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TestEZ's expect() pattern embedded into the luassert library.

This is done by registering expectations and modifiers not found in luassert and adding an expect implementation, which is just a wrapper for luassert's assert().

Type definitions for LuaLS/lua-language-server are available at goldenstein64/bustez-definitions


luarocks install bustez

Busted Usage

Write a Lua script like this.

-- helper.lua
local bustez = require("bustez")
_G.expect = bustez.expect

--[[ alternatively, you can call the bustez module
_G.expect = require("bustez")()

And set this script as a helper in your .busted config.

-- .busted
return {
  default = {
    -- ...
    helper = "path/to/helper.lua"

Now you can write your expectations in Busted like you would in a TestEZ environment.

describe("some test assertions", function()
  it("can run", function()
    expect({ 1, 2, 3 }){ 1, 2, 3 })

bustez returns an API when not called:

local bustez = require 'bustez'

-- the expect() function, used in tests
bustez.expect(value) --> Expectation

-- registers all custom modifiers and assertions

In most cases, expect(value)[CHAIN HERE](...) is an alias for assert[CHAIN HERE](value, ...). The built-in assertions may have their arguments swapped to provide a better error message.


expect accepts any assertions and modifiers created using luassert.

local say = require 'say'
local assert = require 'luassert'

---@class luassert.internal
---@field exist fun(value): luassert.internal

---@class bustez.Expectation
---@field exist fun(): bustez.Expectation

say:set("assertion.exist.positive", "expected to exist, got:\n%s")
say:set("assertion.exist.negative", "expected not to exist, got:\n%s")

local function exist(state, arguments, level)
  return arguments[1] ~= nil

assert:register("assertion", "exist", exist, "assertion.exist.positive", "assertion.exist.negative")

-- examples

Sometimes, it may be more natural for expect to send arguments in a different order.

assert.matches("^b", "brunt")

This can be done for extended assertions using expect.map_args().

-- swap args 1 and 2, continue as normal for args 3 and beyond
expect.map_args("match", { 2, 1, 3 })
expect.map_args("matches", { 2, 1, 3 })


Here is the list of assertions that expect accepts.

Key Source TestEZ assert.same() assert.same()
.to.throw(msg?) TestEZ TestEZ TestEZ luassert luassert luassert luassert luassert luassert luassert luassert luassert luassert
.returned.arguments(...) luassert
.same(value) luassert
.matches(str) luassert
.to.match(str) luassert, eps?) luassert
.equals(value) luassert
.to.equal(value) luassert luassert
.to.error(msg?) luassert
.errors(msg?) luassert
.error.matches(str) luassert
.error.match(str) luassert
.matches.error(str) luassert
.to.match.error(str) luassert luassert luassert
.array().to.have.holes(len?) luassert
.spy().to.have.returned.with(...) luassert
.spy() luassert
.spy() luassert
.spy() luassert
.spy() luassert


BustEZ also adds some modifiers to make constructs with expect more English-y.

Key Source
.to TestEZ
.be TestEZ
.been TestEZ
.have TestEZ
.was TestEZ
.at TestEZ
.never TestEZ
.is luassert
.are luassert
.has luassert
.does luassert
._not luassert
.no luassert
.message(str) luassert