diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/__init__.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/__init__.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..422d4bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import build_torso
+import build_neck
+import add_markers
+import build_tail
+import create_skin
+import build_front_legs
+import build_back_legs
+import add_muscles
+import add_wrapping_geoms
+import add_torque_actuators
+build_torso = build_torso.create_torso
+build_neck = build_neck.create_neck
+add_markers = add_markers.add_markers
+build_tail = build_tail.create_tail
+create_skin = create_skin.create
+build_back_legs = build_back_legs.create_back_legs
+build_front_legs = build_front_legs.create_front_legs
+add_muscles = add_muscles.add_muscles
+add_wrapping_geoms = add_wrapping_geoms.add_wrapping_geoms
+add_torque_actuators = add_torque_actuators.add_motors
diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_markers.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_markers.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16ad0427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_markers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The dm_control Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============================================================================
+"""Add markers to the dog model, used for motion capture tracking."""
+ "torso": (
+ (-0.25, 0, 0.13),
+ (-0.1, 0, 0.13),
+ (0.05, 0, 0.15),
+ (-0.25, -0.06, -0.01),
+ (-0.1, -0.08, -0.02),
+ (0.05, -0.09, -0.02),
+ (-0.25, 0.06, -0.01),
+ (-0.1, 0.08, -0.02),
+ (0.05, 0.09, -0.02),
+ ),
+ "C_6": ((0.05, -0.05, 0), (0.05, 0.05, 0),),
+ "upper_arm": ((0.04, 0, 0),),
+ "lower_arm": ((0.025, 0, 0), (0.025, 0, -0.1),),
+ "hand": ((0, -0.02, 0), (0, 0.02, 0), (0.02, -0.02, -0.08), (0.02, 0.02, -0.08),),
+ "finger": ((0.065, 0, 0),),
+ "pelvis": ((0.04, -0.07, 0.02), (0.04, 0.07, 0.02),),
+ "upper_leg": ((-0.03, 0.04, 0),),
+ "lower_leg": ((0.04, 0, 0), (-0.04, 0.035, 0),),
+ "foot": ((0, -0.02, 0), (0, 0.02, 0), (0, -0.02, -0.1), (0, 0.03, -0.1),),
+ "toe": ((0.055, 0, 0),),
+ "Ca_10": ((0, 0, 0.01),),
+ "skull": ((0.01, 0, 0.04), (0, -0.05, 0), (0, 0.05, 0), (-0.1, 0, 0.02),),
+def add_markers(model):
+ """Add markers to the given model.
+ Args:
+ model: The model to add markers to.
+ """
+ bodies = model.find_all("body")
+ total_markers = 0
+ for body in bodies:
+ for name, markers_pos in MARKERS_PER_BODY.items():
+ if name in body.name and "anchor" not in body.name:
+ marker_idx = 0
+ for pos in markers_pos:
+ pos = list(pos)
+ if "_R" in body.name:
+ pos[1] *= -1
+ body.add(
+ "site",
+ name="marker_" + body.name + "_" + str(marker_idx),
+ pos=pos,
+ dclass="marker",
+ )
+ marker_idx += 1
+ total_markers += 1
+ for i in range(total_markers):
+ marker_body = model.worldbody.add(
+ "body", name="marker_" + str(i), mocap=True)
+ marker_body.add("site", name="marker_" + str(i), dclass="mocap_marker")
diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_muscles.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_muscles.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30747a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_muscles.py
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The dm_control Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============================================================================
+"""Add muscle actuators to the dog model."""
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+import numpy as np
+import trimesh
+from scipy.spatial import KDTree
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from utils import array_to_string, slices2paths
+from dm_control import mjcf as mjcf_module
+from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import muscles as muscles_constants
+from dm_control.mujoco.wrapper import mjbindings
+from dm_control.utils.transformations import quat_to_mat
+ muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_BACK
+ + muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_FRONT
+ + muscles_constants.FLEXORS_BACK
+ + muscles_constants.FLEXORS_FRONT
+ "shoulder_L_wrapping",
+ "elbow_L_wrapping",
+ "wrist_L_wrapping",
+ "finger_L_wrapping",
+ "hip_L_wrapping",
+ "knee_L_wrapping",
+ "toe_L_wrapping",
+ "shoulder_R_wrapping",
+ "elbow_R_wrapping",
+ "wrist_R_wrapping",
+ "finger_R_wrapping",
+ "hip_R_wrapping",
+ "knee_R_wrapping",
+ "toe_R_wrapping",
+def get_closest_geom(kd_tree, point, mjcf, mtu):
+ """Finds the closest geometric body to a given point using a KD-tree.
+ Args:
+ kd_tree : A dictionary containing KD-trees for different bones.
+ point : The coordinates of the target point.
+ mjcf: The MJCF (MuJoCo XML) object.
+ mtu: The muscle-tendon unit (MTU) identifier.
+ Returns:
+ closest_geom_body: The closest geometric body (as a Mujoco body object)
+ to the target point.
+ """
+ dist = np.inf
+ closest_geom_body = 0
+ for bone, tree in kd_tree.items():
+ dist_new, i = tree.query(np.array([point]), k=1)
+ geom = mjcf.find("geom", bone)
+ body = geom.parent
+ if mtu in MUSCLE_LEGS:
+ if body.name not in [
+ "upper_leg_L",
+ "upper_leg_R",
+ "lower_leg_L",
+ "lower_leg_R",
+ "foot_L",
+ "foot_R",
+ "toe_L",
+ "toe_R",
+ "scapula_L",
+ "scapula_R",
+ "upper_arm_L",
+ "upper_arm_R",
+ "lower_arm_L",
+ "lower_arm_R",
+ "hand_L",
+ "hand_R",
+ "finger_L",
+ "finger_R",
+ "pelvis",
+ ]:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if body.name in [
+ "upper_leg_L",
+ "upper_leg_R",
+ "lower_leg_L",
+ "lower_leg_R",
+ "foot_L",
+ "foot_R",
+ "toe_L",
+ "toe_R",
+ "lower_arm_L",
+ "lower_arm_R",
+ "hand_L",
+ "hand_R",
+ "finger_L",
+ "finger_R",
+ ]:
+ continue
+ if dist_new < dist:
+ dist = dist_new
+ closest_geom_body = body
+ return closest_geom_body
+def calculate_transformation(element):
+ """Calculates the transformation matrix from the root to the given element.
+ This function iterates through the parent elements of the given element and
+ calculates the transformation matrices from the root until reaching the
+ given element. It considers the position and orientation (quaternion)
+ attributes of each element to construct the transformation matrices.
+ The final transformation matrix represents the cumulative transformation
+ from the root to the given element.
+ Args:
+ element: The MuJoCo element for which the transformation matrix
+ is calculated.
+ Returns:
+ T: The transformation matrix from the root to the given element.
+ """
+ # Calculate all transformation matrices from root until this element
+ all_transformations = []
+ while type(element) == mjcf_module.element._ElementImpl:
+ if element.pos is not None:
+ pos = np.array(element.pos, dtype=float)
+ else:
+ pos = np.zeros(3)
+ if element.quat is not None:
+ rot = quat_to_mat(element.get("quat"))
+ else:
+ rot = np.eye(3)
+ all_transformations.append(
+ np.vstack(
+ (np.hstack((rot, pos.reshape([-1, 1]))), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])))
+ )
+ element = element.parent
+ # Apply all transformations
+ transform = np.eye(4)
+ for transformation in reversed(all_transformations):
+ transform = np.matmul(transform, transformation)
+ return transform
+def add_muscles(
+ model, scale_multiplier, muscle_dynamics, asset_dir, lengthrange_from_joints
+ """Add muscles to a Mujoco (MJCF) model.
+ This function adds muscles to a Mujoco model,
+ creating MTUs (muscle-tendon units) and defining
+ their properties.
+ Args:
+ model (MJCFModel): The input Mujoco model to which muscles will be added.
