- DeltaCall / DeltaPut
- ThetaCall / ThetaPut
- OptionGamma
- Vega
- RhoCall / RhoPut
- IntrinsicValueCall / IntrinsicValuePut
- InTheMoneyCall / InTheMoneyPut
- Black-Scholes-Merton
- EuroCall Calculate the price of a European call option with or without dividends
- EuroPut Calculate the price of a European put option with or without dividends
- Utility Functions
- CAGRd Calculate discrete Compound Annual Growth Rate
- r_continuous Convert from discrete to continuous CAGR
- r_discrete Convert from continuous to discrete CAGR
- Put/Call Parity
- CallParity Convert from a put-option price using put/call parity
- PutParity Convert from a call-option price using put/call parity
- Risk Neutral/Forwards
- RiskNeutralProb Binomial tree risk-neutral probability
- ForwardPrice Forward price with or without income or yield
- ForwardRate Forward rate from Time1 to Time2 (discrete compounding)
- Installed but not yet undocumented
- CashCall
- CashPut
- AssetCall
- AssetPut
- American_Put_Binomial
- DeltaCall
- DeltaPut
- OptionGamma
- ThetaCall
- ThetaPut
- Vega
- RhoFuturesCall
- RhoFuturesPut
- RhoFXCall
- RhoFXPut
- RhoCall
- RhoPut
- EuroCallVol
- EuroPutlVol
- Black_Scholes_Call_Implied_Vol
- Black_Scholes_Put_Implied_Vol
- ImpVolCall
- ImpVolPut
- American_Call_Dividend
- Black-Scholes-Merton
- utilities examples of the utility functions
- black-scholes-merton examples of options pricing
- USTreasuryRates downloads a data.frame with daily data from 1962
- PrintYieldCurves prints one or more yield curves
- APY converts Constant-Maturity Treasury (CMT) yields to Annualized Percentage Yields (APY)
- cmt-rates a description of Constant Maturity and Annualized Percentage rates
- yield-curves examples of downloading the data and printing yield curves for interesting periods in recent financial history
- plot-10year a plot of the 10-year from 1962 to present
- USTreasuryRates Test data download : ...............
- APY Test APY : ..
- No errors, warnings or notes
- "Status: OK, R CMD check succeeded""
- devtools::install_github("grfiv/ustreasuries", build_vignettes=TRUE)
successfully tested
- devtools::install_github("grfiv/ustreasuries", build_vignettes=TRUE)