Tabulas . Mission planning modules and the applications of path-finding algorithms in Self-Driving Cars (Analysis, Implementation)
The architecture of consists of five directories [analysis, data, src, static, templates]
Service | Type | Description |
analysis | Algorithms | In-detail analysis, explanation and implementation of Dijkstra's, A* Algorithms |
data | Data Structures | The implemented data structures will be used in the Algorithms |
src | Algorithms | The implementation of Dijkstra's , A* that will be used when a user sends a request for calculating the distance between two points |
static | Assets | Styles, Automatically rendered/generated Algorithms results |
templates | UI | Following Flask's Architecture style in this folder, you can find all the UI relevant files |
The following instructions work for [Mac, Linux, Windows]
1 - Install virtual env to be able to create Python environments
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
2 - Create a new environment
virtualenv env
3 - Active the virtual environment:
virtualenv env
After setting up your development environment, make sure to install the app's required packages by running:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1 - Naming the flask App:
export FLASK_APP=tabulas
2 - Setting up development mode:
export FLASK_ENV=development
And now you can finally run the app using:
flask run
If you already have Docker installed, feel free to run the app and set it up in one command:
docker-compose up
Tabulas will be running on http://localhost:5000 🚀
Thanks for reading 🎉