Kaptos is a Kotlin Multiplatform SDK for Aptos. It provides a common API for interacting with Aptos services across multiple platforms.
- Multiplatform: Kaptos is a Kotlin Multiplatform library usable across various platforms.
- Aptos API: Kaptos offers a unified API for Aptos services.
- Client Configuration: Kaptos supports customizable client settings, such as proxy and network configurations.
Add the following to your common source set:
commonMain.dependencies {
To add Kaptos to a platform-specific project, you can add the following to your platform-specific source set:
Kaptos provides two flavors for Android: kaptos-android
and kaptos-android-debug
. The kaptos-android
flavor is
optimized for release builds, while the kaptos-android-debug
flavor is optimized for debug builds.
dependencies {
Kaptos provides artifacts for both iOS arm64 and x64 architectures. You can add the following to your iOS project:
dependencies {
dependencies {
dependencies {
dependencies {
Kaptos provides artifacts for both watchOS arm32, arm64 and x64 architectures. You can add the following to your watchOS project:
dependencies {
dependencies {
dependencies {
dependencies {
dependencies {
Kaptos provides artifacts for both Linux arm64 and x64 architectures. You can add the following to your Linux project:
dependencies {
dependencies {
dependencies {
[!NOTE] Snapshots are available via the Sonatype snapshots repository. To use snapshots, add the following to your project:
repositories {
Initialize Aptos
to access the SDK API.
val aptos = Aptos()
If you want to pass in a custom configuration, you can do so by passing in a AptosConfig
val config = AptosConfig(AptosSettings(network = Network.LOCAL))
val aptos = Aptos(config)
val modules = aptos.getAccountModules("0x1".toAccountAddress())
val account = Account.generate()
// Create a private key instance for Ed25519 scheme
val privateKey = Ed25519PrivateKey("myEd25519privatekeystring")
// Derive an account from private key
// This is used as a local calculation and therefore is used to instantiate an `Account`
// that has not had its authentication key rotated
val account = Account.fromPrivateKey(privateKey)
// Create a private key instance for Ed25519 scheme
val privateKey = Ed25519PrivateKey("myEd25519privatekeystring")
// Derive an account from private key and address
// create an AccountAddress instance from the account address string
val address = AccountAddress.fromString()
Aptos provides Domain Specific Language (DSL) for building transactions. The following example demonstrates how to build a simple transaction to transfer coins from one account to another.
val aliceAccount = Account.generate()
val bobAccount = Account.generate()
// Creating account credentials does not automatically create an account on-chain.
// You must explicitly create an account on-chain before you can interact with it.
// To do this in testnet, you can use the faucet.
val aliceAccountFaucet = aptos.fundAccount(aliceAccount.accountAddress, 1000000000)
val bobAccountFaucet = aptos.fundAccount(bobAccount.accountAddress, 1000000000)
val txn = aptos.buildTransaction.simple(
sender = aliceAccount.accountAddress,
data = entryFunctionData {
function = "0x1::coin::transfer"
typeArguments = typeArguments {
+TypeTagStruct(type = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin".toStructTag())
functionArguments = functionArguments {
- For full SDK documentation, check out the Kotlin SDK documentation
- For reference documentation, check out the API reference documentation for the associated version.
- For in-depth examples, check out the sample folder with ready-made examples.
To run the SDK tests, simply run from the root of this repository:
For a better experience, make sure there is an aptos local node process up and running (can check if there is a process running on port 8080).
./gradlew test
All contributions to Kaptos are welcome. Before opening a PR, please submit an issue detailing the bug or feature. When opening a PR, please ensure that your contribution builds on the KMM toolchain, has been linted with ktfmt <GOOGLE (INTERNAL)>
, and contains tests when applicable. For more information, please see the contribution guidelines.
Copyright 2024 McXross
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.