Releases: guardianproject/proofmode-android
ProofMode Android 0.0.14-BETA-1
- Updated to BouncyCastle 1.68 (replaced older SpongyCastle)
- Moved target to SDK 30 / Android 11; removed dependency on requestlegacyexternalstorage
- Fixes for reliably accessing source media files from Google Photos share
8260684 (HEAD -> master, tag: library-0.8, tag: 0.0.14-BETA-1) update to 0.0.14-BETA-1
71b52fd update libproofmode to 0.8
6067ec9 (origin/master) simplify launch of jobs; no handler or runnable needed
d079be1 find acutal content URI encoded in path for some apps
0022b44 major update motivated by #68 - return to bouncycastle and move to SDK 30 - switched back to original bouncycastle crypto library since it now works with Android (no longer need special spongycastle android release) - moved to SDK 30 target - removed the requestlegacyexternalstorage permission, and moved to pure MediaStore and Content URI approach - moved storage of proof metadata to more secure internal storage, shared via intent, FileProviders
4c04b67 (private_artwork) addresses #78 to request background location permission
b01fe92 fix issue with dotted progress view build
4e0aee4 update gradle and build tools
0636dc1 Merge branch 'master' into private_artwork
b7b849f idea project updates
e41b7e5 add new presentation
157010a (npexdev2/private_artwork) update proofmode, and gradle
c3a7ca5 Merge branch 'master' into private_artwork
ProofMode Android 0.0.13-RC-3
c3a7ca5 (HEAD -> private_artwork) Merge branch 'master' into private_artwork
2877a36 (tag: 0.0.13-RC-3, master) update app to 0.0.13-RC-3
6824482 (tag: library-0.7) update library to 0.7
eb2186a (origin/master) for #64, make sure we are online before notarizing
908c2fe modifications for #63 to address permission issues with location and cellular info - for now, if showLocation is false, we will also not get cellular info - GPSTracker is init is now moved after the showLocation check - otherwise, we leave permission checking up to the app itself, and not part of the library
bab0f10 (tag: 0.0.13-RC-2) update app to 0.0.13-RC-2
669b9c3 (tag: library-0.6) update library to 0.6
069cafc update path handling to work with hashes
01405ff add Android Q property to allow system access
7cffc54 update app to 0.0.13-RC-1
5b461dc (tag: library-0.0.5) udpate libproofmode file to 0.0.5
49297d2 final changes for moving to URI/InputStream instead of File args
dbb0dc4 change notarization to use inputstream instead of file
8e9bcbe fixes #65 updating the key type for PGP
553d757 change hash function to use stream instead of file
f705da0 (tag: library-0.4) update full app to AndroidX
0170ee4 remove java-opentimestamps fork; now using source library via gradle updated to
828a27c update library to 0.4 - move to AndroidX - switch to com.eternitywall:java-opentimestamps:1.17 for #39 - update to SafetyNet v17 for #66
b6662e0 update library to 0.0.4
0e7b2c4 turn lint abort off
5b27efe update libproofmode XML configuration
e06e4d3 update library manifest to include permissions
20b98e9 update library to v28
4ee3b1b update travis config
960552c update travis
71da1af Merge branch 'master' into private_artwork
ProofMode Android 0.0.12-RC-1
b6662e0 (HEAD -> master, origin/master) update library to 0.0.4
0e7b2c4 turn lint abort off
5b27efe update libproofmode XML configuration
e06e4d3 update library manifest to include permissions
20b98e9 update library to v28
4ee3b1b update travis config
d589240 (tag: 0.0.12-RC-1) update to 0.0.12-RC-1
ebb3a1e fix setup of photo and video jobs
4f9ba4b (npexdev2/ui_updates) Merge branch 'ui_updates' of into npexdev2/ui_updates
2a801f4 (npexdev2/ui_updates) Small layout tweak
5a947c2 Update some project files
0389d3a Remove unused SVG:s
6ec7fbf Use toggles for on/off
3c79d26 Add digital signatures icon
4c717fc Add digital signatures view
a1b6022 Change copy on "no proof" screen
bd1d8d6 Add bullet point to robust info
41d8213 Fix line weight for phone icon
f1b2f10 Build 117
7e0eed3 Style changes and image fixes
7e6bdc8 Merge branch 'new_ui' into custom_artwork
9df6074 Build 116
3b6675f Merge branch 'new_ui' into custom_artwork
b1e2147 Update share styling for when no proof
925054d custom artwork
7294f30 UI updates
e4703b1 Handle back button in tutorial/howitworks
517d7ba Cleanup unused svgs
dd13af3 Change tutorial images to xml drawables
7555d0e Updated icons and added data legend
52642a2 Styling changes
cbaca73 update project files
e83a7a4 Add channel id for notifications on O and newer
b0aa10a Don't hardcode settings strings
f8c3992 Fonts
3507554 Copy changes
7f294c2 Settings icons
104658e Default options to off
ab093a7 Make both "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" and "CAMERA" required for ProofMode = on
654d1fc New artwork
404399c Styling tweaks
06e2f46 Permission work for settings
1a0f53b Work on permission handling
d12a1ec Styling work
3428d51 Added text to the permission location view
7829771 Settings and more styling
fd39198 New main screen with tap and hold
167a1ab Added generic get permission activity
4e207bd Remove debug code
b0e2032 Onboarding changes
537430a Onbarding screens added
ed2d59e Update build files
902d7db updated library to 0.3
6649611 (npexdev/master) improve ProofMode API and clean up code
0601241 update build versions for libs
eae0e25 update gradle and dependency strategy
7ac9549 add maven deployment to gpmaven repo
f418373 fix incorrect reference to string in library
59c446b one more fix for proofmode library
abe2175 update use of Google SafetyNet Verification API
fca5a7d add file for google api values
97efde6 update gitignore
3f5f812 remove timebeat support for now (in favor of open solutions)
3987efe improvements to libProofMode use and setup
2ca0475 adding code of conduct!
