table_info['type'] = 'noun'
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ table_info['type'] = 'conj'
+ exit_third_loop = False
+ while not exit_third_loop:
+ if template:
+ table_info['definition'] = template['definition']
+ else:
+ definition = input("Enter definition ('0' to go back): ")
+ if definition == '0':
+ exit_third_loop = True
+ continue
+ table_info['definition'] = definition
+ while True:
+ print("Enter definition number (1-n) ('0' to go back)")
+ try:
+ user_input = int(input(": "))
+ except:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ continue
+ if user_input == 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ table_info['specified'] = user_input
+ exit_loop_four = False
+ while not exit_loop_four:
+ print(f"Do you want to auto-retreive {table_info['title']}? ('1' for yes, '0' to go back, '00' to exit)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ if table_info['type'] in ['parts','conj']:
+ result = auto_retreive_verb(table_info,template)
+ else:
+ result = auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template)
+ if result:
+ tables_list = tables.save_table(tables_list,table_info,'Old English')
+ tables.pop_template(template,'Old English')
+ exit_loop_four = exit_third_loop = exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ exit_loop_four = exit_third_loop = exit_second_loop = True
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return
+def empty(item):
+ if type(item) != dict:
+ return True if item == '---' or item == '—' else False
+ for key in item:
+ if not empty(item[key]):
+ return False
+ return True
+def auto_retreive_verb(table_info,template):
+ moods = retreive_verb_forms(template)
+ if moods == None:
+ return None
+ table_info['parts'] = moods
+ return True
+def auto_retreive_noun(table_info,template):
+ cases = retreive_noun_forms(template)
+ if cases == None:
+ return None
+ case_keys = ["Nominative",'Genitive','Dative','Accusative']
+ number_keys = ['Singular',"Plural"]
+ parts = {}
+ for case in case_keys:
+ parts[case] = {}
+ for number in number_keys:
+ parts[case][number] = cases[case.lower()][number]
+ table_info['parts'] = parts
+ if template:
+ table_info['title'] = f"{template['title']}"
+ return True
+def retreive_verb_forms(template):
+ if 'specified' in template:
+ specified = template['specified']
+ else:
+ specified = 0
+ html_doc = tables.get_html(template)
+ if html_doc == None:
+ return
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
+ page_list = soup.prettify().split('\n')
+ page_list = clean_page_list(page_list)
+ tenses = {"present tense":'','past tense':''}
+ tenses_2 = {"present":'','past':''}
+ moods = {"infinitive":[],'indicative':[],'subjunctive':[],'imperative':[],"participle":[]}
+ mood_list = ["infinitive",'indicative mood','subjunctive','imperative',"participle"]
+ persons_1 = {'1p sing.':'---','2p sing.':'---','3p sing.':'---','plural':'---'}
+ person_list = {'first person singular':'1p sing.','second person singular':'2p sing.','third person singular':'3p sing.','plural':'plural'}
+ persons_2 = {'singular':'---','plural':'---'}
+ moods['infinitive'] = []
+ moods['indicative'] = deepcopy(persons_1)
+ for key in persons_1:
+ moods['indicative'][key] = deepcopy(tenses)
+ moods['subjunctive'] = deepcopy(persons_2)
+ for key in persons_2:
+ moods['subjunctive'][key] = deepcopy(tenses)
+ moods['imperative'] = deepcopy(persons_2)
+ moods['participle'] = deepcopy(tenses_2)
+ mood = False
+ for i in range(len(page_list)):
+ if page_list[i].strip(" ") in mood_list:
+ mood = page_list[i].strip(" ")
+ if mood == 'indicative mood':
+ mood = 'indicative'
+ person = tense = False
+ index = 0
+ elif mood == 'infinitive':
+ moods[mood].append(page_list[i].strip(" "))
+ elif mood == 'indicative':
+ if page_list[i].strip(" ") in person_list:
+ person = person_list[page_list[i].strip(" ")]
+ t_list = list(tenses.keys())
+ index = 0