+ scale_multiplier (float): A scaling factor for muscle forces (0 to disable anatomical scaling).
+ muscle_dynamics (str): Muscle dynamics model, either 'Millard', 'Sigmoid', or 'General'.
+ asset_dir (str): The directory path containing muscle and bone assets.
+ lengthrange_from_joints (bool): If True, compute length ranges from joint limits.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ Note:
+ - The function modifies the input `model` in place by adding muscles and related properties.
+ - The specific muscles added depend on the provided `muscle_dynamics` and other parameters.
+ Raises:
+ NameError: If an unsupported `muscle_dynamics` value is provided.
+ """
+ physics = mjcf_module.Physics.from_mjcf_model(model)
+ muscle_meshes_path = join(asset_dir, "muscles/")
+ bones_path = asset_dir
+ bones = [
+ f for f in listdir(bones_path) if isfile(join(bones_path, f)) and f[0] != "."
+ ]
+ bones_kd_trees = {}
+ bones_meshes = {}
+ for bone in bones:
+ if (
+ "BONE" in bone
+ and "simpl" not in bone
+ and "Lingual" not in bone
+ and "cartilage" not in bone
+ ):
+ bone_mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(bones_path + "/" + bone, process=False)
+ bones_kd_trees[bone[4:-4]] = KDTree(bone_mesh.vertices)
+ bones_meshes[bone[4:-4]] = bone_mesh
+ muscle = model.default.default["muscle"]
+ muscle.tendon.rgba = [0.5, 0, 0, 1]
+ length_range = model.compiler.lengthrange
+ length_range.inttotal = 5
+ length_range.accel = 50
+ length_range.interval = 2
+ length_range.timestep = 0.001
+ length_range.timeconst = 1
+ length_range.tolrange = 0.05
+ muscles = (
+ muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_FRONT
+ + muscles_constants.FLEXORS_FRONT
+ + muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_BACK
+ + muscles_constants.FLEXORS_BACK
+ + muscles_constants.TORSO
+ + muscles_constants.NECK
+ + muscles_constants.TAIL
+ )
+ used_muscles = []
+ volumes = []
+ spatials = []
+ # create MTUs
+ for mtu in muscles:
+ # Load stl file of site
+ m = trimesh.load_mesh(muscle_meshes_path + mtu + ".stl")
+ volumes.append(m.volume)
+ # check along which axis to slice
+ if mtu not in muscles_constants.LATERAL:
+ plane_normal = [0, 0, -1]
+ start = np.argmax(m.vertices[:, 2])
+ end = np.argmin(m.vertices[:, 2])
+ else:
+ plane_normal = [1, 0, 0]
+ start = np.argmin(m.vertices[:, 0])
+ end = np.argmax(m.vertices[:, 0])
+ muscle_length = np.linalg.norm(m.vertices[start] - m.vertices[end])
+ if muscle_length < 0.1:
+ print("muscle too short", mtu)
+ continue
+ heights = np.linspace(start=-0.5, stop=muscle_length,
+ num=1000, dtype=float)
+ slices = m.section_multiplane(
+ plane_origin=m.vertices[start], plane_normal=plane_normal, heights=heights
+ )
+ paths = slices2paths(mtu, slices, muscle_length)
+ spatial = model.tendon.add(
+ "spatial", name=f"{mtu}_tendon", dclass="muscle")
+ spatials.append(spatial)
+ used_muscles.append(mtu)
+ counter = 0 # used for site naming
+ prev_body = None
+ prev_point = None
+ for idx in range(len(paths)):
+ point = paths[idx][0]
+ closest_geom_body = get_closest_geom(bones_kd_trees, point, model, mtu)
+ # Add site to tendon
+ min_dist = 0.05
+ max_dist = 0.11
+ if mtu in muscles_constants.TAIL:
+ max_dist = 0.05
+ elif mtu in muscles_constants.NECK:
+ min_dist = 0.11
+ max_dist = 0.15
+ d = 0
+ if prev_point is not None:
+ d = np.linalg.norm(prev_point - point)
+ # we add a site to the tendon path if:
+ # 1. it's the last or first site
+ # 2. the geometry we are attaching it to is different from the previous
+ # one, and we have passed the min distance between sites
+ # 3. we passed the max dist between sites
+ if (
+ (closest_geom_body != prev_body and d > min_dist)
+ or idx == len(paths) - 1
+ or idx == 0
+ or d > max_dist
+ ):
+ site_matrix = np.eye(4)
+ site_matrix[:3, 3] = point
+ body_matrix = calculate_transformation(closest_geom_body)
+ site_matrix = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(body_matrix), site_matrix)
+ site_name = mtu + "_" + str(counter)
+ # Create the site
+ closest_geom_body.add(
+ "site",
+ name=site_name,
+ pos=array_to_string(site_matrix[:3, 3]),
+ group="4",
+ dclass="connector",
+ )
+ counter += 1
+ spatial.add("site", site=site_name)
+ prev_point = point
+ prev_body = closest_geom_body
+ # check for wrapping geoms
+ if idx != len(paths) - 1:
+ geoms = physics.named.data.geom_xpos.axes.row.names
+ dist = np.inf
+ closest_g = None
+ closest_geom_pos = None
+ for g_name in geoms:
+ if "wrapping" in g_name:
+ pos = physics.named.data.geom_xpos[g_name]
+ new_dist = np.linalg.norm(pos - point)
+ if (
+ (
+ mtu in muscles_constants.LATERAL
+ or mtu in muscles_constants.NECK
+ )
+ and g_name not in WRAP_GEOMS_LEGS
+ and pos[2] < point[2]
+ and new_dist < dist
+ ):
+ closest_g = g_name
+ dist = new_dist
+ closest_geom_pos = pos
+ elif (
+ (
+ mtu in muscles_constants.FLEXORS_BACK
+ or mtu in muscles_constants.FLEXORS_FRONT
+ or mtu in muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_FRONT
+ or mtu in muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_BACK
+ )
+ and pos[2] < point[2]
+ and dist > 0.01
+ and new_dist < dist
+ and g_name in WRAP_GEOMS_LEGS
+ ):
+ # in the legs we are interested only in wrapping
+ # geometries that are lower than the site we
+ # are adding
+ closest_g = g_name
+ dist = new_dist
+ closest_geom_pos = pos
+ if dist < 0.1:
+ if (
+ mtu in muscles_constants.FLEXORS_BACK
+ or mtu in muscles_constants.FLEXORS_FRONT
+ ) and closest_geom_pos[2] < point[2]:
+ spatial.add(
+ "geom", geom=closest_g, sidesite=closest_g + "_backward"
+ )
+ elif (
+ mtu in muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_BACK
+ or mtu in muscles_constants.EXTENSORS_FRONT
+ ) and closest_geom_pos[2] < point[2]:
+ spatial.add(
+ "geom", geom=closest_g, sidesite=closest_g + "_forward"
+ )
+ elif mtu in muscles_constants.NECK:
+ pos1 = physics.named.data.site_xpos[closest_g + "_forward"]
+ d1 = np.linalg.norm(pos1 - point)
+ pos2 = physics.named.data.site_xpos[closest_g + "_backward"]
+ d2 = np.linalg.norm(pos2 - point)
+ if d1 < d2:
+ spatial.add(
+ "geom",
+ geom=closest_g,
+ sidesite=closest_g + "_forward",
+ )
+ else:
+ spatial.add(
+ "geom",
+ geom=closest_g,
+ sidesite=closest_g + "_backward",
+ )
+ elif mtu in muscles_constants.TORSO and dist < 0.05:
+ spatial.add(
+ "geom", geom=closest_g, sidesite=closest_g + "_forward"
+ )
+ print("Added tendon {}".format(spatial.name))
+ physics = mjcf_module.Physics.from_mjcf_model(model)
+ # Compute length ranges:
+ # This computation of lenght ranges differs from the computation
+ # provided in MuJoCo. MuJoCo contracts the muscles
+ # individually, and records it's minimum and maximum length. However this
+ # method relies on the assumption that the muscles dynamics and parameters
+ # are perfectly set up. This is not the case, so the method below is used.
