This directory contains a script that is useful for running deconvolution on image stacks after processing and before segmentation in the CODEX pipeline.
In order to be able to use this script, you'll need to do the following:
Install Anaconda
Follow the Tensorflow instructions for GPU configuration:
- Linux: See "NVIDIA requirements to run TensorFlow with GPU support"
- Windows: See "Requirements to run TensorFlow with GPU support"
- Mac - Not supported for GPU acceleration by Tensorflow
- Note: The only things absolutely necessary on either platform are CUDA Tookit and cuDNN (I've never had to install specific drivers or anything beyond that)
Create a fresh environment
conda create -n codex python=3.6
source activate codex
- Clone and install the Flowdec project
git clone
cd flowdec/python
pip install .
- Test that Tensorflow on GPU is enabled
# Launch python shell with environment active
(codex)> python
import tensorflow as tf
hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))
If you receive no errors and you see a line in the output like "Adding visible gpu devices: 0" then everything is good to go.
- Clone this project and add necessary files to PYTHONPATH or .pth file for Anaconda environment like below
git clone
echo "$REPOS/codex/python/standalone" >> ~/anaconda3/envs/codex/lib/python3.6/site-packages/local.pth
The Deconvolution CLI should be run after running CODEX processor with deconvolution disabled and will copy any necessary metadata files as well as write deconvolution results to a new directory. Assuming the CODEX processor input dir was data/codex-acquisition-raw
and the output dir was data/codex-processor-output
, then the following example could be used to perform deconvolution:
(codex)> cd $REPOS/codex/python/standalone/deconvolution
(codex)> python \
--raw-dir=data/codex-acquisition-raw \
--input-dir=data/codex-processor-output \
See usage below for other settings/parameters but they should rarely be necessary other than perhaps --n-iter
or --dry-run
The script has the following usage:
(codex)> python --help
usage: [-h] --raw-dir RAW --input-dir INPUT
--output-dir OUTPUT [--psf-dir PSFDIR]
[--psf-pattern PSFPATTERN] [--pad-dims PADDIMS]
[--pad-mode PADMODE]
[--scale-factor SCALE_FACTOR]
[--scale-mode {stack,slice}]
[--observer-dir OBSERVER_DIR]
[--observer-coords OBSERVER_COORDS]
[--n-iter N_ITER] [--dry-run]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--raw-dir RAW Path to original data directory containing
--input-dir INPUT Path to directory containing images stacks from CODEX
--output-dir OUTPUT Path to directory to contain results
--psf-dir PSFDIR Optional path to directory containing psf stacks; if
not given PSFs will be generated based on experiment
configuration (which is almost always what you want)
--psf-pattern PSFPATTERN
Optional PSF file naming pattern; e.g. 'psf-
ch{channel_id}.tif' where channel_id is 1-based index
(must be given if --psf-dir is also provided)
--pad-dims PADDIMS Amount by which to pad a single z-stack as a 'x,y,z'
string; e.g. '0,0,6' for no x or y padding and at
least 6 units of padding in z-direction (6 units in
z-direction would correspond to 3 slices on top and 3
on bottom)
--pad-mode PADMODE Either 'log2' or 'none' indicating whether or not to
stretch dimension lengths out to those optimal for FFT
--scale-factor SCALE_FACTOR
Each z-stack will be multiplied by this number after
matching its mean intensity with that of the original
image. One reason to do this is to minimize
saturation, as seems to be the original intention in
the Akoya codebase (which uses the value 1/2, which is
the default value for the parameter).
--scale-mode {stack,slice}
One of 'stack' or 'slice' indicating whether or not
scaling should be applied to whole z-stacks or to
individual slices
--observer-dir OBSERVER_DIR
Directory in which to save per-iteration images
(useful for determining proper iteration counts
--observer-coords OBSERVER_COORDS
Coordinates of single 2D images to save per-iteration
views on, a feature helpful for choosing the number of
iterations to use; should be specified in
'<tile>,<cycle>,<channel>,<z>' format where each is a
one-based index
--n-iter N_ITER Number of Richardson-Lucy iterations to execute
(defaults to 25)
--dry-run Flag indicating to only show inputs and proposed