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642 lines (437 loc) · 9.08 KB


101.Symmetric Tree

bool dfs(struct TreeNode* p, struct TreeNode* q){
    if(p == NULL && q == NULL){
        return true;

    if((p == NULL || q == NULL) || (p->val != q->val)){
        return false;

    return dfs(p->left,q->right) && dfs(p->right, q->left);


bool isSymmetric(struct TreeNode* root) {
    return dfs(root->left, root->right);

226. Invert Binary Tree

struct TreeNode* invertTree(struct TreeNode* root) {

        return root;

    struct TreeNode* temp = root->left;
    root->left = root->right;
    root->right = temp;


    return root;


563. Binary Tree Tilt

int sum(struct TreeNode* node, int* totalTilt){
    if(node == NULL){
        return 0;

    int leftTilt = sum(node->left, totalTilt);
    int rightTilt = sum(node->right, totalTilt);

    int tilt = abs(leftTilt - rightTilt);

    *totalTilt += tilt;

    return node->val + leftTilt + rightTilt;

int findTilt(struct TreeNode* root) {

    int totalTilt = 0;
    sum(root, &totalTilt);
    return totalTilt;

965. Univalued Tree

bool dfs(struct TreeNode* root, int num){
        return true;
    return (root->val == num) && dfs(root->left, num) && dfs(root->right, num);


bool isUnivalTree(struct TreeNode* root) {

    if(root == NULL){
        return true;
    return dfs(root, root->val);

938. Range Sum of BST

void dfs(struct TreeNode* node,int low, int high, int* sum){
    if(node == NULL){
    if(node->val >= low && node->val <= high){
        *sum += node->val;

    if(node->val > low){

    if(node->val < high){

int rangeSumBST(struct TreeNode* root, int low, int high) {
    int sum = 0;
    dfs(root, low, high, &sum);
    return sum;

230. Kth Samllest Element in a BST

void dfs(struct TreeNode *node, int k, int *count, int *result)

	if (node == NULL || *count == k)

	dfs(node->left, k, count, result);


	if (*count == k)
		*result = node->val;

	dfs(node->right, k, count, result);

int kthSmallest(struct TreeNode *root, int k)

	int count = 0;
	int result = -1;

	dfs(root, k, &count, &result);
	return result;

572. Subtree of Another Tree

bool isSameTree(struct TreeNode *root, struct TreeNode *subRoot)
	if (root == NULL && subRoot == NULL)
		return true;

	if (root == NULL || subRoot == NULL)
		return false;

	if (root->val != subRoot->val)
		return false;

	return isSameTree(root->left, subRoot->left) && isSameTree(root->right, subRoot->right);

bool isSubtree(struct TreeNode *root, struct TreeNode *subRoot)
	if (root == NULL)
		return false;

	if (subRoot == NULL)
		return true;

	if (isSameTree(root, subRoot))
		return true;

	return isSubtree(root->left, subRoot) || isSubtree(root->right, subRoot);

530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST

int min(int a, int b)
	return a < b ? a : b;

// use dfs in order
void dfs(struct TreeNode *root, int *prev, int *minValue)

	if (root == NULL)

	dfs(root->left, prev, minValue);

	if (*prev != -1)
		int diff = abs(*prev - root->val);
		*minValue = min(diff, *minValue);

	*prev = root->val;

	dfs(root->right, prev, minValue);

int getMinimumDifference(struct TreeNode *root)
	int minValue = INT_MAX;
	int prev = -1;
	dfs(root, &prev, &minValue);
	return minValue;

235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

struct TreeNode *lowestCommonAncestor(struct TreeNode *root, struct TreeNode *p, struct TreeNode *q)

	struct TreeNode *cur = root;

	while (cur)
		if (p->val > cur->val && q->val > cur->val)
			cur = cur->right;
		else if (p->val < cur->val && q->val < cur->val)
			cur = cur->left;
			return cur;
	return cur;

513. Find Bottom Left Tree Value

class Solution:
    def findBottomLeftValue(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        queue = []

        while len(queue):
            node = queue.pop(0)
            if node.right:
            if node.left:
        return node.val


514. Delete Node in a BST

int minValue(struct TreeNode *node)
	while (node->left != NULL)
		node = node->left;
	return node->val;

struct TreeNode *deleteNode(struct TreeNode *current, int key)
	if (current == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (key < current->val)
		current->left = deleteNode(current->left, key);
	else if (key > current->val)
		current->right = deleteNode(current->right, key);
		if (current->left == NULL && current->right == NULL)
			return NULL;
		if (current->left == NULL)
			return current->right;
		if (current->right == NULL)
			return current->left;
			int min = minValue(current->right);
			current->val = min;
			current->right = deleteNode(current->right, min);
	return current;

112. Path Sum

bool dfs(struct TreeNode *root, int targetSum, int currentSum)

	if (!root)
		return false;

	currentSum += root->val;

	// find the leaf
	if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
		return currentSum == targetSum;

	return dfs(root->left, targetSum, currentSum) || dfs(root->right, targetSum, currentSum);

bool hasPathSum(struct TreeNode *root, int targetSum)
	return dfs(root, targetSum, 0);

bool hasPathSum2(struct TreeNode *root, int targetSum)

	if (!root)
		return false;

	targetSum -= root->val;

	if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
		return targetSum == 0;

	return hasPathSum(root->left, targetSum) || hasPathSum(root->right, targetSum);

98. Validate Bianry Search Tree

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>

bool isValid(struct TreeNode *root, long left, long right)
	if (root == NULL)
		return true;

	if (!(root->val > left && root->val < right))
		return false;

	return isValid(root->left, left, root->val) && isValid(root->right, root->val, right);

bool isValidBST(struct TreeNode *root)
	return isValid(root, LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX);

1305. All Elements in Two Binary Search Tree

class Solution:
    def getAllElements(self, root1: Optional[TreeNode], root2: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[int]:

        queue1 = []
        queue2 = []

        def bfs(root, queue):
            if not root:
                return None
            if root.left:
            if root.right:
        bfs(root1, queue1)
        bfs(root2, queue2)

589. N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal

class Solution:
    def preorder(self, root: 'Node') -> List[int]:

        queue = []

        def dfs(node):
            if node == None:
            for child in node.children:
        return queue
void dfs(struct Node *root, int *result, int *returnSize)

	// base case
	if (root == NULL)

	result[(*returnSize)++] = root->val;

	for (int i = 0; i < root->numChildren; i++)
		dfs(root->children[i], result, returnSize);

int *preorder(struct Node *root, int *returnSize)

	*returnSize = 0;

	if (root == NULL)
		return NULL;

	int *result = (int *)malloc(10000 * sizeof(int));
  if (!result)
		perror("Failed to allocate memory");

	dfs(root, result, returnSize);

	return result;

590. N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal

class Solution:
    def postorder(self, root: 'Node') -> List[int]:
        queue = []

        def dfs(node):
            if(node == None):
            for child in node.children:
        return queue
void dfs(struct Node *root, int *result, int *returnSize)
	if (result == NULL)

	for (int i = 0; i < root->numChildren; i++)
		dfs(root->children[i], result, returnSize);

	result[(*returnSize)++] = root->val;

int *postorder(struct Node *root, int *returnSize)

	*returnSize = 0;

	if (root == NULL)
		return NULL;

	int *result = (int *)malloc(10000 * sizeof(int));
	if (!result)
		perror("Failed to allocate memory");
	dfs(root, result, returnSize);

	return result;



Huffman Decoding

def decodeHuff(root, s):
    list = []
    temp = root
    for char in s:
        if char == '0':
            temp = temp.left
            temp = temp.right
        if not temp.left and not temp.right:
            temp = root
    return print("".join(list))