diff --git a/draft-huitema-dnssd-privacy.xml b/draft-huitema-dnssd-privacy.xml
index f0a3886..be27e9e 100644
--- a/draft-huitema-dnssd-privacy.xml
+++ b/draft-huitema-dnssd-privacy.xml
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
- Microsoft
- Redmond
- 98052
+ Clyde Hill
+ 98004
- huitema@microsoft.com
+ huitema@huitema.net
@@ -682,10 +683,7 @@ through the Private Discovery Service, which only accepts encrypted messages ass
Device pairing has to be performed only once per pair of users. This is important
for user-friendliness, as it is the only step that demands user-interaction.
After this single pairing, privacy preserving service discovery works fully automaticly.
- In this document, we leverage [pairing-draft] as pairing mechanism.
- [pairing-draft] offers a fully automatic way of operation for devices of the same user.
- It also provides means to synchroize pairing data among the devices of the same user
- makeing a single pairing per pair of users feasible (instead of a pairing per pair of devices).
+ In this document, we leverage as pairing mechanism.
@@ -968,7 +966,8 @@ obfuscated host name.
Nodes that want to leverage the Private Directory Service for private service discovery among peers
MUST share a secret with each of these peers. Each shared secret MUST be a 256 bit randomly chosen number.
- We RECOMMEND using the pairing mechanism proposed in [pairing-draft] to establish these secrets.
+ We RECOMMEND using the pairing mechanism proposed in
+ to establish these secrets.
@@ -1317,6 +1316,7 @@ This draft results from initial discussions with Dave Thaler, and encouragements
+ &I-D.kaiser-dnssd-pairing;