** Please make sure that the program you are trying to use has its dependencies in the PATH. See: **
https://github.com/harrisonlab/popgen/blob/master/programs.md Top section for R packages and standalone programs set-up
My current bash profile
A link to a Dropbox folder containing PowerPoint presentations with summary and sample outputs of methods described below: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2urr4fcp5ivu2x/AAC1RsB4X0vSxADrgOF065IBa?dl=0
What directories are there?
- Phylogenetics
- Snp
- Summary stats
- Clock
- Codon
- Renseq
*Each directory contains a README.md file listing shell scripts which contain a model (example) analysis using scripts in a given directory.
*Read the header of each individual script you are trying to exectute to find out about the options, input and output file.
What is in each directory? Only listing re-usable analyses
- Phylogenetics: Making Bayesian phylogenetic trees from gene sequences
- Snp: Mapping reads to reference, cleaning the mapped files and calling SNPs. Filtering SNPs and their basic summary stats. Various methods of establishing population structure, including SNP-based NJ trees.
- Summary stats: More complex analyses involving SNP sampling across populations identified in 2. Divergence, natural selection, recombination.
- Clock: De novo motif discovery and motif scanning. Orthology analysis and automated generation of ortholog trees. Pairwise, branch-site and branch dN/dS codeml models.
- Codon: Analysis of gene codon usage and gene duplication levels.
Model analysis file: BUSCO_analysis.sh
sub_BUSCO2.sh Establish the number of single copy Fungal/Eukaryotic/Plant/Prokaryotic/ conserved genes in a genome or transcriptome.
get_alignments.pl This is the script to use if you want to follow the steps in the model analysis file and create individual alignments for each BUSCO gene found to be complete in each genome analysed. These gene alignments (only CDS recommended) can then be used to make trees in the next step.
Model analysis file: pre_BEAST_prep.sh
sub_mafft_alignment.sh Quickly align the sequences generated in 1. to be used for tree construction. The script loops over all the FASTA files in the directory and tries to align sequences inside each one.
calculate_nucleotide_diversity.py calculates basic sequence diversity stats for each alignment which could then guide selection of individual genes towards making the phylogenetic tree (see the model analysis file for a example of an analysis)
The remainder of the model analysis file describes establishing the correct model of evolution for each gene using PartitionFinder that can be then implemented within BEAST. With some prior information on that, this step can be potentially abandoned.
Model analysis file: BEAST_run.sh The BEAST analysis has to be so far set-up by hand. A guide to do so and obtain a final tree is given in the model analysis file above.
Model analysis file: apple_renseq_part5.sh apple_renseq_part6.sh Prediction of various classes of resistance genes with RGAugury followed with bait design towards the exons.
Model analysis file: strawberry_renseq_reads_part2.sh Analysis of PacBio RG and Hapil Renseq data on EMR's cluster and triticum (generation of 99% CCS reads and HGAP assembly - see also M&M: https://docs.google.com/document/d/171F5fKQh_caV3QMHMS3TYmS9t74ZQhODlymIxQy5HtU/edit). Script with steps undertaken for Emily and Fenella Pacbio reads is in pacbio_emxfe.sh
Model analysis file: nanopore_emxfe_renseq.sh Basic QC and assembly, aseembly polishing, error correction of Nanopore RenSeq data. Script with steps undertaken for RG and Hapil 1^2D reads is in nanopore_rgxha_renseq.sh
Model analysis file: nanopore_emxfe_renseq2.sh Variant calling of Ren-Seq Nanopore data with GATK. Evaluation of Ren-Seq completeness with BLAST on original baits and vesca genes CDS sequences and plotting of the results. NLR-Parser analysis.
Onion RenSeq The result of Mycoarray QC for SLRK and NBS baits, along with filtered bait sequences sent for production are in: /home/sobczm/popgen/renseq/input/transcriptomes/really_really_final_baits/revised_design_Mar2017
Scripts to call SNPs on multiple individuals using a single genome/transcriptome reference, filter (and downsample) them, and establish the basic population structure.
Model analysis file: pre_SNP_calling_cleanup.sh sub_pre_snp_calling.sh Script accepts SAM mappings output by Bowtie2 along with sample ID, and outputs filtered, indexed and ID-tagged BAM files to be used for variant calling
Model analysis file: fus_SNP_calling_multithreaded.sh This script allows variant calling with GATK. It needs to be modified for each GATK run. First, it prepares genome reference indexes required by GATK and then calls the variant with the GATK package in the custom script similar to [sub_fus_SNP_calling_multithreaded.sh] (https://github.com/harrisonlab/popgen/blob/master/snp/sub_fus_SNP_calling_multithreaded.sh).
