+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import os
+from PIL import Image
+from scipy import signal
+from pathlib import Path
+from glob import glob
+from deepdespeckling.utils.load_cosar import cos2mat, load_tiff_image
+from deepdespeckling.utils.constants import M, m
def normalize_sar_image(image: np.array) -> np.array:
"""normalize a sar image store in a numpy array
image (numpy array): the image to be normalized
(numpy array): normalized image
return ((np.log(np.clip(image, 0, image.max())+1e-6)-m)/(M-m)).astype(np.float32)
def denormalize_sar_image(image: np.array, M: float = M, m: float = m) -> np.array:
"""Denormalize a sar image store in a numpy array
image (numpy array): a sar image
M (float): global maximum used for normalisation
m (float): global minimum used for normalisation
TypeError: raise an error if the image file is not a numpy array
(numpy array): the image denormalized
if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('Please provide a numpy array')
return np.exp((M - m) * (np.squeeze(image)).astype('float32') + m)
def denormalize_sar_image_sar2sar(image: np.array) -> np.array:
"""Denormalize a sar image store i a numpy array
image (numpy array): a sar image
TypeError: raise an error if the image file is not a numpy array
(numpy array): the image denormalized
if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('Please provide a numpy array')
return np.exp((np.clip(np.squeeze(image), 0, image.max()))*(M-m)+m)
def load_sar_image(image_path: str) -> np.array:
"""Load a SAR image in a numpy array, use cos2mat function if the file is a cos file,
load_tiff_image if the file is a tiff file
image_path (str) : absolute path to a SAR image (cos or npy file)
image (numpy array) : the image of dimension [ncolumns,nlines,2]
if Path(image_path).suffix == ".npy":
image = np.load(image_path)
elif Path(image_path).suffix == ".cos":
image = cos2mat(image_path)
elif Path(image_path).suffix == ".tiff":
image = load_tiff_image(image_path)
raise ValueError("the image should be a cos, npy or tiff file")
return image
def load_sar_images(file_list):
""" Description
Loads files , resize them and append them into a list called data
filelist : a path to a folder containing the images
A list of images
if not isinstance(file_list, list):
image = np.load(file_list)
image = np.array(image).reshape(
1, np.size(image, 0), np.size(image, 1), 2)
return image
data = []
for file in file_list:
image = np.load(file)
1, np.size(image, 0), np.size(image, 1), 2))
return data
def create_empty_folder_in_directory(destination_directory_path: str, folder_name: str = "processed_images") -> str:
"""Create an empty folder in a given directory
destination_directory_path (str): path pf the directory in which an empty folder is created if it doest not exist yet
folder_name (str, optional): name of the folder to create. Defaults to "processed_images".
processed_images_path: path of the created empty folder
processed_images_path = destination_directory_path + f'/{folder_name}'
if not os.path.exists(processed_images_path):
return processed_images_path
def preprocess_and_store_sar_images(sar_images_path: str, processed_images_path: str, model_name: str = "spotlight"):
"""Convert coSAR images to numpy arrays and store it in a specified path
sar_images_path (str): path of a folder containing coSAR images to be converted in numpy array
processed_images_path (str): path of the folder where converted images are stored
model_name (str): model name to be use for despeckling
ext = "cos" if model_name in ["spotlight", "stripmap"] else "tiff"
images_paths = glob(os.path.join(sar_images_path, "*.npy")) + \
glob(os.path.join(sar_images_path, f"*.{ext}"))
for image_path in images_paths:
imagename = image_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
if not os.path.exists(processed_images_path + '/' + imagename + '.npy'):
image = load_sar_image(image_path)
np.save(processed_images_path + '/' + imagename + '.npy', image)
def preprocess_and_store_sar_images_from_coordinates(sar_images_path: str, processed_images_path: str, coordinates_dict: dict, model_name: str = "spotlight"):
"""Convert specified areas of coSAR images to numpy arrays and store it in a specified path
sar_images_path (str): path of a folder containing coSAR images to be converted in numpy array
