This is an application that will serve the needs for publishing quality content by quality user. Using this web application, user can post, edit and delete their writing. The application is using an express based server
To use this application you must first borrow Aulia Hakiem's laptop, and then run this following command from his laptop's terminal
cd phase-2/week-4/Hacktivpress
Open another tabs in the terminal then run
cd client
npm run dev
cd server
npm start
That's it, you will be able to see the content available in the local mongoose server, post new content, edit it, or delete it.
If you ever feel depressed and want to see how things work behind the scene, you can check the server using Postman application.
The server is served through http://localhost:3000/
List of user related routes:
Route | HTTP | Description |
/signup | POST | Create new user |
/login | POST | Generate token for registered user |
List of writing related routes:
Route | HTTP | Description |
/api/blogs | GET | Get all the blog content |
/api/blogs/:id | GET | Get a single blog content |
/api/blogs | POST | Create a blog content |
/api/blogs/:id | DELETE | Delete a content |
/api/blogs/:id | PUT | Update a blog with new content |
- Title: String,
- Content: String,
- Category: String,
- Author: User's ID (reference to its creator)
Hacktivpress's client side code is built by using:
- Vue (Vue CLI)
- Vuex
Hacktivpress's server side code is built by using:
- ExpressJS
- Express and Vue creator. You guys rocks.