+ # This method randomly samples the joint limits and records the minimum and
+ # maximum length of the muscles. Sampling is necessary because some muscles
+ # cross multiple joints (Biarticular muscles).
+ if lengthrange_from_joints:
+ vector_min = np.ones(physics.model.ntendon) * np.inf
+ vector_max = np.ones(physics.model.ntendon) * -np.inf
+ for _ in tqdm(range(500000)):
+ hinge = mjbindings.enums.mjtJoint.mjJNT_HINGE
+ slide = mjbindings.enums.mjtJoint.mjJNT_SLIDE
+ for joint_id in range(physics.model.njnt):
+ joint_name = physics.model.id2name(joint_id, "joint")
+ joint_type = physics.model.jnt_type[joint_id]
+ is_limited = physics.model.jnt_limited[joint_id]
+ range_min, range_max = physics.model.jnt_range[joint_id]
+ if is_limited and (joint_type == hinge or joint_type == slide):
+ physics.named.data.qpos[joint_name] = np.random.uniform(
+ range_min, range_max
+ )
+ else:
+ continue
+ physics.forward()
+ vector_min = np.minimum(vector_min, physics.data.ten_length[:])
+ vector_max = np.maximum(vector_max, physics.data.ten_length[:])
+ physics.reset()
+ for tend_idx, spatial in enumerate(spatials):
+ if muscle_dynamics in ["Millard", "Sigmoid"]:
+ muscle = model.actuator.add(
+ "general",
+ tendon=spatial,
+ name=spatial.name,
+ dclass=spatial.dclass,
+ dyntype="muscle",
+ gaintype="muscle",
+ biastype="muscle",
+ )
+ prms = [0] * 10
+ prms[0] = 0.01
+ prms[1] = 0.04
+ if muscle_dynamics == "Millard":
+ muscle.dynprm = prms
+ else:
+ prms[2] = 2.0
+ muscle.dynprm = prms
+ if spatial.name[: -len("_tendon")] in muscles_constants.NECK:
+ scale = 1500
+ else:
+ scale = 8000
+ # range(2), force, scale, lmin, lmax, vmax, fpmax, fvmax
+ gainprm = [0.75, 1.05, -1, scale, 0.5, 1.6, 1.5, 1.3, 1.2, 0]
+ muscle.gainprm = gainprm
+ muscle.biasprm = gainprm
+ muscle.ctrllimited = True
+ muscle.ctrlrange = [0.0, 1.0]
+ if lengthrange_from_joints:
+ muscle.lengthrange = [vector_min[tend_idx], vector_max[tend_idx]]
+ elif muscle_dynamics == "General":
+ muscle = model.actuator.add(
+ "general", tendon=spatial, name=spatial.name, dclass=spatial.dclass
+ )
+ muscle.ctrllimited = True
+ muscle.ctrlrange = [0.0, 1.0]
+ muscle.gaintype = "affine"
+ muscle.dyntype = "muscle"
+ muscle.dynprm = [0.01, 0.04, 0.001]
+ muscle.gainprm = [-200, -50, -10]
+ if lengthrange_from_joints:
+ muscle.lengthrange = [vector_min[tend_idx], vector_max[tend_idx]]
+ else:
+ raise NameError(muscle_dynamics)
+ everything_ok = False
+ while not everything_ok:
+ try:
+ physics = mjcf_module.Physics.from_mjcf_model(model)
+ everything_ok = True
+ # assign length ranges and forces
+ if muscle_dynamics in ["Millard", "Sigmoid"]:
+ lr = physics.named.model.actuator_lengthrange
+ forces = None
+ # compute anatomical forces if we provide a scale_multiplier > 0
+ if scale_multiplier > 0:
+ volumes = np.array(volumes)
+ lm = []
+ for mtu in used_muscles:
+ mtu_name = mtu + "_tendon"
+ L0 = (lr[mtu_name, 1] - lr[mtu_name, 0]) / (1.05 - 0.75)
+ LM = physics.named.model.actuator_length0[mtu_name] - (
+ lr[mtu_name, 0] - 0.75 * L0
+ )
+ lm.append(LM)
+ lm = np.array(lm)
+ forces = (volumes / lm) * scale_multiplier
+ actuators = model.find_all("actuator")
+ # assign forces and length ranges
+ for idx, muscle in enumerate(actuators):
+ muscle.lengthrange = lr[idx]
+ if forces is not None:
+ muscle.gainprm[2] = forces[idx]
+ except Exception as inst:
+ print(inst)
+ s = str(inst)
+ s = s.split()
+ i = s.index("actuator")
+ muscle_index = s[i + 1]
+ if ":" in muscle_index:
+ muscle_index = muscle_index[:-1]
+ muscle_index = int(muscle_index)
+ del model.actuator.general[muscle_index]
diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_torque_actuators.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_torque_actuators.py
index 71c66fb4..13f98783 100644
--- a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_torque_actuators.py
+++ b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_torque_actuators.py
@@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ def add_motors(physics, model, lumbar_joints, cervical_joints, caudal_joints):
# Fixed Tendons:
spinal_joints = collections.OrderedDict()
- spinal_joints['lumbar_'] = lumbar_joints
- spinal_joints['cervical_'] = cervical_joints
- spinal_joints['caudal_'] = caudal_joints
+ spinal_joints["lumbar_"] = lumbar_joints
+ spinal_joints["cervical_"] = cervical_joints
+ spinal_joints["caudal_"] = caudal_joints
tendons = []
for region in spinal_joints.keys():
- for direction in ['extend', 'bend', 'twist']:
+ for direction in ["extend", "bend", "twist"]:
joints = [
joint for joint in spinal_joints[region] if direction in joint.name
if joints:
tendon = model.tendon.add(
- 'fixed', name=region + direction, dclass=joints[0].dclass
+ "fixed", name=region + direction, dclass=joints[0].dclass
joint_inertia = physics.bind(joints).M0
@@ -52,34 +52,34 @@ def add_motors(physics, model, lumbar_joints, cervical_joints, caudal_joints):
coefs /= coefs.sum()
coefs *= len(joints)
for i, joint in enumerate(joints):
- tendon.add('joint', joint=joint, coef=coefs[i])
+ tendon.add("joint", joint=joint, coef=coefs[i])
# Actuators:
all_spinal_joints = []
for region in spinal_joints.values():
- root_joint = model.find('joint', 'root')
+ root_joint = model.find("joint", "root")
actuated_joints = [
- for joint in model.find_all('joint')
+ for joint in model.find_all("joint")
if joint not in all_spinal_joints and joint is not root_joint
for tendon in tendons:
gain = 0.0
for joint in tendon.joint:
# joint.joint.user = physics.bind(joint.joint).damping
- def_joint = model.default.find('default', joint.joint.dclass)
+ def_joint = model.default.find("default", joint.joint.dclass)
j_gain = def_joint.general.gainprm or def_joint.parent.general.gainprm
gain += j_gain[0] * joint.coef
gain /= len(tendon.joint)
- 'general', tendon=tendon, name=tendon.name, dclass=tendon.dclass
+ "general", tendon=tendon, name=tendon.name, dclass=tendon.dclass
for joint in actuated_joints:
- model.actuator.add(
- 'general', joint=joint, name=joint.name, dclass=joint.dclass
- )
+ model.actuator.add("general", joint=joint,
+ name=joint.name, dclass=joint.dclass)
return actuated_joints
diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_wrapping_geoms.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_wrapping_geoms.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..deb7356b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/add_wrapping_geoms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The dm_control Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============================================================================
+def add_wrapping_geoms(model):
+ """ Adds wrapping geometries and sites to the specified model.
+ Args:
+ model: The model to which the wrapping geometries and sites will be added.
