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Meeting URL: https://meet.jit.si/StableHaskellMeetBiWeekly
Previous meeting notes
- Simon's Stability state of play
- Prelude could be reinstallable
- Imagine it was any other package except
- If no explicit dependency, then [something] sets a default.
- Cabal private dependencies might be a way to achieve this.
- May require private dependencies; things
- Imagine it was any other package except
- Investigate head.hackage, what breakages in base or Prelude are needed? More precisely, which
of (1)-(5) in the state-of-play doc caused the need for the head.hackage patch?
- Are there others not listed?
- Holding the token: Ben
- Prelude could be reinstallable
- Industrial use; tension between long term support and accessibility/usability
JMCT: What would a GitHub mirror that posts to GHC GitLab look like?
Extension lifecycle framework proposal #601
- Has been renovated!
- Bulletin discussed
- Previously holding the token: Chris