025bf30 separate core proofmode service into library
9964b83 small fixes for opentimestamps support
14c65a4 add support for opentimestamps notarizations
ProofMode 0.0.11 beta 2
86aceab update to 0.0.11-beta-2 build 112
0078d33 big update for UI for sharing and generating proof
e8d29fb remove unused code
ba11af3 update to 0.0.11-beta-1 build 110
2ef1f99 support sharing zip for Signal
9dd80b5 improvements to background operatoin
f7181f6 update style for v21
eb89e03 update gradle depends
0fa64db update to improve proof and media file sharing
e5a2f69 renable support for SDK 16+
c6fc139 fix bug in path generation code (for Galaxy S6)
ProofMode 0.0.10 RC 3
e5a2f69 renable support for SDK 16+
c6fc139 fix bug in path generation code (for Galaxy S6)
afc6447 update to 0.0.10-RC-2
3d54f5f disable timebeat notarizatoin for now
474267e don't share data when you share a stream!
acf81f8 more updates for spanish
0adc8db get rest of strings for localization
e635bcd add new spanish strings translations
1ab4534 update to 0.0.10-RC-1
715e4f9 improving sharing to support ZIP file for full media sharing
698d0f0 For #32, implement cell tower data lookup
6df2fab comment these out so people must fill in with their own key
7267c76 Update enigio.xml
c71bb64 add transifex configuration
e61a169 improvements to proof generation
9f7fde0 removing french translations of styles (not needed)
c2be79c Merge pull request #29 from YannAries/pre-release-FR-trad
89ee260 update to 0.0.10-beta-1
4680014 multiple fixes for file permission, geo location and other permission issues
ce9ad4d update to SDK 27 and gradle 3.x
dee964c Add French translation
0501022 improve crash reporting
f37c7ab Improve display of the date/time in proof message
cc241a8 Make the Tile in the proper state
26b612e JJust display the short version of the key
e7bcac7 add a "standby" message while proof is assemble...
fa3d48d add proof fetching for Enigio TimeBeat API
fa8436a ignore enigio local value modifications for release build
cf249b5 add empty strings for Enigio TimeBeat API
abff3c2 update mrb to gradle
21d3270 update mrb
ac133e1 add make-release-build for f-droid
00811be update to 0.0.10-alpha-1 (build 101)
6517b7e generate proof data at time of share if it doesn't exist
f93b6fe improvements to reliability of contentjob monitors
4309afe for #22 improve export share UX
862284d externalize strings so we can fully localize the app
3099cfa update gitignore
7e59a57 improve reliability of media processing, and add new metadata from notarizatoin
917f57d used the cached location for now - need to improve location UX to support refreshing from service bg thread
c661490 enhance notarization provider to support async response
5b11440 update gradle version
7d30148 more progress on new crypto notarizatoin features
307a824 format datetime as string #17
b3b7e47 fix tile toggle state to be correct
ProofMode 0.0.10 RC 2
afc6447 update to 0.0.10-RC-2
3d54f5f disable timebeat notarizatoin for now
474267e don't share data when you share a stream!