+ elif index < 2 and person:
+ moods[mood][person][t_list[index]] = page_list[i].strip(" ")
+ index += 1
+ elif index > 1:
+ mood = person = False
+ elif mood == 'subjunctive':
+ if page_list[i].strip(" ") in persons_2:
+ person = page_list[i].strip(" ")
+ t_list = list(tenses.keys())
+ index = 0
+ elif index < 2 and person:
+ moods[mood][person][t_list[index]] = page_list[i].strip(" ")
+ index += 1
+ elif index > 1:
+ mood = person = False
+ elif mood == 'imperative':
+ if page_list[i].strip(" ") in persons_2:
+ person = page_list[i].strip(" ")
+ index = 0
+ elif index < 2 and person:
+ moods[mood][person] = page_list[i].strip(" ")
+ index += 1
+ elif index > 1:
+ mood = person = False
+ elif mood == 'participle':
+ t_list = list(tenses_2.keys())
+ if page_list[i].strip(" ") in tenses_2:
+ pass
+ elif index < 2:
+ moods[mood][t_list[index]] = page_list[i].strip(" ")
+ index += 1
+ elif index > 1:
+ mood = tense = False
+ return moods
+def retreive_noun_forms(template):
+ html_doc = tables.get_html(template)
+ if html_doc == None:
+ return
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
+ page_list = soup.prettify().split('\n')
+ page_list = clean_page_list(page_list)
+ cases = {"nominative":'','genitive':'','dative':'','accusative':''}
+ numbers = {'Singular':'---',"Plural":'---'}
+ for case in cases:
+ cases[case] = deepcopy(numbers)
+ start = 0
+ case = False
+ for i in range(len(page_list)):
+ if page_list[i].strip() == "Case":
+ start = 1
+ if page_list[i].strip() == "Singular" and start == 1:
+ start = 2
+ if page_list[i].strip() == "Plural" and start == 2:
+ start = 3
+ if page_list[i].strip() in cases and start == 3:
+ case = page_list[i].strip()
+ index = 0
+ elif case:
+ if index == 0:
+ number = 'Singular'
+ elif index == 1:
+ number = 'Plural'
+ elif index > 1:
+ index = 0
+ case = False
+ continue
+ if cases[case][number] == "---":
+ cases[case][number] = page_list[i].strip()
+ index += 1
+ return cases
+def clean_page_list(page_list):
+ offset = 0
+ for i in range(1,len(page_list)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if ' ' in page_list[i]:
+ page_list[i] = page_list[i].replace(' ',' ')
+ if page_list[i].strip()[0] == "<":
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ offset = 0
+ for i in range(1,len(page_list)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if page_list[i].strip(' ') == ',':
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') + ", " + page_list[i + 1].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i].strip(' ') == '/':
+ page_list[i - 1] = page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') + "/" + page_list[i + 1].strip(' ')
+ del page_list[i + 1]
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 2
+ elif page_list[i - 1].strip(' ') == ')' and len(page_list[i - 2].strip(' ')) < 4 and page_list[i - 3].strip(' ') == '(':
+ page_list[i] = "(" + page_list[i - 2].strip(' ') + ")" + page_list[i].strip(' ')
+ for x in range(3):
+ del page_list[i - 3]
+ offset += 3
+ elif page_list[i].strip()[0] == "<" or (len(page_list[i].strip()) == 1 and page_list[i].strip().isnumeric()):
+ del page_list[i]
+ offset += 1
+ else:
+ previous = ''
+ return page_list
+def print_tables(tables_list):
+ out_file = 'OldEnglishflashcardtables.txt'
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ change_path('flashcards')
+ sys.stdout = open(out_file,'w')
+ random_list = list(range(len(tables_list)))
+ random.shuffle(random_list)
+ for i in random_list:
+ print('Forms: ' + tables_list[i]['title'] + '
+ if tables_list[i]['definition']:
+ body_string = '' + tables_list[i]['definition'] + '
+ else:
+ body_string = ''
+ body_string = html_x.set_styles(body_string)
+ if tables_list[i]['type'] == 'noun':
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,tables_list[i]['parts'],'noun',2)
+ elif tables_list[i]['type'] == 'conj':
+ body_string += 'infinitive:
+ body_string = html_x.create_box(body_string,tables_list[i]["parts"]["infinitive"][0],tables_list[i]["parts"]["infinitive"][1])
+ body_string += 'indicative:
+ indicative = tables_list[i]['parts']['indicative']
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,indicative,'',2)
+ body_string += 'subjunctive:
+ subjunctive = tables_list[i]['parts']['subjunctive']
+ body_string = html_x.create_table(body_string,subjunctive,'',2)
+ body_string += 'imperative:
+ imperative = tables_list[i]['parts']['imperative']
+ body_string = html_x.create_style(body_string,1)
+ body_string = html_x.create_body(body_string,imperative,'')
+ body_string += 'participle:
+ participle = tables_list[i]['parts']['participle']
+ body_string = html_x.create_style(body_string,1)
+ body_string = html_x.create_body(body_string,participle,'')
+ print(body_string + '|"table"')
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b153386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ copy word:
+ takes a fetch and new_word
+ returns a new_word
+ take a result from the wiktionary parser and
+ copies a simpler version into a new_word taken as an argument
+ getTags:
+ takes a list of tags and allows user to add or delete tags
+#from get_simple import get_simple
+from edit_dictionary import chop_parens
+import re
+from unidecode import unidecode
+import get_selection
+import copy
+# # # # # # # # # #
+def remove_or(text):
+ text = text.split()
+ offset = 0
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ i = i - offset
+ if text[i] == 'or':
+ text[i-1] += ","
+ del text[i]
+ offset += 1
+ new_text = ''
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ new_text += text[i] + " "
+ return new_text
+# # # # # # # # #
+def verb_edit(text):
+ # slip definitions into individual words
+ text = text.split(" ")
+ offset = 0
+ # delete 'I's replace 'am's with 'be'
+ for num in range(len(text)):
+ num = num - offset
+ if text[num] == "I":
+ del text[num]
+ offset += 1
+ elif text[num].strip(";,") == "myself":
+ text[num] = text[num].replace("myself","oneself")
+ elif text[num] == "am":
+ text[num] = "be"
+ elif text[num] == "my":
+ text[num] = "one's"
+ # recombine word
+ new_text = ''
+ for num in range(len(text)):
+ if num < len(text) - 1:
+ new_text += text[num] + " "
+ else:
+ new_text += text[num]
+ return new_text
+# # # # # # # # # #
+def participle_edit(text,first):
+ text = list(text)
+ new_text = ''
+ for num in range(len(text)):
+ if text[num] == chr(160):
+ text[num] = chr(32)
+ new_text += text[num]
+ text = new_text
+ text = re.split(",|;|:",text)
+ offset = 0
+ string_bank = ['having been','having']
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ i = i - offset
+ for string in string_bank:
+ if string in text[i]:
+ cut = text[i][text[i].find(string + " ") + len(string) + 1:].strip('. ')
+ if cut in text or " " + cut in text:
+ del text[i]
+ offset += 1
+ break
+ for num in range(len(text)):
+ if 'which is to be' in text[num] and not first:
+ #print(text[num])
+ cut = text[num].find('to be ') + 6
+ text[num] = text[num][cut:]
+ #print(text[num])
+ text[num] = remove_or(text[num])
+ elif 'which is to be' in text[num]:
+ first = False
+ text[num] = remove_or(text[num])
+ new_text = ''
+ for num in range(len(text)):
+ if num < len(text) - 1:
+ new_text += text[num].strip() + ", "
+ else:
+ new_text += text[num].strip()
+ return new_text, first
+# # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def copy_word(fetch_word,new_word,language):
+ # Declare components of new_word
+ new_word['heading'] = None
+ entries = []
+ entry = {}
+ partOfSpeech = []
+ principleParts = []
+ simpleParts = []
+ defs = []
+ roots_list = []
+ # for Loop LEVEL ONE, may contain empty 'definitions'
+ for outer in range(len(fetch_word)):
+ if fetch_word[outer]['etymology'] != '':
+ etymology = fetch_word[outer]['etymology']
+ else:
+ etymology = ''
+ # If not empty...
