Convert kubernetes YAML manifests to Go structs.
Why? Because we found it easier to manipulate manifests and automate with Go code than YAML.
Why Go? Smarter people have a better way to explain it than us:
Usage of kygo:
-app string
specify the app name. This will be used as the package name if none is specified. (default "myapp")
specify if the app name should be removed from the variable, struct and file name. (default true)
specify if the output should be grouped by kind (default) or split by name. (default false)
-in string
specify the input directory of the yaml manifests, '-' for stdin (default "-")
-out string
specify the output directory for manifests. (default "out")
-pkg string
specify the Go package name. Cannot contain a dash. If none is specified the app name will be used.
go build -o ./bin/kygo ./cmd/kygo
./bin/kygo -in=./pkg/kube/testdata/argocd.yaml -out=./out -app=argocd -group
ls -Rl1 out/
The output will be:
├── app.go
├── cluster-role-binding.go
├── cluster-role.go
├── config-map.go
├── custom-resource-definition.go
├── deployment.go
├── network-policy.go
├── role-binding.go
├── role.go
├── secret.go
├── service-account.go
├── service.go
└── stateful-set.go
- Use the
library to generate the yaml from Go. - Use the
library to directly apply to kubernetes.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := myapp.New()
manifestOut := filepath.Join("manifests", "myapp")
// it will create the output directory if it does not exist
// and generate the YAML manifests in the directory manifests/myapp/
if err := kube.Export(app, manifestOut); err != nil {
// OR
// apply the manifests to kubernetes directly to the cluster
// it will pass the manifest output to `kubectl apply -f -`
if err := app.Apply(context.Background()); err != nil {
// check if the manifests are applied correctly
// ...
Please refer to the client-go repo.
There is an interesting issue on GitHub about "Add go generics support to client-go": kubernetes/kubernetes#106846