processed_images_path (str): path of the folder where converted images are stored
coordinates_dict (dict): dictionary containing pixel boundaries of the area to despeckle (x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end)
model_name (str): model name to be use for despeckling. Default to "spotlight"
x_start = coordinates_dict["x_start"]
x_end = coordinates_dict["x_end"]
y_start = coordinates_dict["y_start"]
y_end = coordinates_dict["y_end"]
ext = "cos" if model_name in ["spotlight", "stripmap"] else "tiff"
images_paths = glob(os.path.join(sar_images_path, "*.npy")) + \
glob(os.path.join(sar_images_path, f"*.{ext}"))
for image_path in images_paths:
imagename = image_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
if not os.path.exists(processed_images_path + '/' + imagename + '.npy'):
image = load_sar_image(image_path)
if ext == "cos":
np.save(processed_images_path + '/' + imagename +
'.npy', image[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end, :])
np.save(processed_images_path + '/' + imagename +
'.npy', image[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end])
def get_maximum_patch_size(kernel_size: int, patch_bound: int) -> int:
"""Get maximum manifold of a number lower than a bound
kernel_size (int): the kernel size of the trained model
patch_bound (int): the maximum bound of the kernel size
maximum_patch_size (int) : the maximum patch size
k = 1
while kernel_size * k < patch_bound:
k = k * 2
maximum_patch_size = int(kernel_size * (k/2))
return maximum_patch_size
def get_maximum_patch_size_from_image_dimensions(kernel_size: int, height: int, width: int) -> int:
"""Get the maximum patch size from the width and heigth and the kernel size of the model we use
kernel_size (int): the kernel size of the trained model
height (int): the heigth of the image
width (int): the width of the image
maximum_patch_size (int) : the maximum patch size to use for despeckling
patch_bound = min(height, width)
if patch_bound <= kernel_size:
maximum_patch_size = kernel_size
maximum_patch_size = get_maximum_patch_size(
kernel_size=kernel_size, patch_bound=patch_bound)
return maximum_patch_size
def symetrise_real_and_imaginary_parts(real_part: np.array, imag_part: np.array) -> tuple[np.array, np.array]:
"""Symetrise given real and imaginary parts to ensure MERLIN properties
real_part (numpy array): real part of the noisy image to symetrise
imag_part (numpy array): imaginary part of the noisy image to symetrise
np.real(ima2), np.imag(ima2) (numpy array, numpy array): symetrised real and imaginary parts of a noisy image
S = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(
real_part[0, :, :, 0] + 1j * imag_part[0, :, :, 0]))
p = np.zeros((S.shape[0])) # azimut (ncol)
for i in range(S.shape[0]):
p[i] = np.mean(np.abs(S[i, :]))
sp = p[::-1]
c = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(p) * np.conjugate(np.fft.fft(sp))))
d1 = np.unravel_index(c.argmax(), p.shape[0])
d1 = d1[0]
shift_az_1 = int(round(-(d1 - 1) / 2)) % p.shape[0] + int(p.shape[0] / 2)
p2_1 = np.roll(p, shift_az_1)
shift_az_2 = int(
round(-(d1 - 1 - p.shape[0]) / 2)) % p.shape[0] + int(p.shape[0] / 2)
p2_2 = np.roll(p, shift_az_2)
window = signal.windows.gaussian(p.shape[0], std=0.2 * p.shape[0])
test_1 = np.sum(window * p2_1)
test_2 = np.sum(window * p2_2)
# make sure the spectrum is symetrized and zeo-Doppler centered
if test_1 >= test_2:
p2 = p2_1
shift_az = shift_az_1 / p.shape[0]
p2 = p2_2
shift_az = shift_az_2 / p.shape[0]
S2 = np.roll(S, int(shift_az * p.shape[0]), axis=0)
q = np.zeros((S.shape[1])) # range (nlin)
for j in range(S.shape[1]):
q[j] = np.mean(np.abs(S[:, j]))
sq = q[::-1]
# correlation
cq = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(q) * np.conjugate(np.fft.fft(sq))))
d2 = np.unravel_index(cq.argmax(), q.shape[0])
d2 = d2[0]
shift_range_1 = int(round(-(d2 - 1) / 2)
) % q.shape[0] + int(q.shape[0] / 2)
q2_1 = np.roll(q, shift_range_1)
shift_range_2 = int(
round(-(d2 - 1 - q.shape[0]) / 2)) % q.shape[0] + int(q.shape[0] / 2)
q2_2 = np.roll(q, shift_range_2)
window_r = signal.windows.gaussian(q.shape[0], std=0.2 * q.shape[0])
test_1 = np.sum(window_r * q2_1)
test_2 = np.sum(window_r * q2_2)
if test_1 >= test_2:
q2 = q2_1
shift_range = shift_range_1 / q.shape[0]
