Go users are expected to use go.tag.json
in RIDL instead of json
for special tags like ,omitempty
or ,string
- FieldName
- + json = field_name,omitempty
+ + json = field_name
+ + go.tag.json = field_name,omitempty
Fixes #66 duplicate or invalid json fields (#218).
The following invalid/duplicate fields (in JSON) will now error out:
struct Simple
- Field1: string
+ json = _invalid
struct Simple
- Field1: string
+ json = field_1
- Field2: string
+ json = field_1
struct Simple
- Field1: string
- Field2: string
+ json = Field1
You can now define your own custom schema errors in RIDL file, for example:
error 1 Unauthorized "unauthorized" HTTP 401
error 2 ExpiredToken "expired token" HTTP 401
error 3 InvalidToken "invalid token" HTTP 401
error 4 Deactivated "account deactivated" HTTP 403
error 5 ConfirmAccount "confirm your email" HTTP 403
error 6 AccessDenied "access denied" HTTP 403
error 7 MissingArgument "missing argument" HTTP 400
error 8 UnexpectedValue "unexpected value" HTTP 400
error 100 RateLimited "too many requests" HTTP 429
error 101 DatabaseDown "service outage" HTTP 503
error 102 ElasticDown "search is degraded" HTTP 503
error 103 NotImplemented "not implemented" HTTP 501
error 200 UserNotFound "user not found"
error 201 UserBusy "user busy"
error 202 InvalidUsername "invalid username"
error 300 FileTooBig "file is too big (max 1GB)"
error 301 FileInfected "file is infected"
error 302 FileType "unsupported file type"
Note: Unless specified, the default HTTP status for webrpc errors is HTTP 400
[email protected] breaking changes
- All errors thrown by webrpc client are now instance of
, which extends JavaScriptError
. No need to re-throw errors anymore. error.msg
- by default, the error messages are "human-friendly", they don't contain any details about the backend error cause
- underlying backend error (for developers) is optionally available as
can be used as input for user-friendly error i18n translations
You can now check for explicit error class instance (as defined in RIDL schema) or against a generic WebrpcError
try {
const resp = await testApiClient.getUser();
// setUser(resp.user)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof RateLimitedError) {
// retry with back-off time
if (error instanceof UnauthorizedError) {
// render sign-in page
if (error instanceof WebrpcError) {
console.log(error.status) // print response HTTP status code (ie. 4xx or 5xx)
console.log(error.code) // print unique schema error code; generic endpoint errors are 0
console.log(error.message) // print error message
console.log(error.cause) // print the underlying backend error -- ie. "DB error" - useful for debugging / reporting to Sentry
// setError(error.message)
[email protected] breaking changes
Note: You can turn on -legacyErrors=true
flag on golang generator (ie. webrpc-gen -target=golang -legacyErrors=true -pkg=proto
) in order to preserve the deprecated functions and sentinel errors (see below). This will allow you to migrate your codebase to the new custom schema errors gradually.
The following werbrpc error functions and sentinel errors are now deprecated or removed:
proto.WrapError() // Deprecated.
proto.Errorf() // Deprecated.
proto.ErrCanceled // Deprecated.
proto.ErrUnknown // Deprecated.
proto.ErrFail // Deprecated.
proto.ErrInvalidArgument // Deprecated.
proto.ErrDeadlineExceeded // Deprecated.
proto.ErrNotFound // Deprecated.
proto.ErrBadRoute // Deprecated.
proto.ErrAlreadyExists // Deprecated.
proto.ErrPermissionDenied // Deprecated.
proto.ErrUnauthenticated // Deprecated.
proto.ErrResourceExhausted // Deprecated.
proto.ErrFailedPrecondition // Deprecated.
proto.ErrAborted // Deprecated.
proto.ErrOutOfRange // Deprecated.
proto.ErrUnimplemented // Deprecated.
proto.ErrInternal // Deprecated.
proto.ErrUnavailable // Deprecated.
proto.ErrDataLoss // Deprecated.
proto.ErrNone // Deprecated.
