Using Webpack to Render Markdown in React Apps is a short article describing the concrete steps you need to take in order to automatically render Markdown documents through Webpack. This folder contains a working example of the configuration described in that tutorial. The code is organized as follows:
- webpack.config.js - Contains the loader setup which makes Markdown rendering and code highlighting possible.
- src/ - Contains a wep app built by the above Webpack config. It's entry point, src/index.jsx, shows how to load a React component that accepts imported Markdown content.
- src/ - The Markdown file that's renderd by this app is a listing of various Markdown features, and serves to show off how a wide range of elements get rendered.
First, clone this repository and navigate to this article's directory:
git clone
cd intoli-article-materials/articles/webpack-markdown-setup
Then, install the project's dependencies via Yarn
yarn install
With the basic setup out of the way, you can start the app. The default script is run via
yarn start
and its starts a hot reloading server that will re-render the app on any chanages in real time.
You can view the app at http://localhost:3000
(customizable in the Webpack config).