+ if fetch_word[outer]['definitions'] == []:
+ principleParts = simpleParts = partOfSpeech = '*blank definition*'
+ # Create new entry
+ entry['partOfSpeech'] = partOfSpeech
+ entry['principleParts'] = principleParts
+ entry['simpleParts'] = simpleParts
+ entry['defs'] = []
+ entry['etymology'] = etymology
+ # append entry to entries
+ entries.append(entry)
+ # reset entry to blank dict
+ entry = {}
+ else:
+ # for Loop LEVEL TWO, copy info into new word components
+ for middle in range(len(fetch_word[outer]['definitions'])):
+ # copy definitions text list into new list with shorter name
+ text = fetch_word[outer]['definitions'][middle]['text']
+ # capture heading (only one needed per word)
+ if new_word['heading'] == None:
+ # heading should have same number of characters as handle
+ # compare de-macroned version of text[0] with handle
+ # if text[0] starts with something else; heading will just be handle
+ if unidecode(text[0][:len(new_word['handle'])]) != new_word['handle']:
+ new_word['heading'] = new_word['handle']
+ else:
+ # should be the same number of character as handle
+ new_word['heading'] = text[middle][:len(new_word['handle'])]
+ # capture part of speech
+ partOfSpeech = fetch_word[outer]['definitions'][middle]['partOfSpeech']
+ # How many lines in the definition (including principal parts)
+ num_entries = len(text)
+ # for Loop LEVEL THREE, loop through text[:] to copy definitions
+ first = True
+ for inner in range(num_entries):
+ # Copy definition
+ text = fetch_word[outer]['definitions'][middle]['text'][inner]
+ # Capture principal parts (first entry in ^ 'text')
+ if inner == 0:
+ principleParts = text
+ # call get_simple to simplify principle parts, remove extraneous words
+ simpleParts = principleParts #get_simple(partOfSpeech,principleParts,new_word['heading'],language)
+ # Appends definitions to definitions componant
+ else:
+ if partOfSpeech == 'verb':
+ text = verb_edit(text)
+ if partOfSpeech == 'participle':
+ text, first = participle_edit(text,first)
+ defs.append(text.strip(".").replace(":",";"))
+ # check if entry is a form of another main entry
+ roots_list = find_root(roots_list,defs,etymology)
+ # Create new entry
+ entry['partOfSpeech'] = partOfSpeech
+ entry['principleParts'] = principleParts
+ entry['simpleParts'] = simpleParts
+ entry['defs'] = defs
+ entry['etymology'] = etymology
+ # reset defs to empty list
+ defs = []
+ # append entry to entries
+ entries.append(entry)
+ # reset entry to blank dict
+ entry = {}
+ # Back to Loop LEVEL ONE
+ # When Loop LEVEL ONE has finished all iterations
+ # assign entries to new_word
+ new_word['entries'] = entries
+ if roots_list:
+ new_word['roots'] = roots_list
+ return new_word
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def find_root(roots_list,text,etymology):
+ test = False
+ trial_list = [copy.deepcopy(etymology)] + copy.deepcopy(text) if etymology else copy.deepcopy(text)
+ trial_list = chop_parens(trial_list)
+ if test:
+ print(trial_list)
+ word_bank = ['first-person','second-person','third-person','singular',
+ 'plural','indicative','imperative','infinitive','subjunctive','active','passive',
+ 'present','future','perfect','imperfect','pluperfect','participle',
+ 'masculine','feminine','neuter','common','nominative','comparative','degree',
+ 'genitive','dative','accusative','ablative','locative','vocative',
+ 'gerund','gerundive','inflection','supine','alternative','archaic','form','of','from'
+ ]
+ for index in range(len(trial_list)):
+ if 'participle of' in trial_list[index]:
+ if test:
+ print(trial_list[index])
+ trial_list[index] = trial_list[index][trial_list[index].find('participle of'):]
+ if test:
+ print(trial_list[index])
+ trial_list[index] = trial_list[index].split()
+ trial_list[index].remove('participle')
+ trial_list[index].remove('of')
+ if test:
+ print(trial_list[index])
+ roots_list.append(trial_list[index][0].strip(".,; "))
+ if test:
+ print(trial_list[index][0])
+ continue
+ trial_list[index] = trial_list[index].strip(';, ')
+ if ',' in trial_list[index] or ';' in trial_list[index]:
+ if test:
+ print("Continue 1")
+ continue
+ string = trial_list[index]
+ string = string.split(' ')
+ if len(string) == 1:
+ if test:
+ print("Continue 2")
+ continue
+ offset = 0
+ for index in range(len(string)):
+ index = index - offset
+ string[index] = string[index].strip("().")
