- Support for Python 3.7 is dropped (:pull:`492`).
- New :func:`.utils.discard_on_error` and matching argument to :meth:`.TimeSeries.transact` to avoid locking :class:`.TimeSeries` / :class:`.Scenario` on failed operations with :class:`.JDBCBackend` (:pull:`488`).
- :mod:`ixmp` is tested and compatible with Python 3.11 (:pull:`481`).
- :mod:`ixmp` is tested and compatible with pandas 2.0.0 (:pull:`471`). Note that pandas 1.4.0 dropped support for Python 3.7: thus while :mod:`ixmp` still supports Python 3.7 this is achieved with pandas 1.3.x, which may not receive further updates (the last patch release was in December 2021). Support for Python 3.7 will be dropped in a future version of :mod:`ixmp`, and users are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Python.
- Bugfix: year argument to :meth:`.TimeSeries.timeseries` accepts :class:`int` or :class:`list` of :class:`int` (:issue:`440`, :pull:`469`).
- Adjust to pandas 1.5.0 (:pull:`458`).
- New module :mod:`.util.sphinx_linkcode_github` to link documentation to source code on GitHub (:pull:`459`).
- Optionally tolerate failures to add individual items in :func:`.store_ts` reporting computation (:pull:`451`); use
in check-out to function with :class:`.Scenario` with solution data stored. - Bugfix: :class:`.Config` squashed configuration values read from :file:`config.json`, if the respective keys were registered in downstream packages, e.g. :mod:`message_ix`. Allow the values loaded from file to persist (:pull:`451`).
- Adjust to genno 1.12 and set this as the minimum required version for :mod:`ixmp.reporting` (:pull:`451`).
- Add :meth:`.enforce` to the :class:`~.base.Model` API for enforcing structure/data consistency before :meth:`.Model.solve` (:pull:`450`).
Add new logo and diagram to the documentation (:pull:`446`).
Raise an informative :class:`ValueError` when adding infinite values with :meth:`.add_timeseries`; this is unsupported on :class:`.JDBCBackend` when connected to an Oracle database (:pull:`443`, :issue:`442`).
New attribute :attr:`.url` for convenience in constructing :class:`.TimeSeries`/:class:`.Scenario` URLS (:pull:`444`).
New :func:`.store_ts` reporting computation for storing time-series data on a :class:`.TimeSeries`/:class:`.Scenario` (:pull:`444`).
Improve performance in :meth:`.add_par` (:pull:`441`).
Minimum requirements are increased for dependencies (:pull:`435`):
- Python 3.7 or greater. Python 3.6 reached end-of-life on 2021-12-31.
- Pandas 1.2 (2020-12-26) or greater, the oldest version with a minimum Python version of 3.7.
Improvements to configuration (:pull:`435`):
- The jvmargs argument to :class:`.JDBCBackend` can be set via the command line (:program:`ixmp platform add …`) or :meth:`.Config.add_platform`; see :ref:`configuration` (:issue:`408`).
- Bug fix: user config file values from downstream packages (e.g. :mod:`message_ix`) are respected (:issue:`415`).
Security: upgrade Log4j to 2.17.1 in Java code underlying :class:`.JDBCBackend` to address CVE-2021-44228, a.k.a. “Log4Shell” (:pull:`445`).
The ixmp Python package is not network-facing per se (unless exposed as such by user code; we are not aware of any such applications), so remote code execution attacks are not a significant concern. However, users should still avoid running unknown or untrusted code provided by third parties with versions of ixmp prior to 3.5.0, as such code could be deliberately crafted to exploit the vulnerability.
:func:`ixmp.utils.isscalar` is deprecated. Code should use :func:`numpy.isscalar`.
- Add :meth:`.TimeSeries.transact`, for wrapping data manipulations in :meth:`~.TimeSeries.check_out` and :meth:`~.TimeSeries.commit` operations (:pull:`422`).
- Add :doc:`data-model`, a documentation page giving a complete description of the :mod:`ixmp` data model (:pull:`422`).
- Add the :command:`pytest --user-config` command-line option, to use user's local configuration when testing (:pull:`422`).
