Tags: #ml-dataset #computer-vision
Curated, small color image dataset. Mutually exclusive with [[CIFAR-10 Dataset]].
Source | Date | Label Types | Samples (Train/Test) | Classes | Commercial Use? |
Technical Report | 2009 | Classes | 60,000 (50,000/10,000) | 100 | Unknown |
Created by Krizhevsky and Hinton. From the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.
Tiny, color images are 32x32 pixels big. 6,000 images per class. Derived from the now defunct TinyImages dataset.
Two-level hierarchy with 20 top-level categories and a total of 100 classes:
- Aquatic mammals
- Fish
- Flowers
- Food containers
- Fruit and vegetables
- Household electrical devices
- Household furniture
- Insects
- Large carnivores
- Large man-made outdoor things
- Large natural outdoor scenes
- Large omnivores and herbivores
- Medium-sized mammals
- Non-insect invertabrates
- People
- Reptiles
- Small mammals
- Trees
- Vehicles 1
- Vehicles 2