+ string[index] = string[index].lower()
+ if '/' in string[index]:
+ string.extend(string[index].split('/'))
+ del string[index]
+ offset += 1
+ for word in word_bank:
+ if test:
+ print(F"{word} {string}")
+ if word in string:
+ if test:
+ print(f"{word} removed")
+ string.remove(word)
+ string[0] = string[0].strip(".,:;\n")
+ if len(string) == 1 and string[0] not in roots_list:
+ if test:
+ print(f"{string[0]} being added to Roots")
+ roots_list.append(string[0])
+ if test:
+ print("Roots test completed")
+ return roots_list
+# # # # # # # #
+def getTags(tags=set(),mode='',master_list=[]):
+ # Whole function contained in loop
+ while True:
+ # flag if tags already in place
+ if tags:
+ # create list of tags
+ tag_string = ", ".join(f"'{tag}'" for tag in tags)
+ # Print list with appropriate commas
+ if mode:
+ print(f"\n{mode.title()} tags: {tag_string}")
+ else:
+ print(f"\nCurrent tags: {tag_string}")
+ if mode:
+ string = mode.title() + " "
+ else:
+ string = ''
+ # Display options
+ options = {
+ '0':f"{string}Tag Options:\n>'0' to finish\n"}
+ if mode == '':
+ options.update({'1':">'1' to add a new tag\n"})
+ options.update({'2':">'2' to choose from a list of all tags\n"})
+ # only display if tags not empty
+ if tags:
+ options.update({'3':">'3' to Remove\n",
+ '4':">'4' to clear all\n"})
+ if master_list:
+ options.update({})
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ # Option to finish, return to calling function
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return tags
+ # Option to add new tag
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ new_tag = input("Enter new tag: ")
+ tags.add(new_tag)
+ # Option to remove tag
+ elif user_input == '3':
+ options = {'0':"Select the tag you want to remove ('0' to go back)\n"}
+ tags_list = list(tags) # convert set to list
+ for index in range(len(tags_list)):
+ options[f"{index+1}"] = f"{index + 1}. {tags_list[index]}\n"
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ if user_input != '0':
+ del tags_list[int(user_input) - 1]
+ tags = set(tags_list) # convert list back to set
+ # Option to clear all tags
+ elif user_input.lower() == '4':
+ tags = set()
+ # option to choose from master list
+ elif user_input.lower() == '2':
+ exit_choose = False
+ # delete all redundant entries
+ offset = 0
+ for index in range(len(master_list)):
+ if master_list[index - offset] in tags:
+ del master_list[index - offset]
+ offset += 1
+ # loop for user selections
+ while not exit_choose:
+ options = {}
+ for index in range(len(master_list)):
+ options[f"{index+1}"] = f"{index + 1}. {master_list[index]}\n"
+ options.update({'0':"Select the tag you want to add to your current tags\n"})
+ options.update({'00':"('0' to go back, '00' to finish)\n"})
+ user_input = get_selection.get_selection(options)
+ if user_input == '0':
+ exit_choose = True
+ elif user_input == '00':
+ return tags
+ else:
+ tags.add(master_list[int(user_input) - 1])
+ del master_list[int(user_input) - 1]
+ tag_string = ", ".join(f"'{tag}'" for tag in tags)
+ if mode == 'filter':
+ print(f"Filter by tags: {tag_string}")
+ else:
+ print(f"Current tags: {tag_string}")
+# # # # # # # # # #
+def get_master_list(current_dict):
+ master_list = []
+ # get list of all unique tags in current dictionary
+ for word in current_dict['definitions']:
+ for tag in word['tags']:
+ if tag not in master_list:
+ master_list.append(tag)
+ return master_list
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d717ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ edit entries:
+ options within word to create, delete, move and modify entries
+ select entries:
+ allows user to choose an entry based on letter indices
+ returns selection as the number index of selected entry in entries list