+ """
+ pelvis = model.find("body", "pelvis")
+ pelvis.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="hip_R_wrapping",
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ size=[0.05, 0.04],
+ pos=[0, 0.05, -0.02],
+ )
+ pelvis.add(
+ "site",
+ name="hip_R_wrapping_forward",
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ pos=[0.08, -0.05, -0.00],
+ )
+ pelvis.add(
+ "site",
+ name="hip_R_wrapping_backward",
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ pos=[-0.04, -0.05, -0.04],
+ )
+ pelvis.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="hip_L_wrapping",
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ size=[0.05, 0.04],
+ pos=[0, -0.05, -0.02],
+ )
+ pelvis.add(
+ "site",
+ name="hip_L_wrapping_forward",
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ pos=[0.08, 0.05, -0.00],
+ )
+ pelvis.add(
+ "site",
+ name="hip_L_wrapping_backward",
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ pos=[-0.04, 0.05, -0.04],
+ )
+ C_2 = model.find("body", "C_2")
+ C_2.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="C_2_wrapping",
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ pos=[0.02, 0, 0.03],
+ size=[0.015, 0.04],
+ )
+ C_2.add("site", name="C_2_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.05, 0, 0.02], dclass="wrapping")
+ C_2.add(
+ "site", name="C_2_wrapping_backward", pos=[-0.005, 0, 0.04], dclass="wrapping"
+ )
+ C_7 = model.find("body", "C_7")
+ C_7.add("geom", name="C_7_wrapping", dclass="wrapping", size=[0.03, 0.07])
+ Ca_1 = model.find("body", "Ca_1")
+ Ca_1.add("geom", name="Ca_1_wrapping", size=[0.008, 0.04], dclass="wrapping")
+ Ca_1.add("site", name="Ca_1_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0, 0, -0.05], dclass="wrapping")
+ Ca_1.add("site", name="Ca_1_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[0, 0, 0.05], dclass="wrapping")
+ torso = model.find("body", "torso")
+ torso.add(
+ "site", name="C_7_wrapping_forward", pos=[0.19, 0, 0.055], dclass="wrapping"
+ )
+ torso.add(
+ "site", name="C_7_wrapping_backward", pos=[0.09, 0, 0.12], dclass="wrapping"
+ )
+ for i in range(1, 8, 1):
+ body = model.find("body", f"L_{i}")
+ body.add("geom", name=f"L_{i}_wrapping", size=[
+ 0.009, 0.04], dclass="wrapping")
+ body.add(
+ "site",
+ name=f"L_{i}_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0, 0, 0.1],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ body.add(
+ "site",
+ name=f"L_{i}_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[0, 0, -0.1],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ # Left Side
+ upper_leg_L = model.find("body", "upper_leg_L")
+ upper_leg_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="knee_L_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.07, 0.0311, -0.175],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_leg_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="knee_L_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.09, 0.0311, 0],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_leg_L = model.find("body", "lower_leg_L")
+ lower_leg_L.add(
+ "geom", name="knee_L_wrapping", dclass="wrapping", size=[0.02, 0.05]
+ )
+ lower_leg_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="ankle_L_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[-0.08, 0, -0.13824],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_leg_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="ankle_L_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.25, 0, -0.13824],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ foot_L = model.find("body", "foot_L")
+ foot_L.add("geom", name="ankle_L_wrapping",
+ dclass="wrapping", size=[0.02, 0.05])
+ foot_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="toe_L_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.07, 0, -0.11993],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ foot_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="toe_L_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.07, 0, -0.11993],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ toe_L = model.find("body", "toe_L")
+ toe_L.add("geom", name="toe_L_wrapping",
+ dclass="wrapping", size=[0.01, 0.05])
+ scapula_L = model.find("body", "scapula_L")
+ scapula_L.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="shoulder_L_wrapping",
+ pos=[0.075, 0.033, -0.13],
+ size=[0.015, 0.05],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ scapula_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="shoulder_L_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.1, 0.033, -0.13],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ scapula_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="shoulder_L_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[0.02, 0.033, -0.13],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_arm_L = model.find("body", "upper_arm_L")
+ upper_arm_L.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="elbow_L_wrapping",
+ pos=[-0.05, 0.015, -0.135],
+ size=[0.015, 0.05],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_arm_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="elbow_L_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.03, 0.015, -0.15],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_arm_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="elbow_L_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.1, 0.015, -0.15],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_arm_L = model.find("body", "lower_arm_L")
+ lower_arm_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="wrist_L_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.015, -0.015, -0.18],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_arm_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="wrist_L_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.05, -0.015, -0.19],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_anchor_L = model.find("body", "hand_anchor_L")
+ hand_anchor_L.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="wrist_L_wrapping",
+ size=[0.011, 0.05],
+ pos=[0, 0, 0.012],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_L = model.find("body", "hand_L")
+ hand_L.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="finger_L_wrapping",
+ size=[0.015, 0.05],
+ pos=[0.01, 0, -0.05],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="finger_L_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.05, 0, -0.06],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_L.add(
+ "site",
+ name="finger_L_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.05, 0, -0.06],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ # Right Side
+ upper_leg_R = model.find("body", "upper_leg_R")
+ upper_leg_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="knee_R_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.07, -0.0311, -0.175],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_leg_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="knee_R_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.09, -0.0311, 0],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_leg_R = model.find("body", "lower_leg_R")
+ lower_leg_R.add(
+ "geom", name="knee_R_wrapping", dclass="wrapping", size=[0.02, 0.05]
+ )
+ lower_leg_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="ankle_R_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[-0.08, 0, -0.13824],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_leg_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="ankle_R_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.25, 0, -0.13824],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ foot_R = model.find("body", "foot_R")
+ foot_R.add("geom", name="ankle_R_wrapping",
+ dclass="wrapping", size=[0.02, 0.05])
+ foot_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="toe_R_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.07, 0, -0.11993],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ foot_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="toe_R_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.07, 0, -0.11993],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ toe_R = model.find("body", "toe_R")
+ toe_R.add("geom", name="toe_R_wrapping",
+ dclass="wrapping", size=[0.01, 0.05])
+ scapula_R = model.find("body", "scapula_R")
+ scapula_R.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="shoulder_R_wrapping",
+ pos=[0.075, -0.033, -0.13],
+ size=[0.015, 0.05],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ scapula_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="shoulder_R_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.1, -0.033, -0.13],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ scapula_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="shoulder_R_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[0.02, -0.033, -0.13],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_arm_R = model.find("body", "upper_arm_R")
+ upper_arm_R.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="elbow_R_wrapping",
+ pos=[-0.05, -0.015, -0.135],
+ size=[0.015, 0.05],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_arm_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="elbow_R_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.03, -0.015, -0.15],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ upper_arm_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="elbow_R_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.1, -0.015, -0.15],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_arm_R = model.find("body", "lower_arm_R")
+ lower_arm_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="wrist_R_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.015, 0.015, -0.18],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ lower_arm_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="wrist_R_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.05, 0.015, -0.19],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_anchor_R = model.find("body", "hand_anchor_R")
+ hand_anchor_R.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="wrist_R_wrapping",
+ size=[0.011, 0.05],
+ pos=[0, 0, 0.012],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_R = model.find("body", "hand_R")
+ hand_R.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="finger_R_wrapping",
+ size=[0.015, 0.05],
+ pos=[0.01, 0, -0.05],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="finger_R_wrapping_forward",
+ pos=[0.05, 0, -0.06],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
+ hand_R.add(
+ "site",
+ name="finger_R_wrapping_backward",
+ pos=[-0.05, 0, -0.06],
+ dclass="wrapping",
+ )
diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_back_legs.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_back_legs.py
index bbc36e2c..058ef2ba 100644
--- a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_back_legs.py
+++ b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_back_legs.py
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
"""Make back legs for the dog model."""
