The main purpose of the @interchainjs/cosmos
, @interchainjs/ethereum
, @interchainjs/injective
is to offer developers a way to have different Signer
implementations on different types of Blockchains. All of these Signer
s are implementing UniSigner
interface and extending the same BaseSigner
class which with Auth
object being utilized in construction.
Class diagram:
class UniSigner {
IKey publicKey
AddressResponse getAddress()
IKey | Promise~IKey~ signArbitrary(Uint8Array data)
SignDocResponse~Doc~ | Promise~SignDocResponse~Doc~~ signDoc(Doc doc)
Promise~BroadcastResponse~ broadcastArbitrary(Uint8Array data, BroadcastOptions options)
Promise~SignResponse~Tx, Doc, BroadcastResponse~~ sign(SignArgs args)
Promise~BroadcastResponse~ signAndBroadcast(SignArgs args, BroadcastOptions options)
Promise~BroadcastResponse~ broadcast(Tx tx, BroadcastOptions options)
class BaseSigner {
+Auth auth
+SignerConfig config
class CosmosDocSigner {
+ISigBuilder txBuilder
+CosmosDocSigner(Auth auth, SignerConfig config)
+abstract ISigBuilder getTxBuilder()
+Promise~SignDocResponse~ signDoc(SignDoc doc)
class CosmosBaseSigner {
+Encoder[] encoders
+string prefix
+IAccount account
+BaseCosmosTxBuilder txBuilder
+CosmosBaseSigner(Auth auth, Encoder[] encoders, string|HttpEndpoint endpoint, SignerOptions options)
+abstract Promise~IAccount~ getAccount()
+abstract BaseCosmosTxBuilder getTxBuilder()
+Promise~string~ getPrefix()
+Promise~string~ getAddress()
+void setEndpoint(string|HttpEndpoint endpoint)
+QueryClient get queryClient()
+Promise~SignResponse~ sign(CosmosSignArgs args)
+Promise~BroadcastResponse~ broadcast(TxRaw txRaw, BroadcastOptions options)
+Promise~BroadcastResponse~ broadcastArbitrary(Uint8Array message, BroadcastOptions options)
+Promise~BroadcastResponse~ signAndBroadcast(CosmosSignArgs args, BroadcastOptions options)
+Promise~SimulateResponse~ simulate(CosmosSignArgs args)
class DirectSigner {
+auth: Auth
+encoders: Encoder[]
+endpoint: string | HttpEndpoint
+options: SignerOptions
+static fromWallet(signer: OfflineDirectSigner, encoders: Encoder[], endpoint?: string | HttpEndpoint, options?: SignerOptions): Promise~DirectSigner~
+static fromWalletToSigners(signer: OfflineDirectSigner, encoders: Encoder[], endpoint?: string | HttpEndpoint, options?: SignerOptions): Promise~DirectSigner[]~
class AminoSigner {
+auth: Auth
+encoders: Encoder[]
+endpoint: string | HttpEndpoint
+options: SignerOptions
+static fromWallet(signer: OfflineDirectSigner, encoders: Encoder[], endpoint?: string | HttpEndpoint, options?: SignerOptions): Promise~DirectSigner~
+static fromWalletToSigners(signer: OfflineDirectSigner, encoders: Encoder[], endpoint?: string | HttpEndpoint, options?: SignerOptions): Promise~DirectSigner[]~
class ISigBuilder {
+buildSignature(doc: Doc): Sig | Promise<Sig>
class ITxBuilder {
+buildSignedTxDoc(args: SignArgs): Promise<SignResp>
class BaseCosmosTxBuilder {
+SignMode signMode
+BaseCosmosTxBuilderContext ctx
+buildDoc(args: CosmosSignArgs, txRaw: Partial~TxRaw~): Promise~SignDoc~
+buildDocBytes(doc: SignDoc): Promise~Uint8Array~
+buildTxRaw(args: CosmosSignArgs): Promise~Partial~TxRaw~
+buildTxBody(args: CosmosSignArgs): Promise~TxBody~
+buildSignerInfo(publicKey: EncodedMessage, sequence: bigint, signMode: SignMode): Promise~SignerInfo~
+buildAuthInfo(signerInfos: SignerInfo[], fee: Fee): Promise~AuthInfo~
+getFee(fee: StdFee, txBody: TxBody, signerInfos: SignerInfo[], options: DocOptions): Promise~StdFee~
+buildSignedTxDoc(args: CosmosSignArgs): Promise~CosmosCreateDocResponse~SignDoc~~
BaseSigner <|-- CosmosDocSigner
CosmosDocSigner <|-- CosmosBaseSigner
CosmosBaseSigner <|-- DirectSigner
CosmosBaseSigner <|-- AminoSigner
UniSigner <|.. CosmosBaseSigner
BaseCosmosTxBuilder --|> ITxBuilder
CosmosDocSigner *-- ISigBuilder
CosmosBaseSigner *-- ITxBuilder
style UniSigner fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style ISigBuilder fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style ITxBuilder fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
graph TD
A[Signer.sign] --> B[Create partial TxRaw by buildTxRaw]
B --> C[Call buildDoc]
C --> E[Sign the document by signDoc]
E -- isDocAuth --> F[auth.signDoc]
E -- isByteAuth --> G[txBuilder.buildSignature]
F --> H[Create signed TxRaw]
G --> H[Create signed TxRaw]
H --> I[Return CosmosCreateDocResponse]
I --> J[End]
import { UniSigner } from "@interchainjs/types";
import { BaseSigner } from "@interchainjs/types";
Need to note that there are 2 type parameters that indicates 2 types of document involved in signing and broadcasting process for interface UniSigner
is the document type as the signing target to get signatureTx
is the signed transaction type to broadcast
The Signer
class is a way to sign and broadcast transactions on blockchains with ease. With it, you can just pass a Message that you want to be packed in a transaction and the transaction will be prepared, signed and broadcasted.