+ print entries:
+ print all entries of a word including part of speech
+ option to include capital letter next to part of speech begining each entry
+import pickle
+from unidecode import unidecode
+from copy import deepcopy
+import word_methods
+import edit_entry
+import create_word
+from get_selection import get_selection, clear_screen
+import parser_shell
+import load_dict
+from pyfiglet import figlet_format
+# # # # # # # # # # # #
+def edit_entries(new_word,current_dict,t):
+ language = current_dict['language']
+ # save confirm choice string used in multiple places
+ confirm_str = "'1' to confirm, any other key to cancel: "
+ entry_string = ''
+ # rest of function contained in loop
+ while True:
+ # flag if only one entry exists
+ if len(new_word['entries']) <= 1:
+ single_entry = True
+ else:
+ single_entry = False
+ entry_string = get_entry_string(new_word['entries'])
+ # get user selection
+ options = {
+ '1':f"\n===================================================\n'{new_word['heading']}' Options:\n>'1' Edit Entry\n",
+ '2':">'2' Create New Entry\n"}
+ if not single_entry:
+ options.update({
+ '3':">'3' Move Entry\n",
+ '4':">'4' Delete Entry\n"})
+ #'5':">'5' Merge Entries\n"})
+ if 'template' in new_word:
+ options.update({'reset':">'reset' to reset template tag\n"})
+ options.update({
+ 'tags':">'tags' to modify tags\n",
+ 'add':">'add' to add another word\n",
+ 'head':"'head' to change heading\n",
+ #'split':"'split' to create sub-cards\n",
+ '0':">'0' to finish edit\n",'00':">'00' to finish and save\n",'verb':''})
+ clear_screen()
+ user_input = get_selection(options,entry_string)
+ # Option to exit, only way to end loop
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return new_word, False
+ if user_input == '00':
+ return new_word, True
+ # edit tags option
+ if user_input.lower() == 'tags':
+ master_list = word_methods.get_master_list(current_dict)
+ new_word['tags'] = word_methods.getTags(new_word['tags'],'',master_list)
+ if user_input.lower() == 'reset':
+ del new_word['template']
+ # Options to modify entry, then repeat loop
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ # selection needed only for multiple entries
+ if single_entry:
+ new_word['entries'][0], finish_and_save = edit_entry.edit_entry(new_word['entries'][0],new_word)
+ if finish_and_save:
+ return new_word, True
+ else:
+ # request user selection with appropriate message
+ message = '===================================================\nEnter the letter of the entry you want to modify.'
+ selection = select_entry(new_word['entries'],message)
+ # unless modify is aborted, call edit_entry, repeat loop when done
+ if selection != None:
+ clear_screen()
+ new_word['entries'][selection], finish_and_save = edit_entry.edit_entry(new_word['entries'][selection],new_word)
+ if finish_and_save:
+ return new_word, True
+ # Option to create new entry, then repeat loop
+ elif user_input == '2':
+ new_word, result = create_word.create_entry(new_word)
+ # Option to move entry
+ elif user_input == '3' and not single_entry:
+ if len(new_word['entries']) == 2:
+ new_word['entries'] = edit_entry.move_entries(new_word['entries'],1,0)
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while not exit_inner_loop:
+ # request user selection with appropriate message
+ message = "\n===================================================\nEnter the letter of the entry you want to move."
+ selection = select_entry(new_word['entries'],message)
+ # unless move is aborted, proceed to STEP TWO
+ if selection != None:
+ # request user selection with appropriate message
+ message = f"\n===================================================\nMove {chr(selection + 65)} to what position?"
