diff --git a/docs/makinggames.md b/docs/makinggames.md
index 654e1704..ec16ca94 100644
--- a/docs/makinggames.md
+++ b/docs/makinggames.md
@@ -30,11 +30,10 @@ I'm sorry there's so many steps. It's not as hard as it looks. Trust me.
### TL;DR version
* install happyfuntimes (http://superhappyfuntimes.net/install) [(info)](#happyfuntimes)
-* run happyfuntimes (it must be run once)
+* if on Windows run happyfuntimes (it must be run once on Windows)
* install node.js (http://nodejs.org/download/) [(info)](#nodejs)
* if on windows install msysgit (http://msysgit.github.io/) [(info)](#msysgit)
* install bower `sudo npm install -g bower` (no sudo on windows) [(info)](#bower)
-* install hft-cli `sudo npm install -g hft-cli` (no sudo on windows) [(info)](#hftcli)
* clone a game [(info)](#clone)
* edit `package.json` inside the game you cloned, change `gameId` and `name` [(info)](#packagejson)
* type `hft add` [(info)](#hftadd)
@@ -79,7 +78,8 @@ I'm sorry there's so many steps. It's not as hard as it looks. Trust me.
* Install Bower.
- Bower is a program that downloads dependencies (libraries).
+ Bower is a program that downloads JavaScript libraries. For example
+ if a controller or game needs jquery or three.js bower handles that.
Type `npm install -g bower`.
diff --git a/todo.md b/todo.md
index 901f4181..bfd2152f 100644
--- a/todo.md
+++ b/todo.md
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ To Do
* RegisterCmdHandler(name, fn)
* RegisterCmdHandler(fn);
* Use RegisterCmdHandler(fn) for gamestart
+ * can we make an hft bower that runs bower pre-installed?
+ * can we make an hft git (no)... but pre-installed bower no need for node?
+* should we get rid of bower?
* move tiled support to hft-tiled?
* add tiled support to jumpjump
* add glow processing to powpow?