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Meeting URL: https://meet.jit.si/StableHaskellMeetBiWeekly
Previous meeting notes
- Trevis Elser
Minor edits, discussion on extension classificaiton proposal.
HF critical infra page
- Previously holding the token: JMCT
- Previously holding the token: Ben
SWG post for blog.haskell.org
- In progress!
- Holding the token: Trevis
deprecation issue
Draft tooling recommendation
- Holding the token: Trevis
JMCT: What would a GitHub mirror that posts to GHC GitLab look like?
Jappie: catagorizing head.hackage https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xNAn7qE1X7waI7lAIh9lOUKGuEb9HnRwGWNicaywASk/edit?gid=251085624#gid=251085624
- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/25326
- How can we best add value in this group?
- Increase participation
- Trevis: Solicit invites