Meeting URL:
Previous meeting notes
- We discussed this last time, but the community is clearly concerned/interested here
- From last time:
- Botan bindings as an example:
- Community groups with multiple maintainers
- Botan bindings as an example:
- Can HF help here?
- Require some group of maintainership for sponsored projects?
- Or a transition plan?
- GHC.X.Hackage: haskellfoundation/tech-proposals#27
- Could allow anyone to submit changes to work with ghc
- Community could move faster to update
- What about required api changes that the maintainer doesn't agree with?
- This effectively splits the package among users with one set of changes vs "official"
- See Mozilla disallowing changes made to firefox (creating iceweasel.)
- Complementary with Stackage development process, which manually prompts package authors to update their packages
- Note that GHC devs already maintain head.hackage, which already contains patches for all of Stackage (so that we can test GHC against it).
- Could allow anyone to submit changes to work with ghc
- Sometimes a fork exists, and is maintained, but people may not be aware of that
- How is it communicated to users?
- Require some group of maintainership for sponsored projects?
Are there stability related projects to promote at Zurihac?
- None
Extension lifecycle framework proposal #601
- Has been rennovated!
- mention ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals#635 and 636.
- Bulletin discussed previously
- Previously holding the token: Chris