q2 = q2_2
shift_range = shift_range_2 / q.shape[0]
Sf = np.roll(S2, int(shift_range * q.shape[0]), axis=1)
ima2 = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(Sf))
return np.real(ima2), np.imag(ima2)
def preprocess_image(image: np.array, threshold: float) -> np.array:
"""Preprocess image by limiting pixel values with a threshold
image (numpy array): image to preprocess
threshold (float): pixel value threshold
image (cv2 Image): image to be saved
image = np.clip(image, 0, threshold)
image = image / threshold * 255
image = Image.fromarray(image.astype('float64')).convert('L')
return image
def save_image_to_png(image: np.array, threshold: int, image_full_path: str):
"""Save a given image to a png file in a given folder
image (numpy array): image to save
threshold (float): threshold of pixel values of the image to be saved in png
image_full_path (str): full path of the image
TypeError: if the image is not a numpy array
if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('Please provide a numpy array')
image = preprocess_image(image, threshold=threshold)
image.save(image_full_path.replace('npy', 'png'))
def save_image_to_npy_and_png(image: np.array, save_dir: str, prefix: str, image_name: str, threshold: float):
"""Save a given image to npy and png in a given folder
image (numpy array): image to save
save_dir (str): path to the folder where to save the image
prefix (str): prefix of the image file name
image_name (str): name of the image file
threshold (float): threshold of image pixel values used for png conversion
image_full_path = save_dir + prefix + image_name
# Save image to npy file
np.save(image_full_path, image)
# Save image to png file
save_image_to_png(image, threshold, image_full_path)
def compute_psnr(Shat: np.array, S: np.array) -> float:
"""Compute Peak Signal to Noise Ratio
Shat (numpy array): a SAR amplitude image
S (numpy array): a reference SAR image
res (float): psnr value
P = np.quantile(S, 0.99)
res = 10 * np.log10((P ** 2) / np.mean(np.abs(Shat - S) ** 2))
return res
def get_cropping_coordinates(image: np.array, destination_directory_path: str, model_name: str, fixed: bool = True):
"""Launch the crop tool to enable the user to select the subpart of the image to be despeckled
image (numpy aray): full image to be cropped
destination_directory_path (str): path of a folder to store the results
model_name (str): model name to be use for despeckling. Default to "spotlight"
fixed (bool, optional): whether the area of selection has a fixed size of not. Defaults to True.
image = preprocess_sar_image_for_cropping(image, model_name)
full_image = image.copy()
cropping = False
x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end = 0, 0, 0, 0
def mouse_crop(event, x, y, flags, param):
""" The callback function of crop() to deal with user's events
global x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end, cropping
cropping = False
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end = x, y, x, y
cropping = True
# Mouse is Moving
elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
x_end, y_end = x, y
# if the left mouse button was released
elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
# record the ending (x, y) coordinates
x_end, y_end = x, y
if fixed:
if x_start > x_end and y_start > y_end:
tempxstart = x_start
tempystart = y_start
x_start = tempxstart - 32
x_end = tempxstart
y_start = tempystart - 32
y_end = tempystart
elif x_start > x_end and y_start < y_end:
tempxstart = x_start
tempystart = y_start
x_start = tempxstart - 32
y_start = tempystart
x_end = tempxstart
y_end = tempystart + 32
elif x_start < x_end and y_start > y_end:
tempxstart = x_start
tempystart = y_start
x_start = tempxstart
y_start = tempystart - 32
x_end = tempxstart + 32
y_end = tempystart
x_end = x_start + 32
y_end = y_start + 32
if x_start > x_end and y_start > y_end:
tempx = x_start
x_start = x_end
x_end = tempx
tempy = y_start
y_start = y_end
y_end = tempy
elif x_start > x_end and y_start < y_end:
tempxstart = x_start
tempystart = y_start
tempxend = x_end
tempyend = y_end
x_start = tempxend
y_start = tempystart
x_end = tempxstart
y_end = tempyend
elif x_start < x_end and y_start > y_end:
tempxstart = x_start
tempystart = y_start
tempxend = x_end
tempyend = y_end
x_start = tempxstart