-from dm_control import mjcf
import numpy as np
+from dm_control import mjcf
def create_back_legs(
@@ -49,67 +50,67 @@ def create_back_legs(
# Hip joint sites:
scale = np.asarray([bone_size[bone] for bone in pelvic_bones]).mean()
hip_pos = np.array((-0.23, -0.6, -0.16)) * scale
- for side in ['_L', '_R']:
+ for side in ["_L", "_R"]:
- 'site', name='hip' + side, size=[0.011], pos=hip_pos * side_sign[side]
+ "site", name="hip" + side, size=[0.011], pos=hip_pos * side_sign[side]
# Upper legs:
upper_leg = {}
- femurs = [b for b in bones if 'Fem' in b]
+ femurs = [b for b in bones if "Fem" in b]
use_tendons = False
if not use_tendons:
- femurs += [b for b in bones if 'Patella' in b]
- for side in ['_L', '_R']:
+ femurs += [b for b in bones if "Patella" in b]
+ for side in ["_L", "_R"]:
body_pos = hip_pos * side_sign[side]
- leg = pelvis.add('body', name='upper_leg' + side, pos=body_pos)
+ leg = pelvis.add("body", name="upper_leg" + side, pos=body_pos)
upper_leg[side] = leg
for bone in [b for b in femurs if side in b]:
- 'geom',
+ "geom",
- pos=-bone_position['Pelvis'] - body_pos,
- dclass='bone',
+ pos=-bone_position["Pelvis"] - body_pos,
+ dclass="bone",
# Hip joints
- for dof in ['_supinate', '_abduct', '_extend']:
+ for dof in ["_supinate", "_abduct", "_extend"]:
axis = primary_axis[dof].copy()
- if dof != '_extend':
- axis *= 1.0 if side != '_R' else -1.0
- leg.add('joint', name='hip' + side + dof, dclass='hip' + dof, axis=axis)
+ if dof != "_extend":
+ axis *= 1.0 if side != "_R" else -1.0
+ leg.add("joint", name="hip" + side + dof, dclass="hip" + dof, axis=axis)
# Knee sites
- scale = bone_size['Femoris_L']
+ scale = bone_size["Femoris_L"]
knee_pos = np.array((-0.2, -0.27, -1.45)) * scale
- 'site',
- type='cylinder',
- name='knee' + side,
+ "site",
+ type="cylinder",
+ name="knee" + side,
size=[0.003, 0.02],
zaxis=(0, 1, 0),
pos=knee_pos * side_sign[side],
pos = np.array((-0.01, -0.02, -0.08)) * side_sign[side]
- euler = [-10 * (1.0 if side == '_R' else -1.0), 20, 0]
+ euler = [-10 * (1.0 if side == "_R" else -1.0), 20, 0]
- 'geom',
- name=leg.name + '0_collision',
+ "geom",
+ name=leg.name + "0_collision",
size=[0.04, 0.08],
- dclass='collision_primitive',
+ dclass="collision_primitive",
pos = np.array((-0.03, 0, -0.05))
- euler = [-10 * (1.0 if side == '_R' else -1.0), 5, 0]
+ euler = [-10 * (1.0 if side == "_R" else -1.0), 5, 0]
- 'geom',
- name=leg.name + '1_collision',
+ "geom",
+ name=leg.name + "1_collision",
size=[0.04, 0.04],
- dclass='collision_primitive',
+ dclass="collision_primitive",
# Patella
@@ -119,29 +120,29 @@ def create_back_legs(
# Lower legs:
lower_leg = {}
- lower_leg_bones = [b for b in bones if 'Tibia_' in b or 'Fibula' in b]
- for side in ['_L', '_R']:
+ lower_leg_bones = [b for b in bones if "Tibia_" in b or "Fibula" in b]
+ for side in ["_L", "_R"]:
body_pos = knee_pos * side_sign[side]
- leg = upper_leg[side].add('body', name='lower_leg' + side, pos=body_pos)
+ leg = upper_leg[side].add("body", name="lower_leg" + side, pos=body_pos)
lower_leg[side] = leg
for bone in [b for b in lower_leg_bones if side in b]:
- 'geom',
+ "geom",
- pos=-bone_position['Pelvis'] - upper_leg[side].pos - body_pos,
- dclass='bone',
+ pos=-bone_position["Pelvis"] - upper_leg[side].pos - body_pos,
+ dclass="bone",
# Knee joints
- leg.add('joint', name='knee' + side, dclass='knee', axis=(0, -1, 0))
+ leg.add("joint", name="knee" + side, dclass="knee", axis=(0, -1, 0))
# Ankle sites
- scale = bone_size['Tibia_L']
+ scale = bone_size["Tibia_L"]
ankle_pos = np.array((-1.27, 0.04, -0.98)) * scale
- 'site',
- type='cylinder',
- name='ankle' + side,
+ "site",
+ type="cylinder",
+ name="ankle" + side,
size=[0.003, 0.013],
zaxis=(0, 1, 0),
pos=ankle_pos * side_sign[side],
@@ -149,133 +150,132 @@ def create_back_legs(
# Feet:
foot = {}
- foot_bones = [b for b in bones if 'tars' in b.lower() or 'tuber' in b]
- for side in ['_L', '_R']:
+ foot_bones = [b for b in bones if "tars" in b.lower() or "tuber" in b]
+ for side in ["_L", "_R"]:
body_pos = ankle_pos * side_sign[side]
- leg = lower_leg[side].add('body', name='foot' + side, pos=body_pos)
+ leg = lower_leg[side].add("body", name="foot" + side, pos=body_pos)
foot[side] = leg
for bone in [b for b in foot_bones if side in b]:
- 'geom',
+ "geom",
- pos=-bone_position['Pelvis']
+ pos=-bone_position["Pelvis"]
- upper_leg[side].pos
- lower_leg[side].pos
- body_pos,
- dclass='bone',
+ dclass="bone",
# Ankle joints
- leg.add('joint', name='ankle' + side, dclass='ankle', axis=(0, 1, 0))
+ leg.add("joint", name="ankle" + side, dclass="ankle", axis=(0, 1, 0))
pos = np.array((-0.01, -0.005, -0.05)) * side_sign[side]
- 'geom',
- name=leg.name + '_collision',
+ "geom",
+ name=leg.name + "_collision",
size=[0.015, 0.07],
- dclass='collision_primitive',
+ dclass="collision_primitive",
# Toe sites
- scale = bone_size['Metatarsi_R_2']
+ scale = bone_size["Metatarsi_R_2"]
toe_pos = np.array((-0.37, -0.2, -2.95)) * scale
- 'site',
- type='cylinder',
- name='toe' + side,
+ "site",
+ type="cylinder",
+ name="toe" + side,
size=[0.003, 0.025],
zaxis=(0, 1, 0),
pos=toe_pos * side_sign[side],
# Toes:
- toe_bones = [b for b in bones if 'Phalange' in b]
+ toe_bones = [b for b in bones if "Phalange" in b]
toe_geoms = []
sole_sites = []
nails = []
- for side in ['_L', '_R']:
+ for side in ["_L", "_R"]:
body_pos = toe_pos * side_sign[side]
foot_anchor = foot[side].add(
- 'body', name='foot_anchor' + side, pos=body_pos
- )
+ "body", name="foot_anchor" + side, pos=body_pos)
- 'geom',
+ "geom",
- dclass='foot_primitive',
- type='box',
+ dclass="foot_primitive",
+ type="box",
size=(0.005, 0.005, 0.005),
- foot_anchor.add('site', name=foot_anchor.name, dclass='sensor')
- leg = foot_anchor.add('body', name='toe' + side)
+ foot_anchor.add("site", name=foot_anchor.name, dclass="sensor")
+ leg = foot_anchor.add("body", name="toe" + side)
for bone in [b for b in toe_bones if side in b]:
geom = leg.add(
- 'geom',
+ "geom",
- pos=-bone_position['Pelvis']
+ pos=-bone_position["Pelvis"]
- upper_leg[side].pos
- lower_leg[side].pos
- foot[side].pos
- body_pos,
- dclass='bone',
+ dclass="bone",
- if 'B_3' in bone:
+ if "B_3" in bone:
- geom.dclass = 'visible_bone'
+ geom.dclass = "visible_bone"
# Toe joints
- leg.add('joint', name='toe' + side, dclass='toe', axis=(0, 1, 0))
+ leg.add("joint", name="toe" + side, dclass="toe", axis=(0, 1, 0))
# Collision geoms
- 'geom',
- name=leg.name + '0_collision',
+ "geom",
+ name=leg.name + "0_collision",
size=[0.018, 0.012],
pos=[0.015, 0, -0.02],
euler=(90, 0, 0),
- dclass='foot_primitive',
+ dclass="foot_primitive",
- 'geom',
- name=leg.name + '1_collision',
+ "geom",
+ name=leg.name + "1_collision",
size=[0.01, 0.015],
pos=[0.035, 0, -0.028],
euler=(90, 0, 0),
- dclass='foot_primitive',
+ dclass="foot_primitive",
- 'geom',
- name=leg.name + '2_collision',
+ "geom",
+ name=leg.name + "2_collision",
size=[0.008, 0.01],
pos=[0.045, 0, -0.03],
euler=(90, 0, 0),
- dclass='foot_primitive',
+ dclass="foot_primitive",
sole = leg.add(
- 'site',
- name='sole' + side,
+ "site",
+ name="sole" + side,
size=(0.025, 0.03, 0.008),
pos=(0.026, 0, -0.033),
- type='box',
- dclass='sensor',
+ type="box",
+ dclass="sensor",
physics = mjcf.Physics.from_mjcf_model(model)
- for side in ['_L', '_R']:
+ for side in ["_L", "_R"]:
# lower leg:
leg = lower_leg[side]
- 'geom',
- name=leg.name + '_collision',
+ "geom",
+ name=leg.name + "_collision",
pos=physics.bind(leg).ipos * 1.3,
size=[0.02, 0.1],
- dclass='collision_primitive',
+ dclass="collision_primitive",
return nails, sole_sites
diff --git a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_dog.py b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_dog.py
index ffcaea18..02a96641 100644
--- a/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_dog.py
+++ b/dm_control/locomotion/walkers/assets/dog_v2/build_dog.py
@@ -17,44 +17,68 @@
import os
-from absl import app
-from absl import flags
-from dm_control import mjcf
-from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import add_torque_actuators
-from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import build_back_legs
-from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import build_front_legs
-from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import build_neck
-from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import build_tail
-from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import build_torso
-from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets.dog_v2 import create_skin
-from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
+from absl import app, flags
+from lxml import etree
+from dm_control import mjcf
+from dm_control.locomotion.walkers.assets import dog_v2
from dm_control.utils import io as resources
-flags.DEFINE_boolean('make_skin', True, 'Whether to make a new dog_skin.skn')
+flags.DEFINE_boolean("make_skin", True, "Whether to make a new dog_skin.skn")
+ "lengthrange_from_joints",
+ False,
+ "Whether to compute the length ranges of spatial tendons from joints",
+flags.DEFINE_boolean("use_muscles", False,
+ "Whether to use muscles or torque actuators")
+ "add_markers", False, "Whether to add markers; used for motion capture tracking"
+ "muscle_strength_scale",
+ -1,
+ "muscle force multiplier, if negative we let MuJoCo computer the strength",
+ "muscle_dynamics", "Millard", "muscle dynamics one of [Millard, Sigmoid, General]"
+ "make_muscles_skin", False, "Whether to make new skins for muscles"
- 'lumbar_dofs_per_vertebra',
+ "lumbar_dofs_per_vertebra",
- 'Number of degrees of freedom per vertebra in lumbar spine.',
+ "Number of degrees of freedom per vertebra in lumbar spine.",
- 'cervical_dofs_per_vertebra',
+ "cervical_dofs_per_vertebra",
- 'Number of degrees of freedom vertebra in cervical spine.',
+ "Number of degrees of freedom vertebra in cervical spine.",
- 'caudal_dofs_per_vertebra',
+ "caudal_dofs_per_vertebra",
- 'Number of degrees of freedom vertebra in caudal spine.',
+ "Number of degrees of freedom vertebra in caudal spine.",
+ "composer",
+ False,
+ "Make slight adjustments to the model to make it compatible for the composer.",
+ "output_dir",
+ os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ "Output directory for the created dog model"
-BASE_MODEL = 'dog_base.xml'
-ASSET_RELPATH = '../../../../suite/dog_assets'
-ASSET_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + ASSET_RELPATH
+BASE_MODEL = "dog_base.xml"
+ASSET_RELPATH = "../../../../suite/dog_assets"
+CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def exclude_contacts(model):
@@ -66,73 +90,71 @@ def exclude_contacts(model):
physics = mjcf.Physics.from_mjcf_model(model)
excluded_pairs = []
for c in physics.data.contact:
- body1 = physics.model.id2name(physics.model.geom_bodyid[c.geom1], 'body')
- body2 = physics.model.id2name(physics.model.geom_bodyid[c.geom2], 'body')
- pair = body1 + ':' + body2
+ body1 = physics.model.id2name(physics.model.geom_bodyid[c.geom1], "body")
+ body2 = physics.model.id2name(physics.model.geom_bodyid[c.geom2], "body")
+ pair = body1 + ":" + body2
if pair not in excluded_pairs:
- model.contact.add('exclude', name=pair, body1=body1, body2=body2)
+ model.contact.add("exclude", name=pair, body1=body1, body2=body2)
# manual exclusions
- 'exclude',
- name='C_1:jaw',
- body1=model.find('body', 'C_1'),
- body2=model.find('body', 'jaw'),
+ "exclude",
+ name="C_1:jaw",
+ body1=model.find("body", "C_1"),
+ body2=model.find("body", "jaw"),
- 'exclude',
- name='torso:lower_arm_L',
- body1=model.find('body', 'torso'),
- body2='lower_arm_L',
+ "exclude",
+ name="torso:lower_arm_L",
+ body1=model.find("body", "torso"),
+ body2="lower_arm_L",
- 'exclude',
- name='torso:lower_arm_R',
- body1=model.find('body', 'torso'),
- body2='lower_arm_R',
+ "exclude",
+ name="torso:lower_arm_R",
+ body1=model.find("body", "torso"),
+ body2="lower_arm_R",
+ model.contact.add("exclude", name="C_4:scapula_R",
+ body1="C_4", body2="scapula_R")
+ model.contact.add("exclude", name="C_4:scapula_L",
+ body1="C_4", body2="scapula_L")
- 'exclude', name='C_4:scapula_R', body1='C_4', body2='scapula_R'
+ "exclude", name="C_5:upper_arm_R", body1="C_5", body2="upper_arm_R"
- 'exclude', name='C_4:scapula_L', body1='C_4', body2='scapula_L'
+ "exclude", name="C_5:upper_arm_L", body1="C_5", body2="upper_arm_L"
- 'exclude', name='C_5:upper_arm_R', body1='C_5', body2='upper_arm_R'
+ "exclude", name="C_6:upper_arm_R", body1="C_6", body2="upper_arm_R"
- 'exclude', name='C_5:upper_arm_L', body1='C_5', body2='upper_arm_L'
+ "exclude", name="C_6:upper_arm_L", body1="C_6", body2="upper_arm_L"
- 'exclude', name='C_6:upper_arm_R', body1='C_6', body2='upper_arm_R'
+ "exclude", name="C_7:upper_arm_R", body1="C_7", body2="upper_arm_R"
- 'exclude', name='C_6:upper_arm_L', body1='C_6', body2='upper_arm_L'
+ "exclude", name="C_7:upper_arm_L", body1="C_7", body2="upper_arm_L"
- 'exclude', name='C_7:upper_arm_R', body1='C_7', body2='upper_arm_R'
+ "exclude",
+ name="upper_leg_L:upper_leg_R",
+ body1="upper_leg_L",
+ body2="upper_leg_R",
- model.contact.add(
- 'exclude', name='C_7:upper_arm_L', body1='C_7', body2='upper_arm_L'
- )
- model.contact.add(
- 'exclude',
- name='upper_leg_L:upper_leg_R',
- body1='upper_leg_L',
- body2='upper_leg_R',
- )
- for side in ['_L', '_R']:
+ for side in ["_L", "_R"]:
- 'exclude',
- name='lower_leg' + side + ':pelvis',
- body1='lower_leg' + side,
- body2='pelvis',
+ "exclude",
+ name="lower_leg" + side + ":pelvis",
+ body1="lower_leg" + side,
+ body2="pelvis",
- 'exclude',
- name='upper_leg' + side + ':foot' + side,
- body1='upper_leg' + side,
- body2='foot' + side,
+ "exclude",
+ name="upper_leg" + side + ":foot" + side,
+ body1="upper_leg" + side,
+ body2="foot" + side,
@@ -145,56 +167,85 @@ def main(argv):
cervical_dofs_per_vertebra = FLAGS.cervical_dofs_per_vertebra
caudal_dofs_per_vertebra = FLAGS.caudal_dofs_per_vertebra
make_skin = FLAGS.make_skin
+ use_muscles = FLAGS.use_muscles
+ muscle_strength_scale = FLAGS.muscle_strength_scale
+ make_muscles_skin = FLAGS.make_muscles_skin
+ muscle_dynamics = FLAGS.muscle_dynamics
+ add_markers = FLAGS.add_markers
+ lengthrange_from_joints = FLAGS.lengthrange_from_joints
+ composer = FLAGS.composer
+ output_dir = FLAGS.output_dir
- lumbar_dofs_per_vert = FLAGS['lumbar_dofs_per_vertebra'].default
- cervical_dofs_per_vertebra = FLAGS['cervical_dofs_per_vertebra'].default
- caudal_dofs_per_vertebra = FLAGS['caudal_dofs_per_vertebra'].default
- make_skin = FLAGS['make_skin'].default
- print('Load base model.')
