The original name of the model is MobileFaceNet,ArcFace@ms1m-refine-v1.
Deep face recognition net with MobileFaceNet backbone and Arcface loss
Metric | Value |
Type | Face recognition |
GFLOPs | 0.449 |
MParams | 0.993 |
Source framework | MXNet* |
Image, name: data
, shape: 1,3,112,112
, format is B,C,H,W
, where:
- batch sizeC
- channelH
- heightW
- width
Channel order is RGB
Image, name: data
, shape: 1,3,112,112
, format: B,C,H,W
, where:
- batch sizeC
- channelH
- heightW
- width
Channel order is BGR
Face embedings, name: pre_fc1
, shape: 1,512
, output data format: B,C
, where:
- batch sizeC
- row-vector of 512 floating points values, face embeddings
The net outputs on different images are comparable in cosine distance.
Face embeddings, name: pre_fc1
, shape: 1,512
, output data format: B,C
, where:
- batch sizeC
- row-vector of 512 floating points values, face embeddings
The net outputs on different images are comparable in cosine distance.