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iExec Secret Management Service (iExec SMS)


The iExec Secret Management Service (SMS) stores user secrets and provisions them to authorized Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) applications running on the iExec network.

Two TEE frameworks for TEE tasks are supported on the iExec platform:

  • Scone
  • Gramine


  • Confidential assets you have (password, token, API key, AES key, ..) should be securely transferred from your machine to the SMS over a TLS channel (iExec SDK is recommended). This operation is only done once.
  • Internally, secrets are encrypted with standard AES encryption before being written to disk.
  • The iExec SMS secret provisioning policy is based on on-chain ACL (PoCo). PoCo smart contracts define simple ACL rules where individuals have ownership of on-chain objects they have deployed (workerpool, application, secret-dataset & requester).
  • Each individual who is the owner of an object could define a policy on it. For example, "As a Requester (0xAlice), I only authorize my confidential Secret-Dataset (0xSecretOfAlice) to be used by the application of Bob (0xAppOfBob) I trust which will run on the Workerpool of Carl (0xWorkerpoolOfCarl)".
  • When the secure application of Bob starts, the secret of Alice is written into a temporary session and sent over TLS to a dedicated Configuration & Attestation Service (CAS) enclave responsible for communicating with the final application enclave.
  • If the application enclave is legit (measurable with its mrenclave with Scone), it will receive the secrets.
  • To sum up, if all checks are correct, the secret of Alice will cross the following environments: Alice-Host -> iExec-SMS -> Scone-CAS -> Bob-Scone-Application


The iExec Secret Management Service is available as an OCI image on Docker Hub.

A single iExec Secret Management Service instance supports a single TEE framework. To support both Scone and Gramine TEE tasks, two instances of iExec SMS must be configured.

To run properly, the iExec Secret Management Service requires:

  • A blockchain node. iExec smart contracts must be deployed on the blockchain network.
  • Valid OCI images configurations for pre-compute and post-compute stages of TEE tasks executions. Exposed images depend on the type of TEE framework supported.
  • A Secret Provisioner instance, in charge of provisioning secrets to remote enclaves. Each TEE framework requires its own type of Secret Provisioner.
    • for Scone TEE tasks:
      • a Scontain Configuration and Attestation Service (CAS).
      • a valid OCI image configuration of a Scontain Local Attestation Service (LAS). This service will be deployed by an iExec Worker to compute TEE tasks.
    • for Gramine TEE tasks:
      • an iExec Secret Provisioner Service (iExec SPS) instance.

The iExec Secret Management Service can be started locally for development purpose. It is not advised to use an instance with such configuration in production.

To support:

  • Scone TEE tasks, set IEXEC_SMS_TEE_RUNTIME_FRAMEWORK=scone, then configure the SMS with properties of all following tables.
  • Gramine TEE tasks, set IEXEC_SMS_TEE_RUNTIME_FRAMEWORK=gramine, then configure the SMS with properties of following table.

Environment variables (Scone or Gramine TEE framework)

