The GIRT collection consists of scientific documents, which have been taken from the databases of the IZ; this means that they have been gathered for domain-specific, scientific purposes, are then processed and made publicly available for a fee. The GIRT data is originally German; but the titles, abstracts or content descriptions and the descriptors of most of the recent documents have been translated into English, making international access easier.
Just two examples:
- Schaer P., Neumann M. (2017) Enriching Existing Test Collections with OXPath. In: Jones G. et al. (eds) Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. CLEF 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10456. Springer, Cham. ([PDF]
- Schaer, P. (2013) Der Nutzen informetrischer Analysen und nicht-textueller Dokumentattribute für das Information Retrieval in digitalen Bibliotheken. PhD Thesis, Koblenz. ([PDF]
Is there a public license? Is there a license agreement we had to sign? ...
The data set is not publicly available from the original vendor (GESIS-IZ). An old descpription can be found in the Internet Archive: