Identity management, also known as identity and access management, is a framework of policies and technologies to ensure that the right users have the appropriate access to technology resources.
Here I use a simple system with 2 clients (written in React), a server with Spring and Keycloak on top of it to provide authentication & authorization service.
Start the keycloak server:
Run this command on Linux
bin/ start-dev
Or if you're on Window:
bin/kc.bat start-dev
Login to the server on port :8080 and create a new Realm. Sign up two clients 1 & 2 with their corresponds url (in this case is :5173 & :5174). Create some users and put them into the client with client roles
For information on how to create Realms, Clients, Roles, ..., please have a look at Keycloak official documentation
Run the backend server:
You can modify the property as in application.yaml. Start the server either with maven or just use Intelij or and Java IDE.
Start the clients:
Navigate to folder client-1 & client-2. Simply run this command:
npm run dev
Or if you like yarn:
yarn dev
Go check the :5173 & :5174 port and enjoy.