+ new_position = select_entry(new_word['entries'],message)
+ # unless move is aborted, confirm requested change
+ if new_position != None:
+ new_word['entries'] = edit_entry.move_entries(new_word['entries'],selection,new_position)
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ elif user_input.lower() == 'add':
+ print("'1' to look up word, '2' to create new entry")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ new_word = word_combo(new_word,t,current_dict['language'])
+ else:
+ new_entry, result = create_word.create_entry(new_word)
+ # Option to delete
+ elif user_input == '4' and not single_entry:
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while not exit_inner_loop:
+ # request user selection with appropriate message
+ message = '===================================================\nEnter the letter of the entry you want to delete.'
+ selection = select_entry(new_word['entries'],message)
+ # if delete not aborted, confirm requested deletion
+ if selection != None:
+ # Confirm deletion
+ print(f"\nDelete entry {chr(selection+65)}?")
+ user_input = input(confirm_str)
+ # if confirmed, delete entry / either way, repeat loop when done
+ if user_input == '1':
+ del new_word['entries'][selection]
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ if len(new_word['entries']) == 1:
+ exit_inner_loop = single_entry = True
+ elif user_input == '5' and not single_entry:
+ exit_inner_loop = False
+ while not exit_inner_loop:
+ # request user selection
+ # request user selection with appropriate message
+ message = '===================================================\nEnter the letter of the entry you want to merge to.'
+ s1 = select_entry(new_word['entries'],message)
+ if s1 != None:
+ # request user selection with appropriate message
+ message = f'===================================================\nEnter the letter of the entry you want to merge with entry {chr(s1 + 65)}.'
+ s2 = select_entry(new_word['entries'],message)
+ if s2 != None:
+ new_word['entries'][s1]['defs'].extend(new_word['entries'][s2]['defs'])
+ print(f"\nChange principle parts \nfrom: {new_word['entries'][s1]['simpleParts']}")
+ print(f"to: {new_word['entries'][s2]['simpleParts']}\n")
+ user_input = input("'1' to confirm, any other key for no: ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ new_word['entries'][s1]['simpleParts'] = new_word['entries'][s2]['simpleParts']
+ del new_word['entries'][s2]
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ else:
+ exit_inner_loop = True
+ # Test if heading should be changed
+ if new_word['heading'] != new_word['entries'][0]['simpleParts'][:len(new_word['heading'])]:
+ print(f"Change heading from {new_word['heading']} to {new_word['entries'][0]['simpleParts'][:len(new_word['heading'])]}?")
+ user_input = input("'1' to confirm, any other key for no: ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ new_word['heading'] = new_word['entries'][0]['simpleParts'][:len(new_word['heading'])]
+ new_word['handle'] = unidecode(new_word['heading'])
+ elif user_input == 'head':
+ print("\nEnter your new heading ('0' to go back) (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū)")
+ new_definition = input(': ')
+ if new_definition != '0':
+ new_word['heading'] = new_definition
+ new_word['handle'] = unidecode(new_word['heading'])
+ elif user_input == 'split':
+ split_word(new_word,current_dict)
+ elif user_input == 'verb':
+ for i in new_word['entries']:
+ i['partOfSpeech'] = 'verb'
+def flatten(word):
+ for i in word['entries']:
+ for z in i['defs']:
+ z['gloss'] = z['gloss'].lower()
+def split_word(word,current_dict):
+ count = 1
+ splits = []
+ while True:
+ new_split = {}
+ print(word['heading'])
+ print(word['entries'][0]['simpleParts'])
+ print(f"Enter Split {count} heading ('0' to stop)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return
+ new_split['heading'] = new_split['handle'] = '' + user_input
+ new_split['tags'] = []
+ new_split['entries'] = [{'simpleParts':user_input,'principleParts':user_input,'partOfSpeech':'split','defs':[]}]