Model analysis file: determine_genetic_structure.sh The script contains a collection of scripts carrying out the following SNP-based population structure analyses:
- Variant stats:
- Default variant filtering on the input VCF file recommended before structure analysis and required by some tools: sub_vcf_parser.sh
- Subsampling of SNPs down to 1 SNP per x bp on a contig with
- Basic handle on the partitioning of SNPs between individuals. Calculate percentage of shared SNP alleles between each sample in a pairwise manner and k-mean cluster the samples, and generate a heatmap and a dendrogram as the output: similarity_percentage.py distance_matrix.R
- Another way to detect any population genetic structure between samples: PCA pca.R
- Show relationships between samples using a neighbour-joining tree: nj_tree.sh
- Carry out a custom AMOVA analysis to try to partition genetic variation between a hypothetical factor, such as virulence level or geographic origin (requires considerable adaptation to individual analysis): amova_dapc.R
Model analysis file: structure_analysis.sh
Downsample the VCF file with SNPs prior to analysis with the STRUCTURE program.
/home/sobczm/bin/vcflib/bin/vcfrandomsample --rate 0.1 $input_vcf >$output_vcf
Run the STRUCTURE analysis to test for thelikely number of population clusters (K) (can be in the range of: K=1 up to K=number of individuals tested), summarise the results with StructureHarvester and CLUMPP, visualise with DISTRUCT.
Model analysis file: fast_structure_analysis.sh
Fast STRUCTURE analysis using simplified model from Raj et al. (2014) https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.114.164350 . Allows use of millions of markers without down-sampling.
Scripts for functional annotation of SNPs, and calculation of general population genetics parameters (Fst, nuclotide diversity, Tajima's D) which can be informative about demographic and selection processes operating on a given gene(s) in tested populations. Methods to detect variant outliers useful for zeroing in on potentially adaptive loci. Analyses available include both haplotype- and nucleotide- based.
Model analysis file: fus_variant_annotation.sh
Create VCF file subsets only with certain individuals retained for downstream analysis with
and remove monomorphic (idential) positions in the output with/home/sobczm/bin/vcftools/bin/vcftools
Create custom SNPEff annotation for each new genome which allows classification of variants into different functional categories First, build genome database with build_genome_database.sh Secondly, annotate the variants in select VCF file, get a summary report on variants in the input file and create subsets of SNPs with different effect (genic, coding, synonymous, non-synonymous, 4-fold degenerate) with annotate_snps_genome.sh
Use the VCF files with SNPs and structural variants to scan for any potential outliers between populations with 3 different methods.
Model analysis file: establish_variant_differences.sh Assumption-free scan for varaints showing high allele frequency differences between populations with vcf_find_difference_pop.py
Model analysis file: bayescan_outliers.sh Bayesian multinomial-Dirichlet model based on Fst values in sub_bayescan.sh
Model analysis file:
Detecting the underlying population structure with PCA, followed by outlier scan.
Convert a VCF file to independent FASTA sequences for each individual (sample), incorporating the polymorphisms stored in the VCF file - that is, generate a custom version of each genome based on the common reference and SNPs detected during variant calling vcf_to_fasta.py
Split a GFF file with gene annotation for the reference genome into independent file per contig. Required by PopGenome used in the next script. split_gff_contigs.sh
Model analysis file: fus_popgenome_analysis.sh The scripts used in this part of the analysis described in the model analysis file above require a special FASTA and GFF input generated with scripts vcf_to_fasta.py (use option 1 for haploid and option 2 for diploid organisms) and split_gff_contigs.sh. The input needs to be also arranged in a particular way described in the model analysis file above. Lastly, the submitted R scripts themselves require customisation for each analysis regarding sample names and their population assingment.
sub_calculate_nucleotide_diversity.sh Calculate, plot (histogram and line plots) and output in tabular format (available per contig and per entire genome) the following statistics calculated over a gene and sliding window-based intervals (two types of plots: individual populations and multiple specified populations on one plot): nucleotide diversity within populations - Pi (Nei, 1987), ratio of Pi (nonsynonymous/synonymous), pairwise nucleotide diversity between populations - Dxy.
