diff --git a/src/statuses/routes.clj b/src/statuses/routes.clj
index 10b9e10..e89e6ee 100644
--- a/src/statuses/routes.clj
+++ b/src/statuses/routes.clj
@@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
(ns statuses.routes
- (:require [statuses.configuration :refer [config]]))
+ (:require [clojure.string :as s]
+ [statuses.configuration :refer [config]]))
+(defn query-params [params]
+ (let [filtered-params (into {} (remove (comp nil? second)) params)]
+ (if (empty? filtered-params)
+ ""
+ (->> filtered-params
+ (map #(str (name (key %)) "=" (val %)))
+ (s/join "&")
+ (str "?")))))
(def base-template "/statuses")
(defn base-path [] base-template)
(def updates-template (str base-template "/updates"))
(defn updates-path
- ([] (updates-path nil))
- ([response-format]
+ ([] (updates-path {}))
+ ([params]
(str updates-template
- (if response-format (str "?format=" (name response-format)) ""))))
+ (query-params (select-keys params
+ [:limit :offset :author :query :format])))))
(def update-template (str updates-template "/:id"))
(defn update-path [id] (str (updates-path) "/" id))
@@ -29,8 +40,8 @@
(defn mention-path
([username] (mention-path username nil))
([username response-format]
- (str (updates-path) "?query=@" username
- (if response-format (str "&format=" (name response-format)) ""))))
+ (updates-path {:query (str "@" username)
+ :format response-format})))
(defn issue-path [] (config :issue-tracker-url))
diff --git a/src/statuses/routing.clj b/src/statuses/routing.clj
index a0e3d5a..a2b1e57 100644
--- a/src/statuses/routing.clj
+++ b/src/statuses/routing.clj
@@ -48,24 +48,26 @@
(defn updates-page [params request]
(let [next (next-uri (update-in params [:offset] (partial + (:limit params))) request)
{:keys [limit offset author query format]} params]
- (with-etag request (:time (first (core/get-latest @db 1 offset author query)))
- (let [items (core/label-updates :can-delete?
- (partial core/can-delete? @db (user request))
- (core/get-latest @db limit offset author query))]
- (cond
- (= format "json") (content-type
- "application/json"
- (json/as-json {:items (json-decorator/decorate items), :next next}))
- (= format "atom") (content-type
- "application/atom+xml;charset=utf-8"
- (atom/render-atom items
- (str (base-uri request) "/statuses")
- (str (base-uri request)
- "/statuses/updates?"
- (:query-string request))))
- :else (content-type
- "text/html;charset=utf-8"
- (list-page items next (user request) nil)))))))
+ (if (> limit 100)
+ (redirect (route/updates-path (assoc params :limit 100)))
+ (with-etag request (:time (first (core/get-latest @db 1 offset author query)))
+ (let [items (core/label-updates :can-delete?
+ (partial core/can-delete? @db (user request))
+ (core/get-latest @db limit offset author query))]
+ (cond
+ (= format "json") (content-type
+ "application/json"
+ (json/as-json {:items (json-decorator/decorate items), :next next}))
+ (= format "atom") (content-type
+ "application/atom+xml;charset=utf-8"
+ (atom/render-atom items
+ (str (base-uri request) "/statuses")
+ (str (base-uri request)
+ "/statuses/updates?"
+ (:query-string request))))
+ :else (content-type
+ "text/html;charset=utf-8"
+ (list-page items next (user request) nil))))))))
(defn new-update
"Handles the request to add a new update. Checks whether the post values 'entry-text' or
diff --git a/src/statuses/views/main.clj b/src/statuses/views/main.clj
index adacb00..72cae7c 100644
--- a/src/statuses/views/main.clj
+++ b/src/statuses/views/main.clj
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
(link-to (profile-path author) [:img {:src (avatar-path author) :alt author}])]
- [:span.author (link-to (str (updates-path) "?author=" author) author)]
+ [:span.author (link-to (updates-path {:author author}) author)]
(if in-reply-to
[:span.reply (link-to (update-path in-reply-to) in-reply-to)])
[:span.actions (button "reply" "Reply" "reply")
diff --git a/test/linkification.clj b/test/linkification.clj
index 6bc63f5..47a95d7 100644
--- a/test/linkification.clj
+++ b/test/linkification.clj
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
(deftest linkify-uris-with-fragment-identifier
(is (=
(linkify "lorem http://example.org#anchor ipsum")
- "lorem http://example.org#anchor ipsum")))
+ "lorem http://example.org#anchor ipsum"))
(is (=
(linkify "#hashtag lipsum http://example.org#anchor-name")
"#hashtag lipsum http://example.org#anchor-name"))
(is (=
(linkify "lipsum http://example.org#anchor-name #hashtag")
- "lipsum http://example.org#anchor-name #hashtag"))
+ "lipsum http://example.org#anchor-name #hashtag")))
(deftest linkify-email-addresses
(is (=
diff --git a/test/statuses/test/routes.clj b/test/statuses/test/routes.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83ad0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/statuses/test/routes.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(ns statuses.test.routes
+ (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
+ [statuses.routes :as sut]))
+(deftest test-query-params
+ (is (=
+ (sut/query-params {})
+ ""))
+ (is (=
+ (sut/query-params {:foo "bar"})
+ "?foo=bar"))
+ (is (=
+ (sut/query-params {:foo "bar" :bar "foo"})
+ "?foo=bar&bar=foo"))
+ (is (=
+ (sut/query-params {:foo "bar" :bar nil})
+ "?foo=bar"))
+ (is (=
+ (sut/query-params {:foo nil :bar nil}))))