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Issue with Implementing Trackball Movement and transformToUnitCube in Google Filament Library #8324

RajatDBazaar opened this issue Dec 20, 2024 · 0 comments


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We are using the Google Filament library to render 3D models in our Flutter app. By default, the library supports turntable movement for interacting with the model, but we require trackball movement for more flexible interactions.

To achieve this, we implemented custom user interaction logic for rotation and zooming. While this works well for most use cases, we are encountering an issue with the transformToUnitCube() function when using our custom interaction method:

  1. When the model is initially rendered, it fits perfectly into the unit cube as expected.
  2. However, as soon as we interact with the model for the first time, it zooms out significantly.
  3. After this initial zoom-out, subsequent interactions work fine, and the model maintains its position and scale.

Our current approach involves applying transformations (rotation and scaling) manually using a custom method. However, the problem seems to arise from a misalignment between our custom transformation logic and the transformToUnitCube() function.

Here’s a summary of our setup:

  • Custom interaction logic: Handles gestures for rotation (trackball movement) and zooming (pinch-to-zoom).
  • Model transformation: Combines scaling and rotation into a transformation matrix applied to the model.
  • Issue: The first interaction causes the model to lose the scaling from transformToUnitCube, but subsequent interactions work as expected.

We would appreciate guidance on the following:

  1. How can we ensure that the model consistently retains the transformation applied by transformToUnitCube even with custom user interactions?
  2. Are there best practices for implementing trackball-like movement in the Google Filament library?

Below is the relevant snippet of our implementation for reference:

package com.example.test_3d_new

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Log
import android.view.*
import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformView
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4

class MyThreediView(
    private val context: Context,
    private val viewId: Int,
    private val creationParams: Map<String?, Any?>?,
    private val activity: MainActivity,
) : PlatformView {

    companion object {
        init {

    // Choreographer is used to schedule new frames
    private var choreographer: Choreographer
    private val frameScheduler = FrameCallback()
    private var modelViewer: AppModelViewer
    private var uiHelper: UiHelper
    private val surfaceView: SurfaceView = SurfaceView(context)

    var currentRotation = Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f)

    private var fileName = ""
    private var animationIndex = 0
    private var previousX: Float = 0f
    private var previousY: Float = 0f
    private var initialDistance: Float = 0f
    private var currentScale: Float = 1f

    private var test: TransformResult? = null

    init {
        fileName = creationParams?.get("fileNameWithExtension").toString()
        animationIndex = Integer.parseInt(creationParams?.get("animationIndex").toString())

        val layoutParams: ViewGroup.LayoutParams =

        surfaceView.layoutParams = layoutParams

        choreographer = Choreographer.getInstance()
        uiHelper = UiHelper(UiHelper.ContextErrorPolicy.DONT_CHECK).apply { isOpaque = false }

        modelViewer = AppModelViewer(surfaceView = surfaceView, uiHelper = uiHelper)
**// ----------- Default method for onTouchEvent**
//         surfaceView.setOnTouchListener { _, event ->
//             modelViewer.onTouchEvent(event)
//             true
//         }

 **// --Custom method for onTouchEvent Zoom and 360 Working but Tranformation into unit cube in not working**
    surfaceView.setOnTouchListener { _, event ->
           when (event.actionMasked) {
               MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
                   // Store the initial touch positions for orbit
                   previousX = event.x
                   previousY = event.y

               MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP -> {
                   // Reset zoom variables when the second pointer is lifted
                   initialDistance = 0f

               MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL -> {
                   // Reset when gesture ends
                   initialDistance = 0f

               MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> {
                   when (event.pointerCount) {
                       1 -> {
                           // Orbit (rotate) gesture with one finger
                           val deltaX = event.x - previousX
                           val deltaY = event.y - previousY

                           val sensitivity = 0.2f

                           // Apply pitch (rotation around X-axis) and yaw (rotation around Y-axis)
                           val rotationX = Quaternion(Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), deltaY * sensitivity)
                           val rotationY = Quaternion(Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), deltaX * sensitivity)

                           // Update current rotation by combining new rotations
                           currentRotation = rotationY.mul(currentRotation).mul(rotationX).nor()

                           // Apply both scaling and rotation transformations together
                           applyTransformations(Matrix4().setToScaling(currentScale, currentScale, currentScale), currentRotation)