+ for entry in word['entries']:
+ while True:
+ print(f"Split {count}:")
+ if new_split['entries'][0]['defs']:
+ edit_entry.print_entry(new_split['entries'][0])
+ else:
+ print("\nENTRY:")
+ print("******\n")
+ print(f"{new_split['entries'][0]['partOfSpeech']}\n")
+ print(new_split['entries'][0]['simpleParts'])
+ selection = edit_entry.select_definition(entry,f"Choose definition to add to split {count} ('0' for next):")
+ if selection == None:
+ break
+ if type(selection) == list:
+ for i in range(selection[0],selection[1]+1):
+ new_split['entries'][0]['defs'].append(entry['defs'][i])
+ else:
+ new_split['entries'][0]['defs'].append(entry['defs'][selection])
+ edit_entry.print_entry(new_split['entries'][0])
+ while True:
+ print(f"Save split {count}? ('1' save, '0' to discard)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0':
+ break
+ elif user_input == '1':
+ splits.append(deepcopy(new_split))
+ break
+ else:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ while True:
+ print("Creat another split? ('1' to continue, '0' to finish)")
+ user_input = input(": ")
+ if user_input == '0' or user_input == '1':
+ break
+ else:
+ print("Invalid entry")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ count += 1
+ continue
+ elif user_input == '0':
+ break
+ if splits:
+ for split in splits:
+ parser_shell.save_word(split,current_dict)
+ return
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def word_combo(new_word,t,lang,search_word=None):
+ letters = []
+ """ Retrieve use selection from dictionary """
+ combo_word = parser_shell.choose_from_trie(t,lang)
+ if combo_word == None:
+ return new_word
+ else:
+ if 'roots' in combo_word:
+ new_word['roots'] = combo_word['roots']
+ for index in range(len(combo_word['entries'])):
+ new_word['entries'].append(combo_word['entries'][index])
+ if new_word['heading'] != combo_word['heading']:
+ print(f"Change heading from {new_word['heading']} to {combo_word['heading']}?")
+ user_input = input("'1' to confirm, any other key for no: ")
+ if user_input == '1':
+ new_word['heading'] = combo_word['heading']
+ new_word['handle'] = combo_word['handle']
+ print("NEW COMBINED WORD:\n")
+ print_entries(new_word['entries'])
+ return new_word
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def select_entry(entries,message):
+ # whole function contained in loop
+ invalid = False
+ while True:
+ # Display entries in 'options mode'
+ print_entries(entries,mode='choice')
+ # Print message supplied in function call
+ print(message)
+ print("'0' to go back")
+ if invalid:
+ print('\ninvalid selection\n\n')
+ invalid = False
+ user_input = input(': ')
+ # Options to go back, None indicates no selection made
+ if user_input == '0':
+ return None
+ # validate user input, should be a single letter
+ # Avoid empty string error
+ if len(user_input) == 1:
+ # convert to index 'A'=0,'B'=1...
+ user_input = ord(unidecode(user_input.upper())[0])-65
+ # verify input in range
+ if user_input in range(len(entries)):
+ # return valid selection
+ return user_input
+ # invalid, repeat loop
+ invalid = True
+def get_entry_string(entries, mode=''):
+ string = ""
+ if mode == 'choice':
+ string += figlet_format("ENTRY OPTIONS:",font='cybermedium',width=150)
+ string += "**************\n\n"
+ else:
+ string += figlet_format("CURRENT WORD:",font='cybermedium',width=150)
+ string += "*************************\n\n"
+ # Loop to print entries
+ for index in range(len(entries)):
+ # mode '1' print capital letters new to part of speech for each entry
+ if mode == 'choice':
+ c = chr(index + 65)
+ string += f"\n({c}). "
+ # assign definitions to shorter name
+ if mode == 'choice':
+ string += edit_entry.get_entry(entries[index],'choice',trunc=True)
+ else:
+ string += edit_entry.get_entry(entries[index],'plain',trunc=True)
+ string += '\n'
+ # print new line when finished
+ string = string.strip("\n")
+ return string
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def print_entries(entries,mode=''):
+ # mode 1 is options mode
+ clear_screen()
+ print(get_entry_string(entries,mode))