y_start = tempyend
x_end = tempxend
y_end = tempystart
# cropping is finished
cv2.rectangle(image, (x_start, y_start),
(x_end, y_end), (255, 0, 0), 2)
cropping = False
refPoint = [(x_start, y_start), (x_end, y_end)]
if len(refPoint) == 2: # when two points were found
cropped_image = full_image[refPoint[0][1] * 8:refPoint[1][1]
* 8, refPoint[0][0] * 8:refPoint[1][0] * 8]
if fixed:
cropped_image = cv2.resize(cropped_image, (256, 256))
cropped_image = cv2.resize(
cropped_image, (8 * (x_end - x_start), 8 * (y_end - y_start)))
cv2.imshow("Cropped", cropped_image)
with open(destination_directory_path+'/cropping_coordinates.txt', 'w') as filehandle:
for listitem in refPoint:
h, w, _ = image.shape
# resizing image
image = cv2.resize(image, (int(w / 8), int(h / 8)))
cv2.setMouseCallback("image", mouse_crop)
while True:
i = image.copy()
if not cropping:
cv2.imshow("image", image)
elif cropping:
cv2.imshow("image", i)
if not fixed:
cv2.rectangle(i, (x_start, y_start),
(x_end, y_end), (255, 0, 0), 2)
key = cv2.waitKey(10)
if key == ord('q'):
return get_cropping_coordinates_from_file(destination_directory_path=destination_directory_path)
def get_cropping_coordinates_from_file(destination_directory_path: str) -> list:
"""Get cropping coordinates from a file where it's stored
destination_directory_path (str): path of the file in which the cropping coordinates are stored
cropping_coordinates (list): list containing cropping coordinates
cropping_coordinates = []
with open(destination_directory_path+'/cropping_coordinates.txt', 'r') as filehandle:
for line in filehandle:
# Remove linebreak which is the last character of the string
curr_place = eval(line[:-1])
# Add item to the list
return cropping_coordinates
def crop_image(image: np.array, image_path: str, cropping_coordinates: list, model_name: str, processed_images_path: str):
"""Crop an image using given cropping coordinates and store the result in a given folder
image (numpy array): image to be cropped
image_path (str): path of the image
cropping_coordinates (list): list of coordinates of cropping, format [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
model_name (str): name of the model (stripmap, spotlight or sar2sar)
processed_images_path (str): path of the folder where to store the cropped image in npy format
if model_name in ["spotlight", "stripmap"]:
image_real_part = image[:, :, 0]
image_imaginary_part = image[:, :, 1]
cropped_image_real_part = image_real_part[cropping_coordinates[0][1] * 8:cropping_coordinates[1][1] * 8,
cropping_coordinates[0][0] * 8:cropping_coordinates[1][0] * 8]
cropped_image_imaginary_part = image_imaginary_part[cropping_coordinates[0][1] * 8:cropping_coordinates[1][1] * 8,
cropping_coordinates[0][0] * 8:cropping_coordinates[1][0] * 8]
cropped_image_real_part = cropped_image_real_part.reshape(cropped_image_real_part.shape[0],
cropped_image_real_part.shape[1], 1)
cropped_image_imaginary_part = cropped_image_imaginary_part.reshape(cropped_image_imaginary_part.shape[0],
cropped_image_imaginary_part.shape[1], 1)
cropped_image = np.concatenate(
(cropped_image_real_part, cropped_image_imaginary_part), axis=2)
cropped_image = image[cropping_coordinates[0][1] * 8:cropping_coordinates[1][1] * 8,
cropping_coordinates[0][0] * 8:cropping_coordinates[1][0] * 8]
cropped_image = cropped_image.reshape(
cropped_image.shape[0], cropped_image.shape[1], 1)
image_path_name = Path(image_path)
np.save(processed_images_path + '/' + image_path_name.stem +
'_cropped_to_denoise', cropped_image)
def preprocess_sar_image_for_cropping(image: np.array, model_name: str) -> np.array:
"""Preprocess image to use the cropping tool
image (numpy array): image from which we get cropping coordinates by using the cropping tool
model_name (str): name of the model (stripmap, spotlight or sar2sar)
image (cv2 image): image preprocessed for cropping
if model_name in ["spotlight", "stripmap"]:
image_data_real = image[:, :, 0]
image_data_imag = image[:, :, 1]
image = np.squeeze(
np.sqrt(np.square(image_data_real) + np.square(image_data_imag)))
threshold = np.mean(image) + 3 * np.std(image)
image = np.clip(image, 0, threshold)
image = image / threshold * 255
image = Image.fromarray(image.astype('float64')).convert('L')
image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
return image