Tags: #ml-dataset #computer-vision
Curated, small color image dataset. Mutually exclusive with [[CIFAR-100 Dataset|CIFAR-100]].
Source | Date | Label Types | Samples (Train/Test) | Classes | Commercial Use? |
Technical Report | 2009 | Classes | 60,000 (50,000/10,000) | 10 | Unknown |
Created by Krizhevsky and Hinton. From the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.
Tiny, color images are 32x32 pixels big. 6,000 images per class. Derived from the now defunct TinyImages dataset. 5 splits provided for reproducible K-folds.
Simple classes:
- Airplane
- Automobile
- Bird
- Cat
- Deer
- Dog
- Frog
- Horse
- Ship
- Truck