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- Author : Nenad Filipovic
- Date : Mar 2021.
- Type : I2C type
We provide a library for the BleTx Click as well as a demo application (example), developed using MikroElektronika compilers. The demo can run on all the main MikroElektronika development boards.
Package can be downloaded/installed directly from NECTO Studio Package Manager(recommended way), downloaded from our LibStock™ or found on mikroE github account.
This library contains API for BleTx Click driver.
Config Object Initialization function.
void bletx_cfg_setup ( bletx_cfg_t *cfg );
Initialization function.
BLETX_RETVAL bletx_init ( bletx_t *ctx, bletx_cfg_t *cfg );
Click Default Configuration function.
void bletx_default_cfg ( bletx_t *ctx );
BLE TX start advertising function.
err_t bletx_start_advertising ( bletx_t *ctx );
BLE TX configuration setting function
err_t bletx_set_configuration ( bletx_t *ctx, bletx_adv_cfg_t adv_cfg );
BLE TX create Eddystone™ URI data packet function.
err_t bletx_create_eddystone_uri ( bletx_t *ctx, bletx_eddystone_data_t adv_data );
This library contains API for the Ble TX Click driver. This example processes data from Ble TX Click, Ble TX Click Bluetooth® Low Energy compliant advertising transmission can be achieved by simply configuring the transmission power, data, and transmission - start trigger.
The demo application is composed of two sections :
Initialization of I2C module and log UART. Initializes driver and set performs the default configuration. Configure Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons to transmit so-called advertising frames. Configuration of the Eddystone URI, UID, or TLM Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons profile task depends on uncommented code. Eddystone ( URI ) : broadcasts a URL of at most 15 characters that redirects to a website that is secured using SSL. Eddystone ( UID ) : broadcasts an identifying code that allows apps to retrieve information from app servers. Eddystone ( TLM ) : broadcasts information about the beacon, include battery level, sensor data, or other relevant information to beacon administrators.
void application_init ( void ) {
log_cfg_t log_cfg; /**< Logger config object. */
bletx_cfg_t bletx_cfg; /**< Click config object. */
// Logger initialization.
LOG_MAP_USB_UART( log_cfg );
log_cfg.level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
log_cfg.baud = 115200;
log_init( &logger, &log_cfg );
log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
log_info( &logger, " Application Init " );
// Click initialization.
bletx_cfg_setup( &bletx_cfg );
err_t init_flag = bletx_init( &bletx, &bletx_cfg );
if ( init_flag == I2C_MASTER_ERROR ) {
log_error( &logger, " Application Init Error. " );
log_info( &logger, " Please, run program again... " );
for ( ; ; );
bletx_default_cfg ( &bletx );
log_info( &logger, " Application Task " );
Delay_ms( 10 );
adv_cfg.adv_ch_1_frequency = ADVCH1_37_Ch_2402_MHz;
adv_cfg.adv_ch_2_frequency = ADVCH2_38_Ch_2426_MHz;
adv_cfg.adv_ch_3_frequency = ADVCH3_39_Ch_2480_MHz;
adv_cfg.tx_output_power = TX_POWER_0_dBm;
adv_cfg.txdata_loop = 0;
adv_cfg.txdata_cw = 0;
adv_cfg.eventnum = 0;
adv_cfg.advdelay_enb = 0x80;
adv_cfg.avdintvl_interval_ms = 0;
adv_cfg.crc_enb = 0x80;
adv_cfg.white_enb = 0x40;
adv_cfg.pdu_len = 39;
adv_cfg.uuid[ 0 ] = 0x11;
adv_cfg.uuid[ 1 ] = 0x22;
adv_cfg.uuid[ 2 ] = 0x33;
adv_cfg.uuid[ 3 ] = 0x44;
adv_cfg.uuid[ 4 ] = 0x55;
adv_cfg.uuid[ 5 ] = 0x66;
bletx_set_configuration( &bletx, adv_cfg );
Delay_ms( 100 );
#ifdef URI
adv_data.length_of_service_list = 3;
adv_data.param_service_list = 3;
adv_data.eddystone_id = BLETX_EDDYSTONE_SERVICE_UUID;
adv_data.length_of_service_data = 13;
adv_data.frame_type_url = BLETX_EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TYPE_URL;
adv_data.power = BLETX_TX_POWER_LVL_MODE_LOW;
adv_data.advdata_url[ 0 ] = 'm';
adv_data.advdata_url[ 1 ] = 'i';
adv_data.advdata_url[ 2 ] = 'k';
adv_data.advdata_url[ 3 ] = 'r';
adv_data.advdata_url[ 4 ] = 'o';
adv_data.advdata_url[ 5 ] = 'e';
bletx_create_eddystone_uri ( &bletx, adv_data );
#ifdef UID
adv_data.length_of_service_list = 3;
adv_data.param_service_list = 3;
adv_data.eddystone_id = BLETX_EDDYSTONE_SERVICE_UUID;
adv_data.length_of_service_data = 23;
adv_data.frame_type_url = BLETX_EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TYPE_UID;
adv_data.power = BLETX_TX_POWER_LVL_MODE_LOW;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 0 ] = 0x01;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 1 ] = 0x02;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 2 ] = 0x03;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 3 ] = 0x04;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 4 ] = 0x05;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 5 ] = 0x06;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 6 ] = 0x07;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 7 ] = 0x08;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 8 ] = 0x09;
adv_data.name_space_id[ 9 ] = 0x0A;
adv_data.instance_id[ 0 ] = 0x01;
adv_data.instance_id[ 1 ] = 0x23;
adv_data.instance_id[ 2 ] = 0x45;
adv_data.instance_id[ 3 ] = 0x67;
adv_data.instance_id[ 4 ] = 0x89;
adv_data.instance_id[ 5 ] = 0xAB;
bletx_create_eddystone_uid ( &bletx, adv_data );
#ifdef TLM
adv_data.length_of_service_list = 3;
adv_data.param_service_list = 3;
adv_data.eddystone_id = BLETX_EDDYSTONE_SERVICE_UUID;
adv_data.length_of_service_data = 23;
adv_data.frame_type_url = BLETX_EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TYPE_TLM;
adv_data.tlm_version = 0; // TLM version
adv_data.spec_data = BLETX_EDDYSTONE_SPEC_DATA_TLM;
adv_data.battery_voltage = 3600;
adv_data.beacon_temperature = 20.21;
adv_data.pdu_count = 11223344;
bletx_create_eddystone_tlm ( &bletx, adv_data );
Delay_ms( 100 );
This is an example that shows the use of a Ble TX click board™. In this example, the application turns the selected advertising frames ON and OFF for a period of 10 seconds.
void application_task ( void ) {
log_printf( &logger, ">>>\tStart Advertising \r\n" );
bletx_start_advertising( &bletx );
Delay_ms( 10000 );
log_printf( &logger, ">>>\tStop Advertising \r\n" );
bletx_stop_advertising( &bletx );
Delay_ms( 10000 );
For scanning BLE TX click board™ BLE Scanner is a recommended Android application and you can find it at the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.macdom.ble.blescanner
The full application code, and ready to use projects can be installed directly from NECTO Studio Package Manager(recommended way), downloaded from our LibStock™ or found on mikroE github account.
Other mikroE Libraries used in the example:
- MikroSDK.Board
- MikroSDK.Log
- Click.BleTx
Additional notes and informations
Depending on the development board you are using, you may need USB UART click, USB UART 2 Click or RS232 Click to connect to your PC, for development systems with no UART to USB interface available on the board. UART terminal is available in all Mikroelektronika compilers.