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(Dataset untuk Membangun Named Entity Recognizer (NER) untuk Bahasa Indonesia)
The dataset conforms with dataset format of Stanford-NER (https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.shtml)
+Four classes are used:
+- PERSON for person names
+- PLACE for place names
+- ORG for organizaion names
+- Other
The dataset may be used for free, but if you want to publish paper/publication using the dataset, please cite this publication:
-Ika Alfina, Septiviana Savitri, and Mohamad Ivan Fanany, "Modified DBpedia Entities Expansion for Tagging Automatically NER Dataset", in Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems 2017. ICACSIS 2017. (accepted).
+Ika Alfina, Septiviana Savitri, and Mohamad Ivan Fanany, "Modified DBpedia Entities Expansion for Tagging Automatically NER Dataset", in Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems 2017. ICACSIS 2017. (accepted).
We provide three versions of NER dataset as we explained on the paper:
1. dataset created using original DEE (our previous project), file name: 20k-dee.txt, with properties file: 20k-dee.prop
2. dataset created using Modified DEE (our project), file name: 20k-mdee.txt, with properties file: 20k-mdee.prop