sub_calculate_neutrality_stats.sh Calculate, plot (histogram and line plots) and output in tabular format (available per contig and per entire genome) the following statistics calculated over a gene and sliding window-based intervals (two types of plots: individual populations and multiple specified populations on one plot): Tajima's D, and related (Fu & Li's F, Fu & Li's D), Watterson's Theta per site, Average rate of segregating sites.
sub_calculate_fst.sh Calculate, plot (histogram and line plots) and output in tabular format (available per contig and per entire genome) the following statistics calculated over a gene and sliding window-based intervals (two types of plots: individual populations and multiple specified populations on one plot): Weir and Cockerham's Fst (across all populations), Weir and Cockerham's Fst (pairwise between populations), Hudson's Kst.
sub_calculate_haplotype_based_stats.sh Calculate EXACTLY the same diversity statistiscs, as in 2. sub_calculate_neutrality_stats.sh and sub_calculate_fst.sh BUT using HAPLOTYPE not NUCLEOTIDE sequences as input. For diploid organisms, the genotypes in the input VCF file have to be phased prior to generation of the input FASTA files and the start of the analysis using sub_beagle.sh
sub_calculate_4gt.sh In addition, carry out the four gamete test on each population to check for presence of recombination. For diploid organisms, the genotypes in the input VCF file have to be phased prior to generation of the input FASTA files and the start of the analysis using sub_beagle.sh
Model analysis file: phytophthora_outgroup_analysis.sh Analysis involving outgroup sister species to our species of interest, allowing to determine the polarity of the mutations observed (which allele is derived - new, which allele is ancestral). This information can then be employed by two formal tests for selection: Fay & Wu's H and McDonald-Kreitman test.
Two scripts to annotate VCF files with ancestral alleles (field AA=) based on different methods: A) mapping sequencing reads from the outgroup species to a common genome reference, along with the focal species reads: annotate_vcf_aa.py; B) whole-genome alignment of our focal species genome and 1-2 outgroups with progressiveMauve (more reliable annotation with 2 outgroups): annotate_gen_aa.py. Both methods can be applied and the AA annotation results compared with the script compare_outgroup_results.py.
Two scripts to carry out the McDonald-Kreitman test and calculate Fay & Wu's H in Popgenome. The submitted R scripts themselves require customisation for each analysis regarding sample names and their population assingment: sub_calculate_mkt.sh, sub_calculate_faywu.sh
Model analysis file: fus_linkage_disequilibrum.sh
Use /home/sobczm/bin/vcftools/bin/vcftools
to calculate D, D' and r2 for SNPs seperated by a specific range of intervals to estimate recombination rates and subsequently visualise the results (D' and r2 versus physical distance, histogram of D' values) using sub_plot_ld.sh. Using sub_ld_plot.sh can also visualise the r2 values between individual SNP pairs in a heatmap LD plot.
For diploid organisms, the genotypes in the input VCF file have to be phased prior to the start of the analysis using sub_beagle.sh
00_ananassa.md List of files with all analyses carried out, including haplotyping
Model analysis file: gwas_quantitative_pipeline_ver2.md GWAS analysis with Plink on quantiative phenotypes - example crown rot scores
Model analysis file: gwas_case_control_pipeline_ver2.md GWAS analysis with Plink on case-control phenotypes - example everbearer trait
Model analysis file: ananassa_diversity_pipeline.sh Diversity analysis of SNP chip data (initial data filtering, nucleotide diversity, heterozygosity, PCA, fastStructure, NJ tree, heatmap of IBS)
Model analysis file: linear_regression.R R script to fit linear regression model to 5 select SNP markers predictive of crown rot resistance. No missing data allowed for any marker. In order to generate input for the script, follow lines 101-109 in [crown_rot_qtl_markers_gwas_plate.sh] (https://github.com/harrisonlab/popgen/blob/master/snp/crown_rot_qtl_markers_gwas_plate.sh) and then instructions at the top of this R script.
Scripts for gene orthology assignemnt and construction of orthogroup trees; motif scanning, motif discovery and motif enrichment analyses; tests for selection based on dN/ds (nonsynonymous/synonymous) substitution rates across gene coding sequences in different species: pairwise, branch-site, branch models.
Model analysis file: clock_ortho.sh run_orthofinder.sh A fast pipeline to establish orthology between sets of protein sequences from different species using the mcl algorithm. Will also calculate FastTree gene trees for each orthogroup.