                           // Update previous touch positions
                           previousX = event.x
                           previousY = event.y

                           Log.d("Debug", "Scale: $currentScale, Rotation: $currentRotation")
                       2 -> {
                           // Pinch-to-zoom gesture with two fingers
                           val x0 = event.getX(0)
                           val y0 = event.getY(0)
                           val x1 = event.getX(1)
                           val y1 = event.getY(1)

                           val distance = kotlin.math.sqrt(
                               ((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0)).toDouble()

                           // Calculate the scale factor based on distance between two fingers
                           if (initialDistance == 0f && event.pointerCount == 2) {
                            initialDistance = distance
                        } else if (event.pointerCount == 2) {
                            val scaleFactor = distance / initialDistance
                            currentScale *= scaleFactor
                            initialDistance = distance
                            applyTransformations(Matrix4().setToScaling(currentScale, currentScale, currentScale), currentRotation)
                        //    if (initialDistance == 0f) {
                        //        initialDistance = distance
                        //    } else {
                        //        val scaleFactor = distance / initialDistance
                        //        currentScale *= scaleFactor
                        //        initialDistance = distance

                        //        // Apply both scaling and rotation transformations together
                        //        applyTransformations(Matrix4().setToScaling(currentScale, currentScale, currentScale), currentRotation)
                        //    }

    private fun applyTransformations(scaleMatrix: Matrix4, rotation: Quaternion) {
      // Combine rotation and scaling into a single matrix
        val combinedMatrix = Matrix4().set(rotation).mul(scaleMatrix)

        // Apply the transformation to the model
        val tm = modelViewer.engine.transformManager
        val entity = modelViewer.asset?.root ?: error("Model root entity is null")
        val instance = tm.getInstance(entity)
        tm.setTransform(instance, combinedMatrix.values)

        Log.d("Transform", "Applied: ${combinedMatrix.values.contentToString()}")

    override fun getView(): android.view.View {
        return surfaceView

    override fun dispose() {

    fun onFlutterViewAttached(flutterView: View) {

    override fun onFlutterViewDetached() {

    private fun createRenderables() {
        val buffer = { input ->
            val bytes = ByteArray(input.available())
            ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytes.size).apply {
     test = modelViewer.transformToUnitCube()


    private fun createIndirectLight() {
        val engine = modelViewer.engine
        val scene = modelViewer.scene
        val ibl = "venetian_crossroads_2k"
        readCompressedAsset("${ibl}_ibl.ktx").let {
            scene.indirectLight = KTX1Loader.createIndirectLight(engine, it)
            scene.indirectLight!!.intensity = 30_000.0f
        readCompressedAsset("${ibl}_skybox.ktx").let {
            scene.skybox = KTX1Loader.createSkybox(engine, it)

    private fun configureViewer() {
        modelViewer.view.blendMode =
        modelViewer.renderer.clearOptions = modelViewer.renderer.clearOptions.apply { clear = true }
        modelViewer.view.apply {
            renderQuality = renderQuality.apply {
                hdrColorBuffer =
            dynamicResolutionOptions = dynamicResolutionOptions.apply {
                enabled = true
                quality =
            multiSampleAntiAliasingOptions = multiSampleAntiAliasingOptions.apply { enabled = true }
            antiAliasing =
            ambientOcclusionOptions = ambientOcclusionOptions.apply { enabled = true }
            bloomOptions = bloomOptions.apply { enabled = true }

    private fun readCompressedAsset(assetName: String): ByteBuffer {
        val input =
        val bytes = ByteArray(input.available())
        return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)

    inner class FrameCallback : Choreographer.FrameCallback {
        private val startTime = System.nanoTime()
        override fun doFrame(frameTimeNanos: Long) {

            modelViewer.animator?.apply {
                if (animationCount > 0 && animationIndex <= animationCount - 1) {
                    val elapsedTimeSeconds = (frameTimeNanos - startTime).toDouble() / 1_000_000_000
                    applyAnimation(0, elapsedTimeSeconds.toFloat())


@google google locked and limited conversation to collaborators Jan 15, 2025
@pixelflinger pixelflinger converted this issue into discussion #8354 Jan 15, 2025

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