Environment variable Description Type Default Scone-configuration value Default Gramine-configuration value
IEXEC_SMS_TEE_RUNTIME_FRAMEWORK Define which TEE framework this iExec SMS supports. scone or gramine
IEXEC_SMS_PORT Server HTTP port. Positive integer 13300 13300
IEXEC_SMS_H2_URL JDBC URL of the database. URL jdbc:h2:file:/data/sms-h2 jdbc:h2:file:/data/sms-h2
IEXEC_SMS_H2_CONSOLE Whether to enable the H2 console. Boolean false false
IEXEC_SMS_STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_AES_KEY_PATH Path to the key created and used to encrypt secrets. String src/main/resources/iexec-sms-aes.key src/main/resources/iexec-sms-aes.key
IEXEC_SMS_ADMIN_API_KEY API key used to authorize calls to /admin endpoints. String
IEXEC_SMS_ADMIN_STORAGE_LOCATION Storage location where to persist replicated backups. It must be an absolute directory path. String /backup /backup
IEXEC_CHAIN_ID Chain ID of the blockchain network to connect. Positive integer 134 134
IEXEC_IS_SIDECHAIN Define whether iExec on-chain protocol is built on top of token (false) or native currency (true). Boolean true true
IEXEC_SMS_BLOCKCHAIN_NODE_ADDRESS URL to connect to the blockchain node. URL
IEXEC_HUB_ADDRESS Proxy contract address to interact with the iExec on-chain protocol. String 0x3eca1B216A7DF1C7689aEb259fFB83ADFB894E7f 0x3eca1B216A7DF1C7689aEb259fFB83ADFB894E7f
IEXEC_BLOCK_TIME Duration between consecutive blocks on the blockchain network. String PT5S PT5S
IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER Transactions will be sent with networkGasPrice * IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER. Float 1.0 1.0
IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_CAP In Wei, will be used for transactions if networkGasPrice * IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER > IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_CAP. Integer 22000000000 22000000000
IEXEC_SECRET_PROVISIONER_WEB_HOSTNAME Secret provisioner server host for session management. Used to post sessions of secrets. String localhost localhost
IEXEC_SECRET_PROVISIONER_WEB_PORT Secret provisioner server port for session management. Positive integer 8081 8080
IEXEC_SECRET_PROVISIONER_ENCLAVE_HOSTNAME Secret provisioner server host for retrieving secrets from attested enclaves. Typically used by workers to execute TEE tasks. Positive integer localhost localhost
IEXEC_SECRET_PROVISIONER_ENCLAVE_PORT Secret provisioner server port for retrieving secrets from attested enclaves. Positive integer 18765 4433
IEXEC_TEE_CHALLENGE_CLEANUP_CRON Cron expression to configure TEE challenges cleanup policy. String @hourly @hourly
IEXEC_TEE_CHALLENGE_CLEANUP_MAX_BATCH_SIZE Max number of TEE challenges whose missing deadline could be set at a given time. Integer 500 500
IEXEC_TEE_CHALLENGE_CLEANUP_RETENTION_DURATION Retention duration when setting missing final deadline. Duration P5D P5D
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_PRE_COMPUTE_IMAGE TEE enabled OCI image name for worker pre-compute stage of TEE tasks. String
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_PRE_COMPUTE_FINGERPRINT Fingerprint (aka mrenclave) of the TEE enabled worker pre-compute image. String
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_PRE_COMPUTE_HEAP_SIZE_GB Required heap size for a worker pre-compute enclave (in Giga Bytes). Positive integer 3 3
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_PRE_COMPUTE_ENTRYPOINT Command executed when starting a container from the TEE enabled worker pre-compute image. String java -jar /app/app.jar /bin/bash /
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_POST_COMPUTE_IMAGE TEE enabled OCI image name for worker post-compute stage of TEE tasks. String
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_POST_COMPUTE_FINGERPRINT Fingerprint (aka mrenclave) of the TEE enabled worker post-compute image. String
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_POST_COMPUTE_HEAP_SIZE_GB Required heap size for a worker post-compute enclave (in Giga Bytes). Positive integer 3 3
IEXEC_TEE_WORKER_POST_COMPUTE_ENTRYPOINT Command executed when starting a container from the TEE enabled worker post-compute image. String java -jar /app/app.jar /bin/bash /

Scone specific environment variables

Environment variable Description Type Default Scone-configuration value
IEXEC_SMS_SSL_KEYSTORE Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate. String src/main/resources/ssl-keystore-dev.p12
IEXEC_SMS_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Password used to access the key store. String whatever
IEXEC_SMS_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE Type of the key store. Positive integer PKCS12
IEXEC_SMS_SSL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS Alias that identifies the key in the key store. String iexec-core
IEXEC_SCONE_TOLERATED_INSECURE_OPTIONS List of hardware or software Scone vulnerabilities to ignore. String
IEXEC_IGNORED_SGX_ADVISORIES List of hardware or software Intel vulnerabilities to ignore. String
TEE_SCONE_ATTESTATION_MODE Attestation mode used for TEE tasks Scone session generation. String maa
TEE_SCONE_ATTESTATION_URL URL of the Microsoft Azure Attestation service used for TEE tasks Scone session generation. URL
IEXEC_SMS_IMAGE_LAS_IMAGE Scontain LAS OCI image to be used by workers to execute TEE tasks. LAS performs local attestation which creates a quote that CAS can verify. String

Health checks

A health endpoint (/actuator/health) is enabled by default and can be accessed on the IEXEC_SMS_PORT. This endpoint allows to define health checks in an orchestrator or a compose file. No default strategy has been implemented in the Dockerfile at the moment.


This repository code is released under the Apache License 2.0.