This module manages database operations for the DeerTick project. For an overview of how it fits into the larger system, see the DeerTick Main Documentation.
db_manager = DatabaseManager(config_file='config.ini')
class bots {
BIGINT guild_id
BIGINT bot_id
TEXT bot_name
class agents {
UUID bot_id FK
TEXT model
TEXT system_prompt
TEXT provider
TEXT nickname
TEXT color
TEXT font
INTEGER max_tokens
INTEGER min_tokens
FLOAT temperature
FLOAT presence_penalty
FLOAT frequency_penalty
FLOAT top_p
FLOAT repetition_penalty
FLOAT min_p
FLOAT top_a
JSONB logit_bias
BOOLEAN logprobs
INTEGER top_logprobs
JSONB response_format
JSONB stop
JSONB tool_choice
TEXT prompt_template
TEXT tts_path
TEXT img_path
TEXT output_format
INTEGER num_outputs
FLOAT lora_scale
TEXT aspect_ratio
FLOAT guidance_scale
INTEGER num_inference_steps
BOOLEAN disable_safety_checker
TEXT audio_path
JSONB tools
TEXT created_by
TIMESTAMP created_at
TIMESTAMP updated_at
JSONB history
BOOLEAN is_active
class messages {
BIGINT guild_id
BIGINT channel_id
BIGINT user_id
TEXT username
BOOLEAN is_bot
UUID bot_id FK
TIMESTAMP timestamp
TEXT content
TEXT bot_name
class error_log {
TIMESTAMP timestamp
TEXT agent_name
TEXT error
BIGINT channel_id
BIGINT guild_id
TEXT context
class agent_server_channels {
UUID agent_id FK
BIGINT guild_id
BIGINT channel_id
BOOLEAN is_enabled
TIMESTAMP created_at
TIMESTAMP updated_at
class admins {
BIGINT user_id
BIGINT guild_id
TIMESTAMP created_at
class scraped_data {
TEXT url
TEXT title
TEXT content
TEXT full_text
TIMESTAMP created_at
class normal_crawl_data {
TEXT url
TEXT links
TEXT selenium_required
TEXT description
TEXT errors
TEXT additional_notes
TIMESTAMP created_at
class deep_crawl_data {
TEXT url
TEXT selenium_required
TEXT elements
TEXT challenges
TEXT notes
TEXT important_elements
TIMESTAMP created_at
bots "1" -- "*" agents : has
bots "1" -- "*" messages : sends
agents "1" -- "*" agent_server_channels : enabled_in
agents "1" -- "*" error_log : logs_errors
This Mermaid class diagram shows all the tables in your database, their attributes, and the relationships between them. Here's a brief explanation of the relationships:
- A
can have multipleagents
(one-to-many relationship). - A
can send multiplemessages
(one-to-many relationship). - An
can be enabled in multipleagent_server_channels
(one-to-many relationship). - An
can log multiple errors in theerror_log
(one-to-many relationship).
The other tables (admins
, scraped_data
, normal_crawl_data
, and deep_crawl_data
) are not directly related to the other tables in this schema.
You can add this diagram to your
file to provide a visual representation of your database schema.
Establishes a connection pool to the database.
await db_manager.create_pool()
Creates necessary tables in the database if they don't exist.
await db_manager.create_tables()
Loads all agents from the database. Decodes fields: 'bot_name', 'system_prompt', 'logit_bias', 'response_format', 'stop', 'tool_choice', 'tools', 'history'.
agents = await db_manager.load_agents_from_db()
Logs an error to the database. No encoding/decoding.
await db_manager.log_error(agent_name, error_message, channel_id, guild_id, context)
Logs a message to the database. Encodes 'username' and 'content'.
await db_manager.log_message(guild_id, channel_id, user_id, username, content, is_bot_message)
Retrieves the context for a given channel. Decodes 'content' field.
context = await db_manager.get_context(channel_id)
Gets an existing bot or creates a new one if it doesn't exist. No encoding/decoding.
bot_id = await db_manager.get_or_create_bot(guild_id, bot_id, bot_name)
Deletes an agent from the database. No encoding/decoding.
await db_manager.delete_agent(agent_name)
Retrieves an agent's data from the database. Decoding happens in load_agents_from_db().
agent_data = await db_manager.get_agent(agent_name)
Creates a backup of the entire database. Decodes all fields when creating CSV files.
backups = await db_manager.backup_database()
Retrieves the last bot message for a given channel. Decodes 'username' and 'content'.
last_message = await db_manager.get_last_bot_message(channel_id)
Updates an agent's data in the database. Encodes 'logit_bias', 'response_format', 'stop', 'tool_choice', 'tools'.
await db_manager.update_agent(agent_name, updated_data)
Adds an agent to a channel. No encoding/decoding.
success = await db_manager.add_agent_to_channel(agent_id, guild_id, channel_id, user_id)
Removes an agent from a channel. No encoding/decoding.
success = await db_manager.remove_agent_from_channel(agent_id, guild_id, channel_id, user_id)
Gets enabled agents for a channel. No encoding/decoding.
enabled_agents = await db_manager.get_enabled_agents_for_channel(guild_id, channel_id)
Updates an agent's history. Encodes the new history entry.
await db_manager.update_agent_history(agent_name, new_history_entry)
Inserts scraped data into the database. Encodes all fields.
await db_manager.insert_scraped_data(url, title, content, full_text)
Inserts normal crawl data into the database. Encodes all fields.
await db_manager.insert_normal_crawl_data(url, links, selenium_required, description, errors, additional_notes)
Inserts deep crawl data into the database. Encodes all fields.
await db_manager.insert_deep_crawl_data(url, selenium_required, elements, challenges, notes, important_elements)
Updates the system prompt for a specific agent. Encodes the prompt.
await db_manager.update_agent_prompt(agent_name, prompt)
Checks if an agent with the given name exists in the database. No encoding/decoding.
exists = await db_manager.agent_exists(agent_name)
Creates a new agent in the database. Encodes complex fields like system_prompt, logit_bias, etc.
agent_id = await db_manager.create_agent(bot_id, model, system_prompt, provider, nickname, ...)
Adds a user as an admin for a specific guild. No encoding/decoding.
await db_manager.add_admin(user_id, guild_id)
Removes a user from the admin list for a specific guild. No encoding/decoding.
await db_manager.remove_admin(user_id, guild_id)
Checks if a user is an admin for a specific guild. No encoding/decoding.
is_admin = await db_manager.is_admin(user_id, guild_id)
Creates the scraped_data table if it doesn't exist. No encoding/decoding.
await db_manager.create_scraped_data_table()
Inserts multiple scraped data entries into the database. Encodes all fields.
await db_manager.insert_multiple_scraped_data(data_list)
Creates tables for normal and deep crawl data if they don't exist. No encoding/decoding.
await db_manager.create_crawler_tables()
Encodes data for storage in the database. Used internally by other methods.
encoded_data = db_manager.encode_data(data)
Decodes data retrieved from the database. Used internally by other methods.
decoded_data = db_manager.decode_data(data)
Note: It's important to be aware of which fields are being encoded and decoded, especially when working with complex data structures or when you need to ensure data consistency across different parts of your application.
Checks if a user is the creator of a specific agent. No encoding/decoding.
is_creator = await db_manager.is_agent_creator(user_id, agent_name)