- with open(BASE_MODEL, 'r') as f:
+ lumbar_dofs_per_vert = FLAGS["lumbar_dofs_per_vertebra"].default
+ cervical_dofs_per_vertebra = FLAGS["cervical_dofs_per_vertebra"].default
+ caudal_dofs_per_vertebra = FLAGS["caudal_dofs_per_vertebra"].default
+ make_skin = FLAGS["make_skin"].default
+ use_muscles = FLAGS["use_muscles"].default
+ muscle_strength_scale = FLAGS["muscle_strength_scale"].default
+ make_muscles_skin = FLAGS["make_muscles_skin"].default
+ muscle_dynamics = FLAGS["muscle_dynamics"].default
+ add_markers = FLAGS["add_markers"].default
+ lengthrange_from_joints = FLAGS["lengthrange_from_joints"].default
+ composer = FLAGS["composer"].default
+ output_dir = FLAGS["output_dir"].default
+ print("Load base model.")
+ with open(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, BASE_MODEL), "r") as f:
model = mjcf.from_file(f)
+ if not composer:
+ floor = model.worldbody.add(
+ "body", name="floor", pos=(0, 0, 0)
+ )
+ floor.add(
+ "geom",
+ name="floor",
+ type="plane",
+ conaffinity=1,
+ size=[10, 10, 0.1],
+ material="grid"
+ )
# Helper constants:
side_sign = {
- '_L': np.array((1.0, -1.0, 1.0)),
- '_R': np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+ "_L": np.array((1.0, -1.0, 1.0)),
+ "_R": np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
primary_axis = {
- '_abduct': np.array((-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
- '_extend': np.array((0.0, 1.0, 0.0)),
- '_supinate': np.array((0.0, 0.0, -1.0)),
+ "_abduct": np.array((-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
+ "_extend": np.array((0.0, 1.0, 0.0)),
+ "_supinate": np.array((0.0, 0.0, -1.0)),
# Add meshes:
- print('Loading all meshes, getting positions and sizes.')
+ print("Loading all meshes, getting positions and sizes.")
meshdir = ASSET_DIR
model.compiler.meshdir = meshdir
texturedir = ASSET_DIR
model.compiler.texturedir = texturedir
bones = []
+ skin_msh = None
for dirpath, _, filenames in resources.WalkResources(meshdir):
- prefix = 'extras/' if 'extras' in dirpath else ''
+ prefix = "extras/" if "extras" in dirpath else ""
for filename in filenames:
- if 'dog_skin.msh' in filename:
+ if "dog_skin.msh" in filename:
skin_msh = model.asset.add(
- 'mesh', name='skin_msh', file=filename, scale=(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
+ "mesh", name="dog_skin", file=filename, scale=(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
name = filename[4:-4]
- name = name.replace('*', ':')
- if filename.startswith('BONE'):
- if 'Lingual' not in name:
+ name = name.replace("*", ":")
+ if filename.startswith("BONE"):
+ if "Lingual" not in name:
- model.asset.add('mesh', name=name, file=prefix + filename)
+ model.asset.add("mesh", name=name, file=prefix + filename)
# Put all bones in worldbody, get positions, remove bones:
bone_geoms = []
for bone in bones:
geom = model.worldbody.add(
- 'geom',
+ "geom",
- type='mesh',
+ type="mesh",
rgba=[1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4],
@@ -204,36 +255,37 @@ def main(argv):
bone_position = {}
bone_size = {}
for bone in bones:
- geom = model.find('geom', bone)
+ geom = model.find("geom", bone)
bone_position[bone] = np.array(physics.bind(geom).xpos)
bone_size[bone] = np.array(physics.bind(geom).rbound)
# Torso
- print('Torso, lumbar spine, pelvis.')
- pelvic_bones, lumbar_joints = build_torso.create_torso(
+ print("Torso, lumbar spine, pelvis.")
+ pelvic_bones, lumbar_joints = dog_v2.build_torso(
+ composer=composer,
- print('Neck, skull, jaw.')
+ print("Neck, skull, jaw.")
# Cervical spine (neck) bodies:
- cervical_joints = build_neck.create_neck(
+ cervical_joints = dog_v2.build_neck(
- parent=model.find('body', 'torso'),
+ parent=model.find("body", "torso"),
- print('Back legs.')
- nails, sole_sites = build_back_legs.create_back_legs(
+ print("Back legs.")
+ nails, sole_sites = dog_v2.build_back_legs(
@@ -241,53 +293,51 @@ def main(argv):
- parent=model.find('body', 'pelvis'),
+ parent=model.find("body", "pelvis"),
- print('Shoulders, front legs.')
- palm_sites = build_front_legs.create_front_legs(
+ print("Shoulders, front legs.")
+ palm_sites = dog_v2.build_front_legs(
- parent=model.find('body', 'torso'),
+ parent=model.find("body", "torso"),
- print('Tail.')
- caudal_joints = build_tail.create_tail(
+ print("Tail.")
+ caudal_joints = dog_v2.build_tail(
- parent=model.find('body', 'pelvis'),
+ parent=model.find("body", "pelvis"),
- print('Collision geoms, fixed tendons.')
+ print("Collision geoms, fixed tendons.")
physics = mjcf.Physics.from_mjcf_model(model)
- print('Unify ribcage and jaw meshes.')
- for body in model.find_all('body'):
+ print("Unify ribcage and jaw meshes.")