- Adjust :func:`.format_scenario_list` for changes in :mod:`pandas` 1.3.0 (:pull:`421`).
is deprecated, though not yet removed, as newer versions of the R reticulate package allow direct import and use of the Python modules with full functionality.
See the updated page for :doc:`api-r`.
- Add
ixmp config show
CLI command (:pull:`416`). - Add :mod:`genno` and :mod:`message_ix_models` to the output of :func:`show_versions` /
ixmp show-versions
(:pull:`416`). - Clean up test suite, improve performance, increase coverage (:pull:`416`).
- Adjust documentation for deprecation of
(:pull:`416`). - Deprecate :func:`.utils.logger` (:pull:`399`).
- Add a quiet option to :meth:`.GAMSModel.solve` and use in testing (:pull:`399`).
- Fix :class:`.GAMSModel` would try to write GDX data to filenames containing invalid characters on Windows (:pull:`398`).
- Format user-friendly exceptions when GAMSModel errors (:issue:`383`, :pull:`398`).
- Adjust :mod:`ixmp.reporting` to use :mod:`genno` (:pull:`397`).
- Fix two minor bugs in reporting (:pull:`396`).
- Increase JPype minimum version to 1.2.1 (:pull:`394`).
- Adjust test suite for pandas v1.2.0 (:pull:`391`).
- Raise clearer exceptions from :meth:`.add_par` for incorrect parameters; silently handle empty data (:pull:`374`).
- Depend on :mod:`openpyxl` instead of :mod:`xlrd` and :mod:`xlsxwriter` for Excel I/O; :mod:`xlrd` versions 2.0.0 and later do not support :file:`.xlsx` (:pull:`389`).
- Add a parameter for exporting all model+scenario run versions to :meth:`.Platform.export_timeseries_data`, and fix a bug where exporting all runs happens uninteneded (:pull:`367`).
- Silence noisy output from ignored exceptions on JDBCBackend/JVM shutdown (:pull:`378`).
- Add a utility method, :func:`.gams_version`, to check the installed version of GAMS (:pull:`376`).
The result is displayed by the
ixmp show-versions
CLI command/:func:`.show_versions`. - :meth:`.init_par` and related methods accept any sequence (not merely :class:`list`) of :class:`str` for the idx_sets and idx_names arguments (:pull:`376`).
ixmp v3.1.0 coincides with message_ix v3.1.0.
- Fix a bug in :meth:`.read_excel` when parameter data is spread across multiple sheets (:pull:`345`).
- Expand documentation and revise installation instructions (:pull:`363`).
- Raise Python exceptions from :class:`.JDBCBackend` (:pull:`362`).
- Add :meth:`Scenario.items`, :func:`.utils.diff`, and allow using filters in CLI command
ixmp export
(:pull:`354`). - Add functionality for storing ‘meta’ (annotations of model names, scenario names, versions, and some combinations thereof) (:pull:`353`).
- Add :meth:`.Backend.add_model_name`, :meth:`~.Backend.add_scenario_name`, :meth:`~.Backend.get_model_names`, :meth:`~.Backend.get_scenario_names`, :meth:`~.Backend.get_meta`, :meth:`~.Backend.set_meta`, :meth:`~.Backend.remove_meta`.
- Allow these to be called from :class:`.Platform` instances.
- Remove :meth:`.Scenario.delete_meta`.
- Avoid modifying indexers dictionary in :meth:`.AttrSeries.sel` (:pull:`349`).
- Add region/unit parameters to :meth:`.Platform.export_timeseries_data` (:pull:`343`).
- Preserve dtypes of index columns in :func:`.data_for_quantity` (:pull:`347`).
ixmp show-versions
includes the path to the default JVM used by JDBCBackend/JPype (:pull:`339`).- Make :class:`reporting.Quantity` classes interchangeable (:pull:`317`).
- Use GitHub Actions for continuous testing and integration (:pull:`330`).
ixmp v3.0.0 coincides with message_ix v3.0.0.
- Excel input/output (I/O)
The file format used by :meth:`.Scenario.to_excel` and :meth:`.read_excel` is now fully specified; see :doc:`file-io`.
ixmp writes and reads items with more elements than the ~10⁶ row maximum of the Excel data format, by splitting these across multiple sheets.
