FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering. For details see the repository, paper
Metric | Value |
Type | Face recognition |
GFlops | 2.846 |
MParams | 23.469 |
Source framework | TensorFlow* |
Image, name -
, shape - [1x160x160x3], format [BxHxWxC], where:- B - batch size
- H - image height
- W - image width
- C - number of channels
Expected color order - RGB. Mean values - [127.5, 127.5, 127.5], scale factor for each channel - 128.0
A boolean input, manages state of the graph (train/infer), name -
, shape - [1].
Image, name - image_batch/placeholder_port_0
, shape - [1x3x160x160], format [BxCxHxW],
- B - batch size
- C - number of channels
- H - image height
- W - image width
Expected color order - BGR.
Vector of floating-point values - face embeddings, Name - embeddings
Face embeddings, name - InceptionResnetV1/Bottleneck/BatchNorm/Reshape_1/Normalize
, in format [B,C],
- B - batch size
- C - row-vector of 512 floating-point values - face embeddings.