As we know, Auth
object can be used to sign any piece of binary data (See details). However, combining with the *Signer
class allows you to sign human-readable messages or transactions using one function call.
import { DirectSigner } from "@interchainjs/cosmos/signers/direct";
import { toEncoder } from "@interchainjs/cosmos/utils";
import { Secp256k1Auth } from "@interchainjs/auth/secp256k1";
import { MsgSend } from "@interchainjs/cosmos-types/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx";
import {
} from '@interchainjs/types';
const [auth] = Secp256k1Auth.fromMnemonic("<MNEMONIC_WORDS>", [
// use cosmos hdpath built by HDPath
// we can get cosmos hdpath "m/44'/118'/0'/0/0" by this:
const signer = new DirectSigner(auth, [toEncoder(MsgSend)], <RPC_ENDPOINT>);
object can also be used to sign documents (See details). However, some sign document is still not human-readable (i.e. for DirectSigner
, the SignDoc
type is an object with binary data types)
However, combining with the Signer
class allows you to sign human-readable messages or transactions using one function call.
import { DirectSigner } from "@interchainjs/cosmos/signers/direct";
import { DirectWallet, SignDoc } from "@interchainjs/cosmos/types";
import { toEncoder } from "@interchainjs/cosmos/utils";
import { MsgSend } from "@interchainjs/cosmos-types/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx";
import { HDPath } from "@interchainjs/types";
const directWallet = Secp256k1HDWallet.fromMnemonic("<MNEMONIC_WORDS>", [
// bech32_prefix
prefix: "cosmos",
// use cosmos hdpath built by HDPath
// we can get cosmos hdpath "m/44'/118'/0'/0/0" by this:
hdPath: HDPath.cosmos().toString(),
const signer = await DirectSigner.fromWallet(wallet, [toEncoder(MsgSend)], <RPC_ENDPOINT>);
also provides helper methods to easily constructWallet
for eachSigner
. See details.
There are 3 main signing methods in UniSigner
/** you can import { UniSigner } from "@interchainjs/types" */
export interface UniSigner<SignDoc, Tx> {
signArbitrary(data: Uint8Array): IKey;
signDoc: (doc: SignDoc) => Promise<SignDocResponse<SignDoc>>;
messages: unknown,
...args: unknown[]
): Promise<SignResponse<SignDoc, Tx>>;
, derived fromAuth
object, is usually used to request signatures that don't need to be efficiently processed on-chain. It's often used for signature challenges that are authenticated on a web server, such as sign-in with Ethereum/Cosmos.signDoc
, derived fromWallet
object, is usually used to request signatures that are efficient to process on-chain. Thedoc
argument varies among different signing modes and networks.sign
is used to sign human-readable message, to facilidate signing process with an user interface.
Tips: These 3 signing methods correspond to 3 levels of signing type: Auth vs. Wallet vs. Signer.
Tips about the headers:
- Class: the Class implements the Interface
- SignDoc: document structure for signing
- Transaction: document structure for broadcasting (abbr.
)- Wallet: interface for web3 wallets
- WalletAccount: interface for web3 wallets account
- Class:
import { DirectSigner } from "@interchainjs/cosmos/signers/direct"
- SignDoc: CosmosDirectDoc
- Transaction: CosmosTx
- Wallet: Secp256k1HDWallet
- WalletAccount: CosmosAccount
- Class:
import { AminoSigner } from "@interchainjs/cosmos/signers/amino"
- SignDoc: CosmosAminoDoc
- Transaction: CosmosTx
- Wallet: Secp256k1HDWallet
- WalletAccount: CosmosAccount
- Class:
import { DirectSigner } from "@interchainjs/injective/direct"
- SignDoc: CosmosDirectDoc
- Transaction: CosmosTx
- Wallet:
- WalletAccount: InjectiveAccount
- Class:
import { AminoSigner } from "@interchainjs/injective/amino"
- SignDoc: CosmosAminoDoc
- Transaction: CosmosTx
- Wallet:
- WalletAccount: InjectiveAccount