The schema errors can now be returned from the RPC endpoints via:
func (s *RPC) RemoveUser(ctx context.Context, userID int64) (bool, error) {
r, _ := ctx.Value(proto.HTTPRequestCtxKey).(*http.Request)
if s.IsRateLimited(r) {
- return false, proto.Errorf(proto.ErrUnavailable, "rate limited")
+ return false, proto.ErrRateLimited // HTTP 429 per RIDL schema
_, err := s.DB.RemoveUser(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, pgx.ErrNoRows) {
- return false, proto.Errorf(proto.ErrNotFound, "no such user(%v)", userID)
+ return false, proto.ErrUserNotFound
- return false, proto.WrapError(proto.ErrInternal, err, "")
+ return false, proto.ErrorWithCause(proto.ErrDatabaseDown, err)
return true, nil
You can also return any other Go error and webrpc will render generic proto.ErrWebrpcEndpoint
error automatically along with HTTP 400
status code.
return fmt.Errorf("some error")
The RPC client(s) can now assert the schema error type by their unique error code:
if err, ok := rpc.RemoveUser(ctx, userID); err != nil {
if errors.Is(proto.ErrRateLimited) {
// slow down; retry with back-off strategy
if errors.Is(proto.ErrUserNotFound) {
// handle
// etc.
We have defined a new interoperability test suite implementing the following schema:
webrpc = v1
name = Test
version = v0.10.0
service TestApi
- GetEmpty()
- GetError()
- GetOne() => (one: Simple)
- SendOne(one: Simple)
- GetMulti() => (one: Simple, two: Simple, three: Simple)
- SendMulti(one: Simple, two: Simple, three: Simple)
- GetComplex() => (complex: Complex)
- SendComplex(complex: Complex)
All generators are expected to implement TestApi schema and run client/server interoperability tests against a reference webrpc-test binaries).
For more info, see typescript or golang tests.
-func NewParser(r *schema.Reader) *Parser
+func NewParser(fsys fs.FS, path string) *Parser
- func NewTemplateSource(proto *schema.WebRPCSchema, target string, config *Config) (*TemplateSource, error)
+ func NewTemplateSource(target string, config *Config) (*TemplateSource, error)
Towards reaching [email protected], we have decided to make some breaking changes to webrpc schema and RIDL file format.
Keyword "message" was renamed to "struct".
webrpc = v1
name = your-app
version = v0.1.0
- message User
+ struct User
- id: uint64
- username: string
- createdAt?: timestamp
- Field "messages" was renamed to "types"
- Field "type" was renamed to "kind"
- Enum type was moved from enum.fields[] to enum object
"webrpc": "v1",
"name": "Test",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"imports": [],
- "messages": [
+ "types": [
"name": "Status",
- "type": "enum",
+ "kind": "enum",
+ "type": "uint32",
"fields": [
"name": "AVAILABLE",
- "type": "uint32",
- "optional": false,
"value": "0",
- "meta": null
"name": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
- "type": "uint32",
- "optional": false,
"value": "1",
- "meta": null
"name": "Empty",
- "type": "struct",
+ "kind": "struct",
- "fields": null
You might see the following error when running your webrpc generator templates against [email protected]+:
template: main.go.tmpl:88:57: executing "main" at <.Messages>: can't evaluate field Messages in type struct { *schema.WebRPCSchema; SchemaHash string; WebrpcGenVersion string; WebrpcGenCommand string; WebrpcTarget string; Opts map[string]interface {} }
To fix this, rename {{.Messages}}
variable to {{.Types}}
in your *.go.tmpl
template files.
Run this command to migrate your RIDL files to [email protected]+:
find . -name '*.ridl' -exec sed -i -e 's/^message /struct /g' {} \;
Run this Node.js script to migrate your *webrpc.json
schema files to [email protected]+:
node migrate.js schema.webrpc.json
Contents of migrate.js
const fs = require("fs");
if (process.argv.length != 3) {
throw Error(`Usage: node ${process.argv[1]} <webrpc-schema.json>`);
const filePath = process.argv[2];
fs.readFile(filePath, "utf8", (e, data) => {
if (e) {
throw e;
let schema = JSON.parse(data);
schema = {
webrpc: schema.webrpc,
name: schema.name,
version: schema.version,
types: schema.messages.map((orig) => {
let type = {
name: orig.name,
kind: orig.type,
fields: orig.fields,
if (type.kind == "enum") {
type = {
name: orig.name,
kind: orig.type,
type: orig.fields[0].type,
fields: orig.fields.map((field) => {
return { name: field.name, value: field.value };
return type;
services: schema.services,
schema.types = fs.writeFile(
JSON.stringify(schema, null, "\t"),
(err) => {
if (err) {
Run this command to migrate your .go.tmpl
templates to [email protected]+:
find . -name '*.go.tmpl' -exec sed -i -e 's/\.Messages/.Types/g' {} \;
find . -name '*.go.tmpl' -exec sed -i -e 's/"Messages"/"Types"/g' {} \;