The I/O code now explicitly checks for situations where the index sets and names for an item are ambiguous; see :ref:`this example <excel-ambiguous-dims>` for how to initialize and read these items.
- Updated dependencies
The minimum versions of the following dependencies are increased:
- JPype1 0.7.5
- pandas 1.0
- dask 2.14 (for reporting)
- Deprecations and deprecation policy
The following items, marked as deprecated in ixmp 2.0, are removed (:pull:`254`):
- :file:`$HOME/.local/ixmp/` as a configuration location. Configuration files are now placed in the standard :file:`$HOME/.local/share/ixmp/`.
- positional and
arguments to :class:`.Platform`/:class:`.JDBCBackend`. first_model_year=
, andscen=
arguments to :meth:`~.Scenario.clone`. Use shift_first_model_year, keep_solution, and scenario, respectively.rixmp.legacy
, an earlier version of :ref:`the R interface <rixmp>` that did not use reticulate.
Newly deprecated is:
- cache keyword argument to :class:`.Scenario`. Caching is controlled at the :class:`.Platform`/Backend level, using the same keyword argument.
Starting with ixmp v3.0, arguments and other features marked as deprecated will follow a standard deprecation policy: they will be removed no sooner than the second major release following the release in which they are marked deprecated. For instance, a feature marked deprecated in ixmp version "10.5" would be retained in ixmp versions "11.x", and removed only in version "12.0" or later.
- Bump JPype dependency to 0.7.5 (:pull:`327`).
- Improve memory management in :class:`.JDBCBackend` (:pull:`298`).
- Raise user-friendly exceptions from :meth:`.Reporter.get` in Jupyter notebooks and other read–evaluate–print loops (REPLs) (:pull:`316`).
- Ensure :meth:`.Model.initialize` is always called for new and cloned objects (:pull:`315`).
- Add CLI command ixmp show-versions to print ixmp and dependency versions for debugging (:pull:`320`).
- Bulk saving for metadata and exposing documentation AP (:pull:`314`)I
- Add :meth:`~.computations.apply_units`, :meth:`~computations.select` reporting calculations; expand :meth:`.Reporter.add` (:pull:`312`).
- :meth:`.Reporter.add_product` accepts a :class:`.Key` with a tag; :func:`~.computations.aggregate` preserves :class:`.Quantity` attributes (:pull:`310`).
- Add CLI command
ixmp solve
to run model solver (:pull:`304`). - Add dims and units arguments to :meth:`Reporter.add_file`; remove :meth:`Reporter.read_config` (redundant with :meth:`Reporter.configure`) (:pull:`303`).
- Add option to include subannual column in dataframe returned by :meth:`.TimeSeries.timeseries` (:pull:`295`).
- Add :meth:`.Scenario.to_excel` and :meth:`.read_excel`; this functionality is transferred to ixmp from :mod:`message_ix` and enhanced for dealing with maximum row limits in Excel (:pull:`286`, :pull:`297`, :pull:`309`).
- Include all tests in the ixmp package (:pull:`270`).
- Add :meth:`Model.initialize` API to help populate new Scenarios according to a model scheme (:pull:`212`).
- Apply units to reported quantities (:pull:`267`).
- Increase minimum pandas version to 1.0; adjust for API changes and deprecations (:pull:`261`).
- Add :meth:`.export_timeseries_data` to write data for multiple scenarios to CSV (:pull:`243`).
- Implement methods to get and create new subannual timeslices (:pull:`264`).
ixmp v2.0.0 coincides with message_ix v2.0.0.
Support for Python 2.7 is dropped as it has reached end-of-life, meaning no further releases will be made even to fix bugs.
See PEP-0373 and https://python3statement.org.
users must upgrade to Python 3.
Configuration for ixmp and its storage backends has been streamlined.
See the ref:Configuration section of the documentation for complete details on how to use ixmp platform add
register local and remote databases.
To migrate from pre-2.0 settings:
…pointed to a directory containing database properties (.properties) files.
- All Platform configuration is stored in one ixmp configuration file, config.json, and manipulated using the
ixmp platform
command and subcommands. - The :class:`.Platform` constructor accepts the name of a stored platform configuration.