Model analysis files: clock_motif_discovery.sh and clock_motif_discovery_cont.sh Find known short sequence motifs in sequences (i.e. motif scanning), check for significant enrichment of a given motif in a set of sequences relative to the background (i.e. motif enrichment) and discover new motifs in sets of repeat-masked sequences (i.e. motif discovery).
Motif scanning: sub_glam2scan.sh Scan for a sequence motif with gaps (of non-constant length), sub_fimo.sh Scan for a sequence motif with no gaps.
Motif enrichment: sub_ame.sh Check if the set of sequences is enriched for a specific motif of fixed length. May want to use sub_fasta_subsample.sh prior to that to subsample a specific number of background sequences not expected to contain the motif in question.
Motif discovery: sub_dreme.sh Identify any ungapped short motifs for which a given set of sequences is enriched for. May want to use sub_fasta_subsample.sh prior to that to subsample a specific number of background sequences not expected to contain the motif in question. sub_glam.sh Identify any gapped short motifs for which a given set of sequences is enriched for. May want to run this analysis multiple times to check for the convergence of the top motifs identified in each run.
Model analysis file: dn_ds_analysis_pairwise_verticillium.sh Conduct pairwise dN/dS estimation for gene coding regions from two closely related species. Prepare input FASTA for genes in the same orthogroup with pairwise_ka_ks.py and carry out codon-aware alignment with TransAlign (transalign.sh) after stop codon removal (remove_terminal_stop.py). Prepare codeml control file for all the alignments in the folder with write_codeml_control.pl, run codeml and parse the output with parse_codeml_result.pl remove_terminal_stop.py Remove any stop codons hanging off the end of CDS sequences to be used in the analysis as no stop codons anywhere accepted. May want to run check_proper_cds.py first to also identify any unexpected in-frame stop codons. transalign.sh Align the nucleotide CDS sequences in the codon aware manner and generate gene trees based on their protein alignment.
Analysis of codon usage and quantification of codon usage bias in a genome, and genome-wide analysis of gene duplication distribution.
codonw.sh The basic script which accepts CDS sequences from a given genome and calculates the various metrics of codon usage and bias with the codonw program. The output can be analysed in R, for example see: codonw_analysis.R
Model analysis files: 1. fus_self_blast.sh 2. prepare_duplication_analysis_input.sh 3. dag_chainer_analysis.sh 4. final_duplication_analysis.sh
In order to carry out genome duplication analysis, first generate the Blast database of CDS nucleotide sequences, then carry out the self-on-self blastn with sub_self_blast.sh. Filter the Blast output using filter_blast.py. Generate dagchainer input with blast_to_dagchainer.py and parse the genome GFF annotation file with cds_to_chromosome_coords.py. Run the dagchainer script found in /home/sobczm/bin/DAGCHAINER/run_DAG_chainer.pl
and summarize, plot the cleaned up output with detect_duplications.py.
poretools.sh MinION run stats, and conversion from FAST5 to FASTQ and FASTA.
nanook.sh Align minION nanopore reads to a reference assembly using marginalign aligner, and generate alignment and sequencing report with nanoOK.
- Reverse complement a DNA sequence.
/home/armita/prog/emboss/EMBOSS-4.0.0/bin/revseq <INPUT> <OUTPUT>
- Unwrap all the sequnces in the FASTA file so that they span only 1 line
awk '!/^>/ { printf "%s", $0; n = "\n" } /^>/ { print n $0; n = "" } END { printf "%s", n }' <INPUT> >temp && mv temp <INPUT>
- Translate nucleotide sequences in 6 frames:
java -jar
[Translate6Frame.jar] (https://github.com/harrisonlab/popgen/blob/master/renseq/Translate6Frame.jar)-i <INPUT_FASTA_FILE> -o <OUTPUT_FASTA_FILE>
- Trinity RNA-Seq assembly given forward and reverse short reads: sub_trinity_assembly.sh
- A script to calculate basic assembly stats assemblathon_stats.pl
- Very sensitive (up to 80% sequence divergence) and slow read mapping with Stampy sub_stampy.sh
- Quickly mask nucleotide sequences with the dust algorithm: sub_fast_masking.sh
- Cluster nucleotide sequences at a given identity threshold and output consensus sequence for each cluster: sub_cluster_baits.sh
- Perform HMMER annotation with PFAM domains of given input protein sequences: sub_hmmscan.sh
- Get a numbered list showing sample order in a VCF file:
grep "#CHROM" $input_file | head -1 | awk '{for(i=10;i<=NF;++i)print $i }' | nl | sed 's/^ *//' | sed 's/\t/ /g' >names