DirectionView to use converters
Color RGB, HSL, LAB, Alpha? (just input=color for now?)
red, green, blue color formats
- #RGB
- [255, 255, 255]
- [1, 1, 1]
red, green, blue, alpha color formats
note: the default color editor doesn't have alpha so this is a big ask. I think this is best as an extra add on since it requires a non-small amount of code to build a color editor? (actually, maybe I don't care about size)
note: kind of leading toward not carrying about size and also making own color editor as the default one, at least in Chrome, kinda sucks.
- [255, 255, 255, 255]
- [1, 1, 1, 1]
hdr colors (this is really just not limited them to 1.0 on float colors, and/or CSS strings)
(no for now) wrapping slider? (0-360)
(no for now) Direction? (an arrow, low-pri)
fix 'period'. It's stepping by 0.1 and only going to 3.1
camelCase to Camel Case?
get rid of min/max/step etc... as setters and add setOptions
scroll wheel (not sure, opt in?)
make direction roll with min/max?
add ticks like volume control to direction (rename knob)
text red if invalid?
fix editing text (forgot where it's failing)
what should 0x123 do for hex colors because we want it to be 0x000123. I guess it just works.
angle (circle with arrow) - both display, and editor
slider with ticks and number
circle input (circle with 2 arrows) - both display and editor
add keyboard controls to direction
add keyboard controls to vec2
add keyboard controls to color picker
Label (not interactive)
Label multi line (use as log)
ask for file? (nah, drag and drop is better)
styles (form)
deg to rad
fix step with conversions
format slider number?
TextArea (edit larger text)
- pop-out text (or expand in place?)
menu open/close
scroll on long (css)
x, y, z
copy paste all (no, what would that even look like? right click? Shift-Ctrl-C?)
single line text
functions to query colors?
(doesn't work) maybe just add color-scheme to CSS
make svg ids start with muigui
on enter in text field we need to invalidate value cache
add all
- add with filter? (pass in filter so you can make positive or negative)
- add with list of fields?
- list of options by field name
- recursive (max depth?)
- match by instanceof ?
- let user provide matcher?
add hover for long name
try making custom controllers. In particular a list editor like unity
fix "RGB"
fix first column when changing width
do autoplace test
Create layout units? Instead of using CSS directly on types maybe make components that do nothing but layout?
, etc. Then for layout it becomesColumn[ title, Column[ Row[ Column[label, Color, Text], ], Row[ Column[label, Slider, Number], ] Row[ Button, ] ], ]
No idea if that makes sense
try to refactor Text, Number, Slider, Color, Checkbox, etc, into more reusable components so you can combine them into a new component. Like ideally an X,Y,Z might be 3 sliders. So maybe instead of Checkbox extends ValueComponent it should just
ValueComponent.add(new Checkbox())
or something to that effect. Same with ValueComponent vs Component. Maybe it'sComponent.add(new ValueComponent())
Can we separate text and number and reuse them?
auto step (not going to do this for now)
fix can't enter trailing '.' on input number (FF only?) (maybe don't set text when value from text)
consider more explicit layout
- (1 part, 2 parts, 3 parts) or (1 part, 2 parts where 3 is [[1][2[1][2]]])
API docs (jsdoc)
add folder.onChange/onFinishChange
Fix Safari Style
Fix Safari overflow on long names
Change menu to button or at least make it so you can focus
add focus to color
fix disabled so it disables all inputs (otherwise focus goes there)
look into add without object. eg
gui.addButton(title, fn); gui.addSlider(title, get, set, min, max, step); gui.addNumber(title, get, set, converter, step); gui.addText(title, get, set); gui.addCheckbox(title, get, set); gui.addColor(title, get, set, format);
gui.addController(new Button(title, fn)); gui.addController(new Slider(title, get, set, min, max, step)); gui.addController(new Number(title, get, set, converter, step)); gui.addController(new Text(title, get, set)); gui.addController(new Checkbox(title, get, set)); gui.addController(new Color(title, get, set, format));
It's kind of gross but given this is probably a not a common desire, if you really want to mod a local variable you can do this
let temperature = 72.0; const helper = { get v() { return temperature; } set v(newV) { temperature = newV; } }; gui.add(helper, 'v').name('temperature');
The second is arguably better than the first? The first is cluttered API, having to add every widget. Sadly the
are already the expected API 😭 -
Decide what to do about to/from
DirectionView: pass in what you want NumberView: pass in what you want what if I want hex? (use text view?) SliderView: pass in what you want TextView: ??? ColorView: ??? Vec2View: pass in what you want