- Different storage backends may accept relative or absolute paths to backend-specific configuration files.
- All Platform configuration is stored in one ixmp configuration file, config.json, and manipulated using the
…gave a default backend via a file path.
- On the command line, use
ixmp platform add default NAME
to setNAME
as the default platform. - This platform is loaded when
is called without any arguments.
- On the command line, use
…pointed to a default local database.
- :obj:`.ixmp.config` always contains a platform named 'local' that is located below the configuration path, in the directory 'localdb/default'.
- To change the location for this platform, use e.g.:
ixmp platform add local jdbc hsqldb PATH
- Add
ixmp list
command-line tool (:pull:`240`). - Ensure filters are always converted to string (:pull:`225`).
- Identify and load Scenarios using URLs (:pull:`189`).
- Add new Backend, Model APIs and CachingBackend, JDBCBackend, GAMSModel classes (:pull:`182`, :pull:`200`, :pull:`213`, :pull:`217`, :pull:`230`, :pull:`245`, :pull:`246`).
- Enhance reporting (:pull:`188`, :pull:`195`).
- Add ability to pass gams_args through :meth:`.solve` (:pull:`177`).
- Drop support for Python 2.7 (:pull:`175`, :pull:`239`).
- Set convertStrings=True for JPype >= 0.7; see the JPype changelog (:pull:`174`).
- Make AppVeyor CI more robust; support pandas 0.25.0 (:pull:`173`).
- Add support for handling geodata (:pull:`165`).
- Fix exposing whole config file to log output (:pull:`232`).
ixmp 0.2.0 provides full support for :meth:`~.Scenario.clone` across platforms (database instances), e.g. from a remote database to a local HSQL database. IAMC-style timeseries data is better supported, and can be used to store processed results, together with model variables and equations.
Other improvements include a new, dedicated :mod:`.ixmp.testing` module, and user-supplied callbacks in :meth:`.solve`.
The retixmp
package using reticulate to access the ixmp API is renamed to rixmp
and now has its own unit tests (the former rixmp
package can be accessed as rixmp.legacy
Release 0.2.0 coincides with MESSAGEix release 1.2.0.
- Test
) using the Rtestthat
package (:pull:`135`). - Cloning across platforms, better support of IAMC_style timeseries data, preparations for MESSAGEix release 1.2 in Java core (:pull:`142`).
- Support iterating with user-supplied callbacks (:pull:`115`).
- Recognize
environment variable for configuration and local databases (:pull:`130`). - Fully implement :meth:`~.Scenario.clone` across platforms (databases) (:pull:`129`, :pull:`132`).
- New module :mod:`ixmp.testing` for reuse of testing utilities (:pull:`128`, :pull:`137`).
- Add functions to view and add regions for IAMC-style timeseries data (:pull:`125`).
- Return absolute path from
(:pull:`123`). - Switch to RTD Sphinx theme (:pull:`118`).
- Bugfix and extend functionality for working with IAMC-style timeseries data (:pull:`116`).
- Add functions to check if a Scenario has an item (set, par, var, equ) (:pull:`111`).
- Generalize the internal functions to format index dimensions for mapping sets and parameters (:pull:`110`).
- Improve documentation (:pull:`108`).
- Replace deprecated pandas
indexer with.iloc
(:pull:`105`). - Specify dependencies in setup.py (:pull:`103`).
- Connecting to multiple databases, updating MESSAGE-scheme scenario specifications to version 1.1 (:pull:`88`).
- Can now set logging level which is harmonized between Java and Python (:pull:`80`).
- Adding a deprecated-warning for ixmp.Scenario with scheme=='MESSAGE' (:pull:`79`).
- Changing the API from
toixmp.Scenario(mp, ...)
(:pull:`76`). - Adding a function :meth:`~.Scenario.has_solution`, rename kwargs to ..._solution (:pull:`73`).
- Bring retixmp available to other users (:pull:`69`).
- Support writing multiple sheets to Excel in utils.pd_write (:pull:`64`).
- Now able to connect to multiple databases (Platforms) (:pull:`61`).
- Add MacOSX support in CI (:pull:`58`).
- Add ability to load all scenario data into memory for fast subsequent computation (:pull:`52`).