+ for body in model.find_all("body"):
body_meshes = [
for geom in body.all_children()
- if geom.tag == 'geom'
- and hasattr(geom, 'mesh')
- and geom.mesh is not None
+ if geom.tag == "geom" and hasattr(geom, "mesh") and geom.mesh is not None
if len(body_meshes) > 10:
mergables = [
- ('torso', 'Ribcage'),
- ('jaw', 'Jaw'),
- ('skull', 'MergedSkull'),
+ ("torso", "Ribcage"),
+ ("jaw", "Jaw"),
+ ("skull", "MergedSkull"),
for bodyname, meshname in mergables:
if body.name == bodyname:
- print('==== Merging ', bodyname)
+ print("==== Merging ", bodyname)
for mesh in body_meshes:
- 'inertial',
+ "inertial",
@@ -295,41 +345,102 @@ def main(argv):
for mesh in body_meshes:
- if 'eye' not in mesh.name:
- model.find('mesh', mesh.name).remove()
+ if "eye" not in mesh.name:
+ model.find("mesh", mesh.name).remove()
- 'geom',
+ "geom",
- dclass='bone',
+ dclass="bone",
- print('Add Actuators')
- actuated_joints = add_torque_actuators.add_motors(
- physics, model, lumbar_joints, cervical_joints, caudal_joints
- )
- print('Excluding contacts.')
+ print("Excluding contacts.")
- if make_skin:
- create_skin.create(model, skin_msh)
+ if make_skin and skin_msh is not None:
+ dog_v2.create_skin(model=model, mesh_file=skin_msh,
+ asset_dir=ASSET_DIR, mesh_name="dog_skin", composer=composer)
- # Add skin from .skn
- print('Adding Skin.')
- skin_texture = model.asset.add(
- 'texture', name='skin', file='skin_texture.png', type='2d'
- )
- skin_material = model.asset.add('material', name='skin', texture=skin_texture)
- model.asset.add(
- 'skin', name='skin', file='dog_skin.skn', material=skin_material
- )
- skin_msh.remove()
+ # Add skin from .skn
+ print("Adding Skin.")
+ skin_texture = model.asset.add(
+ "texture", name="skin", file="skin_texture.png", type="2d"
+ )
+ skin_material = model.asset.add(
+ "material", name="skin", texture=skin_texture)
+ model.asset.add(
+ "skin",
+ name="skin",
+ file="./skins/dog_skin.skn",
+ material=skin_material,
+ group=0,
+ )
+ skin_msh.remove()
+ if make_muscles_skin:
+ muscle_material = model.asset.add(
+ "material", name="muscle", rgba=[0.63, 0.17, 0.17, 1]
+ )
+ for dirpath, _, filenames in resources.WalkResources(ASSET_DIR + "/muscles/"):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if filename[-4:] not in [".obj", ".stl"]:
+ continue
+ print("filename", filename)
+ muscle_msh = model.asset.add(
+ "mesh", name=filename[:-4], file=ASSET_DIR + "/muscles/" + filename
+ )
+ dog_v2.create_skin(
+ model=model,
+ asset_dir=ASSET_DIR,
+ mesh_file=muscle_msh,
+ mesh_name=filename[:-4],
+ tex_coords=False,
+ transform=False,
+ composer=composer,
+ )
+ # Add skin from .skn
+ print("Adding Skin --> " + filename[:-4])
+ file_path = "./skins/" + filename[:-4] + ".skn"
+ model.asset.add(
+ "skin",
+ name=filename[:-4],
+ file=file_path,
+ material=muscle_material,
+ group=1,
+ )
+ muscle_msh.remove()
+ model.option.timestep = 0.005
+ model.option.integrator = "implicitfast"
+ model.option.noslip_iterations = 3
+ model.option.cone = "elliptic"
+ if add_markers:
+ print("Add Markers")
+ dog_v2.add_markers(model)
+ print("Add Actuators")
+ if use_muscles:
+ # Add wrapping geometries
+ dog_v2.add_wrapping_geoms(model)
+ # Add muscles
+ dog_v2.add_muscles(
+ model,
+ muscle_strength_scale,
+ muscle_dynamics,
+ lengthrange_from_joints,
+ )
+ else:
+ actuated_joints = dog_v2.add_torque_actuators(
+ physics, model, lumbar_joints, cervical_joints, caudal_joints
+ )
- print('Removing non-essential sites.')
- all_sites = model.find_all('site')
+ print("Removing non-essential sites.")
+ all_sites = model.find_all("site")
for site in all_sites:
if site.dclass is None:
@@ -337,90 +448,106 @@ def main(argv):
physics = mjcf.Physics.from_mjcf_model(model)
# sensors
- 'accelerometer', name='accelerometer', site=model.find('site', 'head')
+ "accelerometer", name="accelerometer", site=model.find("site", "head")
+ model.sensor.add("velocimeter", name="velocimeter",
+ site=model.find("site", "head"))
+ model.sensor.add("gyro", name="gyro", site=model.find("site", "head"))
- 'velocimeter', name='velocimeter', site=model.find('site', 'head')
+ "subtreelinvel", name="torso_linvel", body=model.find("body", "torso")
- model.sensor.add('gyro', name='gyro', site=model.find('site', 'head'))
- 'subtreelinvel', name='torso_linvel', body=model.find('body', 'torso')
- )
- model.sensor.add(
- 'subtreeangmom', name='torso_angmom', body=model.find('body', 'torso')
+ "subtreeangmom", name="torso_angmom", body=model.find("body", "torso")
for site in palm_sites + sole_sites:
- model.sensor.add('touch', name=site.name, site=site)
- anchors = [site for site in model.find_all('site') if 'anchor' in site.name]
+ model.sensor.add("touch", name=site.name, site=site)
+ anchors = [site for site in model.find_all("site") if "anchor" in site.name]
for site in anchors:
- model.sensor.add('force', name=site.name.replace('_anchor', ''), site=site)
+ model.sensor.add("force", name=site.name.replace("_anchor", ""), site=site)
- # Print stuff
- joint_acts = [model.find('actuator', j.name) for j in actuated_joints]
- print(
- '{:20} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10}'.format(
- 'name', 'mass', 'damping', 'stiffness', 'ratio', 'armature'
- )
- )
- for i, j in enumerate(actuated_joints):
- dmp = physics.bind(j).damping[0]
- mass_eff = physics.bind(j).M0[0]
- dmp = physics.bind(j).damping[0]
- stf = physics.bind(joint_acts[i]).gainprm[0]
- arma = physics.bind(j).armature[0]
+ # Print torque actuators stuff
+ if not use_muscles:
+ joint_acts = [model.find("actuator", j.name) for j in actuated_joints]
- '{:20} {:10.4} {:10} {:10.4} {:10.4} {:10}'.format(
- j.name,
- mass_eff,
- dmp,
- stf,
- dmp / (2 * np.sqrt(mass_eff * stf)),
- arma,
+ "{:20} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10}".format(
+ "name", "mass", "damping", "stiffness", "ratio", "armature"
+ for i, j in enumerate(actuated_joints):
+ mass_eff = physics.bind(j).M0[0]
+ dmp = physics.bind(j).damping[0]
+ stf = physics.bind(joint_acts[i]).gainprm[0]
+ arma = physics.bind(j).armature[0]
+ print(
+ "{:20} {:10.4} {:10} {:10.4} {:10.4} {:10}".format(
+ j.name,
+ mass_eff,
+ dmp,
+ stf,
+ dmp / (2 * np.sqrt(mass_eff * stf)),
+ arma,
+ )
+ )
+ if composer:
+ torso = model.find("body", "torso")
+ torso.pos = np.zeros(3)
- print('Finalising and saving model.')
- xml_string = model.to_xml_string('float', precision=4, zero_threshold=1e-7)
+ print("Finalising and saving model.")
+ xml_string = model.to_xml_string("float", precision=4, zero_threshold=1e-7)
root = etree.XML(xml_string, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True))
- print('Remove hashes from filenames')
- assets = list(root.find('asset').iter())
+ print("Remove hashes from filenames")
+ assets = list(root.find("asset").iter())
for asset in assets:
- asset_filename = asset.get('file')
+ asset_filename = asset.get("file")
if asset_filename is not None:
name = asset_filename[:-4]
extension = asset_filename[-4:]
- asset.set('file', name[:-41] + extension)
+ if asset_filename[-3:] == "skn":
+ asset.set("file", "skins/" + name[:-41] + extension)
+ else:
+ asset.set("file", name[:-41] + extension)
- print('Add