acf81f8 more updates for spanish
0adc8db get rest of strings for localization
e635bcd add new spanish strings translations
1ab4534 update to 0.0.10-RC-1
715e4f9 improving sharing to support ZIP file for full media sharing
698d0f0 For #32, implement cell tower data lookup
6df2fab comment these out so people must fill in with their own key
7267c76 Update enigio.xml
c71bb64 add transifex configuration
e61a169 improvements to proof generation
9f7fde0 removing french translations of styles (not needed)
c2be79c Merge pull request #29 from YannAries/pre-release-FR-trad
ProofMode 0.0.10-RC-1
1ab4534 update to 0.0.10-RC-1
715e4f9 improving sharing to support ZIP file for full media sharing
698d0f0 For #32, implement cell tower data lookup
6df2fab comment these out so people must fill in with their own key
7267c76 Update enigio.xml
c71bb64 add transifex configuration
e61a169 improvements to proof generation
9f7fde0 removing french translations of styles (not needed)
c2be79c Merge pull request #29 from YannAries/pre-release-FR-trad
89ee260 update to 0.0.10-beta-1
4680014 multiple fixes for file permission, geo location and other permission issues
ce9ad4d update to SDK 27 and gradle 3.x
dee964c Add French translation
0501022 improve crash reporting
f37c7ab Improve display of the date/time in proof message
cc241a8 Make the Tile in the proper state
26b612e JJust display the short version of the key
e7bcac7 add a "standby" message while proof is assemble...
fa3d48d add proof fetching for Enigio TimeBeat API
fa8436a ignore enigio local value modifications for release build
cf249b5 add empty strings for Enigio TimeBeat API
abff3c2 update mrb to gradle
21d3270 update mrb
ac133e1 add make-release-build for f-droid
00811be update to 0.0.10-alpha-1 (build 101)
6517b7e generate proof data at time of share if it doesn't exist
f93b6fe improvements to reliability of contentjob monitors
4309afe for #22 improve export share UX
862284d externalize strings so we can fully localize the app
3099cfa update gitignore
7e59a57 improve reliability of media processing, and add new metadata from notarizatoin
917f57d used the cached location for now - need to improve location UX to support refreshing from service bg thread
c661490 enhance notarization provider to support async response
5b11440 update gradle version
7d30148 more progress on new crypto notarizatoin features
307a824 format datetime as string #17
b3b7e47 fix tile toggle state to be correct
ProofMode 0.0.10 beta 1
89ee260 update to 0.0.10-beta-1
4680014 multiple fixes for file permission, geo location and other permission issues
ce9ad4d update to SDK 27 and gradle 3.x
0501022 improve crash reporting
f37c7ab Improve display of the date/time in proof message
cc241a8 Make the Tile in the proper state
26b612e JJust display the short version of the key
e7bcac7 add a "standby" message while proof is assemble...
fa3d48d add proof fetching for Enigio TimeBeat API
fa8436a ignore enigio local value modifications for release build
cf249b5 add empty strings for Enigio TimeBeat API
abff3c2 update mrb to gradle
21d3270 update mrb
ac133e1 add make-release-build for f-droid
00811be update to 0.0.10-alpha-1 (build 101)
6517b7e generate proof data at time of share if it doesn't exist
f93b6fe improvements to reliability of contentjob monitors
4309afe for #22 improve export share UX
862284d externalize strings so we can fully localize the app
3099cfa update gitignore
7e59a57 improve reliability of media processing, and add new metadata from notarizatoin
917f57d used the cached location for now - need to improve location UX to support refreshing from service bg thread
c661490 enhance notarization provider to support async response
5b11440 update gradle version
7d30148 more progress on new crypto notarizatoin features
307a824 format datetime as string #17
b3b7e47 fix tile toggle state to be correct
ProofMode 0.0.10 Alpha 2
501022 improve crash reporting
f37c7ab Improve display of the date/time in proof message
cc241a8 Make the Tile in the proper state
26b612e JJust display the short version of the key
e7bcac7 add a "standby" message while proof is assemble...
fa3d48d add proof fetching for Enigio TimeBeat API
fa8436a ignore enigio local value modifications for release build
cf249b5 add empty strings for Enigio TimeBeat API
abff3c2 update mrb to gradle
21d3270 update mrb
ac133e1 add make-release-build for f-droid
ProofMode 0.0.10 Alpha 1
6517b7e generate proof data at time of share if it doesn't exist
f93b6fe improvements to reliability of contentjob monitors
4309afe for #22 improve export share UX
862284d externalize strings so we can fully localize the app
7e59a57 improve reliability of media processing, and add new metadata from notarizatoin
917f57d used the cached location for now - need to improve location UX to support refreshing from service bg thread
c661490 enhance notarization provider to support async response
7d30148 more progress on new crypto notarizatoin features
307a824 format datetime as string #17
b3b7e47 fix tile toggle state to be correct